Wrangled and Tangled (27 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

BOOK: Wrangled and Tangled
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“For a long time after you left I wasn’t interested in any relationship. If I wanted to get laid I did. I drove to Casper. Or Rawlins. Trolled in the bars of the rodeo towns if I was with Hank. Got off and got gone.”

Janie had a hard time believing that. “No woman around these parts piqued your interest? You didn’t look at someone like Harper and think, damn, she’d make a helluva ranch wife?”

Abe slid his leg between hers. “Single suited me fine until Hank and Lainie got married. I wasn’t unhappy, just floating along. Then I met Nancy.”

“What was the attraction? From the grumbling I’ve heard, she didn’t have a fantastic personality. She wasn’t rich. Her father didn’t own a liquor store. Did she have pistol grip ears?”

Abe snickered at their old “perfect woman” joke. “She was opinionated; she didn’t care if she pissed people off, including my family and friends. She preferred to do things her way. She complained. A lot.”

“Still not seeing her appeal, Abe.”

“You wouldn’t.”

Indignant, she said, “It’s not because I’m jealous.”

“Of course you’re not,” he said smoothly. “But Nancy’s appeal? She’d do anything in bed. And I mean anything.”

Janie froze.

“Shocked?” he murmured, sending gooseflesh cascading down her spine.

“Doesn’t seem like a trait that would matter to you.”

“But see, cupcake, that’s where you’re wrong. I had the normal marriage where the most exciting place we fucked was the laundry room. Where the sex between us wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t honest either. It was perfunctory. Occasionally great. But pretty straightforward. When I started racking up bedroom miles, I learned a whole slew of new tricks. And I figured out I like sex. A lot of sex. Add a little kink to it, put me in charge and I was a new man.”

A funny tickle started low in her belly.

“Women who prefer one-night stands are game to try anything. I’d likely never see them again, right? Made it easier to tell them to do things I’d never dream of askin’ my sweet wife to do.”

“I don’t recall you asking me to do much in the bedroom,” she retorted. “So how could I’ve known what you wanted?”

“You couldn’t have. I wasn’t honest with you, Janie, because at the time, I hadn’t accepted that side of myself. My first date with Nancy? Boring. I’d decided no second date, because she had some really fucking annoying qualities. But she showed up at the ranch the next day, in the middle of the afternoon. Freaked me out, especially when she claimed I was the type of man she’d been lookin’ for.”

“What kind of man was that?”

“Uninhibited. Forceful. To prove it she sucked me off in the goddamn barn. She got herself off in front of me with a vibrator she just happened to bring along.” His voice rumbled in her ear. “That’s a serious turn-on for me, watching a woman get herself off. After she finished I bent her over the bench and fucked her.”

Holy shit. What was she supposed to say?

“I couldn’t tell my friends Nancy was fulfilling my every raunchy fantasy. Except Ike had an idea after he joined us for a few threesomes.”

Janie blurted, “You had more than one?”

“Shocked yet?”

“Uh. Yeah.”

Abe brushed his warm, soft mouth over the same spot behind her ear. The goose bumps would appear, then recede and appear again with every unerring sweep of his lips.

“Ever been in a threesome?”


“Oh, sweet Janie. It’s a thing of beauty watching a woman give herself over to the whims of two men. Imagine one man sucking on your nipples while the other man sucks between your legs? Jacking off two guys and watching their come splat all over your body? Sucking one dick while the other dick is rammed up your pussy? Blowing one guy while the other guy’s cock is reaming your ass?” His voice dropped an octave. “Tell me . . . have you ever been to that line between pleasure and pain? Where one little nudge either way... and you explode?”

The way he’d described it? Janie was jealous of Nancy—because she’d elicited such a strong response from Abe. Like most women, Janie had wondered how it’d feel to have two sets of hands touching her skin, two hungry male mouths on her body. But it’d always remained in the realm of fantasy. “Was this a regular thing with you, Nancy and Ike?”

