Read Wrecked Online

Authors: Shiloh Walker

Wrecked (13 page)

BOOK: Wrecked
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Brushing his lips against the curve of her cheek, he whispered her name.

Blindly, she turned her face toward his, seeking him and he met her, kiss for burning kiss as flesh slicked over flesh and their rhythm turned frantic.

Against his chest, he felt the soft pressure of her breasts, the fiery little points of her nipples. Her hands clutched at his shoulders and she rocked to meet each thrust.

“So fucking beautiful,” he muttered against her lips. “So beautiful, Abs.”

The tension in her body ramped up. Too much . . . too much . . . as he surged back inside her, it was like sinking his cock into a fist of silk—impossible and every bit as sweet. Then she cried out, a look of sheer bliss washing over her face.

As she started to come, he surged against her, harder, faster, forgetting about finesse, grace . . . forgetting everything but the fact that this was Abby.

The one woman he’d always wanted.

The one woman he’d thought he’d never have.

Chapter Ten


Abigale wanted to keep her face buried in the pillows, dead to the world.

But Zach apparently had other ideas. “Come on, beautiful. It’s not even ten. You’re not going to bed yet.”

As he swept her up in his arms, she poked a finger into his ribs. “Why the hell not?” She turned her face into his neck and sighed.

“Because I plan on putting you into a hot tub, scrubbing you clean, and then fucking you all over again.”

sounded enticing. Abby opened one eye and peered up at him. From somewhere through the door off the right, she could hear water running. “Are you getting in the tub, too?”


She debated for a few seconds, but as tired as she was, she really couldn’t see any downfalls to this idea. Other than being tired, but she could always sleep, she figured. “Okay.”

* * *

The bath was amazing and she had to admit, she
felt all nice and loose as he helped her out nearly a half an hour later. And if it wasn’t for the burn of lust in her belly . . .
Stop it
, she admonished herself. Reaching for a towel, she tried to remind herself that she’d just had sex. Just had him.

He caught the towel from her. “Let me,” he murmured.

She stood quiescent as Zach stroked the towel over her, drying her hair, her body. In front of the mirror, she could see him behind her and she decided then and there that it was painfully erotic to watch a man do this.

Her breath hitched a little as he passed the towel over her breasts once more and then paused to drape it around her.

“I want to check your tattoo,” he murmured against her ear.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, but he was already looking down at her hip. She moved forward a step and braced one hand on the edge of the sink, turning her head to see it better.

All she could see was a glimpse of black ink and skin. It wasn’t as swollen as it had been so that was good, she figured.

“How does it look?” she asked as he trailed his fingers along the slope of her hip.

“It looks good.” His fingers flexed and he stroked another hand down over her hip. Before he could let go, though, she reached back and caught his wrist.

“The night you gave me this, I saw you looking at me,” she whispered. “We . . .” She stopped and cleared her throat. “Were you thinking . . .”

He slid a hand up and tangled a fist in her hair, holding her steady as he moved in. One leg came between hers, nudging them farther apart. “I saw you looking at me, too.” He dipped his head and pressed his lips to her shoulder as he cuddled his cock against her rump. “Yes . . . I was thinking about this. I can’t look at you without wanting you, Abby. I’ve wanted you for too long.”

The words slid over her like a caress and she wondered just how that was possible. Why hadn’t she seen it? And then she couldn’t think about anything except how much she wanted him. How much she needed him. One hand trailed up her back, then back down and she whimpered as he butted his hips against her once more. Whimpering low in her throat, she lifted her eyes and stared at him in the mirror.

Dark brown hair fell in his face, half shielding his gaze from her, but she saw the blue of his eyes glittering at her.

“Stay there.”

He moved away from her and without his hands on her hips to steady her, without his strength there, she had a hard time staying upright. Locking her knees, she lowered her head and sucked in a desperate breath of air. Blood roared in her ears and her heart thudded so hard, it was a miracle it didn’t leap out of her chest.

