Wives and Champions (11 page)

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Authors: Tina Martin

Tags: #black love, #womens fiction, #romantic, #black romance, #african american ebooks

BOOK: Wives and Champions
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I’m pregnant, Dante,” she
said sadly with a broken voice. “There. I said it. I’m

There was no need to act surprised
since he already knew. So he focused on the reason she hesitated to
tell him instead. “You’re pregnant and by your reaction, I take it
you’re not happy about it,” he said, wiping the tear away from her

It’s not like it was

It doesn’t have to be
planned. Ezra wasn’t planned.”

No, he wasn’t,

But what,

You wouldn’t understand.
It’s a woman thing.”

thing,” he repeated. “A couple
of days ago, you told me you weren’t ready for another baby. Did
you know you were pregnant when you said that?”

I did,” she

So, you don’t want this

That’s not what I’m
saying, Dante.”

Then what
you saying, because
I’m confused.”

The same thing I said
before. I’m not ready for another baby.
not ready. I just got back
into the swing of things here at the boutique after being home with
Ezra for six months and now I’m pregnant again. It’s all fine and
dandy for you to be excited about having another child. You don’t
have to experience any of the symptoms that come along with
pregnancy. You don’t have to worry about morning sickness,
heartburn, the mood changes, fatigue, bloating, and constipation.
It’s not your body that has to stretch to the size of a blimp. It’s
mine. And
to change
schedule because of course your work is more important than
mine. And your solution is for me to stay at home. To quit my job
and be a full-time mother.”

Dante frowned. He took a step back
from her and said, “So you don’t want my baby?”

That’s not what I’m
saying, Dante.”

Well, that’s all I hear,”
he said raising his voice. “You know what…I’m going back to the
office before I completely lose my mind in here.”

Fine. Go. I already lost
my mind. Ezra needs to have at least one sane parent!”

Dante stopped, turned around and
looked at her. “You know what’s funny? And it’s not even funny…it’s
more ironic than anything. I would give you anything you ever
wanted in life. Anything. Just like I practically gave you this
boutique and went as far as to have it redone for you. I would give
you anything, Emily. But you’re complaining because you have my
baby, our baby, growing inside of you like it’s the worst thing in
the world. We discussed children. This isn’t new. We both wanted

I didn’t say I didn’t want

You just said you didn’t
want the baby.”

No. I said I wasn’t

Now you’re playing with

Emily shook her head.

Make up your mind, Emily.
I’m very decisive. You know that about me. I have no doubt in my
mind that you, and a family, is what I want. It’s what I’ve always
wanted, but if that’s not what you want, be straightforward with
me. If this shop means more to you than our family—”

What?” she

He continued, “If
more to you than our family, then just tell me that and stop
wasting my time, Emily.” Dante turned away from her and walked out
of the office.

Emily held her head in her hands.
Suddenly, an argument about her pregnancy had spiraled out of
control into something much more.

Chapter Nine




Come back here, little
girl,” Melanie said, chasing Grace around the island in the
kitchen. They’d just finished up lunch. Grace had one of her
favorites – mashed sweet potatoes – and Melanie made a small garden
salad for herself. When they were done eating, Grace waddled around
the table with her little, chubby legs. She seemed proud of herself
for knowing how to work them a little better now that she could run
without many falls.

After she played with Grace until she
tired her out, Melanie lowered her sleeping beauty in her crib
then, downstairs, she got comfortable on the couch with her

Ah,” she said, exhaling.
“Finally. Some mommy time.” Every mom needed her own personal time
as far as she was concerned. Life could very easily overwhelm
mothers, especially being the primary caregiver of their children
and all.

Melanie kicked up her feet on the
coffee table and crossed them at the ankles. She opened her laptop,
browsed around on social media and beauty blogs before checking her

She reached for her cell phone to call
Dimitrius when she saw a text message from a number she didn’t


you owe me an explanation.


Melanie frowned. Whoever it was
must’ve had the wrong number. She replied back:


Sorry. Think you have the wrong number.

no, I have the right number, Melanie.


She snapped her head back. This person
knew her, but she had no idea who this was. Was this a joke?
Somebody playing around on her phone?


: Who
is this?



She froze. Scott? After all
this time, he’d kept her phone number? And what did he mean
him an
explanation? She didn’t
him anything. Well, maybe a slap across his
stupid-looking face, but nothing more.


Don’t know why you’re texting me, but don’t send me anymore

you owe me an explanation.

you told me you couldn’t have children and now you have a

: And
you have a wife and child, so why are you texting me?

you know it was supposed to be us.


Supposed to be us?
Anger surged through her veins like a wild
electrical current. He couldn’t be serious.
It was supposed to be us?
? And why
was he referring to them as


the reason we broke up is because you apparently lied to me…told me
you couldn’t have children and then low and behold you have a baby
with that Champion dude

was this all planned? I mean, if it was, I can’t fault you…the guy
is loaded, so I heard. Guess money trumps love.


