Read Wrecked (Sons of San Clemente Book 2) Online

Authors: Sinclair Jayne

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

Wrecked (Sons of San Clemente Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Wrecked (Sons of San Clemente Book 2)
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Kadan followed her inside, crowding her. She turned to face him, trying to read him. He walked her backwards across the main room.

“What?” She smiled, finding the heat in his eyes kept the fire burning deep in her core.

“Let’s take a shower.”


Even using the crutches, she felt like he stalked her back across the room, into the bedroom, and then the bathroom. With a swish of his finger he indicated for her to drop the beach cover up. She did. His eyes darkened in desire.

“I’ve always loved the color of your hair.” He breathed, reaching out to softly stroke the curls nestled between her thighs.

She shivered in pleasure.

“You haven’t changed.” He breathed against her lips as he continued to stroke her.

She felt like everything about her had changed, none of it good, but a small bubble of happiness begin to rise inside of her, expand.

“I’m so glad.” His mouth trailed down, nuzzling her neck, grazing the tips of her breasts, until she was holding on to him, afraid she would fall as his fingers stroking her picked up a faster and more intense rhythm.

“Are you ready for me?”

“Yes.” She strangled on the word. “Always.”

He reached behind her and turned on the water. He pulled his hand away from his sensual exploration and Hollis had to stifle a sob of protest. He’d had her on the brink of orgasm again that quickly. The way this one man could control her body was thrilling and frightening, but his complete dominance over her emotions was where his true power lay.

He slid off his board shorts and sat on the chair in the shower. Hollis couldn’t stop staring at his erection. She’d forgotten how big he was, how beautiful. She still thought about him so many times, remembered how she sometimes would orgasm the minute he thrust inside of her because he would spend so much time playing with her body, winding her up, but she’d forgotten just how magnificent his body was. How beautiful and powerful his cock was.

He fisted his hand around himself and grinned at her. She felt the jolt of that sexy smile all the way to her toes.

“Hollis, the gaping is great for my ego, but get your ass over here. Grab a condom from my kit.” He jerked his head toward his shaving kit on the counter.

Hollis fumbled with the square wrapper, fingers clumsy. Her body was so charged up. He casually stroked himself.

“Grab a couple.”

“Somebody’s confident.” She entered the shower, tearing the package with her teeth.

He laughed. “Somebody also remembers how insatiable somebody else is.”

Her eyes caught his. Was that how he remembered her? She flushed as pleasure ran through her blood all the way to her bones.

“Put it on with your mouth. I loved that.”

, her mind echoed.

She loved him. She always had. Time had passed but not really. Hollis knelt, transfixed by his masculine beauty, her body completely caught up in desire. She felt almost as if she were having a religious experience. Kneeling. Worshipping. Her hands cupped his balls, loving the feel, the tightness.

She looked up at him as her hands explored. The water hit his shoulders and ran down in rivers over his shoulders, over his carved muscles, life story told in the tattoo sleeves on his arms. His eyes were hooded, his expression stamped with a sensuous cast. She took him in her mouth savoring his feel, his taste, his texture, his hiss of pleasure.

“Hollis.” He ground out as she moved her mouth up and down him like she wanted him to move inside her body. “Yes! God, yes.”

He thrust against her. Then he caught her head.

“I want to be inside you.”

“You are,” she said, smiling.

“You know what I mean.” His fingers were hard on her arm.

She slowly rolled the condom on with her mouth, lapping circles around him with her tongue. He cursed. She pinned his hands when he tried to speed her up.

“Stop joking around.” He growled.

Hollis laughed against him. Slowed even more, kissing, licking, and stroking her way up his straining shaft.

She loved his strength. Loved how he would start so playful and then become so intense once they’d reached a certain point—driven, demanding.

“You’re so beautiful, Kadan.” She stood up, her hand trailing up his body.

He was hers to touch again. To please. At least for tonight. She felt like she could breathe again. Focus. Each moment of tonight—touching, kissing—was so sharply clarified where as the last years apart were a shadowed blur.

He gripped her hips and had her straddle him. She tangled her fingers in his hair. His hands ran along her thighs.

“I love that you’re a runner,” he said. “Your muscles are always so defined. You’re going to need them tonight.”

Hollis sank down at the same time he thrust up. She gasped and tensed as he filled her. Stretched her. It had been so long. She held him tightly, fighting back tears. It hurt, physically and emotionally. She felt torn apart but also the pleasure was so intense, and she felt so happy to be cradling him with her body that she didn’t know how to react, how to hold it all in. Kadan thrust into her again, using his arms to move her body before she managed to coordinate herself and use her legs to increase the friction.

“You are so tight.” He held her down, his voice barely understandable. “Are you okay?”

She thought she nodded.

“It’s like our first time,” he whispered. “Remember?”

Hollis couldn’t answer, couldn’t think as she blindly bucked against him, feeling the pressure shoot up through her body and explode in larger and larger ripples that swamped her in seconds.

Dimly, she could hear herself crying out and she clutched at him, digging in nails as she convulsed against him. Her legs lost all coordination, but she tried to keep up as he continued to thrust, which brought more and more pleasure pounding over and through her as if she were caught up in a series of the Pacific’s waves where she could never quite get her feet under her, but she didn’t care.

Another orgasm rolled over her.

“You are so amazing.” He breathed against her mouth. “Lean back.”

She did and the change in the angles of his thrusts deepened her pleasure, making her feel like she was flying apart again. She reached over her head in a backbend so she could push off the floor so that she could add to the pressure of Kadan’s thrusts.

He swore and she arched more deeply into her backbend, feeling him pound into her over and over, and she never wanted it to stop. Never. Ever. Her thighs gripped his hips harder. She felt him shudder against her and she cried out in happiness, but also protest, not wanting the sensations or the intimacy to end.

