Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life (9 page)

Read Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life Online

Authors: Chris Kresser

Tags: #Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Diets, #Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Weight Loss

BOOK: Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life
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Dr. Lalonde’s scale, which utilized a wide-ranging and exhaustive amount of nutritional data and science, suggests that a diet based on fish, meat, eggs, dairy, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruits, and herbs and spices provides all of the essential nutrients we require and in sufficient quantities, an approach that is consistent with the Personal Paleo Code. Despite some nutrition experts’ claims to the contrary, there is absolutely no need for grains or legumes in the human diet—these foods have been part of our species’ diet for only a tiny fraction of our evolutionary history.


Some studies suggest that red meat increases the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer. Is that true?

One of the fundamental tenets of scientific research is that correlation does not imply causation. In other words, just because two things are correlated—that is, appear together—doesn’t mean that one caused the other. In some observational studies, people who ate more
red meat tended to die earlier and get more cancer than people who ate less. However, it’s possible that it’s not red meat but some other lifestyle factor that’s causing the increased mortality and cancer.

In the majority of the red-meat studies, people who ate the most red meat were also the most likely to smoke, the least physically active, and the least likely to take multivitamins (the health effects of which are unknown, though it is a proxy marker in our culture of how health conscious someone is). Those who ate red meat frequently also had higher body mass indexes and alcohol intake; were more likely to eat processed food, sugar, and other less healthy foods; and had higher rates of diabetes. Perhaps it’s not the hamburger that’s increasing cancer and mortality risk but the highly refined flour bun or sugary chocolate milk shake on the side?

When all of this is taken into account, the case against red meat falls apart. In 2011, a research group published a study in the prestigious journal
Obesity Reviews
criticizing the epidemiological studies linking red meat and colorectal cancer. They performed a critical analysis of thirty-five studies that claimed to associate red meat with cancer and concluded that “the currently available epidemiological evidence is not sufficient to support an independent positive association between red meat consumption and colorectal cancer.”

So rest easy. You can safely return steaks and hamburgers to your plate.



  Build your diet around foods that are highest on the nutrient-density scale, like organ meats, meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds, vegetables, fruits, and herbs and spices. (And don’t forget dark chocolate!)

  Avoid or significantly reduce your intake of foods that are lowest on the nutrient-density scale, like grains, pseudograins, and legumes.

Notes for this chapter may be found at

Three Foods to Avoid: Minimizing Toxicity in Your Diet

If exchanging the standard American diet for a full-scale Paleo diet feels overwhelming, you can still take a major step toward hitting the reset button by eliminating three toxins that contribute significantly to modern disease. Here they are:

  Gluten (grains aren’t superfoods)

  Industrial seed oils (anything but heart-healthy)

  Refined sugar (in a word,

At the simplest level, a toxin is something capable of causing disease or damaging tissue when it enters the body. When most people hear the word
they think of pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial pollutants. But even beneficial substances, like water, which is necessary to sustain life, are toxic at high doses.

The body has a built-in detoxification system that was designed to process and excrete toxins in small amounts. However, the detox system evolved over millions of years in an environment that was relatively pristine in comparison to the modern environment; earlier humans were simply not exposed to the range or volume of toxins we face today.

This is important to understand as we examine the role of dietary toxins in contributing to modern disease. Most people won’t get sick from eating a small amount of the foods I discuss in this section. But if we eat them in excessive quantities, the risk of developing modern diseases rises significantly.

That’s exactly what’s happening today. These three food toxins—gluten-containing grains, industrial seed oils, and refined sugar—make up the bulk of the modern diet. Bread, pastries, muffins, crackers, cookies, soda, fruit juice, and fast food and other convenience foods are all loaded with these toxins. In the United States, vegetable oils, grain flour, and table sugar (along with dairy and alcohol) make up 70 percent of the total calories Americans consume each day. When the majority of what most people eat on a daily basis is toxic, it’s not hard to understand why their health is failing.

Let’s look at each of these food toxins in more detail.


Plants, like animals, have a biological imperative to survive and reproduce. But unlike animals, plants can’t run away from predators (like humans). They have had to evolve other mechanisms for protecting themselves. These include:

  Producing toxins that damage the lining of the gut

  Producing toxins that bind essential minerals, making them unavailable to the body

  Producing toxins that inhibit digestion and absorption of essential nutrients, including protein

One of these toxic compounds is the protein gluten, which makes up 80 percent of the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Due to modern food-processing techniques, gluten can often be found in trace amounts in products containing other grains, such as oats and corn.

