Wishbones (2 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Haines

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Mystery & Detective, #Women Sleuths, #Mystery Fiction, #Women private investigators, #Hollywood (Los Angeles; Calif.), #Delaney; Sarah Booth (Fictitious Character), #Costa Rica, #Motion picture industry

BOOK: Wishbones
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"It's still big. It's a really big house, and I still need you." I talked so fast my words were almost incoherent. I had this horrible idea that she was going to say it was time for her to leave, to go on to that Ghostly Reward in the Sky. She was already dead, but a little thing like that wouldn't stop Jitty once she made up her mind.

"Dahlia House hasn't shrunk, Sarah Booth, but you've grown."

Jitty wasn't one to hand out a compliment, and I didn't want to hear this. "Not that much. I haven't grown hardly at all. I'm still scared and alone and--"

"You're taking a shot at your dream, Sarah Booth. Now that's something." The curve of her cheek lifted as she smiled. "Your mama would be proud of you. She is proud of you. And your daddy and Aunt Loulane, too."

My throat closed with emotion, and I swallowed and fought for control of my tears. If I started crying now, I might not quit. "Mama would want you to go to Hollywood and look out for me. Mama will be mad if you leave me now."

Her laughter was clear and sparkling, and for a moment I thought I'd won her over.

"You sure are the devil to play that card, but it won't work. Guilt never worked very well on me."

"What would you do if you didn't stay in Dahlia House? Where would you go?" There were so many things about the Great Beyond that I didn't understand. Normally, Jitty refused to discuss it. I'd asked her once if she could cross over,
why my parents couldn't visit me. They'd died when I was twelve, and I'd never truly overcome that sense of abandonment. When I wasn't haunted by Jitty, I was haunted by that.

"I don't know, Sarah Booth. Being dead is . . . a bit vague sometimes. I'm here with you right now. After that, maybe it's just a long sleep."

"You don't sleep! You're always rambling around at night. That's when you do your best haunting." I stood up and began to pace. "I do need you, Jitty. You can't just disappear."

"I love you, Sarah Booth. Remember that, no matter what."

I felt the feathery tickle of what might have been a kiss on my cheek. I reached for her, grasping only air.

"Jitty, promise me that you'll be here when I come home." The words choked me. "Jitty!" I lost all efforts to control my emotions. "Jitty!"

"Be strong, like your parents taught you." Her chuckle was hollow, merely an echo. "And break a leg."

The last bit of her shimmered away, and I was left on the front porch drowning in the sweet smell of wisteria that blew up on the wind.

Down the driveway I saw Graf Milieu's car headed my way. He was picking me up for our flight to Los Angeles. I stood, wiping the tears from my face, walked to the front door, and closed it. The sound of the lock tumbling into place was empty and final.

Picking up my suitcase, I turned to meet my future while my past, once again, broke my heart. What would my life be like without Jitty? I couldn't bear to think about it.

On the plane, Graf did his best to entertain me, but he was no competition for my companion riding shotgun--self-doubt. Through some of his movie connections, we'd managed to buy a first-class seat for Sweetie Pie, who took to the skies with the aplomb of a seasoned traveler. Her gentle howl
brought immediate attention from the efficient stewardess, Moesha, assigned to take care of us.

"Are you three movie stars?" Moesha asked.

"Only the dog," Graf answered. "We're taking her out for a starring role in
Lassie and the Hound.

"I can see where she'll be big box office." Moesha gave Sweetie's ears a gentle caress. "You can bet I'll be in line for a ticket as soon as the movie comes out."

When she walked away, I punched Graf in the ribs, hard. "Liar."

"Maybe not," he said, grinning. "Along with your screen test, I've booked one for Sweetie. We might as well employ the entire family. Just think, Sarah Booth, we can work four or six months and the rest of the year we can do what we want."

For the first time that morning, I felt the dark cloud of despair lift. I'd left behind a life I loved, but it wasn't gone. It hadn't evaporated. And neither had Jitty. Or Tinkie. Or any of my friends. They would be in Zinnia when I returned.

