Read Writes of Submission Online

Authors: Cassidy Browning

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Contemporary, #Ménage à Trois, #Voyeurism, #Romance

Writes of Submission (20 page)

BOOK: Writes of Submission
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Dante slipped around them and opened the door to her room, holding it wide as Kane carried her in and gently placed her on the bed. The men began to unwrap the blanket they had placed around her at the club and she realized with a start that she was still wearing nothing but a very damp pair of panties. She stiffened, staring down at herself, fully awake now.

“What’s wrong, beautiful?” Dante stopped in the act of taking her clothes out of the bag and putting them away.

She stared at him, wondering what they had done to make her lose all sense of dignity. “Oh, God. I can’t believe I did that—and in public, no less. I must have looked like an idiot. I’ll never be able to go back there again.”

“Stop that,” Kane snapped. The steel undertone was back in his voice and Nikki instantly quieted. Even when it was chastising her, she found herself craving that voice. She loved the way it swirled around her like a living, breathing thing, making her feel safe and loved. If she were honest with herself, it also made her confused. How could a man’s voice generate all of those feelings?

“You did nothing to embarrass yourself,” he said in a low, warning tone, almost a growl. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.” She found the words slipping out of her mouth without her conscious control, although they felt right. “But…”

“No! No buts. You honored Dante and me by allowing us to do as we wished and by reacting in just the way we wanted you to. Understand me now, young lady.” He sat on the bed next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder and leaning slightly toward her. Their faces were only a few inches apart and the force of his eyes was strong, keeping her focused on him. As if she had a choice, when he used the Dom voice on her. “That is exactly what we expect. You did wonderfully and we are both very proud of you.”

Again the words swaddled her in a cocoon of warmth and pride. Despite her embarrassment over what she had done, she felt elated at the thought that she’d made them happy. She started to open her mouth, but before the first sound came out Dante was there pressing his lips to hers. All thoughts of embarrassment or complaint fled her mind, leaving only a returning need. The craving between her thighs reignited and she wrapped her arms around him. She pulled him into her and felt the length of him returning the pressure.

His tongue invaded her mouth, thrusting into her like a conquering army. It swirled around hers, coaxing a rising heat that needed to be quenched. She thrust her hips at him and reached to grab his hair but was surprised when her hand was intercepted by the warm flesh of Kane’s fingers.

She realized with shock that she was ignoring Kane and broke the kiss to turn back toward him. Again, before she could say anything, Kane had leaned in and took over where Dante had left off. His lips crashed into hers and the duel between her tongue and his began. She was conflicted and a little confused. Even while she was kissing Kane, she found her hips working at Dante, who was still settled between her legs.

Kane pulled back from the kiss and asked, “What’s wrong, beautiful?”

She shook her head. “What have you two done to me? I’ve never acted like this before. You must think I’m a slut.”

“Not at all, love.” Dante moved closer, nuzzling into her neck. He began kissing and biting her, finding just the right place. His teeth grazed her skin, causing fire to race along her nerve endings straight to the heated center of her pussy.

She opened her mouth, but the only sound to escape was a long sigh.

Kane began working his fingers into her hair. “Slut isn’t always a bad word.” He chuckled and the sound made her want to please him so she could hear it again. “You are ours and we are going to prove that to you now.”

His fingers pulled her hair tight at the back of her head. She gasped at the sudden pain, but almost immediately he released his grip and a rush of endorphins flooded her head. She reeled and almost missed Dante lifting himself off of her. Before she could complain, he was tugging her panties down her legs and then she was bare before their eyes.

She watched as he ripped his shirt off and threw it behind him. His kilt followed without delay and she stared at the huge throbbing erection bobbing before her. She lifted her hand to reach for him but Kane’s mouth found her nipple and distracted her once more.

