With a Little T.L.C. (14 page)

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Authors: Teresa Southwick

BOOK: With a Little T.L.C.
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“I'd be a happier man if you would explain to me why you could be so relaxed with my brothers and I had to work so hard to make you admit I'm a swell guy.”

“I always thought you were Mr. Wonderful. But I wasn't attracted to Luke or Alex. They couldn't hurt me the way you could.”

He tightened his hold on her. “I'd never hurt you. I'm not your father.”

“I know,” she said nodding. “And I'm not my mother. I'm a strong, independent woman who can handle whatever curves are thrown at me.” She
smiled up at him. “I realized something when I talked to your mother at the wedding.”

“If it's good, I owe Ma even more than I thought.”

“I realized that I love you. So when you did your spin about friendship, I thought you were telling me you could never love me back. It hurt too much to see you under those circumstances so I broke it off. Although it was impossible, I had to try and get over you so that I could find someone to love me back. You made me see that I wanted that. Thanks for not giving up on me.”

“You're welcome. And I'm sorry I put you through that. I'll try to never be that stupid again.”

“You're the smartest, most wonderful guy I know,” she said, her gaze making him feel as if he could walk on water. She took a deep breath. “And your mom also made me see that if I deny myself love and a relationship, my father wins.”

“We can't let that happen.” He looked at her and willed her to know how very much he loved her. “And I know a way to make us the winners.”

“I'm all ears,” she said.

He laughed, then his humor drained away. “I know you think I'm second best, but that will only make me work harder. I would be the happiest man in the world if you say you'll marry me, Liz.”

“I'll marry you,” she said without hesitation. “And you're not second best. You're my brass ring, Joe Marchetti.”

“And you're my happy ever after, Liz Anderson. And, by the way, as soon as it's humanly possible your last name will be Marchetti.”

“I can hardly wait.” She tilted her head and slid him a sassy look. “So you really care about me?”

“From the first time I saw you.”

“How do I know it's love?” she asked.

“It's in my kiss,” he answered, knowing what she wanted.

He touched his lips to hers. Without words, he told her of the love that was in his heart. For the next fifty years, he planned to communicate his feelings to her on a very regular basis.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6765-1


Copyright © 2000 by Teresa Ann Southwick

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