With Everything I Am (51 page)

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Authors: Kristen Ashley

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Then she turned to Callum and announced with mock irritation, “I’ve just been treated to a thirty minute interrogation about my claiming in the kitchen. Mara and Callie are screamingly nosy. My excuse of ‘being human’ isn’t working anymore.”

Callum grinned at her and advised, “So tell them.”

Her eyes grew wide and she cried, “No way! That’s between you and me.” Then she gasped on some sudden thought, her head twisted sharply toward Ryon and then back to Callum where her eyes narrowed. “You haven’t –”

“No,” he cut her off and her body relaxed against his. “At least not yet,” he went on and her body got rock-solid. He was chuckling when he finished on a tease, “I just haven’t had the time.”

“You…!” she cried shortly, clearly too incensed to go on.

At the same time, Ryon noted roguishly, “I’ll look forward to

She twisted her head to look at Ryon before twisting it again to Callum. He lifted his hand to cup and therefore control the moments of her neck so she didn’t give herself whiplash.

“Don’t you dare!” she snapped at him and he smiled yet again but this was a different smile.

“Will it piss you off if I do?”

“Yes,” she returned instantly.

Callum replied just as swiftly, “I like you pissed off, baby doll.
Haven’t had that
in a while.” He nuzzled her stiff neck and flicked her ear with his nose before saying there, “I miss it.”

She growled in her throat.

Callum chuckled in his.

Then they both went still and all three of the inhabitants of the room looked to the window. A car or, by the sounds of it, a truck or SUV was approaching.

You expecting
company?” Ryon asked deceptively casually.

No, he wasn’t.

Then again, there were hundreds of wolves in his hills, some of them with mates, others with family members, most with both. The town and its vicinity, as Mara noted, were heaving.

However, his wolves wouldn’t approach. Not without an invitation or a reason. This was not only the standard but also because he’d newly claimed his mate. They’d need a good excuse to interrupt him during this time even if a celebration was commencing tomorrow.

Which meant this could be bad tidings.

He got out of his chair, lifting Sonia to her feet as he did so, mumbling,

I need to see who’s at the door.”

His mind finally off his mate and on whatever was
Callum didn’t notice at first that Sonia fell in step beside him.

When he did, he stopped, looked down at her and ordered, “You stay here.”

She gazed up at him. “But… someone’s at the door.”

“Yes,” he agreed. “And I’m going to see who it is.”

Her expression changed. For some Sonia reason it became stubborn and she retorted, “And I’m going with you.”

Callum sought patience and replied, “Baby doll, you’re in a robe.”

“So?” she returned instantly. “It covers me doesn’t it?”

It did.

However, considering her sweet little body and her pretty face, it didn’t leave much to the imagination even if you didn’t have much of an imagination. And most wolves had excellent imaginations.

“You’re staying here or getting dressed,” Callum commanded.

“I’m going to the door,” she rejoined.

“Sonia –”

Her head tilted. “Is this my house?”

“Sonia –”

“Is it

Still seeking patience, Callum looked to Ryon who was grinning at them and obviously not about to assist,
he muttered, “Bloody hell.”

“I’m going to the door,” Sonia finished and commenced striding out of the room.

his defeat. Ryon chuckled. Callum glared at him and he moved out of his study, leaving Ryon behind. He caught her up, took her hand and together they went to the door.

He smelled vampire as he hit the large, stone entryway.

A vampire with a female human.

More precisely, Lucien, likely with his mate.

Relief hit him at the same time as curiosity and Callum maneuvered Sonia partially behind him but still beside him as he opened the door.

A shiny, black Porsche Cayenne was glinting in the sun at the foot of the steps.

Lucien, tall, black-haired and powerfully built, wearing jeans, boots, and a black turtleneck which could be seen under his black, wool, hip-length, double-breasted coat was climbing them. Climbing beside him, her hand linked in his, was a beautiful blonde with dark blue eyes. She had a fantastic figure covered in charcoal gray cords, a stylish, fitted, black leather jacket with an eggplant-colored pashmina wrapped around her neck and she was wearing high-heeled black boots.