Celiac disease (CD) was initially described in the first century by a Greek physician named Aretaeus of Cappadocia. But neither Aretaeus
nor anyone else knew that CD was caused by an autoimmune reaction to gluten, a protein in wheat. That didn’t become clear until 1950—almost two millennia later—when Willem Dicke, a Dutch pediatrician, conclusively proved that gluten was the culprit. Dicke’s discovery saved millions of people from the dangers of untreated celiac disease, which include malnutrition, stunted growth, cancer, severe neurological and psychiatric illness, and even death.

Since then, the mainstream view of gluten intolerance has been relatively black and white: Either you have celiac disease, in which case even a small amount of gluten will send you running to the bathroom in three seconds flat, or you don’t, and you can chug down beer and munch bagels without fear. This all-or-nothing view has led some doctors to tell patients who suspect they’re sensitive to gluten but who test negative for CD that they’re simply imagining the affliction.

It turns out those doctors are wrong. We now know that
it’s possible to have gluten intolerance without having celiac disease
—a condition known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS)—and that gluten intolerance is more a spectrum of conditions than a single condition, with full-blown CD on one end, complete tolerance on the other, and NCGS in the middle. Let’s discuss each of these three possible reactions to gluten in more detail.

(1) Celiac disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease characterized by an inflammatory response to gluten and damage to the tissue in the small intestine. Signs and symptoms typically include diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, lethargy, and malnutrition. But CD can also manifest with atypical signs and symptoms, ranging from chronic headaches to dermatitis to joint pain to insomnia.

Celiac disease has become dramatically more common over the past half a century. According to a study that compared blood samples from U.S. Air Force recruits sixty years ago with more recent samples, CD has increased by 400 percent during that period. Today, official statistics indicate that celiac disease affects between 0.7 percent and 1 percent of the U.S. population, but many experts in the field of gluten intolerance
believe the actual prevalence is higher. Why the spike in CD? We don’t know for certain, but many scientists believe that changes in gut microbiota as well as changes in the way wheat is cultivated play roles.

Contrary to popular belief, celiac disease is not simply a digestive disorder. One in two new patients diagnosed with CD does not have gut symptoms. For every diagnosed case of CD, there are 6.4 cases that remain undiagnosed—the majority of which are atypical or silent forms with no damage to the gut. This silent form of CD is far from harmless, however; it is associated with a nearly fourfold increase in the risk of death from all causes.

These findings surprised many researchers and physicians, because it was long believed that the damage done by CD was limited to the gastrointestinal tract. But research over the past few decades has revealed that gluten intolerance can affect almost every other tissue and system in the body, including (but not limited to) the brain, endocrine system, stomach, liver, blood vessels, smooth muscle, and even the nuclei of cells.

This explains why CD is associated with numerous diseases. The following is only a partial list of them:

  Type 1 diabetes

  Multiple sclerosis

  Dermatitis herpetiformis

  Autoimmune thyroid disease


  Heart failure








How could a single condition be associated with such an astonishing array of diseases? CD causes the gut barrier to become permeable. As
I explain in
chapter 10
, when this happens, large proteins and gut microbes leak across the gut barrier and provoke a chronic, low-grade inflammatory response. But this response isn’t limited to the gut; it can affect nearly every tissue in the body, as the list of conditions above suggests.


Elise, age twenty-nine, came to me complaining of symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and eventually causes hypothyroidism. Elise had several symptoms related to poor thyroid function, including difficulty concentrating and memory issues, constipation, hair loss, cold hands and feet, and crushing fatigue. Hashimoto’s is diagnosed by measuring levels of antibodies to thyroperoxidase (TPO), an enzyme required to make thyroid hormones, and to thyroglobulin (TG), a protein in the thyroid gland. “I have high levels of thyroid antibodies,” she said, “but the doctors told me there’s nothing I can do about it.”

