Your Man Chose Me (10 page)

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Authors: Racquel Williams

BOOK: Your Man Chose Me
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Micah stormed in the house earlier huffing and puffing. I was scared because of the look he had on his face. I'd seen him angry before, but nothing like this. What scared me the most was when he took his shirt off and I saw the gun tucked in his waistband.
“What's going on with you?”
“Yo, I might be going to jail tonight.”
“What the fuck happened?” I sat up in the bed.
“Ma, I hit that bitch.”
“Why would you do that? I mean I know you mad because of the shit I told you earlier, but you know better than that. You a man; you don't put your hands on no woman.”
“Ma, fuck all that. That bitch was popping off at the mouth. Anyways, if I get locked up, I want you to hit my man Lo up and he will bring you some money for my bond and lawyer.”
“You think she called the police on you?”
“Shit, that bitch tried to set me up to get robbed so I wouldn't put it past that bitch.”
No sooner than the words left his mouth, I heard a loud bang on the door. I knew it was the police. I just looked at him.
“Yo, put this gun in a hiding place and tell them this your shit. They can't just come up in here without a search warrant. Yo, ma, you know I love you and I will be right back home. Call the number I gave you and get on it ASAP. I'll more than likely have a bond.” He grabbed my face and kissed me passionately.
“I can tell them you were here with me all day.”
“Nah, hell no, I don't want you to get involved in any of this. You have our seed to worry about. Now go answer the door.”
Tears filled my eyes as I walked to the door. This was the kind of shit I was trying to escape.
“Hello, may I help you?”
“Yes, ma'am, we're here to talk to Anthony Brown. Is he here?”
I thought about lying but his car was parked out front and I didn't need them coming in. Especially with the illegal gun being in the house. I was a ride or die to a certain extent, but going to jail for a nigga wasn't included in me riding. “Yes, he's here. Let me get him.”
I slightly closed the door and yelled, “Micah, the police are here to see you.” He was right behind the door. I was just playing it off. He stepped out in the open.
“You Anthony Brown? Step out here for me. We need to talk to you about an incident.”
As soon as he stepped out, one of the officers stepped closer and grabbed his arm, put it behind his back, and pushed him up against the wall.
“What the hell you doing that for?” I asked in a loud tone.
“Ma'am, please step back,” he warned.
“Babe, go back into the house and do what I told you to do.”
“Anthony Brown, you're under arrest for the assault on Ayana Beasly. You have the right to remain silent.”
I didn't wait. I went inside and slammed the door. I went over to the window and peeped out as they dragged him off to the police car that was waiting by the curb. It was so hard to see them dragging my man off as if he was a hardened criminal. I wanted to break down as I stood in the window still staring into space as they drove off. I saw a few people standing outside so I closed the curtains and wiped my tears. It then hit me that I should be calling his homeboy.
* * *
I called the jail to find out what he was charged with. The clerk at DeKalb County Jail informed me that he was charged with battery and was given a $20,000 bond. I felt a sigh of relief when I learned he had a bond. His homeboy already had a bondsman on the way to get him out.
I was feeling drained. I cried so much that the tears would not come out anymore. I took a hot shower to soothe the pain of my aching body. I had my eyes closed while the water beat down on my body. I felt a sharp pain followed by more sharp pains. I clutched my stomach and cut the water off. Then I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me. I could barely walk because of the pressure between my legs.
I grabbed my cell phone and thought about calling 911 but quickly decided against it. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a white tee and put them on. I grabbed my keys and made my way down the stairs. I used all my energy to get to the car. I got in and sped off. The nearest hospital to me was DeKalb Medical on Hillandale. I didn't like that hospital, but I didn't have a choice.
I hope my baby is all right,
was the only thought in my head.
I sped all the way to the hospital. I pulled up by the entrance and hopped out. As soon as I stood up, I felt a gush of water coming down my legs. “Help me, my water just broke,” I yelled out.
The guard rushed over to me and picked me up. “Get some doctors out here. She's in labor.”
* * *
An hour later, my baby boy, Anthony Micah Brown Jr., entered this fucked-up-ass world. I was so angry that his daddy wasn't with me to experience the joy that I felt. I had to say it was the best feeling when I looked into my li'l man's eyes. It was love at first sight and to know he was conceived in love made it even more special. I wiped away a tear as I held him close to my heart. I made a vow to protect him by any means necessary and that meant to make sure that his daddy was always around him.
Ant, the man I fell in love with and gave two beautiful girls to, had turned into a selfish bastard. If I had any hope of us getting back together, it was totally gone after he got arrested. I was determined to destroy him and that bitch and I didn't care how it happened.
I called the jail and found out that Ant was out. This kind of fucked my nerves up because I didn't know if he was going to come to the house. I got up early because I had some things to do, including getting a bigger gun.
I searched my phone and found the number I was looking for. I hadn't spoken to Daquan in years, but I knew he was still around. He was that nigga you need to talk to if you need anything, and I mean anything.
“Hello, Daquan?” I asked.
“Who wants to know?” he asked with an attitude.
“Boy, it's me, Ayana.” I laughed.
“Ayana. So you gon' play like you 'ont remember me?”