Pure, fucking class.
Both of them.

Gazing at the female, her eyes as alive as was her expression like she couldn’t hide her love of life nor did
want to, not to mention smelling her exquisite scent, Callum realized immediately Lucien’s fate had also led him to the perfect match.

Pleased for the vampire, his eyes moved to Lucien’s as Callum tucked his own perfect match into his side and he smiled.

“This is a surprise,” he greeted as Lucien led his mate across the landing to the door.

“A pleasant one, I trust,” Lucien replied, also on a smile but the vampire’s black eyes were, as usual, carefully blank. Lucien never gave anything away, at least not to Callum’s recollection.

“That depends on its purpose,” Callum returned, shifting
and Sonia to the side to allow Lucien and his mate entry and then he closed off the cold behind them by shutting the door.

Lucien stopped himself and his mate just inside and pulling her protectively close, he said, “I’d heard you’d finally claimed your mate. I was curious.”

Lucien wasn’t curious. Lucien had a reason to be there.

Callum also hid his reaction and turned to Sonia. “Honey, this is a friend of mine, Lucien.” He looked to Lucien. “Lucien, this is my queen, Sonia.”

She was gazing at Lucien, openly unsure of what to make of him and she held out a tentative hand which, after a glance at Callum, Lucien took.

Bending low, Lucien brushed his lips against her knuckles and all in the entryway (except, perhaps, Lucien’s mate) heard Sonia’s soft intake of breath.

A soft intake of breath Callum didn’t like.

Nor did he like it when Lucien kept hold of her hand and pulled her closer.

Callum tensed and only partially relaxed when Lucien turned Sonia to his mate.

“Sonia, this is Leah, my bride,” he said softly but Leah was smiling openly at Sonia.

“Hello,” Leah said in an attractive, alto voice, her smile never wavering.

However, it was plain to see in the face of her stylish company, Sonia was having belated second thoughts about appearing at the door in her socks and robe, cashmere or not.

“Hi,” Sonia replied on a shy smile and then she politely pulled her hand from Lucien’s and scuttled back. She nearly ran into Callum before he caught her and folded her again into his side where she wrapped her arm around him.

It was at that, Callum fully relaxed.

“Leah, meet Callum,” Lucien invited and it was Callum’s turn to take Lucien’s mate’s hand but he didn’t brush his lips against her knuckles. He just squeezed and released it.

Sonia suddenly cried and looked up at Callum. “I’ll order coffee and something to eat and um… get dressed.” She looked to Lucien and Leah. “Are you hungry?”

“Starved, but I’d kill for a cup of coffee,” Leah replied, still smiling.

“Brilliant. We have coffee,” Sonia announced. “Good coffee. Mara only gets the best.” She turned again to Callum. “You, um… take them somewhere warm. I’ll be right back.”

Then, with a self-conscious grin at their guests, she broke from Callum’s hold and ran down the hall.

Callum watched her go.

He realized that Lucien did too when he heard the vampire mutter, “Fetching.”

still standing here, you know,” Leah remarked, her severe tone belied by her unwavering smile.

Lucien’s eyes turned to his mate before he murmured, “Mm, I know, my pet.”

Callum watched
concealing his surprise as Lucien looked down at his bride with blatant warmth.

Christ, he loves her,
Callum thought, examining the couple.

This shouldn’t have taken him aback. She was his lifemate and to have her Lucien had put both their lives at risk and turned the vampire world upside down. Further, Callum had spent his entire existence feeling the intensity of that kind of connection between his own people.

But not from a vampire.
Never from a vampire.
Not that transparent adoration. Not in five hundred years.

And, for some asinine reason, Lucien’s display and Leah’s artless acceptance of it rattled Callum.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Mara bustled in calling, “Well, hello there! I’m Mara, housekeeper at Canis. Let me get your coats and we’ll get you somewhere warm. Callista is preparing coffee and a bite to eat.”

Mara took their outer gear and Callum led the way to the sitting room on the first floor. It was a circular room at the bottom of a turret with heavy, comfortable furniture and a spherical fireplace in the middle, already blazing, making the space warm.

