Read Wings of the Morning (Kensington Chronicles) Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Ship Captains, #Romance, #Regency, #Christian, #Historical Fiction, #Women Merchant Mariners, #Fiction, #Christian Fiction, #Historical, #Large Print Books, #INSPIRATIONAL ROMANCE, #General, #Religious, #Maine, #Love Stories

Wings of the Morning (Kensington Chronicles) (30 page)

BOOK: Wings of the Morning (Kensington Chronicles)
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himself. Her hair was coming out of its chignon, her face was

flushed, and her eyes were sparkling with love for him. Dallas

glanced up to find Sunny grinning at him.

"Good morning, my lady," he said with a slight inclination

of the head, his eyes twinkling with humor.

"Good morning, Mr. Knight. I trust you slept well?"

"I did, indeed."

Dallas said no more because Brandon was suddenly there,

doing just as Dallas had, reaching for the woman he loved.

When Sunny was on the ground, the four of them made their

way to the house. They were nearly to the door when Smokey

spotted Darsey in the yard. With just a brief word, she excused

herself and walked to see him.


The old friends said nothing for a moment, but studied

one another in open honesty. They were both satisfied with

what they saw. Smokey saw Darsey's blessing, and Darsey

beheld a sweet serenity in Smokey's small face.

"Were you really worried about me last night?"

Darsey grinned. "Just a mite. If the look on Dallas' face

during supper was any indication, I knew he was going to

declare himself. I didn't have a problem with that, but you're

not married yet, and I just didn't know if I should leave you


"Actually," Smokey said, as they began to walk through the

gardens, "we haven't spoken of marriage."

"But he loves you?" Darsey pressed her carefully, not

wishing to intrude.

'Yes, and I love him. If he does ask me to marry him, I'll

accept in a moment, but I don't know if his mind has moved

that far. As he said last night, I've been elusive for so long that

he never had time to say what was in his heart."

Darsey nodded, satisfied with her words. He was also

terribly relieved He was feeling a need to return to the ship.

"Since you now know where you stand with Dallas, would

you object to my returning to the Aramis?"

"Why, no, Darsey, not if you want to. Is anything wrong?"

"No," he assured her. "It's just a restlessness that comes

over me when I can't smell the ocean and see the waves. I'll be

more comfortable on board knowing everything is all right."

"Maybe I should come too," Smokey began, but Darsey cut

her off with his hands on her shoulders.

"There's no reason for you to come, lass. Stay here and

enjoy yourself; you deserve a rest. After this it's the trial, and

then everyone will be back to work. Take this time while you


"If you're sure," Smokey began.

"I'm sure. Now let's get into breakfast. I'm about starved"

Darsey would have moved away then, but Smokey suddenly

threw her arms around him. She hugged him with all

her might, and he hugged her in return for long minutes.


"I love you, Darsey," Smokey finally said

"And I love you, lass," he answered her, one huge hand

tenderly cradling her face.

"It's all right with you about Dallas and me, isn't it?"

Smokey had to know.

"Of course. My only concern was not knowing his intentions,"

Nodding in contentment, they walked together to the

door. After Smokey entered Bracken's huge front door, she

ran upstairs to clean up. She was late to the table then, but to

come in and find Dallas and Darsey talking amiably and then

to have both of them turn and smile at her in love was worth

any apology she had to make.

Darsey left for London right after breakfast. For the next

few hours, everyone went in his own direction. Dallas didn't

seek Smokey out until just before lunch. He found her on the

lawn with Sterling. Sterling's nurse was not far away, but only

Smokey and the baby occupied a huge quilt where they played

and laughed

Dallas smiled at the sound as he approached Sterling

moved a little closer to Smokey when Dallas dropped down

beside them.

"This is Dallas," Smokey told the child Sterling stared

with wide eyes at the tall, unfamiliar figure.

"Can you say Dallas?" Smokey prompted, and watched as

he put a thumb in his mouth.

"He can't really talk, can he?" Dallas wanted to know.

"Not the way you and I do, but sometimes he'll try the

sounds. You should hear his version of Smokey. Can you say

Smokey, Sterling?"

He grinned around the thumb in his mouth but didn't


speak. Smokey laughed at his look, and he laughed with her,

all with the thumb firmly planted. The thumb was removed

quickly, however, when Sterling glanced behind Smokey to

see his father approaching.

The little boy dropped onto all fours and began to crawl

toward the edge of the blanket as fast as he could move.

Smokey grabbed him before his knees hit the grass, but he

struggled until Brandon's hands were there to reach for him.

Both Dallas and Smokey watched as Brandon tossed his

small son into the air and caught him in a burst of giggles.

Smokey watched them play like this for some time, until she

chanced to glance at Dallas. He was looking at her with such

an odd expression that the smile died from Smokey's face.

"Dallas, what is it?"

"Nothing," he said, but Smokey was not convinced

"Have I done something?"

