Witches' Waves (28 page)

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Authors: Teresa Noelle Roberts

BOOK: Witches' Waves
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“You're family now, Meaghan. You and Kyle are both linked to me. Even if you walked away, the family will honor those bonds. It's the Donovan way.”

Now Meaghan's tears began in earnest. She was trying to speak through them, but, muffled as she was against his chest, it took a few tries for Deck to understand what she was saying: “My name is Meaghan Lindsay Clifton. It was in one of Garrett's files. Apparently the Clifton family way is ditching your own child if she's not what you expect. I like the Donovan way better.” She sat up, her face tear streaked. “I'm in awe of you both, how brave you were coming to rescue me. If you want me, I'm yours. Both of you.”

And Deck knew what he had to do.

Even if he'd never done it when it mattered. Never done it when hearts were on the line.

“Do you trust me, Meaghan?”

She nodded as if unable to speak, but her aura flared bright, proclaiming her trust. Her truth.


He knew the answer, but he had to ask. It was part of the ritual.

And Kyle echoed what he had said in the past—was it really just a few days ago? “I trust you with everything I am.”

“And I trust you both. Completely.” Before they could ask what he was getting at, he explained. “With your permission, I'd like to try red magic. It's a ritual, not exactly a spell, so it should bolster Meaghan's magic and mine rather than drain us further. It's called the Heart's Mirror, and it helps lovers see themselves through each other's eyes, because it's often hard to perceive your own good points.” He quickly added, “You've been taught to think of yourself in all kinds of negative ways, Meaghan, though you're starting to trust yourself. And it's not going to hurt us either. Kyle, I think a lot of doors will be opening for duals soon, and I want you to be ready to walk through them with your head high, knowing you're brilliant and responsible and worthy, even if both my people and your own don't expect much from otters. And you all know I have a few self-esteem issues.

“First thing we need to do is cast a circle for extra protection, though I'm sure my parents and Uncle Dermott put up shields. Meaghan, you can help with this.”

A quick explanation and he and Meaghan went to work. The circle came up more easily than he expected. Duh. Jan and other healers had been at work recently.

“Hearth, home, heart…” Deck intoned. “Heart is the center.” That wasn't part of the standard ritual, but otters were seminomadic and the only home Meaghan remembered was a prison. They'd both understand heart, though.

A second's hesitation. He knew what came next in the ritual, but he was sure he'd forgotten something critical.

And he had.

“We should get undressed now. No, undress each other, starting with Meaghan.”

She wasn't wearing much, just a pajama top large enough to skim the tops of her thighs and a pair of white cotton panties so ugly that Deck figured they were Agency issue. But he and Kyle took turns with the buttons. Both of them kissed each bit of revealed skin, until the top was completely unfastened. Then Kyle gathered Meaghan up while Deck slipped the garment off her shoulders.

She looked shrunken, as if stress and magic had burned away weight she couldn't afford to lose. But so beautiful. Deck kissed his way down her body. He didn't touch her nipples, not yet, but he caressed each too-prominent rib with lips and tongue, greeted her belly, planted a chaste kiss on her cotton-covered pubic mound. He was about to ask Kyle to help him slide off her panties.

Then he had a better idea. “Those are Agency underpants, aren't they?” When Meaghan nodded, he glanced at Kyle, who understood without words what he was thinking.

The panties didn't rip as easily as they'd hoped until Kyle, a wicked light in his eyes, nipped at the fabric with otter-sharp teeth in a wordside mouth. Meaghan squealed and giggled as the panties ripped away, leaving behind a thick elastic waistband Deck then wriggled down her body. Meaghan kicked it away.

For once, Kyle was the most dressed of the three, in jeans and a rust-colored, long-sleeved polo shirt. Kyle stood and let Deck help him out of the shirt. Meaghan fumbled as she undid the jeans, apologizing that someone else's clothes could be slow to figure out when you couldn't see. From Kyle's expression and the flares of red in his aura, he didn't mind her naked body pressed against him, her small hands figuring out his belt buckle, the button at the waist.

Deck smiled when she took an equally long time with the zipper. The belt and button might have been legitimate challenges. Now she was teasing Kyle. Once he was unzipped, Kyle's cock sprang free. As always, Deck smiled when he saw it, impressed at his own good fortune and how such a slender man could have such a massive cock.

It looked even bigger circled by Meaghan's hand. Strictly speaking, they should keep their hands away from genitals until later in the ritual, to build maximum anticipation and thus maximum power. Deck wasn't about to correct her, though.

