Without a Trace (42 page)

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Authors: Lesley Pearse

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Without a Trace
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They sat in the small office behind reception and he told her about Reg Coleman’s body being found and how he’d gone to see Christabel to break the news to her.

‘It was then that she told me that Petal is her daughter, not Sylvia’s,’ he said. And, seeing Molly’s complete shock, he added, ‘And your face reflects how I responded to the news.’

‘Good God!’ Molly exclaimed. ‘That is the absolute last thing I expected to hear.’

He filled her in with a little more detail and then asked if she would consider going to see Christabel at Hellingly. ‘You don’t have to, but I think it will be beneficial to both of you.
She really needs to know about both Sylvia and Petal. You might say she doesn’t deserve to, and I wouldn’t blame you after she walloped you with that axe. But I’ve noticed that you’re a compassionate person, and I think talking to her will help you understand how all this came about. In my opinion, she’s been as much a victim of Miss Gribble as Reg Coleman, Sylvia, Petal and you were. She isn’t barmy, she’s been fed drugs which kept her partially sedated, and now she’s free of them she’s articulate, sensible and horrified at her part in all this.’

Molly considered this for a moment or two. ‘I hope she doesn’t think that by getting me on side she can have Petal back?’

‘She doesn’t even know I’m asking you to see her and, besides, no judge on earth would allow Petal to go back to her, even if she’d become a saint. She’s just a woman who has been badly used, and I know you will understand how that can happen.’

It crossed Molly’s mind that George might have told DI Pople a bit about her home life.

‘Okay, I’ll go on my next day off. It can’t hurt me, can it? At least I can make her see what a good mum Cassie was to Petal and, now I know her background, I think Cassie is the one who should be sainted!’ She laughed then, and told DI Pople how much Cassie would’ve hated anyone saying such a thing.

‘When are you seeing George again?’ DI Pople asked. ‘I liked him, he’s got real guts.’

Molly shrugged. ‘He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just friends from school.’

DI Pople raised an eyebrow. ‘I believe he thinks of you as more than that. I’d happily have him in my team down here if he wanted a transfer.’

Molly could only smile. She wished just one of these people who thought her and George were meant for each other would give him a nudge.


‘They tell me it was you I hit with an axe,’ Christabel said when Molly was shown into a small room at Hellingly to meet her.

Molly agreed that it was, thinking that this was the strangest introduction to anybody she’d ever had.

‘I’m so very sorry,’ Christabel added after a moment or two, as if it had taken that long for her to realize that an apology was necessary. ‘I can’t offer any real excuse other than I wasn’t myself.’

‘That will do,’ Molly said, and held out her hand to the older woman. ‘I was very fond of Cassie – your Sylvia – and Petal, too. My name is Molly Heywood.’

Molly had only had the briefest glimpse of Christabel the day she arrived at Mulberry House, and then again when she escaped from the cellar there. She had formed the idea from the first meeting that she looked similar to Cassie, but she hadn’t had enough time to study Christabel. She had time now, and she was glad of it.

Christabel Coleman and Cassie were about the same height and size, five foot five and of slim build. But Cassie had strength in her face, where in Christabel’s there was weakness. Cassie had a habit of sticking out her chin as if to show the world what she was made of, and she had a voluptuous, almost pin-up girl, appearance. Yet, looking at her mother now, Molly saw that Cassie had inherited her delicate bone structure, baby-blue eyes and wide mouth. Cassie had made herself
more noticeable with her dyed hair, and with her unusual dress sense. Christabel had her mousy hair pulled back from her pale face in a single bunch, which did her no favours.

Molly had been told that this woman was forty-six, but she looked older, because she had deep wrinkles around her eyes and her mouth. The beige shirtwaister dress she was wearing aged her even more, but then Molly was fairly certain it wasn’t her own, just something she’d been lent by the hospital.

‘DI Pople thought it would be good for us to have a talk,’ Molly said. ‘And I think he’s right. Cassie never talked about you, and I assumed that was because you’d fallen out when Petal was born. Instead she talked about books, poetry, art, music and mystical things. Was she always like that?’

Christabel half smiled. ‘Yes, she was. She read anything and everything, going off to the library in Rye as soon as she was old enough to catch the bus alone. I think growing up on the marsh makes for artistic leanings. It’s the wildness of the terrain and the weather. I used to walk for miles as a girl and write poetry about what I saw, just as she did.’

‘She was very much a loner, but I always felt it wasn’t really from choice, but necessity. Would you agree with that?’

‘I think so. You see, she was just thirteen when war broke out and, if it hadn’t been for that, she could’ve made it to university. She might have been a teacher; she used to say that’s what she wanted.’

‘She did a good job teaching Petal,’ Molly said. ‘She could read fluently before she started school, and she loves history, too. Her teacher at the school in Rye tells me she’s very clever and eager to learn.’

‘She’s with you, staying at the George, isn’t she? How is
she? After everything she’s been through, and so much of it my fault, I don’t feel I’ve even got the right to ask.’

Molly found herself warming to this woman she had thought she would hate and despise. She seemed a very honest woman, as Cassie had been. She might be a weak person who had allowed herself to be manipulated and controlled, but there was goodness at her core.

‘She’s quieter than she used to be. She watches people, as if she’s making sure about them, before speaking. She still has the occasional bad dream, and now and then she has tantrums that we have no real explanation for. I think it’s pent-up anger and frustration because she doesn’t understand what it was all about. Sadly, neither I nor anyone else can fully explain it to her, she’s too young to grasp it all.’

Christabel’s eyes welled up with tears, but she brushed them away as if she’d decided she had no right to cry about a child who was suffering because of her.

‘Will you tell me about her and Sylvia, or Cassie, as you know her? I mean, how their life was before Miss Gribble and I turned up.’

