Read Winter Harvest Online

Authors: Susan Jaymes

Winter Harvest (15 page)

BOOK: Winter Harvest
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"Yeah, I know."

He rolled his eyes as her phone jingled, signaling that Andrew and Liza were almost there. Victoria and Evan jumped away from each other when the back door swung open.

Traye wiped his feet and bowed his head before slipping inside. Victoria couldn't help it. Her heart jumped. His disheveled, shaggy hair, and intense teal eyes sucked her in and melted her heart. His tight plaid long sleeve shirt and jeans hugged his body.
Why does he always have to look so damn sexy?

"Traye, what are you doing here?"

"Your father invited me to lunch. I didn't realize it was going to be a special one with your best china."

Victoria glared at him.
Why would her father do that to Evan… or to her?
Coming here was hard enough for Evan without adding Traye to the mix.

"You don't have to stay, you know. I'll explain it to Dad."

"Nah. I'd never dream of turning Robert down. I always try to respect his requests."

"Like that marriage proposal?" she asked. He had this amazing ability to turn her to mush, yet provoke her red hot temper at the same time.

Traye grinned and looked at Evan, who appeared stunned. "She just can't get past that one. You'd think that by now, she'd have given it up."

give it up."

"Never." His eyes darkened, and his smile faded.

Victoria stepped over to Evan, twined her arm with his, and gave Traye a false smile. "I've moved on with someone who appreciates me for me. Sooner or later, you'll have to accept that."

"Maybe." Traye shrugged, grabbed a cherry tomato, and popped it into his mouth.

Mesmerized, she followed the tomato. She closed her eyes and tried to bring her focus back to reality.
Evan is the present; Traye is the past

Robert came hobbling in, dissipating any remaining desire. Victoria crossed the room to help him. His cast had been removed, and he had graduated to a cane.

"Traye, so good to see you. I hope you don't mind I invited him, sweetheart." He patted her hand and held her gaze, challenging her to defy him.

She didn't. She
Instead, she switched the subject to something more important to her. "Dad, this is Evan."

She drew him forward to stand beside her. Looking a little green, he nodded.

"Welcome, Evan. I've heard so much about you." Robert reached a hand out to him, and hoping to give him courage, Victoria nudged him.

An easy smile on his face, Evan shook Robert's hand. His green tint had disappeared. "Thank you for inviting me into your home, sir. You have a very intriguing daughter. I've enjoyed getting acquainted with her."

"She's a gem, and I'm very protective of her."

"Dad, stop." She cocked her head to warn him to back off. "Evan is nothing but a gentleman."

Robert pointed toward Traye. "I see you've met Traye. He's been with our family for years. He and Victoria have a unique relationship."

"Dad, please don't."

Andrew rushed in dragging Liza by the hand. "Sorry we're late. Liza won't leave the house until she's the picture of perfection. She has succeeded, don't you agree?" He looked at everyone, daring them to argue. Compared to Liza's bright red lipstick and her short, short dress, Evan's dress code paled in comparison. He fit in after all.

Victoria stepped forward to give Liza an uncomfortable hug. Instead of returning it, she stood like a statue. With a frown, Victoria released her.
Why'd I even bother?
She didn't enjoy making contact with Liza either, but she did respect her brother's choice of girlfriends. Maybe today he'd return the favor, since she wasn't with Traye.

"You look awesome." Victoria didn't lie. Liza did look good, just a little overdone.

"It's important to always look beautiful for your man."

There it is
. The zinger Liza always managed to shoot at her. They would never understand one another or be friends. That didn't matter to Victoria anymore, but it could make life difficult if Andrew married the woman. So instead of stooping to Liza's level, she walked back over to Evan and took his hand. He gave hers a squeeze that calmed her.

She looked at her brother. "You both remember Evan?"

"Of course." An eager Andrew shook Evan's hand.

What was he up to?
Andrew had never been this excited about her life. No matter
. She focused on just getting through the meal. "Good. We all know each other. Let's eat."

Robert moved to the head of the table, and Andrew took the other end. Liza sat by Andrew rather than asking Victoria if she could help. She never did. Instead, Evan helped Victoria. She wanted to kiss him for being so sweet.

