Worth the Risk (17 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth the Risk
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Her mind raced. How did he know? Who could’ve told him? She’d not uttered a word to anyone, not even Becky. Unless it was Hunter who told him what happened…

She frowned. The two men were friends. Marcus had worked at Worth for years. But Hunter couldn’t be so callous, so careless as to tell Marcus about their time together, would he?

“So do you put out for just the boss? Or do you spread the joy around?”

Irritation filled her, and she wrapped her fingers around the cool glass of her cocktail. “You need to watch what you say.”

“We’re not at work.” He shrugged. “What are you going to do, report me?”

That was it. Moving quickly, she tossed the contents of her drink in Marcus’s face. Shocked gasps filled the room and everyone went still, seeming to wait for Marcus’s reaction.

She set the glass on the counter with a loud thunk and slipped off the barstool. “Don’t ever talk to me like that again.” She thrust a finger at him.

He glared, the liquid dripping off his face, marring the fancy suit and tie he still wore. “You’re lucky you’re a woman or I’d—”

“Or you’d what?”

She knew the steely voice that sounded behind her. Turning, she found Hunter standing there, a fierce expression on his face, his stance one of a warrior from long ago. Legs spread, hands clutched into fists at his sides, his narrowed gaze locked on Marcus. He appeared quietly furious. “Tell us, Marcus,” he urged when Marcus remained silent. “What would you do to Gracie if she wasn’t a woman?”

Glaring at his boss, Marcus wiped his face off with a single napkin that he grabbed off the counter, then stalked out of the bar without another word. No one followed him. No one seemed to so much as breathe a single word until the door slammed behind Marcus with a loud bang that echoed through the room.

She stared at her knight in shining armor, her heart racing a million miles a minute. How quickly he’d defended her, how angry he still looked. He’d appeared ready to tear Marcus apart, and that rage still rolled through him. She could see it in the tight clench of his jaw, the tension that radiated from him in palpable waves.

The low murmurs of conversation resumed once more, and one of the bartenders had turned up the volume on the set of big-screen TVs that banked the walls, as if trying to drown out the uncomfortable tension. Someone jostled into her, pushing her closer to Hunter, and he reached out, grabbing her arm to steady her.

Just like that, a bolt of sensation swept through her at his touch, heat lingering in all the important parts and making her burn. Her body’s instant reaction to him was so hard to ignore.

But then she remembered what Marcus had said. Anger suffused her, and she jerked out of Hunter’s hold, turning toward the front doors so she could escape.

“Not so fast.” Hunter reached her within seconds, his fingers curling around her upper arm and stopping her in her tracks. “Why in the hell are you always running away from me?”

She glared at him and tried to jerk her arm out of his grip. “You give me plenty of good reasons to want to escape from you.”

He winced, as if those words hurt, and she refused to feel sorry for him. He was the one who must’ve been spreading rumors about her. Rumors that could potentially damage her career and future at Worth. “Let me go,” she demanded, which only seemed to make him squeeze her arm harder.

“We need to talk,” he said, steering her toward one of the private rooms that were in the back of the pub.

“I have nothing to say to you.” Well, she had a few choice words, but she thought it best to remain mum for fear of making her boss angry. The last thing she wanted was her promotion revoked for insubordinate behavior.

“I have plenty to say to you, so I guess you can sit and listen.”

Like hell. The moment he let her go, she was out of there. She was so furious she could spit nails. Despite his rescuing her from the horrible Marcus, it didn’t make up for what he’d said about her.

And it hurt too much to admit just how she felt.

He shoved her into a small, dark room, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click that sent a chill down her spine. She tore out of his grip and turned on him, her arms crossed in front of her defensively.

“How dare you?” she hissed.

He reared back. “How dare I save you from Marcus making his slimy moves on you? What are you saying, that you actually like him? You wanted him to harass you?”

“Of course I don’t like him!” She paused, trying to catch her breath. Gather her thoughts. “He told me what you told him.”

Hunter frowned. “What did I supposedly tell him?”

She rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air. “About us—sleeping together!”

“There was hardly any sleeping going on,” he said with a light chuckle.

Gracie wanted to throttle him. He clearly wasn’t taking any of this seriously. “So you’re not going to deny you told him about us?”

His expression went serious. “I never told him anything. I haven’t told anyone what happened between us. Not even my brother.” He ran a hand through his hair, making a mess of it, and she couldn’t help but think he looked adorable.

Focus, Gracie!

“Then how did he know about us?”

“What exactly did Marcus say?”

“He was angry about my promotion. And he basically accused me of sleeping with you to get it.”

“Anyone could say that. Not a one of them would know if it was true or not. It’s pure speculation on their part.”

His rational nonchalance was infuriating. “But the way he said it…” Her voice trailed off and she chewed on her lower lip. Maybe it had been speculation on Marcus’s part. So angry and jealous he’d accuse her of anything? Of sleeping around for a big promotion? It wouldn’t be the first time a man had accused a woman of just that.

“You’re sensitive to it. Because we did—
together.” He stepped closer, and she hugged herself tighter, as if she could ward him off. It didn’t work. “I swear to you, Gracie. I haven’t told a soul what happened between us. Only you and I know the truth.”

The sincerity in his voice rang authentic. He would be foolish to confess such a thing to anyone. It could get him into a heap of trouble. Look at how crazy Becky was behaving, and she didn’t know the half of it. “You’re probably right,” she said reluctantly, lifting her chin. “I might’ve overreacted.”

“Not that I blame you,” he said quickly.

