You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1 (10 page)

BOOK: You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1
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"I said, bite me already, David," I demanded with a growl of my own.

"I'm going to clarify this one more time," he continued firmly, ignoring my demand as he fought to control his own lust. "Can you handle my control?" he asked, slower this time, enunciating every syllable carefully. His eyes burned into mine as he waited for my answer.

"What do you mean?" I asked as my mind started to consider what he was saying.

"It means that I like to hold you down when I fuck you," he said soberly as he watched my face carefully. "It means I tell you when to come and when you can't. It means I can fuck you anyway I like. It means that at anytime if you don't like what we're doing, all you have to do is tell me to stop, and I will, no questions asked."

Fifty Shades
?" I asked uncertainly, picturing whips and chains.

"Not exactly," he said with a wry smile. "I'm not into whips or chains, but I do like the occasional spanking."

"You're not going to hurt me are you?"

"No," he answered gently. "Well, only if you want me to." He smiled wickedly. "Everything I do is to bring us pleasure."

"The biting sounds like fun," I confessed with a shiver.

"Do you like how I'm restraining your arms?"

"Oh, yes," I whimpered as I fought against his grip a little, making his eyes burn even brighter.

"Do you trust me to stop when you tell me to?" he asked with concern. "Because I promise that I will," he added in a serious tone. I stared into his eyes, and all I saw was sincerity and an honest concern for me.

"I say stop and you stop, no matter what."

"Yes, even if I'm half a second from an orgasm, I promise that I will stop whatever I'm doing."

"Okay." I nodded. "I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" he asked as he released my wrists. I lifted my hands and fisted them in his hair, pulling his face down to mine.

"Just kiss me already."

He snarled and crushed his lips to mine, this kiss more feral and primal than the last. He broke away and leaned back. "Take your shirt off," he demanded, his voice deep and commanding and incredibly hot.

I sat up and pulled my scarf and sweater off, and threw them onto the floor. "I have a confession to make," I told him.

"What's that?" He stared at my black lace bra and my cleavage.

"I like to bite too," I said with a wicked smile of my own. His eyes flashed up to mine, and lit up with wild fierce desire.

"Then bite me already," he growled out as he pounced on me. His solid upper body pressed against mine as I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and clamped down hard until he grunted with pain. I released my hold and sucked the pain away, pulling a deep moan of pleasure out of him. Then he latched onto my lip and did the same to me, the sensations making me writhe and convulse under him, clawing at his chest with my fingernails. Damn, it hurt so good.

We both started fumbling desperately at each other's clothes. He got my bra off first, his fingers deft and quick with the clasp. He grabbed my hands, and removed them from the fly of his jeans. "
like control, remember?" he said with a smile. "Put your arms above your head and keep them there." His voice became demanding again. I didn't know being bossed around in bed was this hot. I immediately obeyed, and watched as he unzipped my jeans and pulled them off of me, leaving my lace thong on.

He paused and looked down at my body. "Goddamn, you're gorgeous," he growled out as he continued staring at all of me. He reached down and pulled my panties off too, tossing them aside. "Don't move." He stood up from the bed, finished unzipping his fly, and slowly lowered his jeans and boxer briefs as I watched. I gasped at the sight of him. His cock was wide and long and incredible. It was almost scary big, and I was kind of intimidated by it. A huge grin of male pride and satisfaction flowed across his face as he watched my reaction.

He climbed back up next to me and scooted his body up against my right side. I could feel his cock throbbing against my hip, and I was itching to touch it. He glared at me as I began to lower my arms. "What did I say?" he asked with narrowed eyes and a stern tone. I put my arms back. "Good girl," he crooned and I was filled with wild pleasure by his approval.

He leaned down and latched his mouth onto my right breast, his right hand engulfing the other side. His tongue and teeth worried at my nipple, sending hot flashes of painful pleasure straight to my pussy. My pelvis began thrusting toward him, desperate for his attention.

