Your Next Breath (30 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

BOOK: Your Next Breath
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She nodded and followed him up the aisle. “Shouldn’t we have heard from Dario by now?”


Cameron got the call from Dario as they were about to taxi down the runway.

Cameron pressed the speaker and answered. “Montez?”

“Too late,” Dario said. “We released the monks locked in the monastery. Three dead of smoke asphyxiation there. Then we found that monk Montez was trying to save in the forest. He was coherent enough to tell us that the man who had been helping him had been attacked and knocked unconscious by four men, who dragged him away into the forest. He heard rotors. Evidently, Dorgal had a helicopter waiting about a mile from the monastery. He’s probably on his way to San Esposito to transfer aircrafts.”

“Then you’ve lost him?” Cameron asked.

“I didn’t say that,” Dario said. “I said I was too late here. That doesn’t mean I totally failed. It’s just a postponement.”

“Postponement to what?” Catherine asked.

“I called my people in San Esposito and told them to locate a plane that’s being readied for takeoff. I told them to put a GPS tracker on the plane.”

Hope flared. “We’ll be able to trace Dorgal to Santos?”

“If that’s where he’s going,” Dario said.

“Where else would he go?” Catherine asked. “He’s taking Montez to where Santos needs him. Even Montez thought that Santos would keep Delores near him. He’s taking Montez to Delores.”

“You’ve lost me,” Dario said.

Yes, Dario had not been privy to anything to do with Delores, Catherine thought. No time now to fill him in. “I mean we’ll be able to track him to Santos. Don’t try to stop him at the airport.”

“I wouldn’t anyway. I have only a few men there. Look, I’ve got to get back to that monastery. I’m trying to get help from nearby villages to take in those monks. Are you done with me?”

“Yes, right now,” Cameron said. “Let me know if they manage to attach that GPS.”

“Of course. But they’ll do it. And I’ll let you know the final destination.” He hung up.

“He sounded very certain,” Catherine said.

“And if they do, we’ll get our shot at Santos,” Cameron murmured. “So do we still go to Guatemala?”

“Probably not,” Catherine said. “But we get in the air and head in that direction. We’ll let that GPS on Dorgal’s plane dictate our destination.” She glanced at him. “As if you wouldn’t do that without asking me.”

“You’ve constantly pointed out that this is your show. Naturally, I’d ask you. Otherwise, you might cast me into outer darkness.” He readied for takeoff. “Which terrifies me to no end…”

*   *   *

him,” Dorgal told Santos as soon as he picked up the phone. “I told you that I wouldn’t fail you. We’re heading for San Esposito Airport now.”

“Why are you so pleased? It took you too damn long.” Santos’s voice was sarcastic. “All you had to do was pluck him up so that Ling couldn’t get to him. He was just an interference, not an objective.”

Dorgal tried to restrain his own impatience. Santos had obviously been sitting on his island, seething. It only reaffirmed his conviction that to maintain his own position in the cartel hierarchy, he had to give Santos the bloodbath he needed soon. “I realize that it took longer than we thought it would,” he said soothingly. “I suspect that was Ling’s fault, too. So the fact that we managed to get him was still a triumph. Not enough. But Delores will still have him as insurance, and it frees me to move on to more important items on your agenda.” He paused. “That I believe you may have also decided are more urgent. Isn’t it time you crushed Ling as she deserves? We can take out the people she cares about in a grand climax rather than one by one.” He added quickly, “If that’s what you want. If I’m reading you correctly.”


Dorgal was beginning to sweat. If he’d guessed wrong, Santos would have an unpleasant surprise waiting for him when they next met.

“You didn’t guess wrong,” Santos said shortly. “I don’t think Delores would like Ling to live one more minute after all this trouble she’s been causing. Let’s put an end to it.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Grand climax…” Santos was mulling the concept. “I like the idea. But it has to be done right. I have to be able to watch her face when she realizes what she’s losing.”

“Of course,” Dorgal said. “I’ll make the arrangements. Most of the people who are on your list to exterminate are gathered like chickens in a henhouse. I’ve had information from my man watching Ling’s place that Erin has recently been seen there, too. Jane MacGuire is the only one who we may have to go after individually. She’s out of her coma and may be recovering.”

