Without Reservations (12 page)

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Authors: J. L. Langley

Tags: #Romance

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It didn’t matter, Chay didn’t give him the chance to do either. He continued to trace the tight puckered hole with his tongue, then lapped his way back up Keaton’s balls. Sometime during his rimming, Keaton’s prick had woken up again. Chay took Bit’s cock into his mouth and sucked.


He drew back and caught Keaton’s surprised gaze. “You think I try to pretend you’re a woman?”

Bit’s jaw dropped. He shook his head slowly from side to side.

Chay grinned. “Good. I don’t want to hear that again.”

Bit nodded, his eyes glazed over.

Chay let go of his legs and retrieved the lube. He slicked up his cock. Keaton’s groan of appreciation had him lingering longer, playing it up for his mate. Damn, it felt pretty good too. He could just…
Bit’s tight little ass. Focus, Chay.
He let go of his prick and squeezed some more lube onto his fingers.

Bit grabbed his legs and held them back, his eyes nervous as he watched Chay.

“Shhh…relax, baby. I know damned well who you are. I’ve never pretended you were anyone else. Not gonna start now.” He gripped Bit’s foot with his non-slick hand and kissed the arch. “‘Sides no one else gets me as hot as you do.” He sucked the big toe into his mouth as his fingers slid over the ring of muscle.

Keaton gasped.

Chay pushed a finger in and they both groaned.

Damn, it was snug. His cock jerked in anticipation. He pressed another finger in, watching his mate’s face for signs of discomfort.

There weren’t any. Bit’s cock was rock hard against his stomach again. His eyes closed, a slight smile on his lips. Fuck, Bit was a good-looking man. “Ready for another finger, pretty baby?”

“Ready for your cock.”

“You sure?”


Chay slid a third finger in, watching Bit’s face closely.

Bit sighed.

He pulled his fingers out and lined the head of his cock up with the ready hole. He pushed in and Keaton’s body swallowed him in. “Oh goddamn, you feel good.” He pressed forward slowly, his body arguing with him the whole way, telling him to hurry up. He ignored it, taking his time savoring the feel of his mate’s body squeezing him tight.

Bit whimpered. “Move. Please move.”

He did, thrusting gently at first. He’d done this before with women, but this was different, better. It was Bit, his mate.

Bit made such sweet sounds, gasps and sighs. Chay felt himself getting close. Smelled the drops of cum seeping from Keaton’s prick. He grabbed Keaton’s legs under the knees and pulled him up to meet his thrusts, moving faster.

Bit groaned, his eyes going wide.

Chay did it again.

Keaton’s whole body tensed, his ass tightening.

Chay groaned too. He sped his pace more and watched the pleasure play over Keaton’s face. He smiled and took notice of the angle he was using. He’d forgotten all about that. Hadn’t even considered that it was supposed to feel good when you stimulated the prostate. “You like that, baby?”

“God yes! Faster, Chay. Harder.”

A tingle raced up Chay’s spine. Damn, if that wasn’t hot, he didn’t know what was. He started snapping his hips faster. “Touch yourself. Jerk yourself off for me, Bit.”

Bit grabbed his prick, pulling in time to Chay’s strokes. It was the most erotic thing Chay’d ever seen.

Keaton’s teeth sank into his bottom lip as he pumped his cock. Within seconds he tightened around Chay, begging.

Chay didn’t know what he was saying, didn’t understand a word of it, but he knew what Keaton asked for. He fucked Bit fast and hard, driving into him. Within seconds Bit’s body shook, his moans growing louder and louder. His muscles clamped tight around Chay and the scent of spunk filled the air.

Keaton was always beautiful, but something about the look on his face when he came undid Chay.

Chay came with a ragged moan, his body spilling into his mate’s. He collapsed over Keaton, breathing hard, riding out the aftershocks.

Bit’s arms wrapped around him and he nuzzled his face against Chay’s. When he found Chay’s lips with his, he brought them together.

He moaned into Bit’s mouth, kissing back. God he loved this man.

Chay was practically floating when the gasp came from the doorway. “Motherfucker!”



Chapter Nine


Remi stood in the doorway, Pita cradled in his arms. He glared at Keaton and set the dog down. The puppy immediately rushed to the bed and started barking and hopping up and down.

Remi opened his mouth and shut it several times before pointing his finger at Keaton. “You. This is your fault. You’ve brainwashed him.”

