Wolfsbane Winter (18 page)

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Authors: Jane Fletcher

BOOK: Wolfsbane Winter
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The voice was the same as Deryn remembered. She tried to answer, but her mouth was too dry. The sound stuck in her throat and nothing but a dull croak came out. Still her mother seemed unconcerned. She settled on the grass beside Deryn and took her hand. The touch was warm and very solid. Deryn stared down. Her mother’s hand was so much larger than her own. Deryn’s fingers looked childlike by comparison—just as they had the last time she held her mother’s hand.

“Mom. I’ve missed you.” The words burst out, and with them came tears.

“We all have.”

What she said made no sense. Nothing made sense. “Mom, you…you were…you…”

“Hush. It’s all right.” Her mother’s smile faded. “I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to leave you.”

Deryn dashed the tears from her eyes. “Wasn’t your fault.”

“It wasn’t what I meant. But what I wanted to say to you was…” Her mother’s grasp tightened slightly. “Promise me that you won’t forget…”

“Forget what?”

Her mother turned her head away. “Oh, will you just look.”

“Mom, you were going to say something. What?”

“Look at them.”

Deryn faced the same way as her mother. Farther down the hillside, Cray was running through the grass, playing with Roana’s puppies. Her brother’s legs were still round with baby fat, but the boy he would become was starting to show through—the boy he would have become, had he lived long enough.

On a fallen tree to one side, Aunt Ninka was sitting beside her father. The pair were binding the fletchings on arrows, as Deryn had seen them do a thousand times. Her mother was now standing behind them, talking to Grandpa Jojo.

Deryn scrambled to her feet. “Mom. What were you going to say?”

Nobody looked at her, but her voice was not as strong as it had been, no more than a raw whisper.

And then Deryn saw the dark figures in the woods behind. Stealthily they emerged from cover, swords in hand, creeping forward. The figures blurred, changing from human to windigo with each step. Blades became claws. Helmets became fangs. A base rumble came from their throats, wild and inhuman. Yet Deryn’s relatives paid no attention. Her mother wrapped an arm around Ninka’s shoulder, laughing at a shared joke.

They can’t hear the windigos. They can’t see them.
Deryn’s guts had turned to ice. She opened her mouth, but the air would not release from her lungs. The sound was no more than the mew of a newborn kitten. She tried to move, but her legs were at once leaden and rubbery—too heavy to lift, too weak to move.
No. I can’t watch them die again.
Howls from the advancing monsters rose ever louder, a deep, drumlike booming.

Deryn opened her eyes and bolted upright as the peal of thunder died away. A sudden gust of cold wind carried the scent of rain and lightning to her. The sun was hidden behind thick cloud, but Deryn did not need to see it to know that she had slept for hours. Daylight was reduced to an ominous early dusk.

The first splat of rain hit her cheek, no more than an isolated drop, but more was on the way. Deryn estimated she had less than a half hour before the deluge started in earnest. She would not get back to Neupor in time. She would be lucky to reach any sort of shelter. Deryn slapped her leg, furious with herself. She knew how to read the weather, and regardless of her tiredness, she should not have slept so soundly, and all to have such a stupid, maudlin dream. What on earth had gotten into her?
You’re going soft—soft in the head.

Tia had not strayed far. Within minutes, Deryn had the saddle on and was making what speed she could down the hill. Once she left the fire-scarred region, the pines were tall and thick enough to touch above the trail. They would offer the most basic protection, but they also reduced the light further still. Deryn reined Tia back to a walk. They were going to get soaked. Nothing would be gained by galloping the whole way. All it would do was risk a broken leg for Tia or a broken neck for herself.

Thunder boomed again. This time closer. Tia skittered a dancing step to the side.

“Easy, girl.” Deryn patted the mare’s neck.

Even under the trees, the wind blew cold. Deryn let go of the reins to pull the cape from her pack.

The sky lit up. The blazing white was dazzling after the gloom. Immediately, the screech of thunder shattered the sky directly overhead. Tia took off, ears lying flat against her head. Deryn had to grab the saddle horn to stop herself falling. Her left foot slipped from the stirrup.