Santos muttered a curse.

“But think of the agony of lost hope Ling will feel when we step in and kill MacGuire.”

“You’ve told me that there are guards all around the hospital. Can you get to her?”

“I’ll get to her. There’s an orderly, John Chalce, with wonderful credentials and security clearance, who is permitted on her floor. Fortunately, he’s also highly corruptible. So I’m sending Montez with Juan Pablo on that plane to you, and I’m heading to Atlanta to give MacGuire my personal attention. I’ve already started making preparations in Louisville for the major show. As you can see, I haven’t been spinning my wheels while I was searching for Montez.” He paused. “I hope that you approve and realize that I’ll give you whatever revenge Delores would deem necessary.”

deem necessary.”

Mistake? Who knew whether it was that bitch or Santos who seemed to be guiding the ship. It appeared to change from hour to hour. “That’s what I meant.”

“But not what you said.” Silence. “Do you think I don’t know you believe I’m crazy to have done all I’ve done for Delores? It doesn’t matter. Not as long as you do as I order, as you’ve done in the past. If you don’t, you’ll end up dead with no magic coffin, no hope, and Delores and I will laugh at you as you decay into dust.”

“I don’t think you’re crazy. That’s totally untrue.” He tried desperately to sound sincere. “And I’ll do everything you wish and more. I’ll be in touch, Santos.” He hung up and drew a deep breath. Conversations with Santos were always perilous, no matter what he said. Anything could be taken the wrong way.

And anything that offended the bastard could end with fatal consequences.

But the bloodbath would not offend him. Not if Dorgal did it right.



And visible agony for Catherine Ling.

*   *   *

It was the right decision, Santos thought sadly, as he gazed at Delores’s tomb. It was disappointing that the torture for Ling could not be drawn out indefinitely, but he couldn’t bear the thought of her alive, thinking, hoping, moving. It was becoming torture when he entered this tomb and saw his Delores so beautiful but still, so still.

He took a gardenia from the bouquet beside the door and entered the crypt. He was hit by the scent of rotten flowers and rotten flesh. The body of the young whore he’d offered up to Delores lay huddled on the floor beside the clear plastic casket where she lay. He usually kept any sacrifice here at least a month, but after that he had one of his men toss her into the sea.

Not that he minded the stink. He was sure that Delores would not either. But room must be made for any other offerings. He moved to stand beside the glass coffin and gazed down at Delores.




Montez shouldn’t have made her serene. Delores was never serene. Maybe he should have Montez try to—

No, Montez had warned him that any change would be dangerous now that the creation was completed, he remembered regretfully. Oh, well, he would imagine that the serenity was Delores dreaming of him, of the things they did together, the things they would do in the future.

He put the gardenia on the glass. It would stay fresh a long time on that cold surface. “I’ve decided to get rid of this stupid whore and give you a more worthy offering. Catherine Ling. It’s time we started to punish her. Don’t you think so, my darling?”


But beyond that serenity, beyond that cold beauty, was Delores smiling?

*   *   *

Catherine received a call from Kelly a few minutes after their plane crossed the Texas border. “Hi, Catherine. I’m pretty sure I’ve connected a major dot. We may be able to trace Santos.”

“What? How sure?”

“I’m sure, but that’s not saying anyone else would be. It’s all theory and calculations.”

“Cameron and I may be able to track him without your theory and calculations. We planted a GPS on the plane taking Montez to Santos’s compound.”

“Plane? Helpful, but you’re not going to connect.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m figuring that there’s no air access to where Santos is hiding out with his Delores. I believe that he has to take an aircraft to a nearby jumping-off place, then go by boat to the final destination. I’d bet it’s probably a small island.”

“Why would you think that?”



“I told you, Venable tracked down all of Dorgal’s credit cards under his name and known aliases. You remember that I told you that Dorgal visited all kinds of Caribbean hot spots while Santos was in prison?”


“He was very careful. He didn’t concentrate on any specific destination. And he changed credit-card use frequently.”

“Use for what?”

“Motorboat rental and gas. The cartel probably has its own boats, but Dorgal wouldn’t want anyone but himself in the cartel to know anything about Santos’s location. It would have made him a target for a takeover by a member of his own organization or a rival cartel.”

