Wolf With Benefits (6 page)

Read Wolf With Benefits Online

Authors: Heather Long

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Wolf With Benefits
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“Well I’ve deduced we’re going outside.” Her smartass comment earned a smile.

“Nah, I thought we’d hang out with you looking like an Eskimo this morning.” He added the last with a tap to her nose. She needed a face mask. He’d grabbed a neoprene one on his way back, but he’d left it in the jeep.

Folding her arms, she glared at him. The wrinkle in her nose neutered her fierce expression. “What are we doing?”

Undeterred, he smiled and went to get his keys and two fresh thermoses—one with hot chocolate and a second full of coffee. He’d readied them while she changed. “We’re going to play, Shi.” Returning to the living room, he sent a text message informing his fellow electricians he was off for the rest of the day. He’d handled the overnight emergencies, but he wanted a few hours with Shi and Mason gave him the day off.

“So you said,” she hesitated when he reached for the door. Nervousness threaded through her scent.

Pausing with his palm on the doorknob, he studied her. His wolf roused, and they both focused on her. They didn’t like her unhappy. “You okay?”

“My mom left a message.” She turned the phone to face him. “Not sure I want to listen to it.” Nibbling at her lower lip, she reminded him of when they were kids and the teacher asked her to stay after school or she got detention. Shiloh wasn’t good at disappointing her parents, even when she disagreed with them.

“So don’t.” Why put herself through hell if she didn’t have to? “Look, she’s your mom and she loves you. She might be mad, she might be saying a lot of things because she’s angry. You can choose to listen to her anger, or you can wait. Give her time to calm down. Give yourself time to make the decisions you want to make without the family onus.”

“It’s easy for you to say. Your family…”

After releasing the door, he crossed the room and cupped her cheek. “My family has issues, Shi. Just like every other family in our pack. You think any of us are perfect? The Buckleys had to leave their oldest son in prison, his brothers had to stay away from him and leave him. Tyler’s mate left him and went to another pack for years. The Claybornes? Mason’s father died in an aborted coup against Toman, and then his mother killed herself. Mason left us for years. The Hustons? Alexis got pregnant while human and we nearly lost her after the baby was born. The Sextons? They had some infighting in the family that divided them utterly, we now have the Sexton’s Grocery family and the Sexton Farms family. Neither has anything to do with the other.” The list went on and on. “As for mine? My parents sent Margo away when she was fourteen because her dominance threatened the lunatic running the asylum.” Bitterness soured his stomach.

Shiloh hugged him. The sudden embrace so welcome, he wrapped his arms around her.

“None of our families are perfect. My family has been paying for that choice for years. Mom hates that Margo grew up far away from us. It’s hung over her like a cloud my whole life.” Sighing, he rubbed his cheek against the fabric of her hood. “So, you can listen to her message and make yourself feel worse, or you can take off with me and we can play. Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back, okay?”

“How did I get so lucky to have you for a best friend?”

Amusement stole through him. Even with her wrapped around him, he couldn’t resist her open invitation to tease. “Teach said we had to pick everyone for a team, you were prettier than John-John.”

Her snort of outrage preceded a pummel of her fists. “Mean.”

“Hey, I’ve never regretted team building exercises.” Still, a sparkle replaced the sadness lingering in her eyes. “So, can we play now or do you need me to make something else better for you?”

“Well, since you brought the éclairs, today is pretty perfect. Let’s go play.”

“Excellent.” He drew a blindfold out of his pocket and she stared at it, then him.

“I said play, not kidnapping.”

“Oh, we’re gonna play.” He wrapped the blindfold around her eyes and slid behind her to tie it gently.

“Great. I’m going to fall down stairs and run into things. Hilarious.”

Once he was sure the blindfold wouldn’t slip, he pinched her ass through the layers of clothing. Her yelp proved reward enough. “As if I’d let you get hurt.”

“True.” Despite her agreement, no repentance echoed in her tone. “I can do that all on my own.”

Taking her hand, he led her to the door. Once outside, he scooped her up and carried her down the stairs. The act was so natural, she didn’t even protest. At the jeep, he set her down long enough to open the door before helping her inside. She bit her lip when he snapped her seatbelt into place. A real struggle seemed to be taking place, as though she fought laughter.


“Oh, besides you carrying me down, tucking me in and buckling my seat belt?” Danger lurked in her words.

“Too much?” He said by way of apology.

“Maybe a little.” The threat passed and he grinned. “So how long do I have to wear the blindfold?”