“Please sit,” Callum invited Leah and she again smiled at him.

“You have a lovely castle,” she noted, looking around while sitting on a couch and crossing her legs before she tipped her face up to Lucien and asked mock petulantly, “Why don’t
have a castle, darling?”

“You want a castle, sweetling, I’ll get you a castle,” Lucien answered casually.

Leah had been joking.

Lucien was not.

Callum watched as Leah’s stunning face absorbed this fact. It softened to a look of such extreme devotion, Callum felt himself melting from the room. They were the only two there. Callum had ceased to exist.

That was when he knew what rattled him. He knew what Ryon couldn’t put his finger on. He knew his cousin was correct.

Something wasn’t right with Sonia.

He knew this because, since Christmas, unless he was fucking her, except for during their fight, she never called him “wolf”.

Not mock petulantly.

Not at all.

He had her warmth. He had her affection. She enjoyed his attention and she was a brilliant queen in every aspect.

And she loved him.

He knew that.

But something was missing.

Christ, he had all that, and it was magnificent, but she was
holding something back.

Lucien called and Callum’s unfocused eyes concentrated on the vampire.

“Sit,” Callum grunted, uneasy with his newfound knowledge but more at what might be behind it and Lucien took a seat beside his bride as Callum did the same opposite them.

Leah instantly curled into Lucien’s side as his arm slid around her shoulders, pulling her closer.

Seeing this made Callum grit his teeth.

Then Lucien announced, “We need to talk before Sonia returns.”

Callum’s attention sharpened and his instincts made him brace.

“Then do it quickly,” Callum invited. He wanted this to be over, needed to have a word with his
, his gaze shifting briefly to Leah, deciding she likely had full knowledge of Lucien’s abilities, he went on, “But if you sense Sonia anywhere near, stop speaking.”

Lucien’s brows went up. He’d smell her before Callum did while he was in human form. If he were a wolf, his senses would have been slightly more acute than the vampire’s but, at that moment, he was not a wolf.

“Would you like to explain that?” Lucien suggested.

“Not right now,” Callum replied, giving Lucien the correct implication that he might not later either. It depended on how this conversation progressed.

Lucien nodded, let it go and continued without preamble, “I’ve spoken to Gregor.”

Callum didn’t respond.

“He’s explained things,” Lucien went on.

“And what did he explain?” Callum asked.

Lucien’s arm tightened protectively around Leah before he said, “He’s shared The Prophesies.”

Leah’s body tensed and her happy face grew serious as she gazed at Callum.

She knew as well and her fear was palpable.

As it would be.

Lucien was watching him closely and he queried, “You know of them?”

“Some of them, yes,” Callum answered.

“I was told you didn’t know,” Lucien murmured and Callum didn’t respond. Therefore Lucien continued, “They’re vague as prophesies tend to be but they appear to be coming true. You and Sonia were obvious. Leah and myself…” He hesitated. “Not so much.”

“There is another,” Callum informed him.

Lucien’s chin went up before he noted, “Yes, but they’ll be found soon.”

“They don’t have to be.”

Lucien gazed at him a moment before saying quietly, “Yes, Callum, they do.”

Callum knew what he meant and he felt the muscle jump in his jaw.

The third lifemates needed to be found, the female claimed and bound before The Prophesies could come true.

Leah, being mate to a vampire, would have eternal life.

Sonia, being mate to a werewolf, would always be mortal.

The third lifemate would need to be found before Sonia died which meant soon, in the life of an immortal.

Callum decided to change the subject. “Do you have any idea if it will be wolf or vampire who claims the third mate?”

Lucien held his eyes and replied, “A hybrid.” Callum felt his brows go up and Lucien nodded.
“Werewolf, vampire hybrid.
The first of his kind.”

This was news.

Lucien kept speaking. “It’s important we form an alliance and, when they’re discovered, we ally with them.”

Callum thought no truer words were spoken.

“Absolutely,” he agreed.

“Therefore, you should know about Leah.” Callum’s eyes moved to Lucien’s bride but Lucien kept speaking, explaining simply, “She dreams.”

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