“Oh, damn, Ayana. It's been a minute. What's good wit'cha, girl?”
“Nada. I need to holla at you 'bout something. You know.”
“Oh, word. Well, in that case, you know I'm always available; plus, I'll get to see your sexy ass,” he joked.
“I'm at home. You can come through today.”
“You in the same spot over on Rock Chapel?”
“Yes, I am. Just hit my phone when you coming.”
“A'ight.” He hung up the phone.
I guessed he wasn't playing no games because an hour later he was calling my phone to let me know he was on his way to the house. I immediately jumped into the shower. I bathed, got out, then got dressed. I put on my little sundress without underwear. I looked in the mirror and saw my fat pussy print showing. I smiled at myself in the mirror.
What nigga in his right mind would leave all this pussy to go chase another bitch?
I thought as I used my hand and patted my pussy.
I heard the girls in their room playing. I sure wished I didn't cuss Mama out because I could've taken them over there. I didn't give a fuck though as long as they kept their little asses in their room. Their daddy should've kept his ass at home; then Mama wouldn't be bringing no other nigga in the house.
I heard the doorbell ringing so I sashayed down the stairs. I opened it and let his fine ass in. That nigga looked and smelled like new money. He was iced out from head to toe and, when he smiled, he showed his mouthful of gold. His appearance immediately gave me a tingling sensation between my legs.
“Whaddup, shawty, how you been?”
“I've been good,” I flirted with him.
“Shit you look good. You still fucking with your baby daddy? Last time we talked, you was tryin'a settle down and shit. How that work out for you?”
“Nah, me and that nigga broke up awhile back.”
“Oh, okay, I hear you. So what kind of business you tryin'a discuss?” He kept looking at my breasts.
“Damn, you see something you like?”
“Hell yeah, all that.” He pointed at my body.
“A man who knows what he wants. I like that,” I said seductively.
Before you knew it we were on the couch bumping and grinding and tonguing down one another. This was my first time having sex after that nigga raped me and I thought it was going to be painful, but to my surprise I enjoyed it. He dug into every inch of my pussy and I ground on his dick, almost breaking it off. Every nigga I fucked I was always determined to show that I was a bad bitch, and he wasn't no different. I felt his dick getting harder, so I knew he was about to cum. I threw my ass up in the air as he gave my pussy the business.
“Aargh, aargh, aargh,” he yelled out as he nutted all up in my pussy. I was shocked that this nigga took that chance even though he had a girl. I quickly took my mind off that bitch. Shit, a bitch took my baby daddy, fucked him, and got pregnant by him without giving a damn about my feelings.
I watched as he walked out of the bathroom. “Yo, you on birth control right?”
“Sure am,” I lied. These niggas were backward as fuck. You were supposed to find out if a bitch was on birth control before you nutted all up in her, not afterward.
“So what is it you want to discuss?”
“I need a gun, a bigger gun.”
“I thought you had one.” He looked at me.
“That's only a .22. I need something bigger, maybe a nine or .360.”
“Damn, who you tryin'a kill?” he joked.
“Nobody. It's getting dangerous out in these streets and I need to protect me and the girls. My greatest fear is somebody running up in here and harming them.” I sounded so sincere.
“Say no more. I got you tomorrow. Yo, just be careful.”
“Thank you. How much is it?”
“Shit, nothing, if you let me come over and beat the pussy up on the regular. Girl, you got some fire.”
“You got some good dick too though. That's a deal.” I smiled at him.
“A'ight, I'm out. We'll link tomorrow.”
I locked the door behind him. Shit, it wasn't that bad; at least the nigga had some damn money. If he thought he was going to be coming up in here fucking for free, he needed to reconsider that shit. Now that this bum wasn't lacing my pockets anymore, some other fool needed to step up to the plate.
I washed off and got the girls dressed. I was on my way to the DeKalb County DFACS office.
This nigga wanna play, I'm going to show his ass how I do it. Let's see how he feels when he gets this child support summons. I don't give a fuck if he can't pay. Matter fact, his bitch can step up to the plate and help take care of his children.
The first day Micah came to visit me in the hospital, we both went to the NICU and it was a sight to see. I watched as his face lit up as he stared at his little man in the incubator.
“Man, I am so sorry I wasn't here to see you enter this world, but Daddy promises from this day on that I will always be here, li'l man.” Tears welled up in his eyes as he stood beside me. This was my first time witnessing a softer side of a thug.
“Nurse, can his dad hold him for a second?”
“Sure, as long as he washes his hands.” She smiled at Micah.
I was so happy that I wasn't the only one who felt the kind of love I felt the first time I held my baby boy. I knew then that father and son were forming a bond that couldn't be broken!
I was discharged from the hospital after four days, but my baby had to stay. He was only three pounds, five ounces and he had to stay in the incubator in the NICU until he could suck a bottle on his own. Leaving him was the hardest thing, but I took time off from school so I could be my baby's side every day. Micah and I got to the hospital early every morning and spent all day there. It was good that I had him to lean on because this was hard for me.
