Wolf Asylum (18 page)

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Authors: Mark Fuson

Tags: #Wolf Asylum, #9781629291758, #Mark Fuson, #Damnation Books, #Fuson, #lycanthrope, #wolf, #lycan, #werewolf, #change, #transform, #transformation, #moon, #full moon, #addiction, #addicts, #The Power of One, #silver dagger, #Hell, #other side, #other world, #witch, #demon, #demons, #demonic, #Succubus, #gay, #homosexual, #same-sex relationship, #sex, #silver, #silver blood, #blood, #fetus, #mental hospital, #mental patients, #drugs, #murder, #serial killer, #bones, #pyramid of skulls, #forest, #woods, #imp, #essence of imp, #tattoo, #ear, #morgue, #Hadamar, #Riverview, #souls, #soul, #bully, #bullied, #high school bully, #homophobia, #anti-gay, #teen, #teenage, #teenager, #revenge, #pay back, #incest, #torture, #mutilation, #mutilate, #amputate, #gate, #key, #portal, #Darwin Foster, #Darwin, #Darwinism, #Steve Cardwen, #Marta, #womb, #pregnant, #D.K. Slade, #Slade, #Se Venire, #Bermuda Triangle, #The Cyclops, #Cyclops, #Battle of Waterloo, #Napoleon, #Monster, #Lucifer, #the devil, #Satan, #insanity, #sanity, #stab, #stabbing, #rape, #sister, #menstruation, #death camp, #concentration camp, #abortion, #abortion clinic, #thief, #criminal, #evil, #good vs. evil

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Slade again looked to his feet and the ear was whole, not transparent, like the captain. The lights on bridge instantly grew brighter. Reaching down, he grabbed the appendage and pocketed it. Looking back he found the captain surrounded by other entities, swarming him. He shouted and screamed only for a moment as they cleaved his torso with their bare hands.

On deck, nearing the rope, he saw it. Death.

* * * *

“It was the blackest of blacks that I have ever seen. It; he…I don't know. This black object swirled like a matting of tangled laundry and soot-laden smoke. Faces appeared and disappeared but none seemed human. It hovered just next to where my rope was secured as though it was taunting me. One move and I'd forever be a passenger on the Cyclops.” Slade paused as he could again see the terror.

“It snickered; I could hear it inside of my mind. For a moment, I understood it. My soul began to pollute and darken-more than it already was. I could hear something else; I wasn't sure until later what it had been. The more I looked at the demon the more I lost myself to it. It comes in many forms and you see only what it wants you to. It knows everything-I don't think you can fight it.

“I clambered across the rope faster than I could have run. I had been infected with terror. The further away from the Cyclops I got the safer I felt. When the rope snapped from the Cyclops I fell into the side of my ship but I kept pulling myself until finally I collapsed on the deck. When I opened my eyes I saw the Cyclops sailing away, her crew lined the deck shoulder to shoulder. In unison they chanted, ‘
Se Venire'
.” Slade stopped for a moment.

“They repeated it over and over again until the green haze dissipated and I was back in my own time, my universe. I really don't know where I had gone. I never forgot what they had said, and I wrote it down. Roughly translated it means–he is coming.”

“Who?” Darwin asked.

“I've been waiting for nearly a hundred and sixty years for the answer. Maybe no one. What I know is that the Cyclops was real.” Slade affirmed.

“In 1918, she disappeared, just as I knew she would. I considered traveling on her to see what would happen, but sanity got the better of me. I did go and see her in 1913, only one time and at a distance. It was surreal, the strongest case of
déjà vu
I'd ever had, at least until then.”

Slade reached into his pocket and removed a small box and passed it to Tara. The box was nothing remarkable; plain, black veneer with a gold leaf lining that could have passed for any jewelry case. Inside this box was nothing more than a dried ear, or by another standard; mummified.

“You brought the ear of a ghost from the future back in time.” Darwin chuckled. “You could have got that anywhere.”

