Wilderness Trail of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 1) (38 page)

BOOK: Wilderness Trail of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 1)
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“Make yourself think like a Captain again. We need a strategy,” Stephen urged, refusing to give in to his panic. “I’ll do the same.”

He started moving back toward the others. By the time they reached William and Bear, a plan gelled in his mind. It was risky, but it stood a chance.

Under normal circumstances, he would have no doubts. However, he had just been through hell and they were all about to go there again. But he felt considerably stronger and warmer, and his wounds had stopped bleeding. He could do this. He would do it. For Jane. For his daughters.

Bear and William stood together loading their weapons, with ball and powder, on the slim chance that the powder would be dry enough to fire.

“Everyone at camp appears to be unharmed. But,” he hesitated still unable to believe it himself, “Wanalancet and four braves are holding them all captive.”

“Wanalancet!” Bear exclaimed. “The Pennacook Chief?”

“Keep your voices down, and listen carefully,” Sam warned. “Wanalancet has come for Jane. In his mind they are already married.”

“She’s my wife!” Stephen swore. His hands clenched. He wanted to strangle the bastard.

“That’s unimportant to him. His braves will want the other two women as well. Stephen, you’re weary, cold and injured, but I need you to act stronger than you feel.”

“I feel fine,” Stephen spat.

“Good. The rain’s drizzle washed the remaining blood off you. You must appear fearless and strong. The wolves’ hides on your shoulders will impress Wanalancet. The Algonquian tribes revere the wolf’s spirit and believe the animal’s hide can make you strong, savage, and cunning. Believe that yourself.”

Stephen did believe it. “I’d gladly turn into one of these damn wolves if it would stop the bastard from taking Jane,” he cursed. His blood hot with his wrath, he stood taller and clenched his fists.

“Good. Wanalancet will sense that,” Sam said. “What are your ideas, Stephen?”

“We intimidate him, make him realize I killed Bomazeen and will kill him too. We show him our strength,” Stephen said. “Then
we appeal to his honor. Make him understand that stealing a man’s wife is dishonorable and evil. That I have an ability to kill evil men. If it works, we stand a chance of changing his mind about stealing Jane.”

“How?” William asked. “He won’t be easily intimidated.”

“Bear, you have the strength of bears in your body and in your necklace, let Wanalancet see that too. William, do you have one of your old lawman badges in your coat?” Stephen asked.

“Yes, right here,” William said, reaching into his waistcoat. “I kept one for luck.”

“Good, we could use some luck. Put it on. He may know what it means and believe you are a warrior because of it. With or without the badge, you are a warrior, so look like one. Wanalancet will know of Sam and his knife. Sam is intimidating just standing there. The four of us must stride into that camp as though we have no fear and they do not worry us.”

“I agree,” Sam said. “Hold your heads high and let your strength show on your face. Hold your weapons at the ready but do not use them until I do. Understand?”

“If he has hurt Jane or if he even steps upon her shadow, I’m using my weapon. And I’m going to kill him,” Stephen vowed.

“He hasn’t come this far to harm her. Clearly, he’s obsessed with her. Besides, she’s no good to him dead or injured. He
want to kill you. Probably what he’s waiting for,” Sam told him. “You must make him realize that your spirit is strong and that your spirit also claims Jane.”

“Will that work?” William asked.

“It just might,” Bear said, “if not, we’ll kill them.”

“Indeed. But our goal is that nobody dies. Not us and not them. Jane will only be safe if we can finally convince Wanalancet that he cannot have her,” Sam said, “and get him to go back to the White Mountains. No matter what Wanalancet says, be careful what you say. Put steel in your eyes and let them speak for you. If you have ever trusted me, trust me on this. If we are forced to use our weapons, I’ll kill the Chief. Bear you take the brave closest to you with your hatchet. William and Stephen, spread out a little and stand ready to fire at the brave closest to each of you. Then both of you fire your second pistol at the remaining brave. With all this moisture, your weapons may not fire so be prepared to move fast and use your knives or hatchets. Understand?”

“What about John?” Bear asked.

“He’s tied up and bleeding a little. They’ve tied the children around a tree. All three women have their hands tied. Wanalancet is just waiting for us,” Sam explained.

“Let’s get this over with,” Stephen said, pulling his pistols. “They took Jane once. I’m not about to let that happen again.”

Leaving their horses tied, the group made their way to camp. As Stephen suspected, Wanalancet heard them coming.

“Watch out!” Jane screamed.

“We come to talk,” Sam yelled calmly, in the Algonquian language.

