Write Great Fiction--Plot & Structure (28 page)

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Authors: James Scott Bell

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What does the desire for revenge do to a soul, especially if revenge is the objective over a long course of time?

Taking your readers on a revenge ride is a great way to make them turn the pages. When the setup is strong, and the wrong terrible, readers will desire revenge right along with the Lead.

A note of caution: It's tempting in a revenge plot to make the opponent a 100-percent villain. This is understandable since the writer thinks it will increase readers' outrage.

Readers, however, will feel manipulated if you do this. Give the opponent his own good reasons for doing what he did. Far from diluting the effect of the revenge motive, it will deepen the reality of your novel in the reader's mind. And that's always a good thing.


When it comes to this one, you can have either of the lovers be the Lead character, or create parallel plots with each lover taking a Lead role.

Romeo and Juliet
is a parallel love plot. Shakespeare gives us glimpses of each of the lovers apart and then together.

Getting the love of the object of one's affections is one goal.

Or the lovers may have the objective of getting together in spite of obstacles.

In a classic, one-Lead love story, the opposition can come from the other lover, who does not return the affections of the Lead. Many romantic comedies follow this pattern.

Or there can be a rival for the lover's affections, and this is the main obstacle for the Lead.

Finally, if the lovers want to be together, the opposition can come from another source: the families, as in
Romeo and Juliet
, for example.

Love stories can end happily, sadly, or tragically.

Obviously, if the lovers end up together, they're happy.

If one of the lovers ends up dead, it's sad.

If both lovers end up dead, then you've got a tragedy on your hands, like
Romeo and Juliet

Rudiments of Love
  • Two people have to be in love.
  • Something has to separate them.
  • They either get back together or tragically do not.
  • One or both of the lovers grows as a result of the pattern.
Structure of Love

There are numerous variables here, depending on the type of love story. In Act I, for example, the lovers might meet for the first time, and one falls in love with the other. Act II becomes the struggle to gain the love of the other person.

Or perhaps the lovers fall in love with each other in Act I, and Act II introduces something that threatens to keep them apart, as in
Romeo and Juliet
. The lovers struggle to get together as forces oppose them.

Another popular variant on love, of course, is when the destined lovers hate each other when they first meet, as in the film
The African Queen
. The challenges they face
draw them toward each other over the course of the story.

In a straight love story, the old formula often is best: boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl.

In other words, the lovers get together, but then something happens to put them in opposition.

This pattern also works well as a subplot.

The classic Frank Capra film,
It Happened One Night
, is worthy of study as a perfectly structured love story. Clark Gable plays a cynical reporter, and Claudette Colbert is a runaway heiress. He meets her on a bus and they take an instant dislike to each other. But Gable strikes a deal. He won't reveal her whereabouts if she will give him exclusive rights to her story.

That gives them each an incentive to stay together. And gradually they come to love each other.

But then a huge misunderstanding takes place. Colbert mistakenly believes Gable has run out on her. She thinks he only wanted the story after all. So she returns to the fiancé she does not love. Gable thinks Colbert has run out on

This is the circumstance that has them opposed to each other near the end. In the nick of time, the misunderstanding is cleared up and the lovers are reunited.

Love stories are resonant in two ways. If they end happily, it gives us hope. Maybe we can find love in this world, too.

If they end tragically, we have a bittersweet reminder that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


Adventure stories are among the oldest in literature. They originally created a vicarious thrill for the audience, who were usually stuck in one physical location for life.

These stories were also used to inspire and encourage acts of discovery for the benefit of the community.

Are we any less needful of adventure stories today? While we can travel anywhere now, most of us are in predictable life patterns. That's not necessarily a bad thing; predictability and certainty help us feel secure. But every now and then, we wonder what if we just chucked it all and went looking for adventure?

In the late '60s there was a TV show called
Then Came Bronson
, starring Michael Parks. Bronson was a guy who chucked the rat race, got a motorcycle, and just hit the road.

The credits started with Bronson pulling up next to a guy in traffic. The guy looks beat and frustrated. He asks Bronson where he's going. Bronson shrugs and says, “Wherever I end up, I guess.”

The guy gives a rueful smile and says,“Man, I wish I was you.”

Then Bronson went on his adventure of the week.

To write an adventure story, make the readers wish they were your Lead.

Rudiments of Adventure
  • The Lead sets out on a journey. Rather than a quest for some object, this is a desire for adventure alone — to experience what's “out there.”
  • There are various encounters along the way with interesting characters and circumstances.
  • The Lead usually has some insight into himself or his life after the adventure.
Structure of Adventure

To go on an adventure, you have to
. In Act I, therefore, the Lead is introduced just before he goes in search of adventure, thus showing briefly the life he's going to leave behind. There may be various forms of dissatisfaction that the Lead has with his current environment. This may arise out of a real challenge to the Lead's well-being, as in
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
, or a perceived need to get out into the world and do something, as in
Don Quixote

Let's consider
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
for a moment. Despite Mr. Twain's warning in the foreword that anyone attempting to find a plot in the book will be shot, his title exposes him. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn are the plot.

Huck begins his tale living with the widow Douglas. Then his Pap shows up and takes Huck to his cabin. Eventually, Huck fakes his death and gets to Jackson's Island, where he meets up with the escaped slave, Jim.

The river portion of the adventure begins, with Jim and Huck floating on a raft down the Mississippi. Then they're separated. Another adventure involves Huck with the Grangerford family, a reuniting with Jim, more raft time, meeting the Duke and the King, and so on.