Victoria sat next to her father, with Traye sitting on the other side. Through the whole meal, his eyes burned holes through her. His constant attention unnerved her and made her jumpy. As the dinner progressed, the farm and planting season dominated the conversation. In spite of not having a clue what they were talking about, Liza complimented Andrew every chance she got. Sitting in silence, Evan didn't stand a chance. Victoria realized he'd never understand how much the farm meant to her, but also wondered if he would accept it like Traye always had.

"We're sorry, Evan. We seem to have left you out of the conversation." Robert looked down the table at him. "I take it you don't know much about farming. What is it you do?"

"I'm an insurance agent."


"I'll teach you everything you need to know." Victoria patted his leg and smiled at him.

"Victoria's been known to jump on a tractor or do whatever we need her to do to get the job done. Anything in a pinch. There might be nights and days you never even hear from her. You up for that?" Traye smiled at her across the table without acknowledging Evan.

"I bet she's capable of doing anything she sets her mind to do. A little hard work never hurt anyone. She's beautiful, no matter what, from what I've seen."

Victoria grinned and squeezed Evan's leg, but her eyes never left Traye's. Satisfaction pumped her up as the light dimmed in his eyes. "Thank you."

"Don't worry, Evan. We don't need Victoria's help very often. She'll have plenty of time for you."

She turned to scowl at Andrew. "The point is, I can do anything any of you men can do when it comes to this farm."

"Sibling rivalry even over the farm. I don't think either one of you will ever step off this land for anyone or anything." Traye leaned back and crossed his arms.

Victoria stared at him, then kicked him under the table until he produced a soft grunt. "I think we should leave Evan alone. He shouldn't have to be badgered at his first meal with the family. He knows how much this place means to me. We'll work it out on our own."

"We just want to make sure he's prepared for what's ahead," Traye said. "In a few weeks, things will be hectic here, and we'll need you to help us… so he may never see you."

"If she needs time with Evan, I'll step in and help." Liza patted Andrew's hand. "Making her man happy is more important. I can be here to help out and make mine happy, too."

"Sweetheart, I don't want you to have to subject yourself to cooking for us filthy men. You deserve more."

"And I don't?" Victoria shot daggers at Andrew.

"Well jeez, Victoria, make up your mind. Do you want to help out and keep us fed and happy, or not?" Traye smirked at her. "Besides, Liza, I doubt you'll be able to help us in the fields if need be."

"Over my dead body." Andrew scoffed at him.

How did this get so out of hand?
Victoria glared at her brother. "Look, I'll be here to help out. We won't need Liza."

"Okay, but if you change your mind and need me to run the house for you while you're out with Evan, just let me know."

"Trust me, that won't be necessary." Victoria gripped her thighs to keep from slapping Liza.

"Children, enough." Robert pounded on the table with his fist. "Victoria will be where she belongs -- right here on this farm. Liza, we don't need anyone to run the house. If Evan is truly interested in my daughter, he'll accept our way of life. End of story."

"I agree, Dad. I think it's great she's found a new man." Andrew turned to Evan. "I wish you well. She can be a real pain, but I think you two are good together."

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves?" Traye leaned forward. "They just started dating. Once spring hits, she'll be busy, and they'll be hard pressed to spend time together. Deep down, we all know she's married to this farm."

Victoria looked to her father, hoping he'd stop this, but he nodded because he agreed with Traye.
Poor Evan.
She'd known coming here would be tough for him, but she hadn't realized the men would talk about her as if she and Evan weren't present.

"Traye, get over it. Victoria's moved on. Now, be a man and let her." Andrew slammed his hand against the table and caused the silverware to jump.

Traye stared at him. "You sure are eager to get her off this farm. I'm sure Evan's a great guy, but no one will know how well they'll do until after they make it through this summer and fall. Stop trying to push her into something that might not be right."

"Why don't you stop living in a dream world?"

Victoria couldn't stand it. Her father just sat by in silence as Andrew and Traye argued over
life. She stood up and shoved the table so hard, the dishes rattled.