She offered him a faint smile and dropped her arms to her sides. She couldn’t stay mad at him forever, right? She was, after all, going to have to work with the man closely. “I guess I’m just sensitive. This promotion almost seems too good to be true.”

“Congratulations, by the way. You’ll make a good fit as marketing director.”

“I haven’t accepted it yet,” she reminded him.

He scoffed. “We all know you will.”

“Fine. You’re right.” She started to walk around the small banquet-style room, stopping behind a chair so she could grip the back of it. She needed space. Standing too close to Hunter sent her head spinning—not to mention the lingering effects of the alcohol she’d just downed. “Was it your idea? Giving me the position?”

He shook his head slowly. “I wish I could lay claim to it, but it was all Alex. I was too stunned that you wanted to leave to even think of it.”

“Oh.” Disappointment filled her. She thought maybe, just maybe, he had something to do with the offer.

“But I don’t disagree with his offer, not at all. I’m glad he made it.” He paused, his gaze darkening. “I’m even happier you’re going to accept it.”

“It means we’ll be working closely together,” she said softly. “After the launch at the Beverly Hills store, I’ll be going on a three-week leave.”

“I’m fine with that if you are.” He paused. “If you don’t mind my asking, why are you going on a temporary leave, Gracie? Do you just need a break? Or is the job stressing you out? Because the director position is even more stressful, you know.”

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” She dropped her gaze to the floor, purposely ignoring his question. She couldn’t tell him about her personal problem, her reunion with her grandma. It really wasn’t any of his business and besides, he probably didn’t care.

Though deep down, she wanted to tell him. And she wanted him to care. Not that she would ever admit it.

“Will you be? Really?” He cocked a brow, his words full of doubt.

They filled her with doubt, too. Being alone in the same room with him was hard enough. Her entire body was on high alert. Her pulse throbbed faster, her skin heated and her breath came in quick little pants.

Working with him day in and day out, even more closely now, would she be able to survive it?

They remained quiet for a moment, and she kept her gaze trained on the floor, thinking, planning, trying to find the courage to just make her feet move and walk out. She could feel Hunter’s gaze upon her and she was too afraid to look up and see the expression on his face.

Was he mad? Frustrated? Mildly irritated? She felt like such a fool.

“Am I that bad? Is that why you requested the leave of absence? Did I make you that uncomfortable?”

She jerked her head up, surprised at the aching emotion in his voice. He sounded…sad. Defeated. Guilt assuaged her. He sounded as if he took it so personally.

“It wasn’t you, it was me,” she started, but he cut her off with a chuckle and a rueful shake of his head.

“Classic line so you won’t make me feel bad.” He slipped his hands into his pockets and tilted his head back, gazing up at the ceiling. “I tried my best with you, but I guess it wasn’t good enough.”

Emotions swamped her, too many at once, and she shook her head, trying to shake out the confusion. “I’m serious, Hunter. It’s all me. I—I didn’t think I could handle being around you day in and day out.”

“Yet you take a position that will force you to work even closer with me.”

She laughed. “I know. It sounds crazy.”

“A better position and more money trumps emotions then, is that what you’re saying?” He kept his gaze trained on the ceiling, refusing to look at her and she wanted to thump him in his broad chest to get his full attention.

“What? No, not at all. I mean, I’d have to be foolish to turn down such a fabulous opportunity. I just—I needed a break. Not because of you or the job, not really. There are other things going on in my life. Things I can’t really delve into with you.” She took a step toward him, unable to help it. “I should’ve come to you and told you I wanted to take a temporary leave, and I’m sorry. It’s hard enough, knowing how to deal with all of this after everything that’s happened between us.”

“Deal with all of what?”

“You know. This.” She waved her hand between the two of them. “But I’m a big girl. The few indiscretions we’ve shared can be forgotten, right? We can move past this.”

He smiled up at the ceiling and then dropped his head, gazing at the floor, much like she had earlier. “You’re that eager to move past it.”

Not really, but she had no choice. “It’s what’s best.” She had to believe that.

“For who?” He finally lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers. His gaze so full of heat she felt singed where she stood.

“For the both of us?” Her voice sounded weak. Her entire body felt weak.

Because of him.

Slowly, he shook his head, taking one step toward her. Then another. “Not for me.”

She backed up, trying her best to stay out of his reach. If he touched her, she’d be done for. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I’m not ready to move past it.” He came closer and closer and she stumbled backward, her butt meeting the wall. “I don’t think you are either.”

“I am.” She nodded furiously, and she wondered who she was trying to convince. Herself or Hunter?

“I get near you and there’s a spark.” Reaching out, he settled his hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking down, sending a scattering of goose bumps all over her flesh. “I touch you and I can feel it all the way to my bones.” He moved in even closer, still cupping her cheek, and he dipped his head. “And when our lips meet, I want to consume you.”

She parted her lips, ready to protest, ready to tell him to stop, but he swooped in, taking her mouth with a passion that overwhelmed.

And like the weakling that she secretly was, she couldn’t deny him. She didn’t want to.


Chapter Twelve


Gracie wound her arms around his neck, her hands diving into his hair. Stroking, sending a cascade of shivers all over his skin, and Hunter deepened the kiss. He darted his tongue inside her mouth, stroking it against hers in a timeless rhythm that made his cock ache, his entire body ache.

He wanted to take her. Brand her. Make her his. The games, the confusion, all of it had taken a toll and he was sick to death of playing by her rules.

Tonight, right now, he wanted to give her a little taste of
rules. His demands. His wants. Show her exactly how he could treat her like a queen so she’d want no one else.

Only him.

“Hunter,” she murmured against his mouth, her voice a harsh whisper, her breathing accelerated. “Hunter, please.”

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