“True,” Slade admitted. “The story I told you could be completely fabricated on my part, you have it in yourselves to believe or disbelieve me. However, if my story is true then I know a great deal more about the other world than you do. What I know for certain is, we are a power and that power can open doorways. I think some humans have it naturally, but lycans all have it. I further know that doorways exist all over this planet. My first experience was in what they call the Bermuda Triangle, but that was only the first. I have had other encounters over the centuries and I'm certain that our presence triggers the gateway between our worlds, and further to that the more of you there are, the wider that door opens! I believe your little town is sitting on the door step of Hell. You can choose to ignore me, or listen up. Either way your door is falling off the frame and if you don't want to listen to me, I may have to make a quick exit-because whatever you've been fucking with…it's pissed and it's coming.
Se Venire

Chapter Twenty-One

Slades' arrival in New Haven had created a never seen before buzz around the community. Rumors about the after world and New Haven's connection to it were quick to infect the town. Like all good stories, it soon had momentum and a life all of its own.

Neighbors passed the story on of Slade and his encounter aboard the RMS Titanic and how his creature rewrote history. With each retelling of the story Slade became more and more outlandish, and yet the story continued to unfold in different ways.

Darwin could only roll his eyes when he learned of the tall tales running free throughout New Haven. It should have been expected, but between his recovery from death and the loss of Tim, Darwin realized he would have to take more notice of what went on in the town.

What Slade had brought to New Haven was deadly. Knowledge is power, so they say. Only a few close friends and bystanders had heard the lore that Slade had shared. It was possible the underworld masters could manipulate any New Haven lycan to open the door.

Until they knew more about the other side, information would have to be sequestered to prevent anyone from getting any ill-advised ideas. For the time being, it was easier to allow the falsehoods to flow. Citizens could fill in the blanks as their imaginations dictated.

Darwin had asked that those directly related to the Slade meeting convene at the Bollen estate where they could sit down and work on a plan to retrieve Tim, Mary and in the back of Darwin's mind, Steve.

“So, as strange as that sounds, D.K. found me,” J.D. said, finishing his story.

“I can't believe it. If he hadn't approached you we might never have had the pleasure,” Tara replied with a blushed school girl grin plastered across her face.

“The right person at the right moment. It is strange,” Darwin contemplated. “You had no idea what was happening in New Haven?”

“None!” J.D. said.

Slade sparked another smoke and took a large inhale, deeper than the average person could. The glowing red of the tobacco tube burnt down like a fuse until a quarter of the cigarette was gone. Slade released the smoke from his lips and held onto the nicotine cloud savoring the flavor, refusing to exhale. He leaned back in his chair and looked out the window watching the oak branch lightly tap the glass pane. “That's not entirely true,” he uttered, still without releasing much smoke from his deep lungs.

“What do you mean?” Tara asked.

Slade opened his mouth and the smoke finally began to billow. “As I get older, my perception continues to improve. I can sense things in others that none of you will begin to realize for another fifty years. Call it second sight if you want. When I saw J.D. I knew he was lycan, I could smell the pup on him. To find one only days' old was quite amazing. Maybe that's what made him so easy to read. His mind was almost an open book and I could tell he was struggling to adapt to his changing physiology.”

“You can read our thoughts?” Darwin asked.

“Read is a bit too confident. It's more like looking at a picture, and getting a very distinct impression of its meaning. As you age and adjust to the wolf you learn how to control what you emanate. In time you will learn to lock your mind off from others. For the moment, Darwin you have one fucked up little town!” Slade proclaimed.

The room went silent, unsure how they should respond until finally Darwin gave the okay.

“You have no idea, Mister Slade!” Darwin laughed for a few moments along with the rest of the room. “So, you sensed something about New Haven before even knowing about it?”

“When I met J.D. I was let inside. By that, I mean I became aware of your existence. I also sensed the gate that existed here. Once I knew of New Haven I knew of the gate and I knew I had to come,” Slade said.

“Even though I didn't know about this gate thing?” J.D. asked, confused.