“Happened a couple of times. Nancy was really into it. Ike was into it. About that time, you blew back into town.”

“And threw a wrench into everything. What would’ve happened if I hadn’t taken the temporary job at the Split Rock and disrupted your life? Would you be twirling Nancy on a pleasure swing in here while you flog her ass and confess your love?”

His voice was fierce. “I didn’t love her. I had no intention of loving her. But I’d reached the point in my life where hot sex was enough. It was more important than love.”

He hadn’t denied wanting kinky stuff on a permanent basis, just denied the emotional attachment to it. Had she done this to him when she’d left him? Rendered him incapable of loving?

“Surprised?” he murmured in a silken drawl.

Janie snapped, “No,” a little too quickly.

“Or are you surprised that I admitted it?”

“I’m surprised you’re bragging about it.”

Abe didn’t give her the angry, defensive response she expected. Instead, he laughed. “I ain’t one to brag, but I’ve never had any complaints about my demands or my performance in bed.”

Luckily she didn’t have to look him in the eyes when she asked the next question. “Did you reveal this side of yourself because you think I’m incapable of letting loose? Is this a warning that sex has been boring? I’m somehow holding you back from being Abe, master of kink?”

Abe rolled her over to face him. “No. It’s been great.”

Janie let her fingers trace the shape of his mouth. “Not exactly a ringing endorsement.”

He didn’t deny it.

She knew what she had to do. What she’d wanted to do since the moment he’d taken her on the kitchen counter. “Will you show me what you want me to be in bed?”

“Teasing me isn’t smart.”

“I’m not teasing. I’m serious.”

His eyes glittered with a look she’d never seen before. A look that made her nervous. And very very hot. “Prove it.”

“How?” As if she didn’t know.

“By doin’ anything I tell you to do. Without question.”

Could she?


“I’ll do it. But no pain.”

“You don’t get to decide that. I’d never beat on you or make you bleed, but if you haven’t experienced the bite of pain that comes from pleasure games, how can you know whether or not you’ll like them?”

“You’ll stop if I tell you to?”

Abe stared at her steadily. “You either trust me, or you don’t. Choose.”

Wow. He wasn’t giving an inch.

That was really forceful. Fierce. Sexy.

She said, “Okay,” so quietly she wondered if he’d heard her.

But he did. Abe didn’t pounce, but gave her a very thorough kiss before he moved to rummage in his dresser.

Would he come back with a paddle? Or something kinky she’d never seen before? She’d browsed in sex toy stores, but she’d mostly stayed in the vibrator section.

When Abe turned around, she couldn’t tell what was in his hands. He sat on the edge of the bed. “Stand.” As soon as she was in front of him, he said, “Close your eyes and keep them closed until I say otherwise.”

His mouth latched on to her right nipple and he suckled strongly. Used his teeth to tug the tip into a rigid point. She loved the way he just knew how far he could push her. One last hard suck and she felt a sharp pinch. Then he focused that same precise attention on her other nipple, and again she experienced a pinching sensation.

Abe kissed the top of each breast and murmured, “You can open your eyes.”

Janie glanced down and saw a small rubber tube attached to each of her nipples. He pinched the ends. She gasped at the sensation—like two mouths.

“I knew these’d be perfect for you.” He pinched them again. “And no, I never used these on anyone else. I got these specifically for you in the hopes . . .”

“That I’d come around?”

“Oh, make no mistake, darlin’, I would’ve
you around.”


“This is a part of who I am. You understand that, right?”

Maybe not completely, but if she wanted to be with him, she’d have to accept it. “Right. Where’d you get these? Because I’m pretty sure the C-Mart doesn’t carry them.”

He grinned. “Gotta love online shopping.”

“What else did you order to get the free shipping?”

“You’ll have to wait and see, won’t you.” Abe kissed every inch of her breasts, but avoided the nipple area. By the time he said, “On the bed on all fours,” the inside of her thighs were completely soaked.

