Read Winter Blockbuster 2012 Online

Authors: Trish Morey,Tessa Radley,Raye Morgan,Amanda McCabe

Winter Blockbuster 2012 (52 page)

BOOK: Winter Blockbuster 2012
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He saw alarm in her eyes—denial, dismissal and a lot of worry, but like he’d said, he didn’t care anymore. His mouth took hers as though he had a right to it, as though he’d gone through all the reasons why she wasn’t his for the kissing and decided to throw them out the window. He wanted her. He’d always wanted her. And now that he had her in his arms, he needed to feel her heat, taste her warm sweetness, touch her beautiful body.

His hands slid under the jacket, under her sweater, up her slender back and she arched her softness against his hard chest. His kiss was hungry and hot and she answered it back the same way. The wind swirled around them. Leaves blew around their feet. The water from the brook sang a happy song, and time seemed to stand still.

It was meant to be a short kiss, just something quick and loaded with commitment and affection, but he never wanted it to stop. If it had been up to him, it never would have. But she knew it couldn’t last.


He was kissing the curve of her neck, tasting her skin, devouring her sweetness.


Pulling back, he looked at her groggily. She was laughing.

“Max, stop!”

He shook his head, then groaned and let her go. Running his fingers through his hair, he tried to get his balance back.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “You just feel so good. I want to hold you forever.”

She looked into his eyes, smiling, loving him, but not sure what to say. They couldn’t do this. He couldn’t kiss her this way. There was something intoxicating between the two of them. Once they started, they didn’t seem to know how to stop. Reaching out, she cupped his rough cheek in her hand and smiled sadly.

And then, without a word, she stepped away carefully and sank down to sit on the rock. He followed and sat beside her.

“Eddie would have loved this place,” he said softly, and then winced, wishing he’d kept his mouth shut.

She didn’t look at him. She didn’t say a word, but he knew she what she was thinking.

They were silent for a few minutes, watching the water, and then Max started talking about his brothers again, haltingly at first. And then he just kept going, talking as though they had never stopped.

“You know, there’s a big difference between me and the other princes,” he said at one point. “They all grew up in families. They might not have been the right families, but at least they had that. I think I’m the only one who sort of got thrown out with the trash.”

His words might have been bitter, but she was glad to notice that his tone was more bemused.

“Actually,” she told him, “Prince Cassius—the one we all call Joe—had a pretty rough time of it as well.”

“Prince Joe? The surfer prince?” He had to grin. He’d met Joe.

She nodded, smiling. “That’s him. Whoever was supposed to hide him that night didn’t show up and the kitchen maid
ended up taking him with her when she ran, hiding him under her shawl on the boat. She didn’t know what to do with him, so she took him back home to England, whereupon she promptly died and left him to be raised by members of her family who had no clue who he was.”

“How did he end up in California?”

“The family emigrated and then the parents got divorced and they all pretty much split up. I guess it wasn’t much of a warm-and-toasty family after all. Sort of dysfunctional. The way I heard it, he took off pretty young and then he joined the military.”

Max nodded. “Okay. Joe and I might just have a little bit in common. Maybe I’ll have a chance to talk to him tonight.” He made a comical face. “Pizza and beer,” he repeated, shaking his head. “I guess she really does want to make me feel at home. That’s practically my daily diet as it is.”

“She’s doing her best.” She looked at him whimsically. “I don’t think you realize how much better this is going to make things for you,” she said simply.

He groaned and the anger flared in him again. That was the last thing he wanted to hear.

“Don’t tell me how wonderful this is for me and how it’s going to change my life. I don’t want my life changed. I like things the way they’ve been. I don’t want to be a prince.”

She was frowning at him now. “You don’t want to be a prince because you don’t want to have to conform to rules and standards. You don’t think anyone else should have a say in how you should act, do you?”

He blinked, not used to tough talk from her. “So? What’s wrong with that?”

Her eyes flashed. “Grow up, Max. It’s time for you to stop playing at life and start living it.”