I explained to Elise that the key to treating her thyroid condition was to balance and regulate her immune system. I also explained that there’s a strong association between both celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity and Hashimoto’s. I suggested she remove gluten (and all grains) from her diet for a period of ninety days. “I couldn’t believe what happened,” she said. “I felt so much better that I was able to go off Synthroid [prescription thyroid medication] completely. But if I ever fall off the wagon and eat gluten, my thyroid symptoms come back almost immediately.” Gluten was aggravating Elise’s immune system, which in turn exacerbated her Hashimoto’s disease. When she removed gluten from her diet, her immune system settled down—and so did the attacks against her thyroid gland, which is what enabled her to get off her medication.


(2) Non-celiac gluten sensitivity

There’s no consensus on the exact definition of non-celiac gluten sensitivity yet, but the most common understanding is that it’s a reaction to gluten that is not autoimmune (like CD) or allergic (like wheat allergy). Another way of defining it is a reaction to gluten that resolves when gluten is removed from the diet and after CD and a gluten allergy have been ruled out. It’s difficult to estimate the prevalence of NCGS because there is no definitive diagnostic test for it (see the “Testing for Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance” sidebar below for more on this). Another problem is that the symptoms associated with NCGS are so broad and nonspecific (meaning they could be attributed to any number of causes) that many patients and doctors don’t suspect it, and thus doctors don’t order the necessary testing.

Even with these limitations, some estimates suggest NCGS may occur in as many as one in ten people, or approximately thirty million Americans.

While some mainstream medical professionals continue to insist that NCGS doesn’t exist, scientists have validated it as a distinct clinical condition. In one major study, researchers reviewed the charts of 276 patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who had been diagnosed with NCGS using a double-blind, placebo-controlled wheat challenge (patients were put on a gluten-free diet and then given capsules containing either wheat or an inert substance). As a whole, the NCGS group had a higher frequency of anemia, weight loss, self-reported wheat intolerance, and a history of childhood food allergies than those in the IBS without NCGS group. The authors concluded that their data “confirm the existence of non-celiac wheat sensitivity as a distinct clinical condition.”

As with celiac disease, NCGS can affect almost every cell, tissue, and system in the body. The list of documented signs and symptoms is diverse (and far too long to give in its entirety here!) but includes primarily:

  IBS-like symptoms, including abdominal pain, bloating, changes in stool frequency

  Difficulty concentrating and memory issues



  Joint and muscle pain

  Numbness and tingling in the arms and legs

  Dermatitis (eczema or skin rash)



There is a particularly strong connection between NCGS and neurological and psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia, autism, and even depression. For example, studies suggest up to 40 percent of patients with ataxia (problems with balance and coordination) and 25 percent of schizophrenic patients produce antibodies to gluten. And while the relationship to autism is less clear in the scientific literature, anecdotal evidence from the autism community indicates that gluten-free diets are very effective in some cases.


Dr. Alessio Fasano, a pioneer in the field of gluten intolerance, has proposed that a positive diagnosis for CD can be made if any four of the five factors below are present:

  The patient has typical symptoms of CD (diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, lethargy, and malnutrition).

  The patient has elevated antibodies to alpha-gliadin (a type of gluten protein) or tissue transglutaminase-2 (an enzyme found in the gut and other organs).

  The patient improves on a gluten-free diet.

  The patient has a positive small-intestine biopsy (that is, there are indications of intestinal damage).

  The patient has the genes that predispose him or her to CD (known as HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8).

What about diagnosing NCGS? This turns out to be far more complicated because of the current limitations of laboratory testing: many people can react to parts of the wheat compound that are not screened for during most gluten-intolerance tests. That’s why most experts on gluten sensitivity agree that the only reliable test for NCGS is a gluten challenge. This involves removing gluten from the diet completely for a period of at least thirty days (though preferably three months) and then adding it back in. If symptoms improve during the elimination period and return when gluten is reintroduced, a diagnosis of NCGS can be made.

However, for many people, a gluten-free diet isn’t enough. Some grains that don’t contain gluten, such as corn, oats, and rice, contain proteins that are similar enough in structure to gluten to elicit an immune response in people with CD or NCGS. Moreover, about 50 percent of patients with CD show signs of intolerance to casein (a protein in milk), and up to 30 percent of CD patients continue to have symptoms or clinical signs after adopting a gluten-free diet. This is one reason why the Step 1 Reset forbids all grains and dairy.

For detailed information on issues surrounding laboratory testing for NCGS as well as for information on a new NCGS lab test that may be helpful for some, please see

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