Wooden: A Coach's Life (96 page)

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Authors: Seth Davis

Tags: #Biography, #Non-Fiction

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“the pressure didn’t bother me”: Academy of Achievement interview.

“the NCAA came in and checked and found nothing that took place during my years”: Wooden interview with Karpick.

“I refused because they wouldn’t let him”: Wooden interview with Rose,

“we were invited again [in 1948] and I refused”: Hall of Fame interview.

“refused to go to the [1948] tournament if Clarence couldn’t go”: “Color Wall Came Down Here in ’48,”
Kansas City Star
, Mar. 13, 2002.

“As I headed across the court through the thousands of well-wishers and fans”: John Wooden with Steve Jamison,
Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections on and off the Court
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997), p. 162.

“Two minutes before, I had no intention of retiring for two more years”: Wooden interview with ESPN, Apr. 19, 2000.

“Jerry wasn’t a ‘yes man,’ by any means”: “Bruins’ Wooden Fought Against Installing Press,”
Los Angeles Times
, Feb. 5, 1969.

“As far as the pressing defense was concerned”: Johnson,
John Wooden Pyramid of Success
, p. 42.

“I decided to stick with something that had been very successful for me at Indiana State and high school”: Hall of Fame interview.

“One assistant suggested that we bring back a zone press”: Wooden and Yaeger,
Game Plan for Life
, p. 84.

“He’s just a tough, cold guy”: Chapin and Prugh,
Wizard of Westwood
, p. 307.


Interviews: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Lucius Allen, Bill Bennett, Henry Bibby, Pete Blackman, Dick Enberg, Doug Erickson, Keith Erickson, Larry Farmer, Bob Field, Valorie Kondos Field, John Green, Jim Harrick, Walt Hazzard, Andy Hill, Ben Howland, Marques Johnson, Mike Lynn, Bill Walton, Mike Warren, Jeff Weiss, Jamaal Wilkes, Sidney Wicks

“Hardly a day goes by that I don’t get a call or a letter”: Academy of Achievement interview.

Afterward, Cathleen asked Wooden who the man was. He said he had no idea: Johnson,
John Wooden Pyramid of Success
, p. 242.

“I won’t say that I’m not flattered by things of that sort”: Hall of Fame interview.

Nan, like Nell, would interject with a sharp, “Then don’t”: Ibid.

“I can’t believe people are that stupid”: Bisheff,
John Wooden
, p. 183.

Dellins called Wooden because he had heard a rumor that Wooden had died: “Wooden Has Too Much Life Left in Him to Call It Quits,”
Los Angeles Times
, May 1, 2009.

He put a baby monitor beside Wooden’s bed: “No One Cared for John Wooden Like Tony Spino,”
Los Angeles Times
, Aug. 20, 2011.

“Most of the time he’s not who he was”: “UCLA Coaching Legend John Wooden Celebrates His Birthday Today,”
Daily News of Los Angeles
, Oct. 14, 2009.

“I’m working on it”: Nan Wooden, “Faith, Love and Basketball,”
, May 2012.



The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

ABC TV network

Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem (Lew Alcindor)

1967–68 season and

1968–69 season and

background of

bidding war between ABA and NBA for

Black Youth Conference and

college record of

converts to Islam and changes name

death threats vs.

diary published in
Sports Illustrated

dignity robes of

dunking rule and

Gilbert and

Lacey dispute and

marijuana and

media and

Naulls and

NBA contract and

NCAA Most Outstanding Player

personality of

summer job and

UCLA freshman team and

Walton and

Wooden and team rules and

Ackerman, Bill

Adams, Carroll

Alabama, University of, Birmingham

Alcindor, Ferdinand Lewis, Sr. “Big Al”

Alcindor, Lew.
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem

All-America Board of Basketball Coaches


Allen, Lucius


Gilbert and

NBA and

Allen, Phog

Alper, Art

Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)

American Basketball Association (ABA)

American Basketball League (ABL)