One day on our way home from the hospital I decided to ask Micah a question. I knew that we were dealing with so much at one time, but something was bugging me and I needed to know the answer. “Babe, did you really beat that girl up like that?”
“Hell nah, ma. I think that bitch did that to herself. When I left, she wasn't bleeding or anything.”
I believed him because I could tell he was hurting behind that shit. “I can't believe she's so vindictive that she would actually pin a fucking charge on you. I swear, when I feel better I'ma beat her ass.”
“Nah, don't even do that. You see she's a rat and she'll call the police on you too.”
“To be honest, I don't give a fuck right now. This bitch violated us when she got you locked up.”
“Babe, listen; we have our little man to worry about. I'm already in the system, but you aren't and little man needs to have his mommy caring and giving him all the love he deserves. My lawyer saying we gon' beat that charge. Ma, I got this. Let your man handle this.” He put his arm around me.
“You right. I'm just so damn mad.”
Truth was, I wasn't trying to hear that shit. I didn't give a fuck if that bitch and I grew up together. She was my fucking enemy right now. I got it, she was mad that I took her dick, but bitch took it too far when she got my man locked up.
“Babe, I need to ask you something. I know that we haven't been together that long, but I'm checking for you hard. You are the mother of my son and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to make you Mrs. Brown. Will you let us make it official?” He got down on his knee and in his hand he held one of the biggest rocks that I'd ever laid eyes on outside of television.
I sat there staring at him, or more so the ring.
“Is that a yes, no, or maybe so?” He poked me.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do? I mean, we got a lot going on right now.”
“I'm dead ass. I want to make you mine forever. I'm done wit' these streets. I want to be the best husband and father to our child.”
I was confused. I wanted to say yes, but something kept reminding of all the shit we were going through. I was about to say no when a little voice in my head said,
bitch, you better stop tripping and cuff that nigga.
“Yes, I will marry you.”
He slid the ring on my finger. I couldn't take off my eyes off of it. I grabbed him and hugged him tight. I didn't care what happened or who tried to break us up; he was my man and I was his queen. I wasn't going anywhere!
“Well, now you have a wedding to plan. You know I got to show off and let the world know you my wife!”
“Really?” I busted out laughing. I ain't gon' lie, I was smiling all over. My life hadn't been easy, and most of my life people treated me like shit, but here I was with my own little family. I looked up to the roof and whispered, “Thank you,” to the Man above. Finally, I was happy.
The next morning, I got up and made breakfast for my future husband. I was still floating on cloud nine. I was happy to see it wasn't a dream because this big-ass rock was still on my finger. We sat at the table eating and laughing while talking about the wedding.
“What about your family? You mentioned your mom a few times, but I never hear you talking about your dad.”
“I don't have any family. As for a dad, I never met the sperm donor and, as for a mother, that bitch chose her man over me so that's the reason why I don't talk about her ass often. Ain't nothing good to say.”
“I'm sorry, ma, that you had such a rough childhood. Well, you have a family now: my family.”
His question about my family kind of blew my mood. Every once in a while my mind wandered about the bitch who birthed me. I hadn't seen her or heard from her in years and frankly I didn't want to. The last I heard that bum she was with had raped a young girl and got sent to prison. I swore on everything that bitch was dead to me. What woman would choose dick over her seed? I guessed a lonely bitch would. She was the reason why I chose to study psychology, so I could counsel abused children. I vowed to never treat my children the way she treated me.
“Babe, you all right? I didn't mean to upset you.”
“Nah, I'm good. I just don't want to hear about no family. You and my son are my family now.”
“And you know I got you right? I promise you from this day on you ain't got to worry 'bout shit ever. You and my little man good, you hear me?”
The ringing sound of my phone caught my attention. I grabbed my phone off the table. I looked at the caller ID. It read Private.
No response.
“Hello, who is this?” I said in a high-pitched tone.
There was still no response, just heavy breathing followed by laughing. I could tell it was a female voice.
“Listen, whoever this is, you need to get the fuck off my phone and go find something to do with your life.” I hung the phone up without waiting for a response.
“Who is it?”
“I don't know, 'cause the dumb ho didn't say anything. She just kept breathing hard and laughing.”
“Really? I hope it ain't Ayana doing that stupid shit.”
I didn't respond. I just sat there thinking,
this bitch is really trying it. I don't know how much of this shit I can take.
“I know it's her stupid ass. I ain't never had nobody calling my phone before all this shit popped off. I'm telling you this: this your kids' mother, but that bitch doesn't mean shit to me and I am sick of this shit already,” I yelled and walked off.
He grabbed my arm. “Damn, you going off on me like I'm the one doing this shit. I told you that bitch was childish and that's why I ain't wanna fuck with her anymore.”
“I understand everything you're saying. But I fucking blame you. You should've made sure you and that ho was totally over before you started fucking me. I told you from day one I don't do drama well and I also don't do bitches with drama. The truth is I fucking love you, but I love me more and I am not gonna live my life going through this shit wit' your dumbass baby mama. All you niggas need to think first before y'all stick your dicks up into these dumbass bitches because this shit is the outcome.”
I snatched my arm away and walked up the stairs. I loved this man, but I was not prepared to deal with this dumbass bitch.

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