“Tia. Whoa. Easy, girl, easy.”

After a brief moment of struggle, Deryn steadied her balance and took hold of the reins. The effect was immediate. Tia’s headlong gallop slowed. Iron Wolves’ horses were well trained. Deryn was surprised that Tia had been spooked in the first place. It was out of character, but maybe the horse was picking up on her rider’s state of mind. Deryn was hardly her normal self either. She could not believe she had let the storm catch her out, or that she could have such a inane dream. The strain of putting up with Nevin was getting to her—it was the only explanation.

The end of the thunderclap rumbled away in the distance, softer than the thud of hooves. Tia’s ears lifted and her pace slowed still further, breaking from the gallop into a canter.

“Good girl.”

Deryn released the reins with one hand to stroke the horse’s neck. Abruptly, Tia’s shoulders dropped and vanished. Deryn saw a streak of sky between the trees, and then the saddle was no longer under her and the path was rushing closer. She hit the ground hard and kept rolling, finishing up in a ditch that ran beside the track. Everything inside her had been shaken up. Her knee and shoulder throbbed. Her cheek stung.


To Deryn’s relief, her horse lurched up to her feet, although tottering slightly as if drunk and shaking her head. Deryn scrambled back up the track.

“Stupid animal.” She then threw her arm around Tia’s neck and buried her face in the shaggy mane. When she had sworn never to care about anyone again, she had not been including her horse.

Deryn had received no injuries worse than a few scrapes and bruises, a stinging that eased as her heartbeat returned to normal. Tia was also standing steadier on her legs. All four hooves were flat on the ground and looked to be carrying her weight. She batted her head against Deryn’s hip in a gesture of shamefaced apology.

Deryn crouched and ran her hands down Tia’s legs, to doubly reassure herself there were no breaks. Everything seemed fine, but when she got Tia to walk a few steps, the horse was obviously favoring her left front leg.

“You’ve gone and sprained it, haven’t you?”

The forest was not a good place to see out a storm, especially with an injured horse. What hope was there of finding shelter? In both directions, the path disappeared into the gloom, but through a gap in the tree cover, Deryn could see a sheer rock face overhanging the route, a quarter mile or so farther on. Was a cave really too much to ask for? Deryn grabbed Tia’s reins and led her on.

To Deryn’s disappointment, the next bend took them away from the cliff. She considered branching off from the path, but the way ahead was looking brighter. Another bend and they reached the edge of the trees. Cultivated farmland stretched out before them, with a field of cut stalks to the left and a pasture on the right. The stocky shapes of cows were clustered by a barn in the gathering dusk. Either a fold in the mountainside had hidden this farm from the pass or Tia’s headlong flight had taken them farther down into the valley than Deryn had realized.

Rain was falling in a steady drizzle. Worse was on the way, but smoke rose from the chimney of the farmstead that nestled in a hollow nearby. Shelter and a warm fire. Now all Deryn had to hope was that the farmer would be better disposed than Finn. Slightly cleaner would be nice, but she did not want to be greedy in her wishes.

Dogs barked as Deryn entered the farmyard, announcing her arrival even before she had the chance to knock on the door.

“Who’s there?” The voice was female and not unduly hostile.

“My name’s Deryn. I’m working with the marshal’s men. I was on my way back to Neupor when my horse got lamed. I—”

The door was flung open. “You want to get inside before it starts raining for real.”

Deryn could not believe her luck. Not only hospitable and quick-thinking, but the farmer looked as if she had taken a bath some time during the previous month. “Thanks. But my horse—”

“Needs seeing to.” The woman called over her shoulder. “I’ll take them to the barn. Jed. Go get Alana. Make it sharp. The storm ain’t gonna hold off much longer.”

An assortment of animals were already occupying the barn, but the farmer—who introduced herself as Eldora—shunted them around to make space, while Deryn removed Tia’s saddle and harness. A couple of sheepdogs looked on with keen interest, as if they were taking notes in case they were one day called on to perform the tasks themselves. The building was well maintained and sturdy, and certainly no worse than any other she had seen in the district.