The more she read, the more her blood
pressure elevated.


one thing is for certain…he’ll never have your heart like I had it.
No man will. Joke’s on him.


Melanie dropped her phone
on the couch cushion and buried her face in her hands. Why was she
letting him get under her skin? She knew why. He broke her heart,
and he was her first love. Her first everything. Everyone
remembered their first love. And it’s not like she sat around
daydreaming about Scott. She didn’t. Dimitrius was more man that
Scott could ever be. Still, she remembered the good times she and
Scott had together. He
a part of her life once upon a time…

Melanie picked up her phone and texted


: I’m
trying to be nice. Stop texting me, Scott.

tell me why you lied.

: I
didn’t lie. My daughter is a miracle and I’m glad I had her with
the right man. A faithful, loyal man and not one who runs off like
a little boy when things don’t go his way. I love my husband. Stop
texting me!

if you love him so much, why do you still wear that necklace I gave
you? You had it on at the museum last Saturday. Guess you don’t
hate me that much. You wake up in the morning and put on that
necklace. Must mean something.


Melanie touched her neck, her fingers
gliding downward until they caught on the gold necklace Scott had
given her.


How had she forgotten Scott had given
her that gold necklace? Maybe because it was so plain-looking.
Ordinary and thoughtless. There wasn’t anything special about it.
It was just a necklace.

Melanie snatched the necklace from her
neck. She jumped off the couch and swiftly walked to the kitchen
where she tossed it in the garbage can. Just like Scott, the
necklace meant nothing to her, and she hated the fact that she’d
forgotten he had given it to her. Had she known, she would’ve
tossed it a long time ago.

Chapter Ten




Desmond sat next to Sherita in the
patient waiting room. The nurse had just left after checking
Sherita’s temperature and blood pressure.

You nervous?” he asked,
tightening the hold he had on her hand.

Sherita smiled uncomfortably. “A

It’ll be fine. We’ll just
tell her what’s been going on with you lately and see what she


Dr. Julianne Knighton opened the door
and said, “Well, hi there, Mr. Champion.”

Hi, Dr.

I wasn’t expecting to see
you, too,” she said extending her hand to his, shaking when he
accepted her grasp.

I needed Desmond to come
with me for moral support,” Sherita said.

Good. That’s very noble of
you, Desmond. A lot of men would totally freak out with these kinds
of visits.”

Desmond chuckled. “I can handle just
about anything when it involves the woman I love.”

Sherita felt her heart turn to mush
when she looked at him. She smiled, certain that her appreciation
for him showed through her eyes.

How are those beautiful
twins of yours, by the way?” Dr. Knighton asked.

Sherita’s face lit up. “They’re doing
good. Getting big and are very energetic.”

Wonderful. Glad to hear
it. They’re so adorable.”

Thank you,” Desmond and
Sherita said together.

Now, let’s cut to the
chase. Tell me the reason for your visit today?”

Well…um, I…ah…” Sherita
said, struggling to get the words out.

Take your time,
sweetheart,” Desmond said before he threw his arm around her,
resting his hand on her shoulder and gently rubbing her

I think I may be having
some postpartum issues.”

Okay. Can you describe
your symptoms for me?”

Yes. Lately, I’ve been
feeling very irritable. Um…it’s difficult for me to concentrate.
I’m always worried, anxious and mad. I feel like I cry a lot…more
than I’ve ever cried in my life. I just…I don’t feel like myself

Are you home with the
babies during the day?” the doctor inquired.

Only on Mondays. I work
Tuesday through Friday and the twins are with my mom and the nanny,
but I feel guilty when I’m not there with them.”

Dr. Knighton nodded. “It’s natural to
feel that way, but at the same time, Sherita, you need a break from
the babies.”

I know.”

And that’s not a bad
thing, so try not to feel guilty about it. And while we’re on the
subject of you needing some mommy time, do you think you’re getting
enough sleep?”

No,” Sherita and Desmond
said together. They both laughed.

How many hours would you
say you’re sleeping per night?”

Oh, gosh. Um…four, maybe,
and that’s if I’m lucky.”

Your rest is going to be
very important especially since your body needs that reenergizing
to work and adjust to being a mother.”

But, that’s the thing.
Being a mother is what has me losing sleep.”

Dr. Knighton smiled. “Trust me, with
three pre-teens at home, I feel your pain, but you have to give
your body time to rest. I think you’re overdoing it.”

Sherita nodded.

You may need to consider
cutting your hours back…something you and Desmond can work out.
It’ll help you out a lot.”

Okay,” Sherita said,
glancing at Desmond.

Are the babies sleeping
through the night?” the doctor inquired.

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