Her eyes closed and she lost herself in the feeling of fire shooting from her nipple straight to her pussy, flooding it with her need yet again. She felt Dante climbing back onto the bed, pulling her up and turning her onto her side facing Kane. Before she could wonder what he had in mind, his body molded itself to her from behind. She pushed back against him and was rewarded by the pressure of his hard cock nestling into the crease of her ass.

Dante’s moan in her ear let her know that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him. His fingers dug into her hip as he rolled her back onto him. He dragged her left leg over his, exposing her heated sex. He shifted under her and suddenly she could feel the head of his prick nudging her opening. She threw her head back and gasped as he thrust forward, burying his cock in her to the hilt. His rapid thrusts began in earnest and the pressure in her built.

“Oh, yes. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” she gasped, pumping her hips back at him, driving him even deeper with each thrust. Panting it like a litany, she gave herself over to his pounding rhythm. Kane leaned forward and began biting one nipple, his hand squeezing and pinching the other as Nikki rode the waves of pleasure. Her orgasm began to build, surging on a wave of submissive bliss. She was totally open to them both. She had never known what ecstasy there could be in the connection between three people, but there was nothing in the world she would have traded this feeling for. It was as if everything in her life had been directing her forward to this moment, leading her gently to the experience of giving herself as completely as she could to Kane and Dante. She was close, so close to the release. Her legs were trembling and the tide was just about to break when Kane whispered softly, “You’re going to love this.”

His fingers began a strumming rhythm across her clit and she screamed. The powerful orgasm ripped her from the face of the planet and thrust her into orbit. Each pulse of her pussy caused her whole body to contract and spasm. The muscles bunched and released over and over, working her heated cunt up and down Dante’s rigid cock. She heard him grunt, “Oh, God,” just as his dick swelled even larger and exploded, shooting stream after stream deep into her womb. Each blast of his release filled her with his cum, driving her own climax to continue its merciless racking of her body. Finally they both lay motionless, spent and gasping for breath.

“My God, that was amazing. I have never come so hard in all my life,” she mumbled, straining to open her eyes.

“I agree.” Dante slowly allowed his softening prick to slip from her still twitching cunt. She was disappointed by the empty feeling left behind and frowned slightly.

“Oh, don’t worry, baby. You’re not done yet. It’s my turn now.” Kane’s voice was rough with what she assumed was suppressed need. He pulled her off of Dante and flat onto her back in the center of the bed. She was surprised when Dante reached out and held her hand so they could still be connected while she was with Kane.

Her frown turned into a grin of anticipation when she saw that Kane was now as naked as she and Dante were. His cock was a nice match to Dante’s, thick and hard and obviously ready for action. Without conscious thought the words fell from her mouth in a tone of anticipation. “Yes, Sir.”

He climbed between her thighs, his dick seeming to strain ahead of him, and guided his iron rod straight into her. Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, allowing him even deeper access. She felt his right hand slide under them, cupping her ass. His breath tickled her neck as he said, “Soon, baby, we will take you together and really make you ours, but for now let’s see how you like this.”

His fingers curled into the crack of her ass as his cock plunged fully into her heated depths. Her moan of pleasure turned first into a gasp of surprise as his index finger pushed past her rosebud, lubricated by all of the juices leaking from her exertions with Dante. She then moaned as the new sensation of being filled front and back at the same time kicked her excitement to the next level.

She only had time for a fleeting thought of how naughty and erotic the feeling was before the first of this new wave of climaxes struck her like a thunder bolt. The feeling of his finger thrusting into her ass followed by his cock ramming into her cunt as the finger withdrew was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. The last thought she had was that if his finger felt that good, how amazing would Dante’s dick be when they took her together?

Her cries of pleasure seemed to go on forever. Her throat felt raw and her voice was hoarse as her orgasm finally eased. She was completely sated but felt a momentary disappointment that she had missed Kane’s release during her own. He was sprawled on one side, Dante on the other. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but when the men snuggled in close, wrapping her in a cocoon of strong arms, she gave up and drifted into a sound sleep.