She expected he’d stretch his big, hot body over hers and fuck her from behind. But he slid beneath her until his cock was in her face. “Suck me, Janie, while I suck on you.”

The first hot swipe of his tongue on her slit made her gasp. When she didn’t move because she was lost in the thrill of Abe’s mouth exploring the folds of her sex, he whacked her on the ass.

Janie took the tip of his cock between her lips. No deep throating in this position. Sixty-nine hadn’t ever been her favorite. Too hard to concentrate on blowing his mind when he was blowing hers. Even another sharp whack on her ass didn’t help her focus. Especially not when Abe’s fingers spread her pussy wide, exposing every wet inch to his sucking mouth and eager tongue. Then that wicked tongue snuck back and painted wet swirls around her anus before plunging deep into her channel again. She let Abe’s cock slip out of her mouth completely and moaned from the bottom of her lungs.

He stopped playing tease and retreat with her back door and focused all attention on her clit. His tongue rapidly flicked the little nub while his mouth sucked the flesh around it. He kept at it until that moment when the muscles spasmed and she ground her pussy into his face. “Oh, God, yes,” as she spiraled into that black hole of pleasure.

When the blood stopped roaring in her ears, she sighed. “Sorry. I’m better at giving blow jobs when I’m not distracted by a tongue on my clit.”

He chuckled.

Janie kissed the tip of his cock. “Your turn.”

“Nope. Now I’ve got something else in mind.” He rolled from beneath her and brought them on their knees, back to front on the middle of the bed.

She closed her eyes as he ran those wonderfully callused hands all over her skin. Knowing all the right spots. Hitting them repeatedly. Until she seemed to float outside her own body.

“I love that purring sound you make whenever I touch you like this. It’s always driven me crazy.” Abe played with her nipples and nuzzled her in the maddeningly erotic manner that turned her brain to mush. “Know one thing I never asked you to try when we were married?”

“Sounds like there were lots of things you never asked me to try with you.”

He nipped her shoulder. “Part your knees.” A slick digit probed her anus. She relaxed the muscle, allowing his finger to breach the opening. “You’re not a virgin to anal sex?”

She shook her head. “I was curious so I’ve tried it.”

“Me too. I like it. A lot. And I don’t exactly like it slow and sweet.” He licked the shell of her ear. “Grab the headboard.”

She angled forward, keeping her stance wide, excited, nervous, half afraid she wasn’t ready for this even as her body trembled and she craved it.

After he broke out the lube, he teased her back entrance until he deemed her ready. His hands roughly pulled apart her butt cheeks. The slick cockhead pushed against the pucker, then through the resistance.

She sucked in a sharp breath at the sting. She might not be a stranger to anal intercourse, but she’d never had a cock as big as Abe’s filling her ass.

“That’s it. Relax. Let me in.” He nuzzled the back of her head. “So good, Janie. Just a little more. I’m dying for you to take me. All of me.”

He stopped. Waited for her body to adjust.

Her position stabilized them, which freed Abe’s hands. He tugged on the nipple stimulators while gently biting the sweep of her shoulder. Whispering how much he loved to feel her shuddering and moaning from his touch.

This verbal side of Abe was new. She liked it. Liked knowing how she affected him. Liked knowing she could tell him exactly what she wanted him to do to her. Even when he already seemed to know.

The man had monumental control. Each flex of his hips sent his cock deep into her bowels, but he kept the pace slow and steady. Never losing his restraint in the retreat as his cock rasped against her tight anal walls. Although she could feel his body shaking and the sweat covering his chest. While she existed in his pleasure and he in his power.

Abe stroked her clit until it swelled. Then he changed tactics and tapped the pillow of nerves. Tapped it to the precise throbbing of the blood in her swollen anal tissues. Tapped it as her entire body twitched, teetering on the brink of the unknown. Tapped it until that rhythm overtook all conscious thought processes.

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