“Essentially. I can't be sure how it works, but ever since my first encounter with the Cyclops I have been susceptible to these areas, almost like I'm bound to them or they're bound to me. Even though J.D. was unaware of the forest and what existed there he had been to your town and around you. Your bite transferred some of your experience to J.D.—even if J.D. is still unaware of it. I can pick up impressions from you through J.D. I believe, that is how the gate found me.” Slade returned to his neglected cigarette now burning down close to the filter.

“Why would the gate want to find you?” Terri asked.

Giving up on his sad smoke, Slade crushed it from existence and removed a new stick and quickly sparked it up. “Let's just say me and the old bitch have some unfinished business.”

“And what might that be?” Darwin asked.

“It all comes back to that ear. Captain Worley warned me that I should listen. I guess that's why I've carried that ear for all these years. When the other side beckons, I come.” Slade tapped the ear box that sat idly on the table, “I've had other encounters over the years…”

“Darwin!” Dave announced ignorantly as he strolled through the double dining room doors. “You are one hard son of a bitch to find!”

“Dave this is a private meeting,” Darwin said sharply.

“Information gathering, isn't it? Well, I have information for you and it's a whopper!” Dave said excitedly as he grabbed a chair and sat down.

“All right Dave, what do you think you have?” Darwin asked giving him some latitude.

Dave smirked and began his story.

“I was feeling a bit excluded after our conversation on the street. I mean let's face it, I've been a member of the family since the beginning and you've all but ignored me. I guess that's understandable. I can take it—it was a one-night stand to you,” Dave said.

Slade leaned over to Tara and quietly said, “See? Fucked up town!”

“What's your point?” Darwin directed.

“My point is I went to that meeting with Giddon and Kimbel. I admit I was standoffish with them, but I was still pissed. Our meeting was short and they excused themselves, not really getting what they came for. I followed them and I hear them talking. You gotta love our hearing! Not only does Giddon suspect us as werewolves, but one of our captives got away and told them all about us! Nancy Betmin! Why would they have Nancy? According to our records, Darwin withdrew her from the mine and ate her? Strange, isn't it?” Dave subtly accused.

“What are you saying Dave?” Darwin asked with anger brewing under his skin.

“I didn't want to know what I know, but I know it, so it is what it is. Maybe you shouldn't have been such a pig! I've been watching you, waiting for you to fuck up so I could show everyone what and who you really are. I knew you were eating a ton from Special Handling. I saw you let Nancy go! I watched her get away! I watched you bless that geek and I heard you order him to track her. Unfortunately my evidence was hearsay, but I digress,” Dave toyed.

Darwin's finger tips began to tingle. He could feel himself slipping. He wanted to kill Dave and he knew his control was weak at best.

“I called them on it. Right outside of Hadamar. They were shocked that I could hear them and didn't hang around to talk with me further. I figured I was tailing you, so why not tail them. It was funny, really. They stopped their car just outside of town and did a U-turn when they saw you and Mary drive past. They followed at a distance and I followed them. I'm not sure if it was luck on their part but somehow you never picked up the human scent,” Dave continued his tease.

“Dave!” Darwin shouted.

“I followed the scent but it didn't take long and I lost Kimbel and Giddon, as well as you. I stumbled around the woods for a bit until I hear this bull running through the bushes, only it wasn't a bull. I see this guy Kimbel, white as a ghost and he's mumbling uncontrollably. He collapses at my feet and all he says to me is-that's Marta Foster!”

The room muted, most not truly understanding what had just been said.

“That doesn't sound like Steve's sister at all, you little lying fa…” Dave choked, breaking out in hysterics.

Darwin kicked over his chair and flipped the dinning room table causing it to impact the ceiling before crashing down, narrowly missing Slade and Tara. Darwin leapt onto Dave and began squeezing his throat, forcing Dave's eyeballs to swell and fill with blood, but Dave continued to smile in contempt.

You snot nose little fucker!
” Darwin screamed as he began jarring Dave's neck back and forth until he heard the crack of the spine. “Fuck! Argh!
” Darwin lost himself and the wolf took over at the same time Dave began to change.