Chapter 17


“I got us a surprise.”

Kane’s voice made both Dante and Nikki jump. Nikki almost spilled her coffee as she turned toward the doorway. Kane had a new, exuberant swagger to his walk as he came in and joined them at the table. He was wearing jeans and a bright red T-shirt that said, “Writer, n. A peculiar organism capable of turning caffeine into books.”

“Dude,” Dante said, holding his own mug up in a salute. “You’re moving before the crack of noon. Did hell freeze over? Is it the zombie apocalypse? What gives?”

Kane grinned at them. “Your fitness obsession seems to be contagious. I made arrangements for us to do a little excursion today. It should be interesting.”

Nikki narrowed her eyes. “Okay. Who are you and what have you done with Kane?”

He grinned as he sat down, picking up an extra mug and pouring himself some coffee. “I like shaking things up occasionally.”

She looked between him and Dante. “What did you do?”

He looked like a small boy who is enjoying the moment before his parents discover what he’s been up to. “I rented us some mountain bikes. What do you say?”

Nikki ran a hand over her forehead.

“Sick!” Dante’s eyes took on a kind of manic glow. “Allie said there’s a lot of trails around here. We can go off-road!”

“If you say so.” Kane looked a bit dubious at that, but shrugged. “I was thinking of starting out on pavement. You know—nice, flat, safe.”

“Sure, we can do that,” Dante said. “But you guys are really going to love it. I’m sure I won’t be able to keep you off the trails.”

Nikki tried not to sound too old, even though she couldn’t actually remember the last time she’d been on a bike. “The two of you are welcome to go off and break body parts. I’ll wait for you here and kiss the boo-boos later. Someone has to be able to call the paramedics.”

But she followed them outside after Kane had eaten a quick plate of pancakes. Dante was practically vibrating with excitement, or possibly the pride of someone who’s made a convert to his own particular religion. Nikki wasn’t quite sure which.

The bikes were sitting out front, all shiny and new and lethal-looking. Each one had a helmet hanging off it, which made her feel a tiny bit better.

“See? Perfectly safe.” Dante took one of the helmets and put it on Nikki’s head.

She tried to back away, but he had the chin strap snapped before she could actually move and he was holding her firmly in place with it.

“I don’t know about this.” She really shouldn’t be thinking about going with them. Riding bikes was for kids, and she was certainly not a kid anymore.

“Come on,” Dante chided her. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

“I don’t know. I could die? Shouldn’t we have, like, body armor or something?”

“You won’t die,” Kane said, “and we don’t need padding. We’re just going for a simple bike ride. You’ll remember how when you get on. It’s just like riding a bike.”


* * * *


“There’s a trail.” Dante stopped his bike and waited for the other two to join him on the side of the road.

Nikki pulled up first and followed his gaze dubiously. “Off-road? I don’t know. We’ve got a lot of work to do, anyway.”

Kane came to a stop next to them. “I don’t think Nikki’s ready for that.”

“Hey!” She glared at him. “I’m doing just as well as you are.”

It wasn’t quite true, but Dante didn’t bother to argue. He nodded, preparing to continue down the road. “Okay. I think we’re only about a mile from Clifftop. We’ll just go back.”

“No.” Nikki’s voice was stubborn. She looked between him and Kane, like a small child that’s been told it can’t do something its older siblings are doing. “Let’s try it.”

Kane shook his head. “Maybe we should just go back, like Dante said. This looks too rough.”

She turned a stubborn face toward Dante. “Do you think it’s too hard for me?”

“Too hard? No. You could handle it if you’re sensible,” he said. “But maybe Kane’s right and we should just go back.”

“No.” She shook her head vigorously. “I want to do it.”

Kane shrugged and Dante gave in, wishing he’d never made the suggestion. “Okay, but let me give you some pointers first. Then we’ll try a small section and see if you like it.”

BOOK: Writes of Submission
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