Although he didn’t make a sound, she knew when he was back in the bathroom. Jerking her head up, she watched in the mirror as he came to stand behind her. She heard a foil packet rip and her knees started to go weak. Images of that day in his shop flashed through her mind and she sucked in another breath.

Moments later, she felt him nudging against her gate, hard and slick, separated by the thin shield of the latex condom he wore. She rather hated that barrier, needed to feel him, just him. But then he was pressing inside and she forgot about everything but the wonderful feel of him stretching her, and the gravelly sound of his groan as he buried himself inside her.

* * *

Hands spread low on her spine, Zach rocked against
her, alternating his view between staring where they joined and looking up to watch Abby’s face in the mirror.

The edge of hunger rode him hard, but it wasn’t so brutal this time, wasn’t so breath-stealing. He could take it just a little slower and he intended to draw it out, make it last as long as he could.

Although it already felt like a fist was gripping his balls, fire licking down his spine as she clenched tight around him and shuddered.

Her damp hair fell around her shoulders and back in crazy spirals and he reached up, catching a fistful of it as he moved closer. He drew her body upright, the depths of his thrusts slowing down so that he was barely rocking inside her now. And it was still incredible bliss.

Staring at her in the mirror, his arm banded around her waist, the colors of his tattooed arm vivid against her pale skin, he held her gaze in the mirror as he circled his hips against hers. “Look at us, Abby. See how we fit?”

She nodded slowly, reaching back up with her arm and twining it around his neck. It arched her breasts out and forced her hips down more firmly against him and a ragged, breathless snarl tore out of him as he continued to watch them.

Words rose inside his throat, words he had to fight back for now. Not yet. Not until he thought she might be ready. He couldn’t have her running. But it was a ragged refrain in his head.
I love you . . . always you.

“Zach . . .” Her voice, shaky and hoarse, danced through the air and the sweet glove of her sex tightened around him, the tension in her body ratcheting up until she was rocking back and forth against him almost frantically. He gritted his teeth and stroked his hand down her belly, sliding his fingers through the curls between her thighs.

The hard knot of her clit all but pulsed against his fingers and he pressed against her lightly, smiling as her cry bounced off the walls in the bathroom. “Fast?” He settled on the rhythm that had pushed her over the edge earlier. “Is that how you like it?”

But her eyes had already gone glassy and she didn’t even seem to hear him.

She moved faster, working herself up and down, the movements short and shallow, but it didn’t seem to matter.

He groaned as she started to come, vising down around him and coming with a cry that sounded like glory.

He wasn’t far behind.

* * *

There were some mornings that were just made
for lazing in bed, for that slow glide from sleep into wakefulness—and this was one of them. Stretching, Abigale rolled to her belly as her body tried to urge her brain back to sleep, back to dreams.

And wow. Had there been dreams.

Zach . . .


She turned her head and cracked one eye open.

The view of the mountains greeted her. Mountains weren’t an unfamiliar sight for her to wake up to, but these weren’t the mountains she was used to. Staggering, soaring peaks and evergreens, the sky so blue it hurt to look at it . . . all in all, completely beautiful. And nothing like the beauty of the desert back home.


Swallowing, she sat up and stared out the window.

She was in Flagstaff. With Zach.

Glancing down, she found herself staring at her naked body and then she groaned, covering her face with her hands. She was naked. In Flagstaff. With Zach.

And that meant last night had really happened.
. She’d slept with Zach. She’d . . . How did she describe last night? The word
seemed inadequate. She felt like he’d turned her inside out, shattered her, and then completely remade her.

Need to calm down
, she told herself. She needed to do it, and do it now before he walked in and saw her freaking out.

Slowly, she took a deep breath and when she did, she became aware of something . . . enticing. Bacon. Coffee. And despite the nerves twisting through her, a smile tugged up the corners of her lips. He was making her breakfast. She hoped there wasn’t a repeat of the last time.

