Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition (17 page)

BOOK: Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition
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You would have thought He would have saved some nice little lady’s house. Perhaps He would have saved some cottage housing an old woman, or a little widow’s house, with petunias growing on the sidewalk. No, God saved the whore’s house. Was it because He wanted it? No, He wanted the faith. That is what moves God.

If you believe that your background will keep you from moving forward with God, then you don’t understand the value of faith. The thing God is asking from you is faith. Some may live good, clean, separated lives; maybe you are proud of how holy you are. He still honors only faith.

he thing God is asking from you is faith.

If you want to grasp the things of God, you will not be able to purely because of your lifestyle, but because of your conviction. God gave healing to some folks who weren’t even saved. They were sinners. Perhaps some of them never did get saved, but they got healed because they believed Him. The thing that moves God is faith. If you believe Him, He will move in your life according to your faith and not your experience. There was something in Rahab’s house that God called valuable. Faith was there. God protected her from the fire.

He also saved her things. When the fire was over, Rahab was the richest woman in the city. She was the only woman left in town that owned property. So He will save your finances. You must simply believe Him.

There were a group of sisters in the Old Testament who proved that God is interested in what happens to women.

Then came the daughters of Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh, the son of Joseph: and these are the names of his daughters; Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah. And they stood before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest, and before the princes and all the congregation, by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying, Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the company of them that gathered themselves together against the Lord in the company of Korah; but died in his own sin, and had no sons.
Numbers 27:1-3

They were a group of women who were left alone. There were no men left in the family. Their father had wealth, but he had no sons. Prior to this time, women were not allowed to own property or to have an inheritance except through their husbands. Only men could own property.

They continued with their appeal. “
Why should the name of our father be done away from among his family, because he hath no son? Give unto us therefore a possession among the brethren of our father
” (Num. 27:4).

They appealed to Moses for help on the basis of who their father was. They stated their case and looked to him as God’s authority. They couldn’t understand why they should not have some of their father’s wealth simply because they were born female. Their uncles would have received all their father’s wealth. They would have been poor and homeless, receiving only leftovers from others. However, these women were daughters of Abraham. If you want the enemy to release you, remind him whose daughter you are.

f you want the enemy to release you, remind him whose daughter you are.

No one would have listened to them if they had not initiated a meeting to plead their case. Perhaps you who have struggled need to call a meeting. Get in touch with people in power and demand what you want, or you will not get it. Speak for yourself. They could not understand why they were being discriminated against because of their gender.

One of the reasons Zelophehad’s daughters could make a proper case for themselves was they were right. It was time to teach God’s people that women have value. Abraham’s daughters have worth. They didn’t wait for a man to defend them; they took action in faith. God saw faith in those women.

And Moses brought their cause before the Lord. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father’s brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them.
Numbers 27:5-7

Moses didn’t know what to do, so he asked God. The women were vindicated. If they had failed, surely they would have been scorned by all the good people of Israel who would have never challenged Moses in such a way. Instead they received the wealth of their father. God is no respecter of persons. Faith is based on equal opportunity.

Like the infirm woman, you are a daughter of Abraham if you have faith. You want the inheritance of your father to pass on to you. Why should you sit there and be in need when your Father has left you everything? Your Father is rich, and He left everything to you. However, you will not get your inheritance until you ask for it. Demand what your Father left you. That degree has your name on it. That promotion has your name on it. That financial breakthrough has your name on it.

ou are a daughter of Abraham if you have faith.

There is no need to sit around waiting on someone else to get you what is yours. Nobody else is coming. The One who needed to come has already come. Jesus said, “
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly
” (Jn. 10:10b). That is all you need.

The power to get wealth is in your tongue. You shall have whatever you say. If you keep sitting around murmuring, groaning and complaining, you use your tongue against yourself. Your speech has got you bent over and crippled. You may be destroying yourself with your words.

Open your mouth and speak something good about yourself so you can stand up on your feet. You used your mouth against yourself. Then you spoke against all the other women around you because you treated them like you treated yourself. Open your mouth now and begin to speak deliverance and power. You are not defeated. You are Abraham’s daughter.

When you start speaking correctly, God will give you what you say. You say you want it. Jesus said, “
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive
” (Mt. 21:22). God willed you something. Your Father left you an inheritance. If God would bless the sons of Abraham, surely He would bless the daughters of Abraham.

God will give you whatever you ask for (Jn. 14:13). God will give you a business. God will give you a dream. He will make you the head and not the tail (Deut. 28:13). God’s power brings all things up under your feet. Believe Him for your household. God will deliver. You don’t need a sugar daddy. You have the Jehovah-jireh, the best provider this world has ever known.

ou don’t need a sugar daddy. You have the Jehovah-jireh.