“Till we get there.” He shut the door before she could ask him where
was. Her laughter followed him all the way to the driver’s seat. It was still early, but he’d no sooner slipped the key into the ignition than the front door of the main house opened and his mother peeked at them. Linda Montgomery’s face lit with a smile when he pressed his finger to his lips. The snowmobile in the trailer behind them would be a dead giveaway.

Bless his mother, she nodded once then mouthed
and held up six fingers. He saluted. His mother’s smile warmed another notch and Matt exhaled happily. His mother loved having Shiloh so close.

“You’re really pleased with yourself,” Shiloh commented as he began backing out of the driveway, mindful of the trailer hitch.

“Yes I am. We’re going to have fun today.”

Her phone buzzed and he glanced down to see Nash’s name on the screen. His good mood suffered a rapid decline. Shi made a grunt, then held her phone to him. “Can you shut it off?”

Hell yes, he could.

“You’re right. Playing sounds like a lot of fun.”

More than happy to shut the phone—and by extension
down, he turned it off. “All right, sit tight.”

She lasted all of two minutes. He counted. “For how long?”

“No cheating. You’ll find out when we get there.” He couldn’t wait. They were going to have fun.

Chapter Five

hey drove for a while
, but Matt’s upbeat mood made her blindfolded journey amusing at least. Running away from dealing with problems was not a method she would usually endorse, but she embraced the change. “So, can I guess?”

By her estimation, they’d left the nest of houses the Montgomerys called home and hit one of the longer drives…not the interstate leading away from Willow Bend, but deeper into the protected territory. The lake? Maybe one of the wooded runs? They had a lot of open, undeveloped land surrounding Willow Bend.

Even the satellite communities like Hokanan only occupied a small portion of the land. They liked being close to nature, isolated from outsiders. Wanderers didn’t
through Willow Bend. It wasn’t on a road to anywhere, though they owned all of the gas stations on any major road that had access so Hunters could warn them.

“I would be disappointed if you didn’t.” Teasing circled every word.

. Of course he expected her to try. No sun shone, so she couldn’t determine their direction except…he’d back out of the drive, angling left, then taken a right, a left, and then driven for a stretch before taking another left. “We’re going west. So not the lake.”

“Are you sure we’re—”

“Shh.” She put a finger to her lips. “You have me at a distinct disadvantage. I have no nose to sniff out trouble and I can’t hear everything from five counties around us, so you let me figure this out.” She’d worked at human disadvantage her whole life, and she knew how to make the most of what she could discern. “West is toward the National Park, but with the amount of snow and ice we received, the Hunters are probably closing down road access for average hikers.”

What else was west of the main town? Several great picnicking areas for summertime, at least two swimming holes, and the old timber mill…”We’ve been on the road what, fifteen minutes? We’re still going steady. You’ve only stopped once which suggests we’re on Evergreen Mills road heading toward Six Pines.” The old timber mill had been closed down for safety reasons and all the blades removed. They’d later refurbished it into a fort and obstacle course for youths to test their battle and hunting skills out within relative safety. Matt carved their initials in the old loft when they were little after he climbed up there with her on his back.

The memory cracked her up. Matt had asked to be her boyfriend, and she’d told him no. So he carved their initials out of spite. The next week, she’d asked to be his girlfriend and he told her no. What had she done in retaliation? Oh, she’d stuffed her gym clothes in his locker so everything he had smelled like her. He’d had his eye on another wolf at the time and she wouldn’t speak to him ‘cause he smelled like Shiloh.

And so it went. For weeks throughout elementary and into junior high, they picked on each other mercilessly, and yet…laughter bubbled out.

“What are you coming up with over there, pita?”

“Do you remember Faith Connors?”

His low growl sent her into another fit of laughter. He remembered. “Why are you thinking about her?” Then, with more heat. “Why are you reminding
about her?”

“I don’t know,” she said, still giggling. “You were nuts about her. You did all these crazy things to get her attention…”

“I know.” Oh, he really snarled those words, yet a distinct hint of laughter underscored the irritation.

Reaching out into her enforced darkness, she settled her hand on his thigh and rubbed it soothingly. The action settled his snarling as it always did. “Well, you remember when you set up the mill so you could impress her, and I had to bring her so you could surprise her?”

A sigh. “Yes.”

“I swear I didn’t know she liked girls.” Then her laughter escaped her all over again. Faith had no problem with Shiloh’s invitation. She’d practically puppy-dogged all the way to the mill. They’d sat, laughing and talking, while Shiloh waited for Matt’s impressive entrance.

“Yeah, yeah.” he muttered, then covered her hand on his thigh. “Just tell me she kissed as good as she smelled?”

