Read Your Irresistible Love Online

Authors: Layla Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

Your Irresistible Love (15 page)

BOOK: Your Irresistible Love
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Licking my lips, I look up pleadingly at him from between my lashes. He kisses me hard, his mouth greedy over mine. That’s it, he’ll take me now.

Wrong. He pulls back and flips me on my tummy. I feel him lounging on top of me, his hard chest pressing against my back as he kisses my neck, intertwining his fingers with mine. I push my butt up into him.

“Fuck, Ava, do you want me to lose all my self-control?”

“That’s what I want.” I’m so horny I’m surprised I can utter words at all. Every inch of my body is alive with the need for him.

“Tell me
what you want,” he whispers, making the hair at my
nape stand on end. 

“Damn it, Sebastian. I want you inside me right now.”

“Ava.” He lets out a deep groan, moving off me. I hear the blessed sound of a condom package being ripped open. He rolls it over his length, then picks up a pillow and pushes it under my belly, lifting my butt up. He positions himself at my entrance. I lick my lips, my thighs quivering. When he pushes inside, my whole body trembles.

“Oh.” I breathe in and out, succumbing to his delicious torture. Because torture is the right word. Sebastian enters me with exquisite slowness. Inch by inch he fills me up, spreading my legs wider. This man is driving me insane. Finally, he stops pushing inside me, and I take it as a sign that he’s all in.

“Can you take all of me in?”

I lick my lips. I thought I already was. “Yeah.”

He thrusts inside me completely. I cry out, fisting the bedsheet.

“Ava,” he grits. His hands cup my ass cheeks. He starts moving, and my whole world spins on its axis. Each movement leads to an explosion of sensations, starting in my core and lighting the nerve endings in my entire body up to my fingertips. With each stroke, he claims a more intimate part of me. His lips trail on my back, the gentleness forming a stark contrast to the crushing rhythm of his hips. Sebastian’s forearms are at my sides. He’s slowly coming undone. I can tell by the way that his nails dig into the mattress. This recognition ignites something deep inside me.

My sex twinges as I feel drops of sweat falling onto my back.

“I want you to come with me, Ava.” He all but grunts out my name. I almost come because of that sound alone, but then Sebastian’s propping himself on one forearm only, and he slips his free hand between the pillow and me, circling my clit.

I lose it. I pinch my eyes closed, stars erupting behind them. “I cwdunter. . .”

“That’s not English, babe.” His voice is trembling.

“Sebastian.” I gasp as the orgasm takes hold of me. I succumb to it, every nerve singing with pleasure and need, the sensations intensifying when I hear Sebastian’s cry of relief and feel him widening inside me.

e drops on top of me, careful not to crush me. He laces his fingers with mine, squeezing lightly as he whispers, “You are an amazing woman, Ava.”  


Chapter Nineteen







When I wake up, r
ibbons of sunlight drop inside the room, and the birds’ medley reaches me through the open window.

It takes me a few seconds to realize I’m not in my bed. To my right, Sebastian sleeps peacefully. The bliss from last night paints a smile on my face, but panic creeps in too. Should I leave? I have had a single one-night stand, and it was humiliating. He woke me up in the middle of the night, asking me why I was still there. I slipped into my clothes and ran out the next minute. But Sebastian isn’t like that, and this wasn’t a one-night stand.

Rolling on one side, I take in this fine specimen of a man. Even in his sleep, the one word to describe him is
. I once read that we
when someone is watching us. It might be true, because within a few minutes of my blatant staring, Sebastian’s eyelids flutter open.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” His morning voice is
sexy. In one swift move, he pulls me to him.

I instantly relax in his arms. “Right back at you.”

He drags his fingers down my cheek and my lips. “You look beautiful.”

“Stop it.” I avert my gaze, focusing on his chin. “No one looks beautiful in the morning.”

“You do. Your eyes are a little puffy, and your lips swollen.” His mouth curls into a satisfied smirk. “Why, your lips betray what a nasty girl you were last night.”

“Mmmm.” I pinch the skin on his chest. “My body shows how nasty
’ve been. I’m a little sore.”

His expression turns serious. “A little? Then
I didn’t do my job right. You’re about to get much more sore. That’s a promise.” 

A shiver runs down my spine, goose bumps dancing on my skin.

“Are you cold?”

“No,” I reply quickly. “Not at all. It’s a good morning.”

“Why, because the bed was comfortable?”

I grin, joining in on his game. “No, that’s not it.”

“Is it because of the pre-sleep activities?”

“Sebastian Bennett, are you fishing for compliments?”

“Depends. Are you about to hand some out?”


He plants a smooch on my lips. God, he’s adorable. “Well, then. Yes, I believe I am.”

“I need to shower,” I inform him.

“What a coincidence. So do I. Let’s go together.”

We disentangle ourselves from the sheets. I stretch for a few seconds, while Sebastian goes straight to the bathroom adjacent to the room.

The bathroom consists of a Jacuzzi and a separate shower. They’re both large enough for us to fit in.

“We can play around in the Jacuzzi later.” Sebastian stands in the shower, and I join him. “Ava, meet shower. Shower, you’re about to see many inappropriate things.”

I giggle as warm water sprays my skin. “I can’t believe it took me so long to figure out you’re the inappropriate brother.”

“I’ll spend my days proving to you how much I deserve that title.”

“Last night was very convincing. You have no idea how sore I am.”

“Tell me.”

“Sebastian,” I whisper. “If you continue like that. . .” I swallow the rest of the sentence, distracted by the water running down his chest, his abs, and further down. Biting my lips, I add, “We’re supposed to shower.”