"No, no," Dallas tried to reassure her and reached for her

hand He worked at controlling his expression, realizing he

could not let his feelings show until they had time alone to


Seeing Smokey with the baby had put Dallas' thoughts in a

whirl. His mind had suddenly pictured Smokey as his wife, his

wife to love and hold. He saw her swollen with child as Jenny

now was, but the baby was his--theirs--and he was there for

the birth. He saw her on a blanket in Maine with their own

dark-haired child grinning at her. He saw himself playing

with his own baby, not Brandon with Sterling.

"tonight, he told himself. Tonight I'll ask her. I'llaskherto

be my own for as long as we both live. We've been apart so

much that I'll ask her to marry me right now so we can begin

our life together immediately.

Dallas' resolve gave him such a feeling of peace that it

showed on his face. Smokey found herself staring at him

again. She was still coming to know this man, so she wasn't

certain, but he suddenly looked very satisfied to her. She told

herself that one of these days they would be close enough so


she could ask him. One of these days, she found herself

hoping, she might even be his wife.

The coach and driver delivering Darsey to London were

not due back at Bracken until the following day. Just before

dinner, however, there was a sudden commotion when the

driver arrived back early.

Parks was there to meet him, and after hearing his story,

turned to seek out the family. Within minutes Brandon, Sunny,

and Dallas were gathered to hear his account. Smokey, coming

quietly downstairs to the entryway, heard also.

"They arrested him almost immediately, sir, as if they'd

been waiting." Brandon's coachman was breathless with


"And you think Haamich Wynn is behind it?"

"I don't know about that, sir, but the talk all over London is

that he's been released and the Aramis has been confiscated

and her crew arrested for piracy."

Something cold ran down Smokey's spine, but she knew

what must be done. She turned from where she had been

standing on the bottom step to move backup the stairs. Dallas

spotted her and caught her wrist just in time.

"Let go of me, Dallas. I've got to go to my ship."

"Smokey, listen to me--" Dallas began, but the young

captain cut him off.

"No. You listen to me, Dallas." Her voice was calm, but no

one within earshot could have missed the underlying note of

steel. "I would love the luxury of sitting back and letting you

take care of me, but I'm the captain of that ship and responsible

to my men. I will go to London, and you'll not talk me out

of it."

"I'm not trying to," Dallas began again, tightening his hold

on her wrist. "I'm just asking you to wait until morning. We

can do nothing tonight."


Smokey hesitated, and Brandon cut in.

"He's right, Smokey. It would be after midnight by the time

we arrived. I doubt if even /could see anyone of importance at

that time of the night."

Smokey stood in indecision, her heart so broken over

Darsey's arrest that she thought she might be sick.

"I need to be away before dawn," she told them.

'You realize," Brandon began, "there's a good chance you

will be arrested as well."

Smokey had not thought of that, but it changed nothing.

"I still need to leave for London before dawn."

"The carriage will be ready," Brandon promised her.

Smokey nodded When she would have thanked them and

continued up the stairs, Dallas tugged on her arm.

"Come to dinner and try to eat something."

"I have to pack."

"I imagine you'll be up most of the night. You can pack

then. You need to eat."

Standing on the first step made Smokey almost level with

Dallas, and for a moment she could only look into his eyes.

'Tell me you understand, Dallas."

"I understand completely," he said to her utter relief. "I

just didn't want you riding to London tonight with no food or


Smokey nodded, and Dallas realized they were alone. He

stepped near, his arms going around her. Smokey needed his

closeness right now in a way she'd never needed it before.

When he would have stepped away, she wrapped her arms

around his neck, Dallas was more than happy to comply and

hugged her again, holding her firmly for some time.

"Come into the dining room, darling," he said when he

could speak. "You won't want much, but you need to eat."

Smokey agreed and startled herself by eating a fairly

decent meal. She surprised herself again after going to bed.

After praying with her whole being, she actually gained a few

hours of sleep. She woke to find Brandon good at his word


His largest carriage, pulled by four horses, left Bracken

more than an hour before daybreak, after a tearful farewell

with Sunny. Smokey was inside, hair braided and dressed for

work Seated beside her was Dallas. Across from them was


The duke's face was calm, but he was a man who clearly

needed answers. Looking at his stern visage, Smokey could

almost find it in her heart to pity Haamich Wynn.


smokey's view of the akamis from the carriage window

was one to make her heart pound. She had halfway hoped to

find that this was all a frightful mistake, but not seeing a single

familiar face, as well as the heavy guard apparent at the foot of

the gangplank, made her heart plummet.

The magnificent carriage stopped, drawing attention

from nearly everyone. Dallas alighted to give Smokey a hand

Brandon was directly behind her, but not even he could stop

the happenings of the next few minutes.

"Miss Simmons?" a voice spoke, and the three of them

turned to see a young officer approach,

"Yes, I'm Miss Simmons. Where is my crew?"

"If you'll come with me, please," the constable said, ignoring

her question.

"Where are you taking her?" Brandon spoke calmly, and

the officer looked surprised

"I'm sorry, your lordship, but Miss Simmons is under


"And what are the charges?"

"Piracy," another, older constable came on the scene and

BOOK: Wings of the Morning (Kensington Chronicles)
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