“Out!” Chay grabbed the covers, throwing them over himself and Keaton, and slid to the side and out of Keaton’s body.

Keaton gasped at the pleasure, then snapped his mouth shut.

Surprisingly, Remi turned around and walked out of the room.

Chay sat up and ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Why?” Chay’s brow furrowed.

“Well…that Remi found out.”

He shook his head. “No. You don’t have anything to be sorry about. It’s Remi’s fault. He’s always walking in, the fucker never has figured out how to knock on a damn door. Doesn’t matter, I’ve been putting it off. This is a good thing.” Chay bent, kissing him, and smacked his hip. “Get up and get dressed.” He got off the bed then swooped Pita up in one hand and held him face level. “And
. For the love of God, hush.”

Keaton sighed and trudged to the bathroom to wash up. When he came back Chay was fully dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him. Keaton didn’t want to do this. Call it a hunch, but it was going to be pretty ugly.


He grinned. “Yeah?” He’d never admit he liked Chay calling him that.

Chay stood, wrapping his arms around Keaton’s waist, and kissed his forehead. “Thank you.” He traced the bridge of Keaton’s nose with his thumb. “God, I love these freckles.”

Keaton rolled his eyes. “You’re insane, you know that?”

Chay nipped his chin. “It’s part of my charm. Come on. Let’s go talk to Remi. I’d kick his ass out, but he was my best friend for the past twenty years.”


Chay raised an eyebrow and grinned, then grabbed Keaton’s hand and led him to the living room.

Remi sat on the couch. He looked up as they walked in, took in their entwined hands and glowered at Keaton. “What did you do to him?”

Chay held up a hand. “Remi, don’t start. This has nothing to do with Keaton.”

“What? Yes, it does,” Remi shouted.

Keaton nodded, then realized what he was doing. Good lord was he actually agreeing with Remi?

“Listen, Remi, this is none of your business. But you’re my friend and I’m going to explain this to you, this once.” Chay let go of Keaton’s hand and sat on the couch, turning slightly toward Remi.

Pita pounced over and started pulling on Chay’s pant leg, growling. Keaton grinned, picked the pup up and sat in the chair catty-corner to the couch.

Remi ran his hands down his face. The man really was handsome, too bad he was such an ass. He sat forward and rested his hands on his knees. “Why, Chay? Is this some sort of rebellion or something to piss your mother off? It wasn’t bad enough that you brought home a half-white friend, now you have to bring home a white lover? A guy, for crying out loud. You aren’t even gay.”

Chay sighed. “It has nothing to do with my mother. And can we stop with the whole gay, not-gay thing? It’s irrelevant. Keaton is my lover, and I’m keeping him, that’s that.”

“What, did you all of a sudden decide you didn’t like women anymore?”

“I like women. I just like Bi—Keaton more.”

Remi glared at Keaton then turned back to Chay. “This is un-fucking-believable. What does he have on you? Is he blackmailing you or something?”

Chay closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Keaton had the sudden urge to take him in his arms and tell him it would be all right, but he knew it wouldn’t. Remi was only the first. Lena Winston was going to react ten times as bad.

Chay dropped his hand and looked at his friend. “Remi—”

“Well, hell, Chay, what am I supposed to think? You never liked men that way before.”

“I’m going to say this once. You can deal with it, or you can go, it’s up to you. I love Keaton and he’s staying…”

Keaton gasped, his eyes going wide as he glanced over at Chay. Poor Remi looked like someone had sucker punched him. Wait, no. Not “poor Remi”, the man was an asshole.

Chay kept talking, oblivious to their reactions. “…here. This is his home now. He isn’t going anywhere…ever. If you can’t be nice to him then you’re no longer welcome here.”

“So it’s me or him?”

“Not if you can behave and stop insulting him. We’ve been friends for a long time, but I’m not going to allow you to badmouth and torment Keaton.”

Remi stood up, outraged. “You would throw our friendship away for…for”—he pointed at Keaton—“that…that little faggot.”

Chay jumped up, anger radiating off him. “That’s it! Get out. Get the fuck out and don’t come back until you can behave.”

Remi glared at Keaton one last time and stormed out, slamming the front door behind him.

Keaton closed his eyes and dropped his head back on the chair.
This sucked.