With a broken but healing spine Dave crashed his knee into Darwin's testicles, bursting both instantly. Darwin released his claws from Dave and fell to the side while he continued to change and heal.

The swollen eyes of Dave Cronin remained engorged as the color moved in. As the buttons gave way on his shirt he leapt to his feet and re-cracked his neck. With scorn filling his muscles, Dave readied himself for the fight, a fight to the death he assumed.

Darwin lay on the floor, his pants and belt giving way for the monster beneath but he was still unable to move. His testicles were a mess and in complete aggravation that created a pain he had never experienced before. The world around him slowed to a pause and the air evacuated his lungs. Tears rolled through the fur on his face as his snout elongated. Darwin wanted to lift himself but even as the wolf, his strength was absent.

Dave's monster moved towards Darwin with his right claw raised to the ceiling readying for his attack. He had struggled to be an obedient member but finally Dave had given in to the jealousy and rage that existed within him. He hadn't planned to kill Darwin but now only feet away from his immobilized leader, the resentment was fully in control.

Dave thumped his way across the hardwood. With each step his hind claws scratched and carved into the shiny floor.

Darwin was within a few feet of the destroyed dinning room table. An ornate leg was nearly within arms reach. If he couldn't stand to fight he would have to defend himself from the floor. His balls were healing, but much slower than normal, and he was out of time. He drove his claws into the floor and began pulling himself towards the club that he knew would be his only chance at a defense.

The massive strength of his upper body allowed him to pull himself along a foot at a time. Darwin's wolf flipped onto his stomach making it easier to pull himself. The maneuver worked only briefly as it quickly became obvious that dragging his still, cracked nuts across the floor brought a resurgence of unrelenting pain.

Pushing himself, Darwin attempted to flip onto his back. Dave's claw came down in front of Darwin pulling him into the massive and open jaw. He bit down onto Darwin's large shoulder driving his teeth in and wiggling like a dog with a new toy.

Darwin yelped but could do little else.

Soon the area was filled with growls and yelps. The dinning room had been a place for epicurean delights but was now de-evolving into cannibalistic mayhem as the room became sprinkled with the iron gift.

Slade, with a set of silver-toned canines bit down on Dave's shoulder giving him a quick tussle before tossing him to the other side of the room. Slade turned and looked to Dave Cronin as he fell limp against the wall. His fire extinguished.

“That'll do,” Slade growled through his blood encrusted fangs. The newcomer slowly brought his face and hands back to human again before returning to his overturned chair, right siding it and sitting down.

Dave's wolf disappeared, leaving a screaming toddler. Cronin bawled as though he was a child stung by a bee for the first time. The onlookers in the room were all shocked at how pathetic Dave was reacting. Was he crying from the wound or for losing so quickly?

Darwin too began to revert to human with his jewels more or less healed. Even before he had completely returned to his human form Darwin looked to Slade and gave him a nod of thanks. “I owe you.” He growled.

“Nonsense!” Slade barked. “You are his maker. It was blasphemes to speak to you with so little respect.”

“Just the same, thanks!” Darwin said laying on the floor nude in his human form. “What the fuck are you crying about you fucking pussy?”

Dave remained in tears, unable to hear what Darwin had said to him.

“You must have bit him hard, Slade.” Darwin finally got up off the floor only wincing once from the remaining pain from between his legs.

“I bit him so hard it killed him!” Slade smirked. “Nah, I'm just fucking with ya! My bite would have killed him no matter how hard or soft it was.”

“You mean he's going to die?” Tara asked.

“Yes,” Slade replied. “As I said, the silver blood I drank has changed me, or changed the wolf I should have been. My bites as well as my scratches will kill any other lycan. Dave will die in no more than three days in the worst possible way. I can finish him off now, if you prefer? Either way he will die.”

Darwin stood looking at Dave with malice. He wanted to know more about what Dave had seen. Had Dave simply made the allegation out of spite?

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