“I can see that.” She was thinking quickly. “But Venable had credit-card records. Gas usage?”

“Yes. If you measure gas usage to and from each jump-off destination. Then you compare the results and map the distances, you can zero in on Santos’s possible headquarters.” She paused. “Or you could talk to Luke once you know where that plane is dropping off Montez and his guards. For the last day and a half, Luke’s been working on possible scenarios for me.

“I’m not sure that he’d be willing to talk to me,” Catherine said ruefully. “I’d better try to do it myself.”

“He was very annoyed,” Kelly said. “But he wouldn’t let that interfere in the balance of keeping everyone alive. He’s more grown-up than you think.”

“No, just more than I want him to be,” she said.

“Trust him, Catherine.”

“I will. I’ll throw myself on his mercy when I know where Montez ends up. Thanks, Kelly.” She hung up and turned to Cameron. “You heard her. It’s not as easy as we hoped.”

“But that would have made the hunt so much less interesting.” He glanced at her. “And it gives Luke a chance to save the day and make you proud of him.”

“I’m always proud of him.”

“Then it will make him able to enter your world for a brief moment or two. That may be of even more value to him. Why do you think he’s fighting you so hard?”

“He thinks he’s thirty years old instead of twelve.”

“Maybe he is.”

“Don’t say that,” she said sharply. “I won’t have those years stolen from him.”

“Then you’d better strike a delicate balance.” He shrugged. “But who am I to offer advice? You’ll do what you wish anyway. I just see Luke from a different viewpoint than you do.”

“As a possible recruit,” she said tartly. “No way.”

“I wouldn’t try to take him away from you,” he said quietly. “I find myself wanting to give you fabulous gifts and offer you glittering worlds to conquer. Give, not take, Catherine.”

She blinked. He meant it, she realized. For a moment, she didn’t know what to say. “Really?” She looked away from him. “And take nothing in return, I suppose.”

He chuckled. “I never claimed that.” His cell phone rang, and he reached for it. “Dario,” he said as he answered, “do we have a destination?”

“The plane landed in Port of Spain, Trinidad, ten minutes ago,” Dario said. “I tried to scramble to have someone follow them, but they whisked Montez away with the speed of light. You’ll have to have your people do a search, Cameron.”

“Or Catherine’s people,” Cameron murmured. “She has one or two excellent operatives with whom she’s just been in contact.”

“Excellent? I can always use good people. Can I hire them away from her?”

“I doubt it. She’s very protective of her sources.”

“Then she should tell them not to focus only on Montez. Dorgal wasn’t on the plane when it landed in Trinidad.”

“What?” Catherine said. “Where is he?”

“He hired a private jet two hours after that flight left for Trinidad. The flight plan said New Orleans, but I doubt if that’s where he’ll end up.”

“So do I.” Catherine moistened her lips. “More likely Louisville. Or Atlanta.”

“I’ll use a little bribery and intimidation with the rental company and find out which one is the target and get back to you. I thought I’d warn you. Let me know if you have anything else for me to do.”

“Just the continued surveillance and protection of the Montez family,” Cameron said. “Now that Santos has Montez, at least he won’t have that threat to hold over his head.”

“No, just death and torture,” Dario said dryly. “No threat at all. But I’ll eliminate the only one I can right now. No one will touch his family.” He hung up.

“Santos won’t kill him. He believes he may need him,” Catherine said. “And he may threaten him, but Montez will be able to fend off torture. He’s smart, and he knows it’s only a matter of time until we find Santos.”

“You don’t think he’ll cave as he did before, when Dorgal sent for him to work on Delores?”

“You didn’t hear his voice when he was looking at that burning monastery. He was sick and horrified at the destruction. Dorgal went too far. It boomeranged. He’s in our camp now.”

“If we can find a way to use him.”

“And to find out where the hell he is.”

“Oh, I have complete confidence we’ll find him,” Cameron said. “Have a little faith.”

She gazed at him in annoyance. His tone had been as confident as his words. “Why are you this certain?”

“Kelly and Luke. Didn’t I tell Dario that you had wonderful people?”

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