Wise Folly (22 page)

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Authors: Rita Clay

BOOK: Wise Folly
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“Easy there, darling.” His voice echoed against the walls, surrounding her with its velvety roughness.

are you doing here?” She asked in a playful tone. Her heart raced but she refused to let him see how much his nearness bothered her.

“Since Mohammed won’t come to the mountain
, I had to climb it myself,
” he teased as his hand glided down her
waist to rest on the swell of her hip. His other hand reached for the soap and began lathering her neck
and shoulders
She stood still, unable to move as his fingertips and the soft soap soothed her skin and nerves. He had
a caressing touch as the soap bar circled
then swirled
around her neck and
downward around the tips of her upturned breasts
. He moved his hand
lazily between them to descend toward her taut stomach.
Her e
very nerve was tuned to his
touch, his
They stood
less than a
foot apart, but Dianna felt as if he was on top of her, hardly
breathing space.
His touch began building a tension in her body. A
hungry, yearning desire slowly unfurled deep inside her, like a night blossom in early dusk. She watched his soapy hands as they formed a pattern
on her body
. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from them.

already soaped,” she protested weakly, unable to say it with any conviction. But
he wasn’t looking at her, he was
looking at her pointed nipples, watching them peak and turn harder with every motion of the soap
and his fingertips

“I. . .”

“Turn around,” he commanded
, and she obeyed,
the wanting building;
waiting for whatever might happen. The soap traveled down her back in a zigzag motion, slowly moving toward her waist and buttocks.
ater continued to rain down on their wet, glistening bodies as he changed the shower head to a
pulsing throb, turning Dianna so it sprayed her breasts with the sensation of long, teasing fingers. He continued to lather her hip
, his fingers occasionally dipping between her legs, then retreating to her stomach, winding
his hand so the hard tips of his fingers could stroke her stomach. She couldn’t move; the languorous feeling that spread through her body
was like liquid
pooling between her legs, heating her blood so quickly she could have lit a match and been on fire.
She wanted him. She wanted him inside. She wanted him inside her until she cried out in release.

Her limbs felt
too weak
to move
. She had never known feelings so intense before
-feelings that took over her body and numbed her brain from thought.
Sensation after sensation washed over her. He was hypnotizing her into wanting him and it was too delicious to stop. When she swayed, his hands pulled her to rest against his chest and she could feel his masculine need for her. His breath was as ragged as her own, ruffling
hair at her temple. He was blotting out all the hurt, all
bad memories she had harbored so long.
They were being flushed down the drain.

There was only now
. H
ere, with him.

“Your skin is like smooth silk.”
His voice was lower than a growl, softer than his caress.
His hips moved slowly back and forth and the sensation w
so good she mindlessly responded with thrusts of her own.

“Oh, Dianna.” He gave a shuddering groan, trying to maintain some control over himself, stilling the motions of love. “Wait, darling. Wait” His hand continued to soothe and stroke.
He nipped her lobe before huskily whispering. "I want you so you'll let nothing stop us from
finding release together

Dianna moaned
in response, resting her head in the hollow of his shoulder.
He didn't know, couldn't tell she was already there?
Her forehead rested on his chest, her eyes were closed as her fingers found him and touched him, holding him and feeling his own special power. The soft intimate way he touched her.
How could she have forgotten his
on her bare skin? How could she have shoved aside the memory of the taste of his mouth, his skin
. Him

Noah turned her to face him, bending down to take one rosy-tipped breast in his mouth and suck gent
She felt
wonderful, heated
all the way down to her toes.
From far away she heard a feline purr and realized it was her own. Her hands came down of their own accord and cradled hi
s penis and sac,
them with her own soapy hands, feeling the texture of h
, the height of his need cupped in her hands. She reveled in
his strong, lean body in a haze of desire,
the blatant power of
muscles beneath her fingertips.
He gave a deep groan that echoed from deep in his throat.

Before she knew what he was doing,
he had her
they were out of the shower
. He led her as they went
dripping across the bathroom floor to the closed commode seat, where he
sat on the lid and
slipped her around to straddle him.
Her eyes
and he smiled as he filled her, bringing more heat to glide through her veins and pool exactly where he was inside. And then
her eyes c
losed as
he guided her
she re
veled in the sensation of his magic touch, his wet and slippery body

"Look at me, Dianna," he said, his voice a low growl that commanded her attention. It took every bit of focus to do as he commanded. "I need to see you when I move inside you.

