Xone Of Contention (37 page)

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Authors: Piers Anthony

Tags: #Humor, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Young Adult

BOOK: Xone Of Contention
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Then she recognized it “Midrange!” she said. “What are you doing here?” She picked him up. Nimby had known he was coming.

She carried the cat into the main section of the library and set him down beside Nimby. Nimby reached out to Midrange's collar. There was a chain with a locket. Nimby took the locket in his hand, without removing it from the cat. He touched Chlorine's hand, and she felt a thrill of power. It was the magic dust within the locket; Nimby was drawing on it without even having to open the locket. Something in her body changed. In fact she felt three pulses of change.

Chlorine stared. So did Dug and Kim. “Is that what I think it is?” Kim asked.

There was a sudden roll of thunder outside. Dearth had just caught on.

Nimby got up, briefly touched the hands of Dug and Kim. and went to the computer terminal, carrying Midrange, who seemed more than satisfied. Chlorine knew how that was. He touched the unit. It came on.

Lightning struck the building. But the library evidently had an arrester, because there was no damage. Dearth had been caught by surprise, and couldn't act swiftly enough.

Kim caught on. She leaped to the terminal and started typing. The screen came on. “But there's no power!” the librarian protested

“Now there is,” Dug said. And indeed there was, for Nimby was powering the system magically. None of them saw fit to mention that detail, however.

Chlorine sat at the adjacent terminal, joining in. This one was also working, as the current flowed throughout the system Dug came to type for her.

Kim led them straight to the O-Xone They entered it, and the hall became real around them.

Edsel and Pia were there in Breanna's seat. So were Breanna and Justin “We were afraid you wouldn't make it,” Pia said, coming to hug Chlorine.

Chlorine had had a similar fear, but didn't care to admit it “Nimby knew.”

“For sure,” Breanna said “We sent the locket out, but heard there was really bad weather in Mundania. We figured we knew why. When the Baldwins reported trouble getting through, we were really nervous ”

“Midrange Cat got through with the locket,” Chlorine said. “I think the magic leaked out and affected him, giving him extra intelligence He knew where to go.“ Suddenly she realized why Nimby had been sleeping so much his Awareness had been following the cat, guiding Midrange throughout ”The Demon E(A/R)th was watching the humans, not the cat, so he slipped though.” She glanced at Kim "You'll have to see that Midrange gets back to his family, with our gratitude.”

“We will,” Kim said.

Nimby touched hands with Edsel, and Chlorine touched Pia. Her orientation changed, now she was looking the opposite way.

Nimby touched Chlorine's hand Suddenly she had important new information. She turned to Pia “I have some news for you Nimby is pleased with the way you and Ed cooperated, and has given you three gifts.”

“Oh, we don't need any gifts.” Pia protested “Being in Xanth was such a wonderful experience for us” She glanced at Edsel “We're going to stay married, and have children, and I'm going to study the environment I have gained so much!”

“Then I hope you are pleased with the gifts for they have already been given,” Chlorine said ”First, your body has been restored to its form at age sixteen, as it seems was your wish in Xanth, and will be easier to maintain that way."

“Oh!” Pia exclaimed “I thought that was only during the adventure. It was a foolish wish, anyway ”

“It's really meant for Edsel,” Chlorine said. "i 1,1^ ,f -• FrUiM agreed

“Second, your diabetes is gone.”

Pia's mouth dropped open "No more needles? I thought that was only in Xanth too. The healing spring.”

“No more needles. Third, you will receive a visit from the stork.”

Pia was astonished “You mean—even though we were in Xanth, with your bodies?”

“Perhaps.” Chlorine said “We used your bodies similarly. Because of your association with Xanth at the time, your child will have a magic talent, when visiting Xanth.”

Pia seemed about to faint “That really, gave her something to think about,” Kim said, smiling ”I envy her.” Kim's smile, though genuinely warm for her friend's good fortune, had a tinge of sadness she tried to mask.

“You, too, will receive a visit,” Chlorine told her ”With similar magic.”

“A—? But that can't be! I mean—” Kim hesitated, unaware that they knew about her problem in that respect, and her secret heartache “I mean, we were in Mundania the whole time.”

"The storks deliver as Nimby tells them to. The two of you were extremely helpful, and are deserving.”

Now Kim was the one about to faint “You mean, I really will have—a baby?" Her underlying sadness was transforming to abiding joy, and it was mirrored in Dug's face.

“As will I ” Chlorine. said Then, startled, she looked at Nimby "I will?”

Everyone laughed. Then the three women came together and hugged each other.

“This is wonderful but weird,” Breanna said, looking on somewhat enviously.

Nimby touched her hand.

“But my turn will come,” Breanna added, awed. “And be worth waiting for.” Behind her. Justin's eyes widened in surprised surmise.

But after a moment of thought. Pia got serious “I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I don't think I want these—these gifts.”

Kim winced “Pia, this isn't exactly something you can turn down Nimby is—”

“I know who Nimby is“ Pia faced him. “I appreciate all this, Nimby I really do. But they arc selfish things. I've been selfish all my life, but in Xanth I discovered that I don't like that style 1 want to—to do something useful with my life. So with all due respect, take back your gifts. I do want to be beautiful, and free of illness, and now I do want to make a family, but I would trade them all for the ability to accomplish my new purpose, which I think is to save the great old trees of Mundania, just as I helped save them in Xanth. And I guess that's something I'll just have to do by myself. I think I can do it all, the hard way.”

Nimby looked at Edsel.

“No argument here,” Edsel said. “All I wanted was Pia back, and I think I like her even better this way.”

Nimby extended his hand to Pia. She stepped forward and took it. Nothing showed, but Chlorine knew that there was a pulse of magic. They were all in magic, all the way out to the library terminals that Nimby’s magic was animating.

Then Pia stepped back. Nimby touched Chlorine's hand.

“You now have additional intelligence, courage, and persuasiveness,” Chlorine told Pia. “These qualities will help you to accomplish your purpose.”

Pia smiled with genuine gratitude. “Thank you so much, Nimby. These gifts I will use well. I will always treasure my time in Xanth, but my true mission is in Mundania.”

Nimby turned away. The job was done.

The others bade each other quick farewells. Then the four Mundanians departed, and Nimby and Chlorine went back toward Xanth, leaving Justin and Breanna in the Leaf.

“Wait till Pia discovers that those last gifts weren't in exchange for the first ones, but in addition,” Chlorine murmured. “And wait till Edsel discovers your influence on his Lemon motorcycle, when Midrange hides the magic locket in it.”

Nimby didn't reply, but he smiled. He was learning about niceness, too.

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