Wolf Hunting (80 page)

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Authors: Jane Lindskold

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Wolf Hunting
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Golden Feather.
a Wise Owl; mate to Night’s Terror.



Grace Trueheart
: (Duchess Merlin, H.H.) military commander; spouse of Alin Brave; mother of Baxter.



Grateful Peace
: (Dragon’s Eye, N.K.) also, Trausholo. Illuminator; Prime of New Kelvin; member of the Dragon’s Three. A very influential person. Husband to Chutia; brother of Idalia; uncle of Varcasiol, Kistlio, Linatha, and others; adopted father of Citrine.



Grey Thunder
. a Wise Wolf.



Grub Digger
. a Wise Bear cub.



Gustin I
: (King, B.B.) born Gustin Sailor, assumed the name Seagleam upon his coronation; first monarch of Bright Bay; spouse of Gayl Minter, later Gayl Seagleam; father of Gustin, Merry, and Lyra Seagleam. Deceased.



Gustin II
: (Queen, B.B.) born Merry Seagleam, assumed the name Gustin upon her coronation; second monarch of Bright Bay; spouse of Amery Pelican; mother of Basil, Seastar, and Tavis Seagleam. Deceased.



Gustin III:
(King, B.B.) born Basil Seagleam, assumed the name Gustin upon his coronation; third monarch of Bright Bay; spouse of Brina Dolphin, later of Viona Seal; father of Valora Seagleam. Deceased.



Gustin IV
: (Queen, B.B.) see Valora I.



Gustin Sailor
: see Gustin I.



. a Wise Wolf.



: a Wise Wolf.



Hard Biter
: a Wise Wolf.



(L.) aridisdu serving the Temple of the Cold Bloods; brother of Rahniseeta.



: (H.H.) a young hunter.



Harwill Lobster
. (King, the Isles) spouse of Valora I; during her reign as Gustin IV, also king of Bright Bay. Son of Marek.



(N.K.) a landlady.



Hazel Healer:
(H.H.) apothecary, herbalist, perfumer resident in the town of Hope.



: a Wise Wolf.



Heather Baker
. (H.H.) baker in Eagle’s Nest; former sweetheart of Derian Carter.



High Howler
: a Wise Wolf.



Holly Gardener:
(H.H.) former Master Gardener for Eagle’s Nest Castle, possessor of the Green Thumb, a talent for the growing of plants. Mother of Timin and Sarena.



Honey Endbrook
: (Isles) mother of Waln Endbrook.



: a maimalodalu.



Hya Grimsel
: (General, Stonehold) commander of Stonehold troops.



: (N.K.) assistant to Melina. Sister of Grateful Peace, spouse of Pichero; mother of Kistlio, Varcasiol, Linatha, and others.



: (N.K.) young member of the Sodality of Artificers.



: a Wise Wolf.



: a woman from Gak; twin sister of Tiniel.



Ivon Archer
. (Baron, H.H.) master of the Archer Grant; son of Purcel Archer and Rosene Eagle; brother of Zorana Archer; spouse of Aurella Wellward; father of Elise Archer.



Ivory Pelican:
(Lord, B.B.) Keeper of the Keys, an honored post in Bright Bay.



: see Grateful Peace.



Jared Surcliffe
: (knight, H.H.) knight of the Order of the White Eagle; possessor of the healing talent; distant cousin of Norvin Norwood who serves as his patron. Widower, no children.



(B.B.) deserter from Bright Bay’s army.



Jet Shield:
(H.H.) son of Melina Shield and Rolfston Redbriar; brother of Sapphire, Opal, Ruby, and Citrine. Heir apparent to his parents’ properties upon the adoption of his sister Sapphire by Tedric I.



Joy Spinner
. (H.H.) scout in the service of Earle Kite. Deceased.



(Prime, N.K.) thaumaturge, Sodality of Sericulturalists.



: (H.H.) servant to Newell Shield.



Kenre Trueheart
: (H.H.) son of Zorana Archer and Aksel Trueheart; brother of Purcel, Nydia, and Deste Trueheart.



: (N.K.): spy in the service of the Healed One. Deceased.



: (N.K.) clerk in Thendulla Lypella; nephew of Grateful Peace; son of Idalia and Pichero; brother of Varcasiol, Linatha, and others. Deceased.



a Once Dead.



an important citizen of Gak; mother of Petulia.



Lillis Norwood
: (H.H.) daughter of Norvin Norwood and Luella Stanbrook; sister of Edlin, Tait, and Agneta Norwood; adopted sister of Blysse Norwood (Firekeeper).



: (N.K.) niece of Grateful Peace; daughter of Idalia and Pichero; sister of Kistlio, Varcasiol, and others.



Longsight Scrounger
. pirate, leader of those at Smuggler’s Light.



Lorimer Stanbrook
: (Lord, H.H.) spouse of Marras Eagle; father of Marigolde and Alben Eagle. Deceased.



: a Wise Raven; mate of Bitter.



Lovella Eagle
: (Crown Princess, H.H.) military commander; daughter of Tedric Eagle and Elexa Well ward; spouse of Newell Shield. Deceased.



(N.K.) a thug.



Lucky Shortleg:
a pirate.



Luella Stanbrook
: (Lady, H.H.) spouse of Norvin Norwood; mother of Edlin, Tait, Lillis, and Agneta Norwood.