The raw longing and eagerness in her face touched Molly. ‘I will if you promise to tell me about Cassie before she ran away with Petal. How she reacted when you told her you were having a baby, how you both talked about it and how she came to run away. You see, you may be Petal’s real mother, but I’m the only link with the life Petal remembers with Cassie. If you tell me how it was, one day I can sit Petal down and explain the whole thing in a way she can understand.’

Christabel nodded. ‘You are a remarkable young woman,’ she said eventually. ‘I can see why my daughter chose you as a friend. If the dead are able to look down and watch us, I
think she would be very proud to have known you, and so grateful that Petal is in your care.’

Molly blushed at the compliment. She’d thought she would be irritated by this woman’s weakness, but she wasn’t anything like the drippy, mad person she’d expected.

‘Okay, so where do I start? Cassie did rather take the village by storm. She not only wore tight sweaters and skirts and made no apologies for being a lone mother, but she had a “Don’t get on my wrong side” attitude. Yet she got round a local farmer who no one else has ever managed to charm, and he let her rent Stone Cottage.’

‘Were people nasty because Petal was mixed race?’

‘I can’t lie to you: they said horrid things behind Cassie’s back. My father, who is the village grocer, was just about the nastiest. But most people were nice to Petal. Of course, she is a little charmer, so bright and sunny natured. And she was a novelty, remember! Some of the villagers had never seen a black person before, and those who did only had memories of GI’s stationed in Somerset for the last couple of years of the war and, as you’ll remember, they didn’t get very good press. But, as I said, Petal’s a little charmer, so you can rest assured she didn’t suffer any real prejudice. Her teacher liked her and the other children played with her. I don’t think they even noticed her skin was a different colour to theirs.’

‘Well, that’s a relief.’ Christabel sighed. ‘Benjamin – that was her father – used to tell me hurtful things that had been said to him, and of course, back in America where he came from, white people’s attitudes to Negros were appalling.’

‘Cassie put her head up and sailed through everything, and if she’d lived she would’ve made Petal do the same. I really admired her for that, and for her intelligence. I loved being
with her, she knew so much. She was living in the East End of London before I met her; after her death, I stayed with a lovely old lady who had befriended her while she was there, and everyone who knew her only had good things to say about her.’

Christabel smiled to hear that. ‘How did she live, though? I mean, where did she get money? Did she have a job?’

‘Where she got her money was a bit of a mystery to me,’ Molly admitted. ‘She was very frugal. In Somerset she grew vegetables, made new clothes out of old ones, and she used to go into Bristol once a week on the bus, so she may have had a cleaning job there, or a man friend. But she never said.’

‘Did she talk about men friends?’

‘Yes, but I never met any of them. She liked men; she preferred their company to women’s, in general. She was very ahead of her time in that way.’

‘You mean she slept with them?’

Molly blushed.

‘You can say it. I was a fallen woman myself,’ Christabel said with a light laugh. ‘I worshipped Reg, and we were “carrying on”, as my mother used to call it, well before we got married. I was pregnant on our wedding day, and barely eighteen. I took it very hard when Reg went off to war. We’d been everything to each other – best friends and lovers – and I missed that.’ She paused, as if remembering.

‘We never intended to spend our entire married life in Mulberry House with my parents,’ she went on after a moment or two. ‘But Sylvia came, then the bad times in the thirties. Reg was a carpenter, and we couldn’t have survived on our own.’

‘Your father was a doctor?’

‘Yes, he was, and my grandfather before that. The practice had always been at Mulberry House. Back when I was a little girl, father went out on his rounds in a pony and trap. They had me quite late in life and, being the only child, I sort of felt obliged to stay with them. And, of course, they loved Sylvia. Then they died, a year apart, in 1935 and ’36, and the house became mine. It was our intention to fill it with children and live happily ever after.’

‘But you had Miss Gribble, the Wicked Witch, in the house with you …’

Christabel held her head in her hands as if the thought of everything that woman had done was too much to bear.

‘Reg was always saying I should make her go,’ she said after a few moments. ‘He said she gave him the creeps because she watched every move we made. He was right, of course, but she’d been there my whole life, and even before that with my parents. Where would she go? At her age, she wouldn’t find another job.

‘Then war broke out and Reg joined up and went off to France, so I was glad of her being there. It was a big house to be alone in with a child. But I’m wandering off a bit. You want to know about Sylvia.’

‘It’s all interesting,’ Molly said. ‘Some other time I’d love to hear how it was for you during the war but, for now, tell me about how Sylvia reacted when you got pregnant.’

‘I told her before I told Gribby and swore her to secrecy. Sylvia was always very mature for her age, and I didn’t have to point things out, she just got it. She was excited about having a baby brother or sister, but scared, too.’

‘What of?’

Christabel shrugged. ‘Mostly of what people would say.
And of Gribby too – we both knew she wasn’t going to be a bit pleased I’d been with a man. Since Reg had gone missing, she’d become more and more forceful, taking over everything, as if it was her house. I should have put a stop to it, but I was grieving for Reg and it was easier than confrontation. Then, one day, when I was at least six months gone, she noticed.’

Molly observed that Christabel had leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes and had begun speaking as if she were reliving that day.

‘We were doing the washing. Gribby was hooking the clothes out of the boiler with the boiler stick into the sink, and I was rinsing them. Sylvia was standing by at the mangle, ready to turn the handle when I fed the rinsed clothes into it.

‘It was early January and a wild, windy day, and when I accidentally sloshed water on to my clothes, I yelled because it was icy cold. Gribby turned to me and, where my wet overall had stuck to me, she saw my tummy sticking out.

‘“You little whore!” she said and leapt forward and slapped my face really hard.

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