"Stop it. Everyone, just shut up. I'll decide my future. Andrew, I'm not leaving this farm.
Traye, I'm moving on. And Daddy, you need to accept that, too."

"Honey, sit down. We have a guest."

"Oh, so now you speak." She glanced at her father.

Robert touched her hand. "You know what needs to be done, Victoria. What's right."

"I'm not having this conversation." She yanked her hand away and looked to Evan with his soft blue eyes. She smiled at him. Her tears threatened to fall, but the instant she looked into his kind eyes, they dried up. He did that for her. "Let's go for a walk and leave these animals to discuss my future that'll never happen."

Without a word, Evan rose and grabbed her hand.

Over her shoulder, she took one last glance at Traye, who grimaced. Then she said, "I'll clean this up later. Enjoy your meal. I've lost my appetite."

They walked out into the mild sunshine. Victoria took a deep breath and leaned her head on Evan's shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I knew it'd be bad, but not that bad."

"Your family loves you. Including Traye."

Her head popped up, and she squinted at him.

He nodded. "Yep. He's crazy over you. Are you sure you want to walk away from that? I don't want to be your rebound."

Victoria sighed and turned to him. "Whatever Traye and I might've had is over. You're the first guy I've enjoyed in a long time. All I want is for us to get to know one another and enjoy the journey. I love your company."

Evan nodded. "Seriously, though, do you get that busy around here? Is Traye right? Will I not see you until Thanksgiving?"

She smiled. "Miss me already?"


"You're the sweetest guy I've ever met." She hugged him, then pulled away. "It's not as bad as Traye says. I won't lie to you, though. At times I do need to pitch in, but mostly they just need a hot meal or a cold drink waiting for them."

"And you'll be with Traye a lot?"

"Nah. He exaggerates. He's so annoying." She missed the old Traye. The one she could spend hours with talking and laughing. She'd kill to have their banter back once again. Instead, however, she had that same give and take with Evan, although a milder version of it.

"I think he adores you and is very protective of you. Andrew, on the other hand, is a little harder to figure out. It's like I think he loves you but holds some resentment toward Traye."

"Seriously? Why would you say that?"

"I don't know. I have a gut feeling he wants you two apart. I don't think he likes Traye being here. He even pretended to like me better than him."

"That's because he wants me married and away from the farm. He wants it all, and Liza stands right beside him with her hand out." Victoria would never understand their relationship.

"Could be. I don't know. Just seems like more than that to me."

"Andrew has been frigid with Traye for a while. Especially after Mom died. Up until then, they were friends for years."

"Does Andrew control Traye?"

"Sometimes. Just hang in there, Evan. Eventually, they'll like and accept you. And once they see we're in this for the long haul, Traye will let go." Although Victoria didn't really want him to, she knew it would happen eventually.

Evan nodded. "Is that what you want?"

"Yes." She kissed him. "You're worth it."

"I am. You'll see." He ducked his head and gave her another tender kiss.




Traye shoved a plate into the dishwasher. Robert had ordered him to help Andrew and Liza clean up. He'd done most of it, with Liza complaining so much he'd sent her away. Andrew had refused to touch the dishes. Tired of all the whining, Traye had cut him loose too.

Scraping the dishes clean and enjoying the silence, he let his mind wander. He couldn't deny Evan was a good guy, and he'd never seen Victoria this into anybody other than himself. Admitting it killed him. He didn't think he'd ever seen her so relaxed and content. He'd badgered Evan about her dedication to the farm, and the guy had never blinked. He was committed to Victoria. Traye released a heavy sigh. All the signs were there. He had to give her up. She'd be better off with Evan. Somehow he'd accept it and work to rebuild their friendship. After all, her happiness had always been his goal.

"Traye, why are you doing this alone?" Robert came in and made his way to the fridge.

"I couldn't take the complaining, so I sent them away." He finished filling the dishwasher.

"I wanted to talk to you alone anyway. Leave the rest for Victoria and join me in the office." Robert grabbed a glass of ice water and limped out of the kitchen.

Traye grabbed a towel, dried his hands, and then followed Robert. What could this be about? The marriage? He sat down opposite of the older man.

BOOK: Winter Harvest
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