Anaheim Angels

Andersen, Stan

Anderson, Indiana, baseball team

Anderson, Sparky

Aranoff, Steve

Archer, Bob

Arizona, University of

Arizona State University (ASU)

Arkansas, University of

Armstrong, Henry

Armstrong, Neil

Arnold, Frank


Ashe, Arthur

Associated Press (AP)

Athletic Association of Western Universities (AAWU, “Big Six”)

1959–60 season

1960–61 season

1961–62 season

1962–63 season

1965–66 season

1966–67 season

play-offs of 1963

formation of

renamed Pacific 8

UCLA wins 1962 title

Athletic Revolution, The

Atkinson, Byron

Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)

Auerbach, Red

Autobiography of a Yogi

Autobiography of Malcolm X, The

Autry, Gene

Averbuck, Ned

Baird, Frank

Balter, Sam

Banton, Dick

Barksdale, Don

Barry, Sam

Bartow, Gene

Gilbert and

UAB and

as UCLA coach

Bartow, Murry

Bartow, Ruth


early barnstorming

first Olympics of

invention and early development of

popularity of, by Naismith’s death

Basketball Association of America (BAA)

Basketball Hall of Fame (Indiana)

Basketball Hall of Fame (Springfield)

Wooden inducted, as coach, 1973

Wooden inducted, as player, 1960

Wooden interview of 2001

Basketball: Its Origin and Development

Bass, Willard

Bates, Floyd

Batmale, Lou

Bauer, Ralph

Bayh, Birch

Bayh, Birch, Jr.

Bayh, Evan

Bayless, Skip

Baylor, Elgin

Baylor University

Belko, Steve

Bender, Billy

Benington, John

Bennett, Bill

Bennett, Joanne

Be Quick—But Don’t Hurry!
(Hill, with Wooden)

Berberich, John

Berry, Bob

Berst, David

Bertka, Bill

Beta Inc. basketball shoe

Beta Theta Pi

Betchley, Rick

Bibby, Henry

Big Ten

Purdue records in, 1928–32

Big Ten, The
(Wilson and Brondfield)

Big Ten Academic medal (1932)

Bill Walton

Bird, Larry

Bisesi, Vinnie

Blackman, Pete

Black Panthers

black players.
See also
specific individuals

Black Youth Conference

Indiana of 1930s and

interracial dating and

NAIB and

power of, in Alcindor years

Russell changes game

segregation and

Black Youth Conference

Blakey, Art

Bloom, Leonard

Blue Chips

Bonds, Barry

Booker, Kenny

Boston Celtics

Boston College

Boston University

Boulding, Wayne

Boyd, Bob

Boykoff, Harry

Bozeman, Cedric

Bradley, Bill

Bradley, Omar

Bradley, Tom

Bradley University

Bragg, Don

Brigham Young University (BYU)

Brokaw, Gary

Brooklyn Dodgers

Brown, Barbara

Brown, Joe

Brown, Larry

as UCLA coach, 1979–81

Brown, Warren

Bruin Classic

Bruin Hoopsters

Bryant, Bear

Bubas, Vic

Buch, Al

Buckley, Jay

Bunche, Ralph

Buntin, Bill

Burke, Conrad

Burleson, Tom

Burnett, Bob

Burns, Floyd

Burrows, Pembrook

Buscaglia, Leo

Bush, Donnie

Bussenius, Bill

Butler University

Byers, Walter

Byron, George Gordon, Lord

cable television

California, University of.
University of California

California State University, Fresno

California State University, Long Beach

NCAA investigation of

California State University, Northridge


Caress, Charlie

Carmichael, Charles

Carr, Austin

Carr, Chet

Carson, Vince

Carty, Jay


Centerton, Indiana

Cervantes, Miguel de

Chamberlain, Wilt

Chaney, Don

Chapin, Dwight

Chapman University

Charlie Rose
(TV show)