He raised his left arm above my head and held my wrists firmly in his grasp, as his right hand slid down my belly to my aching core. He softly ran his fingers through my folds, moaning against my nipple as he spread my wetness up to my clit, and began rubbing and flicking and pinching it with his fingers. His mouth moved across my breast as he sank his teeth into me with firm pressure that almost hurt, most likely leaving teeth marks on my flesh. I moaned and thrashed on the bed, fighting against his grip on my wrists and loving every second of this. I had never been so turned on in my life. I felt my climax build and build, and I was on the brink of tumbling over when he spoke again.

"Don't come, Natalie," he growled as he lifted his mouth from my breast. "Not until I say." I met his eyes and saw he was very serious and very intense.

"Yes, sir," I whimpered without even realizing what I was saying. A dark almost scary fire burst to life in David's eyes at those two simple words, and it was all I could do not to come on the spot. My words earned me a reward.

"Come, Natalie," he said in a harsh voice as he pinched my clit. "Come now."

To my absolute amazement, my body immediately obeyed him. Pleasure exploded from my core, screaming up out of my mouth and blocking out my vision with flashes of white-hot light. When I came back down David had already put a condom on and was hovering over me.

"Touch me now." His voice was softer this time. I moved my arms down and began running them along the muscles of his chest, shoulders, and abs, making him hiss as I dug my nails into his skin, but he didn't stop me. He lined his cock up with my soaking throbbing core and began pressing himself slowly into me. He was so big, and I wasn't sure he would fit, but he took his time, watching my face as he sank into me a little at a time. "Are you okay?" he asked when he was halfway in. I felt so full that it almost hurt, but I wanted him, needed him inside me.

"Yes." I nodded emphatically. "Please."

A few moments later, I felt his pelvis touch mine as he hit bottom and stilled, giving me time to adjust to his cock being inside me. I felt so stretched and so wonderfully penetrated that I dug my fingers into his back, making him gasp. It was amazing.

"Come whenever you want," he told me in a barely controlled voice as he started moving inside me, and my world lit on fire. His cock kept hitting this perfect spot deep inside me, and the biggest orgasm of my entire life ignited inside me. It blasted through me with such violence that my body arched and convulsed up off the bed, and my hands fisted the sheets as I held on for dear life.

"Fuck!" David swore as the walls inside me clamped down hard on his cock. I felt him start to swell and jerk inside me, his body shaking all over. A deep guttural snarl erupted from his lips as I felt him come, his hips bucking wildly against mine as his cock pulsed inside my body. "Fuck, Natalie, fuck," he growled out as the last convulsions of pleasure racked his body. Then he collapsed on top of me, his breathing, heavy and harsh. "Goddamn, woman," he mumbled out as he panted for air. "That was incredible."

All I could manage were incoherent moans of satisfaction as David rolled over onto his back, pulling himself out of me and taking me with him until I was draped limply across his body. I felt movement as he pulled off the used condom and tossed into the trash next to the bed. Then he wrapped his arms around me. He sighed and began rubbing circles on my back with his fingertips, his touch soothing and gentle. It lulled me into a post-orgasmic stupor, and I drifted off to sleep, more satisfied than I had ever been in my entire life.







I made a horrible mistake
. I held Natalie in my arms, with her warm soft body draped across my chest. I thought if I kept this whole thing all about the sex, kept it purely physical, that I could do this. I was feeling things and wanting things I shouldn't, and it terrified me. I thought if I slept with her these obsessed feelings would go away, but the moment that I sank my cock into her; I knew it was too late. It felt so perfect and so right that I knew I'd want her again and again. I didn't think I'd ever get enough, and I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to sneak out of her apartment and never look back, but I had never done that before. I wasn't that much of an asshole yet. Besides, the thought of never seeing her again hurt too much.

She was fun and sexy, her humor biting and witty. She was gorgeous, her body amazing and fitting me so perfectly. I didn't want to walk away from this, even if I knew I should. I knew that as soon as she woke up, I was going to have sex with her again and ask her out on another date. I wouldn't be able to help myself. So I just held her against me, rubbing gentle circles into the baby soft skin of her back with my fingertips until I drifted off with her.

