
Read Witchrise Online

Authors: Victoria Lamb

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #General, #Juvenile Nonfiction, #Language Arts

BOOK: Witchrise
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About the Book

Title Page



Lytton Park
The Summoning
Marcus Dent
No Going Back
A Natural Death
Work No Magick
Hatfield House
Much Suspected
A Question of Blood
Blood Magick
Like the World’s About to End
Meg Lytton Is a Witch
The Lady Elizabeth’s Plan
Freakish Horrors
Castle de Castillo


About the Author

Also by Victoria Lamb


About the Book

Meg Lytton was born with a powerful gift, as her mother was before her. But practising witchcraft in Tudor England puts Meg’s life in constant danger – as does her secret betrothal to the handsome young priest, Alejandro de Castillo.

When Meg discovers an ancient wooden casket containing her mother’s magickal instruments, she finds she is able to take her own spells and skills to breathtaking new heights. But something in the grimoire attracts dark spirits to Meg and those around her – and her old enemy, Marcus Dent, wants it for his own evil purposes. Meg is in greater danger than ever – and her future with Alejandro hangs in the balance.

For Gary Abbott

O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall
Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed.

Gerard Manley Hopkins:
No Worst, There Is None

Lytton Park

Christmastide 1555

The Summoning

Lytton Park, Oxfordshire

‘Face north.’

Slowly I obeyed, shuffling round on bare feet. The fire had burned low and I could see only the faintest glimmer of light through the blindfold. But the spell was familiar to me from my training as a witch.

Set four candles about the summoning circle. Four black candles for the four points of the compass.

I shivered, for despite the chill December evening I wore nothing but a simple shift. Yet I was too excited to notice the cold, my heart beating hard, my fingertips already tingling with power.

Pungent smells filled my narrow, low-ceilinged bedchamber: myrrh, juniper berries, scorched yew, and a sickly scent I did not recognize. The preparations were almost complete.

The spirits may be conjured by bell and black candle, and by the burning of churchyard yew and crow’s feather.

I ought to have been afraid.

The last time I had tried this spell, I had almost destroyed everything in my world. My mistress, the Lady Elizabeth, sister to Queen Mary, had insisted on seeking advice from her dead mother, Anne Boleyn. I had managed to conjure the executed queen’s spirit, but the timing of the spell had not been auspicious. Something else had come through with her from the underworld: a cruel, dark spirit which had threatened not only our lives with its malice, but the whole of England.

Tonight, though, my friend Richard would be my guide, to lessen the chances of our spell going wrong again.

Besides, this time I was summoning up a spirit for my own reasons. My mistress had banished me from Hatfield House, on the advice of her old governess, Kat Ashley. The Queen had reluctantly dropped the charge of treason against her younger sister, but Elizabeth was still out of favour, and now convinced that the presence of a witch in her household – however secret – would get her arrested again. I was back with my father at our family home in Oxfordshire, but I felt certain my destiny would lead me back to the Lady Elizabeth in the future. And to stand against my enemies, to learn best how to use my powers, I needed help – a magickal help that could only come from the world of the spirits.

‘Take two steps forward. Enough. You are now almost at the edge of the circle.’ I heard the rustle of his conjuror’s robe as he rose from his knees behind me. ‘Wait for my word.’

The bare flesh on my arms grew goose-pimpled as I waited, and not just from the cold.

I had no doubt that this summoning would succeed. Richard was apprentice to Master John Dee, the Queen’s astrologer, a man famed as a conjuror and magician, and had learned the craft from his master. But this was still a dangerous spell.

Richard struck the bell three times with his athame, then raised his voice. ‘Hear us, spirit winds of the north! We ask that you heed our call, by the power of fire, and by the power of sacrifice.’

He paused, and I guessed he must be pouring a dollop of thick, dark blood from the altar cup into his palm.

‘And by the power of this blood.’

His wet finger brushed first my forehead and chin, then stroked from one cheek to the other, completing the sign of the cross in blood.

‘May the stars look kindly on our enterprise,’ Richard continued in a ringing voice. ‘May the dead hear us and obey. By the sacred time, by the dark of the moon, by these spells and this circle, I ask that the spirit be subdued to our will and appear before us.’

A thrill ran through me as Dee’s apprentice turned away, beginning to chant the ninefold charm. My breathing shallow, I struggled to contain my excitement as the spell came to completion. From behind my blindfold I caught a brief flicker – the candles all dipping together – then the room grew abruptly cold, as though the spirits were approaching.

I lifted my arms in an age-old gesture of welcome, waiting for Richard to finish.

At last he leaned close to my ear, and his breath scorched my cheek. ‘Call her,’ he whispered, and I opened my mouth to obey.

But at that moment I felt a chill draught on my bare feet, then heard Richard growl under his breath in frustration.