Cheaney, Calbert

Chicago, University of

Chicago Bears

Chicago Cubs

Chicago Daily Tribune

Chortkoff, Mitch

Christian Science Monitor

Christopher, Clarence “Big Chris”

Churchill, Winston

Ciesar, Ed

Cincinnati, University of

Cincinnati Reds

Citadel, The

Citizen Klansmen

Citrus Junior College

City College of New York (CCNY)

civil rights movement

Clark, Brent

Clay, Dwight

Coach’s World, A

Coldren, Bruce

Coleman, Cecil

Collins, Doug

Colorado State University

Columbia Pictures

Combes, Harry

Compton Community College

Conley, Gene

Conner, Jimmy Dan

Connersville, Indiana, High School

Cooke, Jack Kent

Courier and Journal

Cousy, Bob

Crawfordsville, Indiana, early basketball and

Crawfordsville Journal

Creek, Herbert

Crisler, Fritz

Cronin, Ned

Crum, Denny

Cunningham, Gary

as UCLA coach

Curtis, Glenn “Old Fox”

ladder of success and

recommends Wooden as ISTC coach

Curtis, Tommy

Daily Bruin

Dalis, Pete

Dallmar, Howie

Dalton, Bob

Dantley, Adrian

Dardin, Oliver

Darrow, Chuck

Davis, Dick

Davis, Olin W.

Daye, Darren

Dayton, Kentucky, High School

Wooden’s losing season at

Dayton, University of

Dayton Pilot

Dean, Everett

Dee, Johnny

Deford, Frank

DeJardin, Don

Dellinger, Joe

Dellins, Marc

Dempsey, Jack

Denlinger, Ken

Denver, University of

Denver Nuggets

DePaul University

DePauw University


Detroit Falcons

Detroit Pistons

Dickens, Charles

Dickey, Glenn

Dimich, Dan

Dohn, Mary

Dolson, Frank

Donaldson, Pete

Donohue, Jack

Dose, Tom

Douglas, Lloyd

Downing, Steve

Drake, Ducky

Drake University

Dreith, Ben

Driesell, Charles “Lefty”

Drollinger, Ralph

Duke University

Dunbar, Bob

Dunphy, Marv

Duquesne University

Eblen, Bill

Ecker, Danny

Ecker, John

Edwards, Harry

Ehlers, Eddie

Einhorn, Eddie

El Camino College

“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (Gray)

Elliott, Edward

Ellis, LaPhonso

Elmore, Len

Enberg, Dick

Erickson, Doug

Erickson, Keith

ESPN (cable network)

Eubank, George

Evans, Jerry

Fahrubel, Howard

Farmer, Larry

Gilbert and

as UCLA coach, 1981

fast break or fire wagon style


Fehring, William “Dutch”

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Ferry, Bob

FIBA World Championship (2006)

Field, Bob

Fields, Kenny

Fink, Pinkie

Fischer, Bob

flat hook shot

Florence, Mal

Florida State University

Flower, Ken

Fonda, Jane

Fordham University

Foster, Lou

Foudy, Charlie

Fouke, Harry

Franklin, Gary


Frankovich, Mike

full-court press

Furillo, Bud

“Game of the Century” (Houston-UCLA, 1968)

Game Plan for Life, A

Gandhi, Mahatma

Gassensmith, John

Georgetown University

Geyer, Jack

Giant Steps
(Abdul-Jabbar and Knobler)

GI Bill of Rights

Gilbert, Michael

Gilbert, Rose

Gilbert, Sam

indictment of

Los Angeles Times
exposé of

NCAA investigations and

Gildea, William

Gill, Slats

Gillespie, Dizzy

Gilmore, Artis

Givens, Jack

Glenn, John

Godfather, The

Golden State Warriors

Gooch, Freddy

Goodrich, Gail, Jr.

Goodrich, Gail, Sr.

Goodrich, Jean

Goorjian, Greg

Goshen High School (Indiana)

Goss, Freddie

Gottlieb, Eddie

Gould, Todd

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