Graf gave me a hug and signaled Moesha. "Bring my lady a spicy Bloody Mary. I think she just decided to enjoy the life of a movie star."

"Coming right up." Moesha leaned down to whisper. "I'll bring a bone for Sweetie Pie. On this plane, you all get the star treatment."

"What do you think?" Graf held me against his side as we stood in the driveway of the most incredible house I'd ever seen. Hanging off the side of Lettohatchie Canyon, the house was clean, modern stucco and steel with a wraparound porch. The view was incredible--mountains highlighted in glowing pinks and oranges to the east and visible to the west, the Pacific Ocean, where a cresting moon hung over the dark waters. We'd spent the entire day traveling to California and arrived just in time for a spectacular sunset.

"I've never seen anything like this," I told him.

"I thought about a beach house in Malibu, but I thought this would be better, and then Bobby Joe Taylor said we could have his place for a few months, until we decided where we wanted to settle."

Stepping away from his side, I entered the house. I hadn't committed, in my heart, to settling anywhere in California. Zinnia was my home, and even though I'd only been gone for twelve hours, I missed it.

"Why don't you call Tinkie?" Graf asked. "I'll take Sweetie for a walk and then open a bottle of wine. I had some salmon steaks and a spinach and artichoke salad delivered, so dinner is ready whenever we are."

I faced him, taking in the leading-man good looks. I'd been very much in love with him when I lived in New York. Now the shoe was on the other foot, and I wasn't certain what I felt for him. Sharing a house might be tricky, but he'd already put my suitcase in my bedroom. He'd promised no pressure. "Thank you, Graf."

"Your screen test is tomorrow at eleven. I'll drive you, and you're going to do great." He stepped forward and kissed my forehead. "Call your girlfriend. Sweetie and I'll be back in half an hour."

I watched the two of them head down the winding driveway as I pulled my cell phone from my purse. Tinkie might be the perfect medicine for what ailed me.

Her phone didn't even ring once before she snatched it up. "Sarah Booth," she said, her voice breathy, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." It was only half a lie. "I'm sorry I asked you all to stay away when I left. I simply couldn't have stood it to say good-bye to you and Cece and Millie."

"We understand. And as soon as you're settled in and working, we want to fly out and watch. Millie bought a copy of
The Hollywood Snoop
today and there was a big story about you
and Graf and how you two are the leading candidates to play Matty and Ned in the remake of
Body Heat.
They had a great photo of you."

"I'll bet."

"How are things with Graf?" she asked.

"He's being a real gentleman. No pressure." I laughed. "He's taking care of everything."

"Everything?" There was a note of mischief in her voice.

"Not that." I tried to match her foolishness, but she must have heard the sadness.

"I saw Coleman this morning. I told him you were gone."


"He said he was happy for you. He said that he saw your talent in
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
and knew you'd leave Zinnia again."

The anger that touched me was pure and hot. "What a bastard! So I've chosen career over him. That lets him off the hook, doesn't it? He couldn't manage to get himself disentangled from a crazy woman who pretended to be pregnant
produce a brain tumor just to manipulate him, but I left to follow my career."

"Whoa, there!" Tinkie pulled me up short.

"Sorry. It's just so unfair."

"Sarah Booth, you do have an amazing talent. Whatever you decide to do with it is up to you. Remember, you can only paddle your own canoe. Coleman has to paddle his."

And that was the perfect answer. "Thank you. I am now paddling mine. My screen test is at eleven tomorrow."

"That'll be one o'clock here in Zinnia. I'll rally the troops and we'll light a candle for you in Millie's while we're eating burgers and fries."

My mouth watered at the thought of one of Millie's burgers. Now that I was in Hollywood, it would be a long time before I could indulge in such foods. The camera loved to see
the bone structure beneath the flesh. "Eat a piece of apple pie for me."

"That I can do." She was laughing when she said good-bye. "You keep your strength up. See you soon."


Federico Marquez's voice rang out through the studio, and though the scene was over, I couldn't pull my gaze away from Graf. His dark hair, so silken, fell forward, almost but not quite covering his compelling eyes.