Maybe I don’t want to

He didn’t say it. The words popped out onto the tip of his tongue, but he wisely held them back, and as he thought them over, he realized how childish they were. What the hell. She was right. It was time for him to grow up. Grabbing her hand, he pressed his lips to the center of her palm, then looked up at her, smiling.

“How did I do without you all this time?” he said huskily. “Eddie once said to me that if anything ever happened to you, he wouldn’t want to go on alone. And I can see why.”

His words sent a shock through her. She closed her eyes and thought about them for a moment. Then she looked at him, trying not to be resentful. “And you’re wondering how I’ve managed to go on so normally without him?”

“No,” he said, looking shocked at the thought. “That isn’t what I meant to say at all.”

“Then why did you say it?”

He shook his head, trying to remember what had been in his mind at the time. “I just wanted to remind you to remember how much Eddie loved you.”

She pulled her arms in close. “I don’t need reminding. I remember very well. I remember it all the time.” She still felt resentful as she looked at him. “I didn’t get to where I am without a lot of pain, you know.”

He nodded, searching her face, staring into her eyes. “I know that, Kayla. There was enough pain to go around.” He winced and looked away. “I felt it, too. After Eddie died, I went a little crazy for a while.”

“Didn’t we all?”

“No, I mean it.” He looked back at her. “I took stupid chances, did stupid things. In some ways, it almost felt as though I couldn’t live life normally anymore. If a guy as super as Eddie could get killed like that, what right did I have to be happy?” He frowned, remembering. “I began to make careless
mistakes. At one point, I did something stupid and I had to ditch my plane. I bailed out in time, but it was a while before they found me.” He shook his head. “That woke me up.”

“That was when I saw the report on the news. I … I really thought you were gone, too.”

He nodded. “It was hard to accept a world where the best people got snuffed out like candles. No real reason. Just here one moment, gone the next. To see a good guy like Eddie get killed so easily and a waster like I am get lucky every time—it didn’t seem right. I was having a hard time with that.”

“Max, Eddie’s gone. I don’t think you’ve completely faced it yet.”

“Have you?”

“Yes. I’ve tried very hard. There’s a part of me that will always love him and miss him horribly. But most of life has to go on without him. I either go on or I throw myself off the balcony.”

His eyes darkened with horror. “You wouldn’t do that.”

“No. I couldn’t do that. I have Teddy.”

He looked startled, as though he’d forgotten.

“Teddy is my whole life now,” she told him carefully, wishing she saw a smile or a look of affection or something friendly toward her son. How could this man not feel something? “Do you understand that?”

“Yeah, I think I do.”

She thought about the fact that he’d never really lived in a family. Maybe he didn’t understand what it meant to have a child, how it consumed your soul. It was true that as far as she could see, he didn’t react well to Teddy and she didn’t know why. But maybe this was a part of it.

Or maybe it was something else, something about Teddy’s background that threw him off. And if that was what it was, she knew she didn’t want to face that at all.

“I’ve got to get back.”

He nodded. “I’ll walk with you.”

They started off and once again, they both fell silent, as if they had talked about things that needed some mulling over before they mentioned them to each other again. At the door to her office, Kayla smiled at him.

“Could I come by and see you tonight?” he asked. “After the pizza party?”

Her smile disappeared. “No,” she said slowly, thinking it over on the run. “I think it would be better if we kept our relationship on a completely professional level. Forget that we’re friends.”

He looked as though he thought she was nuts. “Forget that we’re friends?” He shook his head, his anger beginning to hint at a return engagement. “No. That’s carrying things too far. I’ll be circumspect during prince lessons, but once they’re over, you’re fair game.”

“Fair game?” she repeated, puzzled.

“You got it. You can run but you can’t hide.”

“What are you talking about?”

“This.” Taking her face in his hands, he bent down and kissed her softly. His lips were warm and his solid male earthy scent made her head spin. His kiss was sweet and sincere and somehow much more effective than the wild one out by the little river. It brought tears to her eyes and left her gasping, aching for more.

“And that’s just a sample of things to come,” he told her, giving her a triumphant grin and turning to go.

Speechless, she watched him go, her cheeks burning. It wasn’t until he was out of sight that she remembered she still had his jacket.