She pulled herself up using her core muscles from thousands of pilates and yoga classes and collapsed against him, loving the feeling of his hard chest, sleek and hot from the water still cascading down his body.

Dimly, she reminded herself about the drought and she should turn off the water; that her grandmother would be charged extra for over water usage, but she couldn’t let go of him.

His arms wrapped around her and Hollis warmed even more, remembering how he had always held her after they made love, always pulled her close and continued to touch and kiss her, where as many of her friends complained their boyfriends would fall asleep soon after sex or get up and turn on the TV or do something else within minutes of orgasming.

“Okay?” he murmured against her mouth.

“More than okay.” She stroked along his dark eyebrows with her thumbs.

“I didn’t hurt you?”

She sighed and slid her hands down to his shoulders. “No. I feel awesome.”

He laughed. “That was an amazing move at the end, but a little unfair.”

“How so?”

“I was hanging on, had a lot of power left, but you did that circus move, and I was gone. Crazy gone and couldn’t be in you fast or deep enough.”

She laughed. Pleased. She loved him like this. Would do anything if it could be like this more. That he’d feel totally hers. She felt a prick in her heart, but pushed the pain and doubt away.

“Yoga,” she said, playing with his hair. His hair was so sexy. When he used to lean over her in bed and his hair would brush her face or her breasts, she would get so wet so instantly. “You should try a class when you’re better.”

He laughed and held her tightly against him. “Never. I would get arrested,” he said. “You’d do one move, one downward dog or whatever it’s called, and I’d be on you in a second.”

“Mmmmmmm.” She sighed against his chest. She could still feel him inside of her. Still feel the shudders gripping him. “That’s a lovely image.”

“Me taking you from behind in public or me being in jail.”

“Very funny. The first. But not in public.”

“Not like that stopped you before.”

“That was you,” she said, the memory of him pressing her against the outside wall of Preacher’s late one night near closing when she’d come home from medical school and had wanted to surprise him.

“Your fault.” He even managed to sound virtuous. “I’d been trying to get you out of there for half an hour, but no, you had to dance, so not my bad. I’m very visual.”

“That’s not all you are.” She teased back, tensing her muscles in her vagina.

He responded immediately, hissing in a breath.

“God, Hollis.” He breathed, and she felt the change in him immediately.

He leaned his head against hers. Drew in a shaky breath and shook his head. His withdrawal was tangible, but she didn’t know what she’d done or said that was wrong. Kadan reached behind him and turned off the water.

“Okay,” was all he said.

But Hollis felt the distance like a knife.

t’s green.” He eyed the drink suspiciously.

“Would you have preferred princess pink?” Hollis walked across the room, wearing nothing but one of his T-shirts and she held out the vivid green smoothie. “It’s really good for you. Powerful antioxidants. Lots of vitamins. It will help your immune system and cellular regeneration.”

“You sound like a sci-fi show,” he said, but he’d stopped looking at the drink and instead was completely focused on her bare, slender thighs as she walked toward him.

He remembered how they’d felt in his hands when she’d straddled him. He could already feel himself coming back to life, no bright, green drink necessary.

“What?” She stood next to the bed, one eyebrow raised, teasing him. “You only drink strawberry and banana smoothies?”

He reached out and stroked the back of her leg, watching her amazing amber eyes turn even more golden.

“If I drink this, what will you do for me?”

“What would you like?” she asked, her voice breaking.

He slid his fingers between her legs and teased her soft curls, reveling in the moist heat and how responsive she was. She shifted, giving him better access. He felt a little rush of liquid coat his fingers. To hell with the smoothie, he was thirsty for something else. His hand cupped her ass and urged her closer.

“Mmmmmmmmm.” He breathed against her core. “I want to be inside you again. Get me hard.” Although he was more than half way there.


He took the glass from her, his body tense with anticipation as she sank down on the foot of the bed, her full, dark pink lips poised over his cock.

“You have to drink,” she said softly, her breath tickled him so his erection strained and jumped.

“I will if you will.” He tried to push himself in her mouth.

She licked around the head, smiled at him. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

She was going to kill him. Kill him. Barely aware of the drink, he tipped it between his lips just as she slid all of him into her hot mouth. Kadan groaned and helplessly began to thrust against her tight mouth.

“Drink,” she said and paused expectantly.

He took another sip, watching her as she worked him. He’d forgotten how intensely concentrated she was during sex, how much she always seemed to enjoy pleasuring him like this. No lights off or cursory duty sucking for Hollis. She’d always been all in, focused, experimenting, watching his reactions.

He felt his body infuse with heat even as chills ran up and down his spine as she hit a particularly sensitive spot.

“Yes.” He ground out, trying to...

She gripped his hips. “My turn,” she said sternly. “And finish the drink or else.”

He drank it down.

Hollis smiled. “Thank you,” she said, her smile sensuous, her attention already refocused.

Her hands cupped his balls as she began a light massage in rhythm with her mouth. He felt boneless but keyed up at the same time. Awash in sensual pleasure, but he wanted to hold her. Feel her body move against his, not just her mouth. He craved more of her. More.

“I want you to...” He bit out, wanting her on top of him so he could kiss her while she rode him. He needed that connection after so long.

“My turn.” She looked up at him, her eyes glinting with sensual power, and if it were possible he hardened even more.

Hollis had always held such sexual power over him. Obsessive maybe. He closed his eyes, not wanting her to be able to read his expression, to know that for him, the desire, the longing was starting all over again, and while he wanted her body more than his next breath, he wanted a lot more than just that with her. He always had, but still had no idea how to get it. She’d always been out of reach.

BOOK: Wrecked (Sons of San Clemente Book 2)
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