Especially not when she leaned in and took that big cock into her mouth. It was too sweet to see: Kyle still in his unzipped jeans, his tanned hands tangled in her apricot-colored hair, Meaghan licking and sucking, her hands working in concert with her mouth.

Less than a week ago, she'd looked on oral sex as an awkward courtesy, rather than a pleasure. Now she smiled around Kyle's cock, and her aura glowed scarlet with arousal. Deck's own cock threatened to split his borrowed pajama pants, baggy as they were.

He was going to have to stop them. If it was affecting him so strongly and he was only playing voyeur, he could imagine how quickly Kyle was ramping up. Actually he didn't need to imagine. He felt echoes of a hot mouth on his dick, a big, hard cock moving between his lips, touching every surface in his mouth. Felt Kyle's pleasure, and Meaghan's enjoyment of her new erotic power.

Before things reached a crisis, Kyle said, “Deck's turn now,” his voice ragged with desire. Meaghan gave one last lick, a lick that Deck also felt to the roots of his cock and the depths of his soul.

Then they turned their attention to him.

He hoped the stupid sleep pants weren't custom made and expensive, like the rest of the house seemed to be, because Kyle wasn't gentle with them.

Then Kyle's hand cupped his balls as Meaghan's mouth surrounded him. Kyle's finger, slick with spit, worked around his anus, teasing, hinting.

He closed his eyes, drew in a hissing breath as pleasure overwhelmed him. Red flickered behind his eyes. Red magic flickered around the room, lashing at his skin.

“Enough,” he managed to say. “Not yet. This time's for Meaghan.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The flavors of Kyle and Deck lingered in Meaghan's mouth, musk and magic and hints of richer tastes that she hoped to experience later. She still hadn't had a chance to bring them off in her mouth one after the other.

But now she could enjoy the anticipation. She had time.

She savored their combined musk like she would the rare chocolate treats that made their way into the hospital, rolling the flavors around in her mouth as the two men guided her to lie on the bed.

They didn't lie down with her, not immediately. Deck stood at her left while Kyle moved to the other side of the bed. Each placed a hand on her hip bone.

“Hearth, home, heart,” Deck said again and this time it reverberated like a chant. “Repeat it, please.”

Meaghan obeyed, a smile growing at the warm tickle of magic caused by the simple words. As she chanted, Kyle did too. He sounded self-conscious, but his words added a warm, furry energy to what was already pulsing between them.

Deck ran his hand down Meaghan's torso. Fire followed. “I honor your body as I honor the Lady, the female principle in all life.” The words had weight, form, caressed her skin as his hand did. He bent, kissed her mound of Venus in a way that seemed almost chaste, though she rolled her pelvis up, hoping for more. “And, Kyle, I honor your body as I honor the Lord, the male principle in all life.” Meaghan felt those words too, their weight and heat, the echo of how they stroked Kyle's skin.

The bed creaked as the men strained over it to touch.

A brief silence, then Kyle, evidently followed a visual cue, repeated Deck's words, adding at the end, “And I honor you both as I honor Trickster, the androgyne, the creative chaos that keeps life interesting, he and she who stands in all the spaces between.” He paused, chuckled, then added, “Only without a hazmat suit and a hard hat, which is usually the safest way to honor Trickster.” His words didn't have the palpable, magic-backed force of Deck's, but the fur and water of his spirit touched her, as did his humor.

He nipped her mound instead of kissing, a possessive bite, not hard, but definite, marking.

Kyle wasn't supposed to work magic, so she guessed it was her own red magic she felt pouring from the bite, pouring into Kyle and then into Deck.

It wasn't hard to figure out what she was supposed to do next. “Deck, Kyle, I honor your bodies as I honor the Lord, the male principle in all life.” She knew little about the Lord and Lady, and even less about Trickster, but she tried not to say the words by rote. She did honor their bodies, honored life and the life force and the flow of magic.

She kissed first Deck's belly, then Kyle's, trying to put all her love into the simple gesture. Focusing on their individual smells, the different, wonderful textures of their skin, the sound of their breathing.

Even without understanding Deck's religious beliefs, she intuited what he'd meant. Each cell held energy that resonated in time with the universe. In this charged space, in the arms of the ritual, she could sense something greater in them, and she thought it had to be the divine masculine of Deck's invocation.

No, on some deep level, she
it was.

Which meant the divine feminine was present in her.

Which meant…she wasn't sure what it meant, but it felt good. If the divine feminine was part of her and she was part of it, she was exactly what she was supposed to be. She could let go of those last lingering fears of being a freak.