Humor flooded her all over again, and she cracked up. Faith’s kiss had been unexpected as hell, and she still wasn’t sure who’d been more shocked by it, her or Matt. “I don’t know how she smelled.” She let it hang out there and he groaned. “But she definitely wasn’t afraid to do tongue.”

“Goddammit.” The oath lacked any real heat, but the sound of his chuckle was worth it.

“So we’re going to the mill then?”

“Nice try, sweetheart. Still not telling.”

“I haven’t given up.” They continued on the road for twenty minutes. “We’re definitely heading toward the mill.” Settling back, she braced her booted feet against the dashboard. They were slowing, the tires spun a little and the sound of the road muffled.

An idea thrummed through her. A rattling echoed through the vehicle, before that too vanished into the crunching of snow beneath tires. Lots more tires than the jeep owned. “What are we pulling?”

“We’re almost there. Can you be patient for a couple more minutes?” Coaxing and gentle, his tone sent a flash of guilt through her.

“I can be patient for you all day,” she murmured, then chewed her lip. “I was just playing.”

“I know.” He squeezed her hand. “You’re just too damn smart.”

going to the mill. She let out a chortle of triumph. “I like being right.”

“I know you do.” Comfortable silence wrapped around them for a few more minutes. At last, he parked the jeep and killed the engine. “Give me five minutes, and promise me you won’t remove the blindfold in the meantime.”

Sighing heavily, she made a face then grinned. “I promise.”

“Thank you.” His hand wrapped around her nape, and she turned toward him. When he brushed his lips against hers, a shock raced through her.

“Matt,” she managed to say, only the moment her lips parted, his tongue sought hers and she sighed. The stroke of his tongue along the seam of her lips, the firm thrust against hers and the possession his mouth stamped on her left her panting. The flavor of him stole inside and threatened to rock the foundation of their very valuable friendship.

“Five minutes,” he whispered after breaking the kiss. Then he was gone, out of the jeep, and she was alone with her hormones. Her heart slammed against her ribs and her thighs clenched tight.

Hell, even her hands were curled into fists until her nails bit at her palms. What the hell was that? The jeep bounced a little, but she reached up to run her fingers against her lips. She could still taste him and her lips continued to tingle. Who was watching them that he’d needed to reassert the illusion of their involvement? Would he do it again when she climbed out of the jeep?

Her nipples tightened. Thank God she wore so many layers. Getting turned on by Matt when he was trying to help her wasn’t a good plan. Leading a wolf on was a bad idea. Leading on her best friend was a worse idea. Why was she being so unfair to him?

The door opened next to her, and she jerked with surprise.

“Hey,” Matt’s voice washed over her. “It’s me.” Taking her hands, he stroked his thumbs over her tensed fingers and eased them from her palms. “You hurt yourself.”

Not even the note of worry prepared her for his gentle kisses and the lave of his tongue over the injuries. It wasn’t the first time Matt had ever licked her, though in all honesty he’d always been in wolf form when he tormented her by covering her in slobber. No, his gentle care wasn’t a teasing action but a tender one. The ripple spread from her belly to her breasts then down again.

“I’m okay, Matt.”

“You sure?” Despite the cold air rushing in around her, she was burning up. “You cut your hands, Shi.”

“I got a little nervous.” Not totally a lie. He was making her really nervous. Correction—her inappropriate reactions were making her nervous.

With a light tug, he released her seat belt and pulled her from the jeep. Once she was on her feet, he turned her to face a direction then removed her blindfold. The brightness left her eyes watering, but she squinted past all the light on the snow and stared at the midnight-blue Arctic Cat—“A snowmobile!”
Holy crap!
A fierce kind of excitement fisted in her chest. “I haven’t ridden one since…”

“You broke your arm in high school,” Matt said, squeezing her hand. He’d taken her then, too. They’d been racing, and she’d gotten cocky. They’d both been thrown, but her human bones broke more easily. Her mother had been furious. “I think we’re a little more cautious these days.”

“There’s only one.” She eyed the vehicle, then him. “What are you riding?”

His slow grin made her tummy do another flip flop. “I’m running. I want to go for a run, and with this, you can keep up with me. It’s pretty quiet, and it’s durable.” When he held up the neoprene facemask, she had to laugh. He’d thought of everything. “Run with me?”

Snatching it from his hand, she bounced forward a step in the snow and kissed the corner of his mouth. Darting away, lest he grab her again, she danced over to the snowmobile. It was a sweet machine. “Yes. But you better change fast, I can’t wait to see how this baby feels…” And the sooner he went wolf, maybe the sooner she’d stop imagining him kissing her again.