Deryn stroked Tia’s nose. “You’ll be fine here.”

“Nice horse.” Eldora nodded in approval, and rose still further in Deryn’s opinion.


The promised cloudburst arrived in a deafening drumming of rain on the roof. A scant three seconds later, another horse clopped into the barn, making it back just in time to save its riders a drenching. Deryn had caught a glimpse of the young man when he left. His overall resemblance to Eldora made it obvious they were related. Both had a compact build, dark skin, and a rectangular, square-jawed face.

The woman riding behind him was of a similar age. Deryn would have put her in the mid-twenties range. In the dim light, her hair appeared black. Her skin was a soft mid-brown—darker than Deryn’s and lighter than Eldora’s. When she slipped down from the horse, she was shown to be a little below average height.

“I take it you’re the woman with the lame horse.” She smiled up at Deryn. “My name’s Alana. I’m a healer.”

“A good one too,” Eldora added.

Alana’s face was oval, with high cheekbones and a delicate chin. She had a wide, smooth forehead and full lips. This last feature was what caught Deryn’s gaze. They were lips that just begged to be kissed.

The image rushed into Deryn’s head, of kissing those lips and holding the body that went with them. The force and immediacy of her reaction made Deryn grin.
Dammit, girl, you’re so predictable.
Maybe getting caught by the storm might not turn out so badly, if it led to a more entertaining evening than listening to Ross snore and Nevin fart. Of course, the owner of the lips would have some say in the matter, but finding out her answer was half the fun. Deryn raised her gaze a couple of inches and met the healer’s eyes.

Alana took a half step back. Her cheeks darkened a shade more and her eyes widened. She raised her hand to a round silver pendant hanging at her throat.

I guess I was gawking.
There was nothing wrong with that. Someone as attractive as Alana ought to be used to it, and signaling your interest could cut out a lot of time wasting. Besides, the Iron Wolves had a reputation to maintain. Deryn’s grin widened.
It’s a hell of a job, but someone has to do it.

For her part, Alana was clearly surprised and flustered, but not offended. Deryn did not get any sense of a rebuff. Things were looking promising, but it would have to wait. Tia came first, and there was the audience to consider. She could hardly ask Eldora and her son to step outside.

Deryn looked away while rolling back events in her mind. What state had the introductions reached before she had become distracted?

“Er, yeah. My name’s Deryn. This is my horse, Tia. She got spooked by the lightning and tripped.”

“Right. I’ll see what I can do.”

Deryn felt Eldora’s hand on her arm. “We’ll go sit by the fire and leave her to it.”

“I want to stay with Tia.”

“Alana doesn’t like anyone around when she works.”

“I’d rather—”

The tug on her arm was insistent. Deryn decided not to fight it. Although being left alone with Alana had possibilities, Tia’s best interest would be better served if she did not have to compete for the healer’s attention. A whole night lay ahead. Plenty of time to see how things would run.

At the door of the barn Deryn glanced back. Alana was kneeling, examining the injured leg. Tia was standing still for the healer, watching closely, ears angled forward. The mare’s tail swished slowly from side to side and her lips were slightly open. Tia had taken an instant liking to Alana. Deryn knew her horse well enough to tell that.

Tia always did have an eye for good-looking women. Like rider, like horse.


Eldora’s family, all ten of them plus their visitor, were squeezed into the main room when Alana entered the farmhouse. The scene was warm and cozy in the firelight. Jed shifted along on the bench to make room for her and held out a tankard.

As befitting the matriarch of the family, Eldora had her own rocking chair beside the hearth. “You’ll stay here tonight?” Just the faintest hint of an inflection made it a question rather than an instruction.

Alana hesitated. The room was a bubbling tower of emotions, straining the limits of her control. Without constant vigilance, she might get swept away at any second. Despite this, the rain sweeping the hillside would have made the offer tempting, except Alana knew space in the farmhouse was limited, and arranging who she ended up sharing a bed with might prove awkward. Even choosing where to sit was not straightforward. She did not want to give false encouragement to Jed by taking a place beside him, but it would look rude to ignore his offer and go elsewhere.

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