Deck and Kyle had been telling her that all along, but the warm connection made it easier to believe.

Deck climbed onto the bed and knelt next to her head. Kyle balanced him, getting onto the bed by her feet.

In near-perfect synchronization, they began to kiss and stroke her body. Deck started at the crown of her head, kissing the crown, massaging her scalp, planting tiny, sweet kisses all over her face. Kyle kissed and sucked each toe in turn, a ticklish but delicious sensation. Pressed his face against her instep. Kissed, rubbed, caressed until her feet felt alive. Loved. Beautiful.

And as he did that, Deck kept on covering her face with kisses. Her ears. Her jawline. Everywhere.

She was aroused, and became more so as Kyle moved up her body and Deck moved down. But the touch conveyed so much beyond sexual desire. An image of her own body took form in Meaghan's mind, not the kind of image that a sighted person would have, but an image of light and energy, aura given form.

And as that image formed, she realized she was beautiful. Or at least Deck and Kyle thought she was beautiful, and that was essentially the same thing. If they approved, it hardly mattered what others thought.

Each kiss, each caress inflamed her, the ones on her calves and her forearms as much as those on her nipples and vulva. Each kiss and caress healed her.

When the men reached each other in the middle of her body, they kissed, and she felt the kiss as if they kissed her. Felt their love, felt their passion.

Deck continued down. Kyle worked his way up. And when every inch of her front had been brought to life, the men rolled her over and continued their attention on her back. And with each touch, each kiss, she sensed how they saw her.

Strong despite her petite body and her illness. Visionary despite her blindness. Beautiful inside and out.

Theirs, as they were hers, and even if she were dumb enough to walk away, that wasn't changing.

She didn't know when she began crying with joy, but by the time Deck whispered to Kyle, “She's ready. The energy's peaking,” she was sobbing and laughing, aching with arousal and yet completely satisfied.

“And you know what that means, Kyle?” Deck continued. “It's time to make our Meaghan come. Roll over now.”

Floating on wave after wave of arousal, it wouldn't have taken much for Meaghan to climax. Deck's fingers filling her slick pussy and Kyle's clever tongue on her clit were more than enough.

But what really pushed her over the edge was Deck's voice, rough with love and passion, saying, “Come for us, my heart. Our heart. Come now and know.”

Their three auras blended into one colorful whole in her mind. She crashed like a great wave onto the shore, but like the wave, she rolled back whole.

She knew all the places she'd been damaged and saw that Deck and Kyle didn't care. The magic she and Deck and Kyle had called claimed her scars and her fears and her illness and her painful visions and her water magic that didn't quite work like a Donovan's and embraced them all.

So she finally could.

As she did, she came again, another great wave of pleasure that made her cry out incoherently.

And after the initial hoarse cry, as she still wept and her body still quivered, she said, “I know now. I know who I am. And you. You are both so beautiful. So perfect in all your imperfections. I love you both.”

Neither of the men came with her, but Deck sobbed unabashedly and she knew some old wounds were healing and it hurt, but in a wondrous way.

And Kyle laughed. Laughed as if he'd been freed from chains of silence he didn't know he bore until they were gone.

Once the crying and the laughter and the sense of swimming in pleasure eased up and their brilliant combined auras began to dim and separate, Deck said, “I think that ritual qualifies as a success.” He sounded a bit sniffly but more confident than Meaghan was used to hearing him sound, except about sex.

“Yeah,” Kyle said dreamily. “But do you guys really think I could get into Stanford? I swore I heard that.”

Deck chuckled. “Of course. But I hope you find someplace closer. We don't want to lose our otter for months at a time. Do we, Meaghan?”

“Hell no! And do you think maybe I could get some education too? I mean after I have a legal identity again, because I'm pretty sure the world thinks Meaghan Lindsay Clifton is dead.”

“If my parents and Uncle Dermott can get a SEAL team on short notice, they can take care of that little problem. After what you've been through, a GED and college should seem easy.” Deck lazily moved the fingers that were still inside her and she gasped. “But right now, I think we have other things to do.”

A good chunk of Meaghan's brain was still fuzzy from the ritual and from pleasure. Relaxed and languid, she let the two men arrange her. She ended up on her hands and knees, Deck between her legs, Kyle kneeling in front of her, his cock near her mouth. “Is this all right?” Kyle asked. “Asking you to suck me, that is? I'll try not to be too rough.”

“Yes,” she said, and meant it with all her heart and cunt. “And don't hold back on my account. If you're too rough, I'll grab some water from the ocean and dump it on your head.”