“Hell yeah,” Matt’s triumphant shout echoed through the quiet snowy morning. They were in the middle of nowhere, no mill, no houses, no disturbed snow. Just her and Matt.

“Where are we…?” The rest of her question faded when she caught a glimpse of him half-naked. He’d shucked his jacket, shirt and shoes and was in the progress of stripping his jeans. Her tongue fastened to the roof of her mouth. Wolves went naked all the time. She’d learned not to stare a long time before, but damn…Matt was cut everywhere. All lean muscle, tapered waist, and sick abs. When the jeans vanished and his cock hung thick and full, she realized rather belatedly he was naked and she was staring.

“See something you like?”

Her gaze jerked to meet his, and his eyes had gone all golden-wolf on her. Swallowing around the sudden lump in her throat, she said, “Move it or lose it, Montgomery.” If he didn’t, she might throw herself at him and that wouldn’t end well. Right?

he cold
, snowy air provided the perfect base note for the desire swirling in her scent.
Matt grinned slowly. Even the bite of winter on his skin couldn’t dilute the intense reaction surging in his blood. If he didn’t change soon, he’d probably make some mistake—liking trying to coax her out of those layers and back inside his jeep, a vehicle that had neither the room for them to really play nor the insulation to keep her warm.

“Keys are in the ignition.” He tossed his clothes into the back of the vehicle, then stepped from foot to foot in the snow. “We’re going to run a few miles. I’ll keep up with you. Don’t get cocky.” The last phrase had been a deliberate tease. Her gaze immediately dipped lower than his waist.

Satisfaction thrummed through him. She did like what she saw. Dancing forward, he caught her chin in his fingers and her eyes widened as she met his look. “Matt?”

“Just making sure you’re paying attention.” Then, because her tongue flicked over her lips nervously, he gave her another kiss. Her startled reaction muted and he felt her soften to the caress.
Double damn
. Kissing Shi was like a sweet frozen treat in the middle of a blistering day—perfect. Tearing himself away, he backed up a few paces. She’d seen him shift enough times; he had absolute faith she wouldn’t interfere.

“Why do you keep kissing me?” Her breathless inquiry rolled over him. He could answer, to give her something else to think about or…
I can let her wonder all day.

“Don’t you like my kisses?” Thank God she wasn’t a wolf, or she’d catch every nuance of his interest.

“I didn’t say that. You’re a surprisingly good kisser.” Blunt compliment or not, he zeroed in on the arch challenge in the middle of her statement.

“Surprising?” With a scowl, he raised his middle finger in her direction and she burst out laughing. The sound proved as captivating as the lightness glinting in her eyes and the way her smile drew her lips wide. Shi should always laugh.

His wolf scrabbled against him. They hadn’t had a good run since before the winter storms started pounding them. Giving into the urge, he closed his eyes and reached. His wolf surged through him and his body reassembled itself. Skin pulled tight, his bones cracked and reshaped as muscle slid and adjusted. As his fur sprouted, he landed on all fours and the bliss and agony resolved to absolute freedom.

Stretching, he leaned forward, then back. Giving himself a good shake, he got used to the feeling of four feet instead of two before finally glancing at Shiloh. She leaned against the snow cat, worrying her lower lip as she studied him. Prancing forward, he wagged his tail. As expected, she crouched to greet him and he lunged forward in a pounce that sent snow zinging at her.

She laughed. “Jerk.”

Tongue lolling, he sidled toward her again, but she didn’t fall for it a second time. Instead, she turned her hip toward him and gave him a bump. Dropping his tail, he let it drag as he gave her his most soulful look. Impatience flashed in her eyes, then she caved and knelt again. With another half-lunge, he knocked her into the snow then licked her face. Her laughter came out in bursts as she fought him. “Ack…that was my nose!”

Satisfied, he rubbed along her coat and legs once more, before letting her sit. She fixed her hood, then gave him what he suspected was supposed to be a glare, but which the mirth in her eyes totally undid.

“Rude,” she informed him, then wiped her hand against her face. “And cold.”

Not an ounce of malice or disdain in her tone, only suppressed amusement. She would wear his scent, so even if they separated in the woods other predators would think twice about getting near her.
Plan accomplished.
Shiloh was his and no one was allowed to touch her. The wolf’s possessiveness toward her felt…oddly right. With a snort, he nudged the neoprene facemask in her hand.

“Yeah, yeah.” She flattened a hand against his shoulder and shoved. It didn’t move him, not even an inch, but he gave her ground because she asked. “Way to end the conversation, by the way. Don’t think I’ll forget where we were.”

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