She was fixing Teddy a nice peanut butter sandwich for dinner, because that was all he would eat besides eggs and bananas.
He was dancing around the apartment, bobbing his head and pretending to play a little plastic guitar, when the phone rang.

“Hey, it’s me.”

Amazing how his voice could send sparkles through her bloodstream. She remembered the kisses and the sparkles intensified.

“Max. What is it?”

He paused, listening. “What’s that noise in the background?”

“Oh, it’s just Teddy. He’s so funny. I wish you could see him. He’s sort of singing and dancing and banging things. But you may ignore at will. Go on.”

“He makes a lot of noise for such a small kid.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” she said, laughing. “He’s only just begun.”


Once again Kayla got the impression that he didn’t like her baby much, and she frowned.

“Well, I just called to tell you my place has been totally ransacked.”

“What? How did someone get by the guard?”

There was an extensive network of security in the castle, but it was especially concentrated in the royal wing.

“That’s a good question.”

“Did they take anything?”

“I don’t think so.”

“What were they after?”

He paused, then said, “I think it’s all related. The people watching me, the people going through my things. What do you think?”

“It would seem logical I guess. But you have no idea who they are, right?”

“Right. Still, I think it’s related to this. Now if I could figure out what they’re looking for …”

“How about an historical artifact from Mercuria?” she suggested, eyes widening as she thought of it.

“I was thinking the same thing.” He paused. “Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to be careful. I’ve told the guards to watch your apartment more vigilantly than usual. So if you notice a lot of cops hanging around, you’ll know why.”

“Okay. Thanks.” She frowned. “Do you think it’s people from Mercuria?”

“I’m sure of it. No one else has a grudge against me at the moment. At least, no one that I know of.”

“Are you still going to the pizza party?”


“Good. What are you wearing?”

“Kayla! I’m not a girl. Who cares what I wear?”

“No, I mean … I forgot to give you back your denim jacket. I left it in the closet at the office. Remind me later to give it back to you.”

“I have another one.”

“Oh. Hey, I guess you really do like them, don’t you?”

He ignored that and when he spoke again, his voice was lower, almost husky, with a feeling she didn’t want to name.

“Hey. I miss you.”

Her heart gave a lurch. “No, you don’t. You just saw me an hour ago.”

“I know. But I still miss you.”

“Max, don’t. You can’t …”

“I know. But I still miss you. Can’t help it. See you tomorrow. Good night, Kayla.”

“Good night, Max.” She closed her eyes to stop the tears that were suddenly threatening. “Happy pizza.”
They met for breakfast at nine. She flushed when she saw him waiting for her in the little crepe café. She couldn’t help it. All that crazy kissing had made her jumpy for hours.

But he didn’t seem to remember it. He had a lot to tell her about his pizza party with his brothers the night before. He’d obviously had a pretty good time, though he wasn’t ready to call it that.

“It was okay,” he said slowly as he savored the hot cup of coffee the waitress had served him. “I still don’t feel really comfortable with them, but they are a great group. I like them all.”

And then he went on to tell her in minute detail everything everyone had said. She smiled, listening to him, slowly picking at her blueberry crepe. Could it be that he was beginning to feel a little better about being here?

He had an omelet and a brioche, but he looked tired. And then he yawned.

She frowned. “Didn’t you get enough sleep last night?”

He hesitated, looking a bit chagrined. “Actually, no. On my way back from the pizza party I met an old flying buddy I hadn’t seen for a while. We went and had a few drinks and …”

She bit back the words that came to mind, but he read her thoughts in her eyes.

“I know, I know. I’m supposed to be learning to be royal, not carousing with old friends.” He glowered at her. “The royal life is looking about as appealing as a term in prison.”

“It’s not that bad,” she said, smiling at his funny face. “Royals go out with friends all the time. In fact, some even get in a lot of trouble all the time. Just read the tabloids. But …”

“Kayla, I know what you’re worrying about. We’re back to the need for me to grow up. I know. I’m working on it.”

BOOK: Winter Blockbuster 2012
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