“I’ll help you do that.” A grin takes hold of his features. That’s when I see the dimples. 

Oh, my God, this man has dimples. I might fall in love with him. How come I never noticed them before?

“There’s something different about your smile this morning.”

. Might have something to do with waking up next to a beautiful woman.” 

He pours some shower gel on his palms, lowering himself to his knees. He starts rubbing the gel on my ankles, working his way up to my knees. His hands move further up my inner thighs.

“Such a beautiful body,” he murmurs. As his hands travel to my hips and to my stomach, he leans forward. His tongue touches the sensitive skin between my legs. I part them to give him better access. This man can do amazing things with his tongue. Abruptly, he pulls back, standing up, his hands continuing to soap my breasts and shoulders, as if nothing happened. Such a tease.

“My turn,” I say, after my entire body is covered with shower gel.


I pour gel on my palms and mimic his earlier routine, starting with his ankles and working my way up. There is something incredibly erotic about touching him like this. I trace every inch of skin on his legs with my fingers, enjoying the feel of his steel muscles. I take him in my mouth, watching him the entire time. He keeps his composure at first, but as I move my lips up and down, his breaths become more labored, his eyes more hooded. When he fists my hair, I know I’ve brought him exactly to the point I wanted, and pull back.

“You’re being a bad, bad girl,” he says as I stand up, soaping his chest, tracing the lines of his muscles, pressing my breasts against him.

We let the water wash away the soap.

After planting a quick kiss on my lips, he steps out of the shower. I linger inside, washing my hair. Every single part of my body aches for him.
Damn, damn, damn, Ava Lindt. What are you doing?
I have three months left here.
The clock is ticking, and I already dread the day I’ll have to kiss him good-bye. This won’t be a purely physical relationship; it was never about that. Falling for this amazing man could be fatal, but what a delicious way to go.

After I finish with the shower, I blow dry my hair and throw on a robe. The smell of bacon greets me when I step out of the bathroom. Mystified, I hurry down to the kitchen.

I can’t believe my eyes. Sebastian stands in front of the stove, wearing nothing but shorts. Cooking.

“What are you

“Breakfast. And then I’ll happily do you again.”

“You cook?” I ask unnecessarily. I can’t shake off the surprise. Tiptoeing around him, I peer at what he’s doing. Yep, my man is cooking. There are bacon and eggs in the pan, which he moves around very proficiently, as though he’s on some cooking show, demonstrating how to do it correctly.

“Of course, I do. Everyone who was tall enough to stand over the stove had cooking duty at the ranch.”

“You’re amazing.”

“We established that already.”

I elbow him. “Cocky much?”

“Pun intended?” Sebastian smiles, those delicious dimples making an appearance again.

“Maybe.” I plant a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. 

“You are naughty.” 

“Can I help you with anything?”

“Is there anything you can do in the kitchen?”

“I’m an expert at heating stuff up in the microwave. I’m also very proficient at cutting and burning myself.”

“Thought so.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have a lot of talents, but you didn’t strike me as the cooking type.”

“What kind of talents?”

“Why, Ms. Lindt, are
fishing for compliments now?”

“After we established that you’re amazing in every department, and I suck at cooking? You bet I want compliments.”

He turns away from the oven, looking me straight in the eyes. “You are smart, funny, and can do amazing things with your mouth. Sit there and let me cook for you.”

This is the first time a man has cooked for me. Damn it. There are too many first times with him, and he has a way of making them all unforgettable. Because really, who could forget the sight of him in boxers, cooking?


After we eat breakfast, I help clean up, and as I sip from my glass of orange juice, enjoying the view out his window, Sebastian sneaks behind me, taking me in his arms and
nibbling at my earlobe. His fingers graze through my hair, tugging at it.

“I love your hair,” he murmurs against my neck.

“Last night you loved my skin.”

“I love every part of you.”

“Mmmm. Charmer. Are you complimenting me to get in my panties?”

“You’re not wearing any. But if you were, you bet I’d try. I’m not lying. You’re perfect.”

I snicker. I’m proud of my body, but I know it’s not perfect. My love for food and disproportionate hate of sports are showing.

“Don’t tell me you’re self-conscious of your body.”

“I’m not. . . mostly.” In a whisper, I add, “My hips could be smaller.”

“They are fantastic. I especially like how they grind against me when we make love.” Sebastian lets go of me, and I turn around to protest, but before I even open my mouth, he holds up his hand.

“I want you to dance for me,” he says.

“You mean like a striptease?”

“You’re wearing a robe. That’d be an awfully short striptease. I meant dancing as in dancing. Like in the office.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I shoot him a look. “I’m not dancing in front of you.”

“You did it yesterday.”

“I didn’t know you were watching.”

“Come on, you don’t have to be self-conscious in front of me. Your dancing is fun.”

“I was having fun,” I admit, putting my glass of orange juice on the table. “Okay, I’ll do it, but you’ll dance with me.”

Sebastian fetches his smartphone. My hips take over as the music starts. Before I know it, Sebastian has yanked down my robe.

“Naked dancing,” I say appreciatively. “Now we’re talking.” 

“I love how smooth you feel.” He touches my pubis lightly, electrifying me. Abruptly, he pulls his hand back.

When Sebastian starts dancing, I shriek, a fit of laughter overtaking me. “Oh, now I know why you like my dancing. You suck even more than I do. I can’t believe there’s something you’re not good at.”

He pulls me to him, encircling my waist, half-walking, half-dancing with me toward the couch. We must look ridiculous, but I love this. “I can do something else very well.”

BOOK: Your Irresistible Love
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