We were lying on the floor of a studio set, acting the scene where Ned overpowers Matty with his passion, and her last restraint snaps. The teasing scent of Graf's cologne clouded my senses as the warm weight of his body pressed against mine. He leaned closer, the desire so evident in his eyes that I felt a blush creep up my neck, and I wasn't a girl prone to flushing.

"Cut, Graf!" Federico laughed as he grasped Graf's shoulder. "You look as if you mean to devour her."

"I do." Graf reluctantly eased off me and then offered his hand to pull me to my feet. It took a few seconds for me to become fully aware of my surroundings again, so deeply had I been captured by Graf's eyes.

"Sarah Booth, you are incredible!" Federico kissed both of my cheeks in the French style. "You are a star. You were born to make love to the camera."

"And me," Graf said under his breath but loud enough for all to hear.

A twitter rippled among the crew, and to my chagrin, I felt
another flush move along my skin. Graf noticed and gave me a knowing look. So far, he'd played the game by my rule book--no kissing or making love. But the movie scene had called for a kiss, and he'd delivered one that seared me to the tips of my toes and brought back memories of a time in my life when I'd lived for his embraces and the dream of being a star.

Sweetie Pie ambled onto the set and gave Federico a big sloppy kiss. "I think we must find a role for
el perro.
" He lifted Sweetie's ears, holding them out from her head. She bore a strange resemblance to Dumbo, the flying elephant of the childhood story. "She is extraordinary." He turned to the scriptwriter, Ron O'Gorman. "Can we write her in?"

"Sure, Federico. Whatever you say." He shot me a glare as he walked away.

"Hollywood can't function without writers, but no one respects them," Graf whispered in my ear. "They're all so surly."

"I see his point. The original version of the movie didn't have a dog in it." I'd only seen the movie about a billion times.

"If Federico wants a dog, this one will have a dog. Let's hope Sweetie can pull it off. I wonder if we can get her in the union?"

I rolled my eyes and noticed that Federico was watching the two of us. He came over and took my hand.

"I want to see the takes, but I know how good you're going to be on screen, Sarah Booth. You're perfect to play Matty. And Graf is an exceptional Ned. The two of you will be hotter than Kathleen and Bill."

"I've loved this part for years," I admitted.

Federico put his hand on each of our shoulders. "You two share a magic that the camera relishes. Be careful. Love can turn to hate in an instant in this town. Competition, jealousy, betrayal. The camera will see all of that, too, so treat each other with kindness and respect. It's a lesson I've learned the hard way." His eyes reflected sadness and regret before he turned away.

"Federico, are you ready for lunch?"

We all turned to see a woman with legs that seemed five feet long come walking onto the set. She was beautiful, with silvery gray eyes and blond hair that swung about her face with each step. I recognized her instantly. Jovan. She was the number one Victoria's Secret model and the "sexiest woman alive" according to

Federico made the introductions. Jovan, who was at least twenty years younger, was his main squeeze. In Hollywood, magnetism was often created by equal power. A man Jovan's age would find it difficult to meet her head-on. She was too beautiful, too sexy, too much for a young man's ego to deal with. Federico wasn't threatened by either her beauty or success. Hollywood was already teaching me some valuable lessons.

Federico put his hand on Graf's arm. "I need to shoot some footage of you with Jovan after lunch. The chemistry between you must be on the screen."

The tiny little flame of jealousy caught me unprepared. Jovan was so incredibly beautiful. I hadn't realized she had a part in the movie.

Federico must have caught my look because he turned to me. "Jovan is going to play Matty's sister-in-law," he explained. "She is beautiful, yes? A perfect complement to the dark sexuality you exude, Sarah Booth."

A bit soothed, I whistled up my dog and decided that I would take my insecurities to the ocean. If I was going to work in this town, I had to get a grip on my fears. In New York, I'd always played it a little too safe, a little too reserved. The stage demanded big gestures. Film, so much more intimate, was perfect for me--unless I let my own self-doubt erode my confidence.

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