Her belly rumbled demandingly and she got to her feet, looking around for something to put on. Her clothes had been in a tangled mess across the floor last night. She remembered leaving them that way on her way in here with Zach. Now they were tossed in a small wicker hamper over by the door. Shoving her hair back from her face, she moved over to the closet and tugged it open. Their bags were still sitting in there but at some point, Zach had unpacked a little. Industrious man. He had a sweatshirt hanging up and a few of her shirts. Her blouses were all short-sleeved and it was chilly in the cabin. She grabbed the sweatshirt.

Just as she pulled it on over her head, Zach appeared in the doorway with a tray. A wide grin flashed across his face as he said, “Oh, come on now . . . I made you breakfast in bed. The least you could do was stay naked for me.”

“Breakfast in bed?” She glanced down at her naked feet on the gleaming hardwood floors and then back up at him. “I’m not in bed now.”

“Smart-ass.” He came farther into the room and settled the tray on the smooth, wide surface of the bedside table before he came and caught her in his arms. His mouth covered hers even as she tried to turn her head.

“I need to brush my teeth,” she mumbled against his lips.

“And I need to kiss you.” Which he did . . . thoroughly. By the time he had lifted his head, she was panting for breath and her legs were about ready to fold underneath her.

She curled her hands into the faded material of his t-shirt and rested her brow against his chest. Zach slid his arms around her, his head pressed against the curve of her neck. She could feel the warmth of his breath drifting over her skin and he had one hand stroking absently up and down her spine, like he just had to be touching her. Stroking, kissing, something.

It was driving her out of her mind with want for him.

“You’re one hell of a wake-up call,” she said softly.

“If you ever want to keep me on service permanently, let me know,” he whispered. “I can tuck myself into your bed and I’ll give you a personalized wake-up call whenever you want.”

She shivered a little at the thought. Thinking about waking up to Zach was an oddly intriguing and terrifying thought.

“You ready for some coffee? Breakfast?” He kissed her neck once more and then lifted his head to look down at her, pushing her hair back from her face.

“In a minute.” She eased away from him. “Bathroom.”

She locked herself inside and even though it felt like her bladder was about to explode, even though she wanted to wash her face, brush her teeth, and just get out there and see him, she took a minute and leaned back against the door, eyes closed.


What in the hell . . .

She’d wanted a torrid affair. No denying that.

She’d wanted something memorable, she thought. That was what she’d told Marin.

I want somebody who’ll make my heart stop, and then make it race all over again. I want somebody who’ll make me remember every damn second we were together, and not just the moment we were in bed. I want something to remember . . .

There was no way she’d be forgetting
of this.

The only problem was that she was starting to wonder if any other guy would
live up to this. Her lips still buzzed, still burned from the heat of his kiss. Pressing the tips of her fingers to them, she realized she already knew the answer.

One week with Zach. That was all she’d had, really. One week. And they’d spent
night together and she already knew every guy after this was going to come up short.

Yet there was no way she could see herself regretting any of this.

Shoving away from the wall, she quickly used the restroom, washed her hands and face. Once she’d done that, she dug out her toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing her teeth. She lingered in front of the mirror, finger-combing her disheveled hair but there was only so much she could do without a shower.

And she wasn’t leaving Zach out there with her breakfast too much longer. He was one hell of a guy, but he’d drink all the coffee and eat most of the bacon.

As she opened the door, she saw him laying back on the table, munching his way through a thick-sliced, crispy piece and she narrowed her eyes at him. “There better still be some for me.”

He patted the bed next to him. “I made plenty.” Then he winked at her. “But if you want it, you have to come join me so I can feed you.”

She settled next to him, sitting up with her legs folded. Zach pushed up onto his elbow, his gaze zeroing down and locking on her lap. “That’s a picture,” he said gruffly. “Fuck breakfast . . . I think I want—”

As he went to sit up, she planted her hands into the middle of his chest and shoved him back. “
want breakfast.” She eyed the tray for a second and then looked at him. “Are you feeding me, like you said, or is your brain already in your pants?”

BOOK: Wrecked
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