She smiled. He needed to see her reaction. She wanted to see his, too.

fit with her
tightly. It was so very sweet with the promise of completion not far away.
She sighed as she felt him
move all the way
inside her.

Once inside, he
stopped moving for a moment
. Instead, h
e took
pins from her hair, dropping them to the
floor, and fluffed the dampened tendrils around her shoulders,
his mouth so close to her skin as he
against her breast
that she felt the vibration of his sound.
She arched her body, reflexes following his directions, his movements, as he rocked her to and fro in a rhythm meant only for lovers.
His mouth
her nipple; first one and then the other.
She heard her own moans as s
tars and vibrant colors burst in a spiral of feeling as fire
inside her. Their gasps mingled as he thrust himself still deeper to make the heights of their
She heard his groan and knew he
was flying even
higher than fireworks....

She rested against him, her forehead on his shoulder.
Catching breath, t
hey began to descend gently together, holding each other tightly as they caught their breath and rested. Skin to skin, forehead to forehead, they were as one, his hands stroking her back as he softly murmured love names.

couldn't move. Her
muscles were
strong enough to hold her. She
was so dazed from such a flood of feeling that she hardly noticed when Noah picked her up and, cradling her in his arms as he carried her effortlessly to the bed, placed her gently on
satin cover
et Seconds later he was there with a towel, drying her soft damp body. She loved the tamed strength of his hands, his soothing massaging motions with the
roughness of the terry
oth. Soon the towel was gone and he slipped into bed; holding her in
crook of his arm as he sighed contentedly. She felt his kiss against her temple, then sleep came to hold her
and she felt nothing— nothing but peace.


The cover weighed heavily around her waist and she tried to tug it up before she realized it was a well-muscled arm that kept her gently pinned in
soft comfortable bed. She eased slowly to her other side, not wanting him to waken.

Noah was sleeping. He looked much like a small boy
now, his face
, his breath steady and deep. Why was she feeling no shame at her behavior earlier? Why was she so comforted by his arm holding her close?

She had lived another day and in that day
nothing she had done could be changed, redone, rethought
. I
t had happened and would change all the tomorrows, but not the yesterdays. She couldn’t go back, and with that thought another came close on its heels. She did not want to go back.

It was
having someone
acted as if they l
- even for a little while.
Someone who knew
er history and
wanted to be part of her future. Someone
to take care of her, watch out for her, help and love her.
Someone she could love, trust and care for, too.
She closed her eyes and went back to sleep, her mouth curving in a small secret smile.

A feathered kiss fluttered against her forehead,
another. A deep chuckle echoed close to her ear as a hand caressed bare shoulders, then moved down to claim her
in his hand
, cupping it as if to decide its weight Startled, Dianna opened her eyes, and the whole scope of her vision was filled with Noah’s face. Her
glowed with instant memories of the night before and he knew it, could read it in her

“Well, Mrs. Weston. We’d better get ready to see our daughter.” He quirked one dark eyebrow, a small grin lighting his face. “Unless you wouldn’t mind staying in bed a little while longer?” he added suggestively, forcing Dianna to
. Her eyes darted over his bare chest, strong arms, corded neck, and the same heightened emotions that had flowed through her last night returned with even more force

“What time is it?*’ She didn’t want to acknowledge his invitation but was equally unable to refuse.
Her body had responded to his suggestion even faster than her brain.

“Time enough for what I have in mind,” he muttered before covering her mouth with a kiss meant to devour all sweetness.
For the first in a long time, she wrapped
her arms around his waist
and reveled
in the feeling of his coarse chest hair against her breasts. Reality disappeared as a sensuous warmth wove its way through her body.
And this time, she was the one in charge.

She chuckled.
"But first you'd better come and do your duty by me. Because if I'm not happy, then no one's happy...and no excuses will do."

* * *

They saw Tabby again that morning and Dianna was amazed by her alertness. Thanks to mode
rn medicine and surgeries
, she was resting comfortably and her bright eyes examined the room and her parents with interest
Her smile was shy for the first moment or so,
and then
she relaxed, asking Noah a hundred questions about her pony and
ranch. Tabby’s only worry, as her head began to finally nod in sleep, was that she would not be able to see her favorite TV program later in the afternoon.
with the nurse
Noah promised a
television would be brought into
Tabby's room
later in the day, and they would be back to watch it with her.
Both knew that Tabby would be sedated for several days while allowing her surgery to heal, but it made her feel better to know her favorite wasn't too far away.

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