What makes the adventure story work here is Huck's unique voice and the colorful characters he interacts with. In such a plot, the adventures must each stand on their own as mini-plots.

The challenge of the adventure plot is in keeping it from becoming purely episodic. That is, you shouldn't have the Lead just jump from one episode to another and come out the same at the end.

Character change, or at least reflection, is therefore crucial. As in the quest, the adventurer should come to a new understanding of life, himself, or both.


Most of us have had dreams of being chased. We are trying to get away from some dark figure, but the more we try, the slower we go. It seems as if we're going to be nabbed for sure.

But then we wake up! And what a relief it is! The threat is over. We have escaped.

The same feeling drives the chase pattern. There is threat, chase, and ultimately relief. If we sympathize with the person being chased, the relief is based on our own feelings of knowing the right person escaped.

If we are on the side of the person chasing, however, our relief is based on a sense of justice that the right person has been caught.

Rudiments of the Chase
  • Somebody has to be on the run for a strong reason.
  • The chaser, who can be the Lead or the opposition, must have a duty or obsession (or both) with catching the person he's chasing.
  • Often the chase is based on a huge misunderstanding.
Structure of the Chase

Act I usually establishes sympathy for the Lead, who is forced to run because of some terrible mistake (as in the movie
The Fugitive
); because he's getting out of a bad situation (like a prison); or simply because he's done something wrong for a good reason (
Les Misérables

If the Lead is running, he should be flawed so as not to stack the sympathy deck too high. The chase often brings about a change in the Lead, who learns many things about himself.

Sometimes the Lead is the chaser, as Sheriff Brody is in

Usually the chase must come to an end, and we find out who wins. But an ambiguous ending can have a haunting effect. At the end of the classic Warner Bros. movie
I am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang
, we have Paul Muni fading into the shadows, after being asked how he can continue to survive. “I steal,” he says, as he disappears.


Rudyard Kipling extolled several virtues in his famous poem “If.” One being, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, and blaming it on you …”

There are times we must stand up for what we believe, even if most people are against us. This takes a lot of inner strength, more than in most other plot patterns. We value reputation. The one-against story is powerful because the Lead carries off that moral duty, and we admire him for it.

Rudiments of One Against
  • The Lead embodies the moral code of the community.
  • There is a threat to the community from the opposition, who is much stronger than the Lead.
  • The Lead wins by inspiring the rest of the community.
  • The Lead's inspiration may come through self-sacrifice.
Structure of One Against

In Act I, the Lead is presented as someone in the hero mold. He is looked up to by those in his ordinary world. The doorway to Act II comes when the Lead's world is threatened by the opposition, or when the opposition and Lead declare they are going to fight it out.

In Ken Kesey's
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
, Act I introduces Randle Patrick McMurphy, who has arranged to have himself admitted to the psychiatric ward. The ward is dominated by Nurse Ratched. McMurphy wants the men in the ward to get out from under her domination, but they are all afraid of her.

The first doorway occurs when McMurphy gets the men to pretend to watch the World Series on television. Ratched has denied the actual pleasure to the men, so McMurphy uses the power of imagination to get the men excited and involved. The big nurse and McMurphy are now in a war over the men. That's what occupies Act II.

Act III is the resolution, where the hero's example to the community inspires a rising up against the opposition, and its ultimate defeat.

Sometimes this is done through self-sacrifice. In
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
, it is McMurphy's attack on Ratched that inspires most of the voluntary inmates to leave. And it is his lobotomy that gets to the Chief. Out of mercy, he smothers McMurphy, and then throws a control panel through a window and escapes into life.

The Western film
High Noon
, scripted by Carl Foreman and directed by Fred Zinneman, is a classic one-against plot. Will Kane is the hero of the town, and he's just retired and gotten married. But as the wedding ends he learns that the killer he put away, Frank Miller, has been pardoned by the governor and is on his way to town on the noon train. He has vowed to kill Kane and has three other gunslingers waiting to help him do it.

Kane is urged to flee with his new bride, but just outside of town he decides he can't run. He turns back. He still feels it is his duty to protect the community. Besides, he'll get enough men to join him as a posse, and it will be easy.

Act II, however, proves to be a confrontation
with the killers, but with the town itself. Kane is unable to get anyone to join him. In a twist on one against, it is the community that becomes the opposition. They want Kane to leave because any gunplay will hurt them with the state government, and so on. Everyone has an excuse not to help.

In Act III, there is the conflict with the killers that must be resolved. Kane, with the surprising help of his wife, manages to kill all the bad guys.

But what of his relationship to the community? In this case, the hero turns away. Kane drops his badge in the dirt and, without a word, rides away for good with his wife by his side.

Another great one-against movie is
Twelve Angry Men
, directed by Sidney Lumet and written by Reginald Rose. Henry Fonda plays the one juror who is holding out for a not guilty verdict in a murder trial. He is one against the other eleven.

Therein lies the conflict. I recommend the movie for its sense of pace and tension. It will show you that you don't need a lot of physical action in your plot to create a gripping read. All it takes is characters (in this case twelve of them) who are passionately committed to their beliefs.


In contrast to one against, the one-apart Lead does not seek confrontation. He is not standing up for any great principle. He is the anti-hero, who merely wants to be left alone. But events keep going against him and force his hand.

Rudiments of One Apart
  • The Lead is an
    , one who does not wish to be associated with a larger community but rather lives according to a personal moral code.
  • Something happens to draw the Lead into a larger conflict.
  • The Lead must decide whether to take a stand or not.
  • The Lead either retreats to his own, self-enclosed world again; or he decides to join the community.

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