‘What do
want, Spaniard?’ he demanded. ‘This is no place for you.’

Impatiently I tore at my blindfold.

Alejandro stood framed in the doorway, his face dark with tension, raising a lantern to illuminate the room.

‘What are you doing up here, Meg?’ Alejandro stared first at me, then the magickal paraphernalia scattered about the chalk-drawn circle. His gaze flicked to the young man by my side. To the long shift I wore – perhaps a little scanty to be wearing when alone with another man. ‘And with

Oh, Alejandro. What a pest you are, I thought. Yet my heart flooded with tenderness at the sight of him. My Spanish betrothed, so passionate and intense: dark-haired, dark-eyed, graceful as a dancer, both on foot and on horseback. He was strong too, muscular and broad-shouldered, skilled with a long sword, a born soldier. And glaring at Dee’s apprentice with undisguised jealousy as though he intended to draw that dagger at his belt and use it.

There was no doubt in my heart that Alejandro loved me, nor that I loved him. Whether we could spend our lives together was less certain. The military priesthood he still hoped to join might permit their priests to marry, but I was convinced his masters would not extend that courtesy to a

But he had still risked disrupting this spell, and I could not help my flicker of irritation.

‘Working a spell,’ I told him, ‘as you can plainly see. Why have you interrupted us?’

Alejandro set his lantern on the table and looked at me broodingly. ‘What manner of spell?’

He only wants to protect me, I reminded myself, counting slowly to ten before answering.

Richard put a hand on my arm as I drew breath. ‘Wait,’ he said urgently. ‘Don’t tell the priest. It’s too dangerous.’

‘Keep out of this, boy,’ Alejandro snarled, though in fact the two young men were about the same age. Richard was a head shorter though, and lean as a greyhound, so he always appeared younger. And I could see from Richard’s tightening expression how much that jibe irked him. But he should not have called Alejandro ‘priest’, when he knew perfectly well that he was still only a novice.

I held up a hand, silencing them. ‘I am attempting to conjure the spirit of my mother, Catherine Canley, and speak with her.’

Alejandro stared from me to Richard. ‘Are you mad? Or have you forgotten what happened when you summoned Anne Boleyn? You conjured a creature out of Hell along with the dead queen.’

‘I have not forgotten. This time will be different.’

‘Why?’ he demanded, his dark brows twitching together in disbelief. ‘Because you have Master Dee’s errand boy at your side?’

I saw the love and concern in Alejandro’s tortured face, and longed to smooth away his frown. But he was right, at least in part. The spell was dangerous, and possibly foolhardy. But we had to try. There were still questions I needed to answer, not just about my enemy Marcus Dent, but about myself and the extent of my own power.

‘John Dee himself was unable to lay that malevolent spirit to rest,’ he continued, watching me closely. ‘It nearly led to your
, Meg! Do you seriously believe his apprentice will know what to do if a demon comes out of the void instead of your mother’s ghost?’

‘You don’t understand, Alejandro. There are things my mother may be able to tell us,’ I muttered, folding my arms tightly across my chest. ‘Important things.’

Much as I loved him, I did not like my betrothed interfering with my magick. He did not understand how much it meant to me.

And how
he understand? He had grown up wishing to enter the Catholic priesthood, while at the same time I had been training to be a witch. He was Spanish, I was English. We were complete opposites.

But we had one thing in common. Alejandro never gave up easily either.

‘Promise me you will wait until Master Dee can come in person and work the spell for you. If you must raise your mother’s spirit, I would trust the conjuror before his apprentice to keep you safe.’

Richard snarled, ‘My master works for Bishop Bonner in London now, as well you know. He cannot be spared from his work.’

?’ Alejandro flashed back at him. ‘Is that what you call it, sniffing out heretics for the bonfire?’

‘Master Dee had no choice but to accept Bonner’s invitation to work for him. Even the Lady Elizabeth agreed that he must, for it was either that or lose his own life.’ Richard was openly hostile now, as ready for a fight as Alejandro. ‘And he may sniff them out, but it is the Spanish Inquisition, your unholy Catholic priests, who light the bonfires under them.’

For a moment there was silence, both of them glaring at each other. Then Alejandro turned his head to look at me. His gaze moved over my face, no doubt noting the dried streaks of blood. His mouth tightened.

‘You insist on continuing with this spell,
mi querida

‘Yes,’ I said uncomfortably.

His eyes flickered hotly, but to my surprise he did not continue to argue. ‘You are a stubborn wretch, Meg Lytton, you know that?’ His voice grew husky, his Spanish accent very pronounced. ‘
Muy bien
, if I cannot persuade you to stop, then I shall stay and keep guard over you myself.’ To my dismay, he closed the door and stood in front of it, crossing his arms. ‘Proceed.’

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