: (Duke, Half-Moon Island) formerly Duke Lobster of Bright Bay but chose to follow the fate of his son, Harwill. Brother of Faelene, the current Duchess Lobster.



Marigolde Eagle
: (H.H.) daughter of Marras Eagle and Lorimer Stanbrook. In keeping with principles of Zorana I, given no title as died in infancy.



Marras Eagle:
(Crown Princess, H.H.) daughter of Chalmer Eagle and Rose Rosewood; sister of Tedric, Caryl, Gadman, and Rosene; spouse of Lorimer Stanbrook; mother of Marigolde and Alben Eagle. Deceased.



. a spirit.



(L.) iaridisdu of the Horse.



(H.H.; N.K.) formerly entitled “lady,” with affiliation to House Gyrfalcon; reputed sorceress; spouse of Rolfston Redbriar; mother of Sapphire, Jet, Opal, Ruby, and Citrine Shield. Later spouse of Torovico of New Kelvin, given title of Consolor of the Healed One. Deceased.



Merri Jay
: (H.H.) daughter of Wendee Jay.



Merry Seagleam
: see Gustin II.



: (Princess, B.B.) formerly Minnow Oyster. Daughter of Allister I and Pearl Oyster, sister of Shad and Tavis; twin of Anemone.



Moon Frost
: a Wise Wolf.



: (H.H.) attendant to Melina Shield.



Neck Breaker.
a Wise Wolf.



(N.K.) member of the Sodality of Herbalists.



Newell Shield
: (Prince, H.H.) commander of marines; spouse of Lovella Eagle; brother of Melina Shield. Deceased.




s Terror
: a Wise Owl; mate of Golden Feather.



Ninette Farmer
: (H.H.) relative of Ivon Archer; attendant of Elise Archer.



. a Wise Wolf.



: a sailor on the



: (L.) member of u-Liall; representative for Magic.



: Royal Wolf, not of Firekeeper’s pack. Called Sharp Fang by his own pack.



Norvin Norwood
: (Earl Kestrel, H.H.) heir to Kestrel Grant; son of Saedee Norwood; brother of Eirene Norwood; spouse of Luella Stanbrook; father of Edlin, Tait, Lillis, and Agneta; adopted father of Blysse (Firekeeper).



: (Prime, N.K.) member of the Sodality of Sericulturalists, sympathetic to the Progressive Party.



Nydia Trueheart
: (H.H.) often called Dia; daughter of Aksel Trueheart and Zorana Archer; sister of Purcel, Deste, and Kenre Trueheart.



: (N.K.) apothecary; member of the Sodality of Alchemists.



One Female
: also Shining Coat; ruling female wolf of Firekeeper and Blind Seer’s pack.



One Male:
also Rip; ruling male wolf of Firekeeper and Blind Seer’s pack.



: a Wise Wolf.



Opal Shield:
(H.H.) daughter of Melina Shield and Rolfston Redbriar; sister of Sapphire, Jet, Ruby, and Citrine.



: (Isles) wife of Waln Endrook; mother of three children.



: (H.H.) born Malvin Hogge; bodyguard to Norvin Norwood; renowned for his strength and good temper.



: (L.) a kidisdu.



Pearl Oyster
: (Queen, B.B.) spouse of Allister I; mother of Shad, Tavis, Anemone, and Minnow.



Perce Potterford
: (B.B.) guard to Allister I.



: (H.H.) body servant to Ivon Archer.



: city-state of Gak; trainee kidisdu.



: (N.K.) spouse of Idalia; father of Kistlio, Varcasiol, Linatha, and others.



: a maimalodalu.



: (Lord, H.H.) military commander; brother of Tab, Rein, Newell, and Melina.



: (Prime, N.K.) member of the Sodality of Illuminators.



: (L.) a kidisdu of the Horse, son of Varjuna and Zira.



Powerful Tenderness
: a maimalodalu.



Puma Killer
: a Wise Wolf.



Purcel Archer
: (Baron Archer, H.H.) first Baron Archer, born Purcel Farmer, elevated to the title for his prowess in battle; spouse of Rosene Eagle; father of Ivon and Zorana. Deceased.



Purcel Trueheart
: (H.H.) lieutenant Hawk Haven army; son of Aksel Trueheart and Zorana Archer; brother of Nydia, Deste, and Kenre Trueheart. Deceased.



: a maimalodalu. Deceased.



Race Forester.
(H.H.) scout under the patronage of Norvin Norwood; regarded by many as one of the best in his calling.



: (N.K.) member of the Sodality of Lapidaries.



: (L.) resident in the Temple of the Cold Bloods; sister of Harjeedian.



: a sailor on the
. Deceased.



: a Wise Wolf.



Red Stripe:
also called Cime; a pirate.



Reed Oyster
. (Duke, B.B.) father of Queen Pearl. Among the strongest supporters of Allister I.



Rein Shield:
(Lord, H.H.) brother of Tab, Newell, Polr, and Melina.



Riki Redbriar
: (Lady, H.H.) spouse of Gadman Eagle; mother of Rolfston and Nydia Redbriar. Deceased.



: (N.K.) a maid in the Cloud Touching Spire; a slave.



: see Citrine Shield.



: see the One Male.



Rolfston Redbriar
: (Lord, H.H.) son of Gadman Eagle and Riki Redbriar; spouse of Melina Shield; father of Sapphire, Jet, Opal, Ruby, and Citrine Shield. Deceased.


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