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus
” (Gal. 3:26). Women are just as much children of God as men are. Everything that God will do for a man, He will do for a woman. You are not disadvantaged. You can get an inheritance like any man. Generally men don’t cry about being single—they simply get on with life and stay busy. There is no reason a woman can’t be complete in God without a husband.

If you choose to get married, you should get married for the right reasons. Don’t give in to a desperate spirit that forces you to put up with someone less than what you would want. You could become stuck with someone immature and bear three little boys. Then you would have four little boys. That is no way to live. You need someone who has some shoulders and backbone.

You need to marry someone who will hold you, help you, strengthen you, build you up and be with you when the storms of life are raging. If you want a cute man, buy a photograph. If you want some help, marry a godly man.

For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:27-28

Those ancient Israelite women, the daughters of Zelophehad, thought it was a disgrace for them to be starving when they considered who their father was. Rahab was a harlot until she found faith. Once she had faith, she no longer turned to her old profession. The infirmed woman was bowed over until Jesus touched her. Once He touched her, she stood up. You have put on Christ. There is no reason to be bent over after His touch. You can walk with respect even when you have past failures. It’s not what people say about you that makes you different. It is what you say about yourself, and what your God has said about you, that really matters.

Just because someone calls you a tramp doesn’t mean you have to act like one. Rahab walked with respect. You will find her name mentioned in the lineage of Jesus Christ. She went from being a prostitute to being one of the great-grandmothers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You can’t help where you’ve been, but you can help where you’re going.

God is not concerned about race. If you are African-American, He is not concerned about you being black. You may think, “My people came over on a boat and picked cotton on a plantation.” It doesn’t make any difference. The answer isn’t to be white. Real spiritual advantage does not come from the color of your skin. It’s not the color of your skin that will bring deliverance and help from God; it’s the contents of your heart.

Some of us have particular problems based on where we came from. We’ve got to deal with it. God says there is neither Greek nor Jew. There is no such thing as a black church. There is no such thing as a white church. It’s only one Church, purchased by the blood of the Lamb. We are all one in Christ Jesus.

You may have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth too, but it doesn’t make any difference. In the Kingdom of God, social status doesn’t mean anything. Rahab can be mentioned right next to Sarah because if you believe, God will bless. Faith is the only thing in this world where there is true equal opportunity. Everyone can come to Jesus.

n the Kingdom of God, social status doesn’t mean anything.

There is neither male nor female
” (Gal. 3:28). God doesn’t look at your gender. He looks at your heart. He doesn’t look at morality and good works. He looks at the faith that lives within. God is looking in your heart. You are spirit, and spirits are sexless. That’s why angels don’t have sexes; they simply are ministering spirits. Don’t think of angels in terms of gender. They can manifest themselves as men, but angels are really ministering spirits. All people are one in Christ Jesus.

Christ saw the worth of the infirm woman because she was a daughter of Abraham. She had faith. He will unleash you also from the pain you have struggled with and the frustrations that have plagued you. Faith is truly equal opportunity. If you will but dare to believe that you are a daughter of Abraham, you will find the power to stand up straight and be unleashed. The potential that has been bound will then truly be set free.

~ 1 ~

Many see Jesus as a way to Heaven and the solution to ______________________ problems, but they fail to see that He is the solution to ________________________ problems.

~ 2 ~

Name some areas (other than spiritual) in which Jesus is our solution.





~ 3 ~

How much are we to want Jesus? What does that show about a person?




~ 4 ~

No matter what the problem is, ____________________ is the answer.

~ 5 ~

From the moment you are called to Jesus, you become ____


~ 6 ~

What can ensnare us and hinder us from becoming whole?





~ 7 ~

Jesus’ power showed how powerless His critics’ __________ ______________________________ was.

~ 8 ~

What must our ambition be?





~ 9 ~

Our __________________________ should not negate our


What is your position today? Whose are you?





~ 10 ~

Does gender matter when a person approaches God? Why or why not?





~ 11 ~

Faith is more than a ____________________—faith is an


Choose two people from the “faith hall of fame” in Hebrews 11 and describe their faith. How was their faith an action?





~ 12 ~

Faith is what ________________________________ God.

~ 13 ~

If you want the enemy to release you, _________________


~ 14 ~

What must you do to receive what has been left to you?





~ 15 ~

True or False. It is what you say about yourself, and what God has said about you, that really matters.

~ 16 ~

Faith is the only thing in this world where there is _______


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