“Normally I'd say bite him,” Deck commented, “but he might like that.”

She wanted to respond with a sassy remark of her own, but Deck began rubbing his cock over her swollen clit and slick, sensitized opening and the sassy remarks fled her mind. She mewled and licked her lips, pushing her hips back toward Deck. He entered her with a groan and as he did, Meaghan opened her mouth to Kyle.

She licked at his head. He tasted like the ocean. He tasted like life, and like Deck's magic and her own. His fingers tangled in her hair and that felt as wonderful as Deck's firm grip on her hips, his hard cock buried deep inside her.

The two men began to move.

Sensation overwhelmed her. Meaghan had never had sex in this position before. It felt primal, almost animalistic. Deep penetration, very deep, and each stroke tugged on her pussy lips and indirectly stimulated her clit.

She was glad Shaw had never taken her this way, because it would have been taking, with him, and that would be one more thing to get past. But she could feel Deck's love surrounding her—and Deck's fingers on her clit didn't hurt either.

And Kyle's cock in her mouth felt…well, it felt awkward but exciting. Fellatio was still clumsy, especially since she couldn't use her hands to wrest a measure of control. But while some of Kyle's thrusts were deep and hard, they never crossed the line. He used one hand on the back of her head to guide her movements, but it seemed as much for her pleasure as his, making sure he didn't choke her.

And with the other hand, he caressed her face, her throat, her breasts. Tenderness flowed from that touch, tenderness and love, and to her surprise, awe.

Still linked by the ritual, Meaghan sensed that Kyle felt possessive and dominant toward her, yet the dominance made him almost humble. He wanted to be worthy of her, wanted to be able to protect and care for her without stifling her, wanted to get playfully rough and toppy with her without harming her. And he was stunned that with her history, she trusted him to do so.

She couldn't see his smile, but she felt it.

Felt Deck's joy when he saw it.

And knew that Deck reached over her body to stroke Kyle's face. It was easy to pick up on the movement, but she could sense exactly where Deck touched the other man.

Maybe Deck's shift of position drove him deeper into her, but she thought it was the three-way connection that drove Meaghan over the edge. As her pussy grasped Deck's cock, his hips pumped harder, faster, keeping her orgasm going as he pushed himself to climax.

Deck growled, “Yes! Now. Oh Powers…”

As if on command—and maybe it was—Kyle's come flooded Meaghan's mouth.

For the first time ever, a man's seed tasted good. Tasted right. Tasted like love and sex and magic.

Tasted like home, because Kyle
home, and so was Deck.

A door opened in her mind and light poured in.

She couldn't see the light, not really, but she felt its protective warmth and at the same time its cool remoteness. Every cell in her body sang.

The Lord and Lady were real, and probably Trickster too, because this was weird and off-kilter and wonderful and scary all at once, like she'd imagine something Trickster touched would be. Like Akane, only vaster and grander.

Love filled her, but not simply mortal love like she felt for Deck and Kyle. Love that encompassed every atom in her body and every atom of everything in the universe. Love that held her spirit dear, but also the spirits of everything else, including rocks and individual grains of sand and microorganisms that lived in the steam vents in the deepest parts of the ocean. A vast presence, not impersonal, but too personal, too overwhelming, to be grasped. A connection with everything that was also too big to grasp.

She tried anyway. Failed.

Found herself back to being one naked human being with two other wonderful beings naked with her.

Which was as awesome in its own right as that moment of cosmic awareness.

“I just… Wow…” Words deserted her completely, but she had to say something.

She swore she felt Deck smile. “I know. I got it too. Once in a while the big door opens and this world and the Otherside and everything in the universe pop in to say hello. And then it stops, hopefully before your brain explodes.”

Kyle just laughed.

“Unless you're a dual,” Deck continued, “in which case you're subconsciously tuned in to the Lord and the Lady and Trickster all the damn time.”

“Which is why humans are scared of us and also think we're crazy. They may be right about the crazy part.”

Donovans really were magic. Just when they'd managed to disentangle from each other's bodies and start contemplating reality, someone knocked on the door. Jan's familiar voice said, “I've left two pizzas outside the door when you're ready for it. We'll see you later.”

After they'd finished destroying the already wrecked bed by feeding each other pizza, Deck said, “Now what?”

“Ice cream?” Meaghan suggested sleepily. Ice cream sounded really good.

“We deserve a major celebration. Not just ice cream, although the idea has merit. But come on. We've survived taking on the bad guys on their own turf, major injuries, fire, flood, lightning, insane experimental subjects and seriously bad magic,” Deck said.

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