When I woke up again, neither of us had moved. I turned my head and breathed in the scent of her hair, figuring out that was where the scent of pears I had smelled yesterday came from. It was intoxicating.
was intoxicating. Damn it, I wanted her again, and I could feel myself getting hard where her body pressed against my cock.

"Natalie," I whispered. "Sweetheart." She stirred and I bit my tongue. Why the hell did I call her sweetheart? I never used words of endearment with the women I slept with. It helped me keep my distance. However, that was the thing; I didn't want to keep my distance from this woman. I wanted more, and I couldn't think straight with her naked body touching mine.

She lifted her head and looked at me, her luminous green eyes lighting up as she smiled at me. I was a goner as soon as I met her eyes again. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up my body until her lips were close to mine. Then I couldn't help myself as I pressed my lips to hers. She tasted so good. Her silky soft lips felt so good on mine. I lost control again and fed on her like an animal, moaning and biting at her lips and tongue. She drove me crazy, and I didn't care that I was out of control. I wanted her, needed her, now.

"I want you," I growled out against her lips, my desire and my need making my body ache.

"Want you too," she moaned as her hand drifted down to grip my erection, and my hips unconsciously thrust against her. She slid back down my torso and paused to look up at me with wicked eyes, her mouth hovering over my cock as she pumped me in her fist. Her tongue flicked across the tip, and I was lost to her. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back onto the pillow as pleasure coursed through my body like electric heat.

I gasped when she took me into her mouth. It was so warm, and her tongue started doing insane things to me. I'd never felt anything like it, and inhuman groans and growls spilled out of my mouth. I had to grab her hair in my fists just to slow her down before I exploded in her mouth. I pulled her mouth off of me with a loud popping sound, and I lost my mind.

I flipped her over onto her back in one fluid motion, my body pressing her down into the mattress. I wrapped my left hand around her throat, squeezing with firm pressure as I watched her pupils expand with arousal. Her body relaxed and submitted to me. Oh yeah, she was just as much of a freak as I was.

"Am I hurting you?" I asked, just to be sure.

"No," she rasped out past the pressure on her neck.

"Good," I snarled between clenched teeth. "Because I don't want to stop."

"Don't," she whispered as she raised her arms above her head with her eyes locked on mine.

"Damn, Natalie," I growled. "Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?" I was panting with need now, my body trembling.

"Please, David," she begged softly as her hips wiggled underneath me. "Now."

My name on her lips gave me a rush of pleasure that I was afraid had little to do with physical desire. She was irresistible in every way. "I need to get a condom, sweetheart," I told her in a gentle voice as I pulled my hand from her throat, so I could get my wallet off the floor.

"There are some in the drawer there," she said breathlessly as she looked at her nightstand, her eyes wild with desire. I reached over, pulled open a drawer, and pulled a condom out of the box. Natalie started making unbelievably erotic whimpering noises as she watched me rip open the wrapper with my teeth and sheath myself with the rubber.

I shoved her knees apart roughly, settling my pelvis against hers. She whimpered some more until I put my hand back around her throat and her body fell limp, her eyes softening. Her submission fed a deep dark part of me that craved it, needed it.

"Do you want me to fuck you, Natalie?" I asked her as I squeezed her throat tighter for just a second. She whimpered some more, her eyes becoming hooded and needy. "How bad do you want me?" God, I wanted to hear her beg some more, to say my name in that pleading tone again.

"Please, David," she pleaded, making me shiver. "Please fuck me. Please."

I growled out my approval, then straightened until I was above her on my knees. I grabbed her hips and flipped her over roughly. Then I pulled her up onto her knees until her back was pressed against the front of my body. I slipped my hand up between her breasts to her throat and squeezed, making her moan and writhe against me. I put my lips next to her ear.

"This is how I'm going to fuck you," I growled out harshly. "And you're going to fucking take it, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," she mewled, her hands gripping my forearm tightly, like she was afraid I'd take my hand from her throat.

"Spread your legs," I snarled in reaction to her words. She complied immediately. I reached down to her pussy and found her absolutely soaking wet.

BOOK: You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1
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