Pita raised up, putting his front paws on his chest, and started licking his chin.

Keaton put him on the floor and looked around for Chay. He stood at the back window, peering out. Keaton didn’t know what to say. Should he go and try to comfort Chay? The strangest thing was he had this urge to actually defend Remi. The man had to be in shock.

“Sorry about that, Bit. I know it doesn’t excuse his behavior, but his dad is a real asshole. He didn’t have the easiest time growing up.” Chay turned slowly from the window.

“You don’t have to apologize to me. You know this is only the beginning, right? It’s going to get worse.”

Chay nodded.

“Do you really want to be an outcast? Shunned by your friends, your family?”

Chay cocked his head. “Is that what happened to you, Bit? Did your friends all abandon you when you told them you were gay?”

“No. I didn’t have any friends.”

“Everyone has friends.”

Keaton shook his head. “I don’t.”


“First, I was too rich, my family too snobby. Then I was too smart, I made people uncomfortable. After that, I was way too powerful of a werewolf and made everyone uneasy. Next there was my sexuality.” He shrugged. “I’m just not a person who inspires close relationships, I guess.”

“What about boyfriends?”

“There was just the one. And we were never that close.”

Chay raised a brow. “Because he wasn’t out?”

“Yeah, he insisted he wasn’t gay. Pretty much everyone I’ve ever cared about has distanced themselves from me, in one form or another.”

Chay walked over to him and reached out a hand.

Keaton looked at it, and his eyes followed it up to Chay’s face. When he took it, Chay drew him out of the chair, sat down and pulled Keaton onto his lap.

Chay kissed his nose and leaned back in the chair, holding him close. “I’m not going anywhere, Bit. You can quit waiting for me to leave, it’s not going to happen.”

Keaton wished he could believe that wholeheartedly. He did believe it on some level, but there was still a little bit of doubt in the back of his mind. “I can’t help it. I feel like I’m destroying your life. I’ve already lost you a friend. God only knows how your parents are going to react.”

Chay placed a hand on the side of Keaton’s head, holding him to Chay’s chest, and kissed him again. “It’s destiny, Bit. If my friends and family desert me, they didn’t care that much about me in the first place. It doesn’t matter to me that you are a man instead of a woman. To be quite honest, I don’t think I’d care if you were a wolf…I mean like a regular wolf not able to shift back and forth. And it isn’t just sex.”

Keaton looked up at Chay, pulling back slightly to see his face. “Are you trying to tell me you love me?” He was shameless, but he couldn’t help it. Keaton wanted to hear it again, addressed to him this time instead of in an argument with Remi.

Chay smiled. “Yeah, Bit, I do. But that isn’t what I’m trying to say.”


Chay sighed. “I’m trying to tell you that I’m not going to run out on you. I’m not going to split, because my family and friends don’t like it. You mean more to me than they do. I know it’s not going to be easy. But it’s something I’m willing to fight for.”

He knew what Chay meant. He’d never felt the connection he had with Chay with anyone else. He knew logically that it was due to their genes, but he couldn’t help but think that he’d feel this way even if they weren’t mates. He still didn’t want to be the reason Chay’s life spiraled down the toilet though. He kissed Chay and smiled. “Okay. I’m here for you, but I’m warning you it’s not going to be easy.”

Chay chuckled and squeezed him tight, squishing the breath out of him. “I know, I know. Everyone is going to hate me and want nothing to do with me. I got it. You sound like a broken record.”

Keaton snorted. “I didn’t say
was going to hate you.”

“What about you, Bit? Are you going to hate me?” Chay asked with a glint in his eye and a smug smile on his lips.

Keaton grinned. The man was too smug. “Is this your way of trying to finagle a confession of everlasting love out of me?”

Chay’s eyes widened. He tried to look offended, but it wasn’t working, with the wicked, knowing gleam in his eye. “Would I do such an underhanded thing?”

Keaton laughed. “You would do whatever it takes to get your way. I have absolutely no doubt about that.”

Chay stopped smiling, his eyes suddenly serious. “I love you, Bit. I really do.”

Keaton couldn’t breathe. His heart was about to pound out of his chest. Chay’d said it without Keaton even having to ask. Did he love Chay? He knew Chay expected him to say it back to him, but…could he trust Chay with that vulnerability?

“You don’t have to say anything, Keaton. I just thought you should know.”

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