Wrapped in You (29 page)

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Authors: Jules Bennett

BOOK: Wrapped in You
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“Did I drop it? Usually I'm good about knowing when something falls.”
“I think it was the one I used,” he said, removing his hand. “I've put it up on the table. All clear now.”
Cora slid her hand to Heidi's head and patted. “You can go ahead. I'll follow you out to the living room.”
He didn't move and Cora hated the thought of him studying her. She wasn't self-conscious about her blindness, but she didn't want to be analyzed either.
“You're staring,” she accused.
“I won't apologize.”
Cora ignored the punch of lust at his soft yet powerful voice. At least he'd listened to her and wasn't saying he was sorry. That was something.
“Do you live here alone?” he asked after a moment. “Not that it's my business. I'm just amazed, I guess.”
Amazed? That was a first for her. Her parents certainly hadn't been amazed at her decision to move away and be on her own. Her wannabe fiancé had been stunned speechless . . . so much so he didn't even ask her to stay, which was fine with her since she wouldn't have anyway.
There was just something about the way Braxton delivered such a simple sentence that warmed her. To know a total stranger didn't find her actions ridiculous—her mother's words—was refreshing. The need to be seen as an equal was overwhelming, and she hated that she allowed herself to feel this way. She knew in her heart she would be just fine, but a little encouragement along the way was something she wouldn't turn down.
“I live with Heidi,” Cora replied. “She's all I need.”
Again, silence settled heavily between them. Uneasiness slid through her. What was he thinking now? Was he staring at her, looking around the small room? Replaying that massage that her hands might never recover from?
“Was there something else?”
“We never did decide how you'd get to work.”
Cora shrugged. “Let me worry about that. If I want something, I don't let little things stop me, and I want this job. Are you sure you don't need to talk things over with your brothers?”
“Trust me on this.”
Cora thought of the dynamic family who always presented a strong front, but once rough times hit, they were nowhere to be found. Her parents were all about pretenses. Look good on the outside, no matter the turmoil inside. Ignore it and it will go away. “It” was an umbrella term for whatever her parents didn't want to face at that moment. With their money, they'd truly believed they could buy happiness. Unfortunately for their daughter with a health issue, they could toss out any dollar amount and nothing would change her condition.
They ignored the issue once they realized every specialist they'd called in had no cure. So they moved on with their lives, their parties, their business deals and jet-setting, leaving Cora to work everything out on her own. The loneliness had taught her so much. Hard life lessons had made for some deep scars.
Swallowing, she replied, “I don't trust anyone.”
Braxton let out an audible sigh. “We all have our own baggage,” he muttered, revealing a bit more about the intriguing man. “You'll see, my brothers won't disagree with Sophie's opinion or mine. Actually, Sophie pretty much rules our lives, and we're afraid of her, but don't tell her I said that.”
Cora breathed a slight sigh of relief and laughed. “Good to know. Let me walk you and Sophie out, and I'll be ready in the morning for that tour.”
ZEBRA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2016 by Jules Bennett
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ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-3908-2
ISBN-10: 1-4201-3908-8
ISBN: 978-1-4201-3908-2

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