As they entered the clearing, four bows pointed arrows at each of them, but Wanalancet held his braves back with a motion of his arm. Stephen assumed Wanalancet would want to see his enemy before he ordered them killed and because the Chief held the women, he had the advantage and he knew it. They could not charge the Pennacook without risking the lives of the women.

They approached slowly and cautiously, Sam clutching his long knife in a clenched fist, Bear gripping his big hatchet and a pistol. Stephen and William each held two pistols. All four strode forcefully towards the cook fire. He glanced at Sam and saw the warrior in his brother—his defiant jaw set, lips pursed, and hard eyes intense. Bear looked nearly as threatening as Sam, and William’s features were dark and menacing.

Then he turned his gaze forward and his eyes met Jane’s. His heart leapt out to her. She needed him. His girls and Little John needed him. His family needed him.

He would be a warrior too, by God.


ane gasped at the sight of Stephen. She was overjoyed to see him alive but his wild and daunting appearance shocked her. Black stubble covered his face in a dark intimidating shadow. His hair, which had grown to shoulder length on their journey, hung dark and wet, framing his pale and scratched face. He looked exceedingly powerful, his broad chest clearly visible without his shirt. What appeared to be two wolves’ hides, hung across and down both shoulders, making him seem like a frightening barbaric warrior and his cobalt eyes held an enigmatic look she had never seen before.

The sight of him renewed her strength. But the danger he was about to face filled her with foreboding and apprehension.

The four stopped, with William and Bear flanking Stephen and Sam. She could now see their faces clearly. The four bristled with anger as if they wanted to tear these Indians apart and break every arrow in their quivers! She could not believe how menacing and fierce they all seemed. Even William’s handsome face twisted in a vicious sneer. And Bear, the gentle giant, could not look any more blood curdling if he were a real bear. In Sam, she saw more than a
daunting appearance. He exuded valor and a bold courage. That’s what she had seen radiating from Stephen’s eyes! Bravery. She glanced again at her husband and his courage filled her heart.

For a moment, no one spoke and no one moved.

Then Sam said, “Chief Wanalancet,” and nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Wanalancet! So this was the Chief who sent Bomazeen to steal her. Hell fire! The situation was worse than she thought. A terrifying realization washed over her. This man was after

Jane kept her eyes pinned on Wanalancet. The fire’s reflections bounced off the many strings of beautiful pearls on the man’s broad chest. His intelligent ebony eyes, sinister and threatening, sparkled in the fire’s light. He stood taller than most natives that she had seen and his powerfully built arms spoke of great strength.

She quickly decided that the Chief and the other four ominous braves, who appeared muscular and warlike as well, would be formidable opponents for Stephen, Sam, William, and Bear. She would have to help. That would even the odds. She would do something, anything to help. She could pull a burning log from the fire, throw it in the Chief’s face. She would probably die trying, but if it saved Stephen’s life it would be worth it.

Her heart beat so rapidly she could barely breathe. She grabbed her skirt with her fists to hide her shaking hands. She forced herself to stand tall. Her rigid back muscles knotted with anxiety as her gaze shifted constantly between Wanalancet and Stephen.

A palatable tension swirled around them all, the air nearly dripping with hostility and friction. She could sense the barely controlled anger that boiled in Stephen’s body.

He would find a way out of this. He had to.

Stephen watched as Wanalancet studied each of the four men. The Chief peered into each man’s eyes and held them for several long moments.

He felt Wanalancet read his soul and knew the Chief had seen the angry part of him.

The Chief moved to stand in front of Sam. “You are Bloody Hand,” Wanalancet said.

“Some call me that,” Sam answered.

The Chief moved to Bear. “You are Bear Killer, the giant,” Wanalancet said to Bear.

Sam translated. Bear gnashed his teeth and snarled.

Only glancing at William, but clearly noticing the badge, Wanalancet turned his attention to Stephen.

Stephen glared back, boldly, his jaw defiant. Pistols in both hands and the wolves’ hides contributed to his feeling of wild strength. He would need that strength. This would likely be a battle.

“You are a wolf man?” Wanalancet asked him.

Sam said, “Yes, he is a wolf man. Wolves and men both fear him. You would be wise to fear him too.”

Stephen could hear the bridled anger in Sam’s voice.

Wanalancet turned toward Jane. “Which man you belong to?”

Sam continued to translate and Jane pointed to Stephen.

He fixed a cold stare on the Chief.

“Then he is the one I must kill. The spirits of the wolves on his back give him power,” Wanalancet said, “but my powers are those
of a Chief and come from the Great Spirit in the stars. You men must lay down your weapons. After I kill the wolf man, we will take three women and three horses. If you do not follow us, the rest of you may live and keep your little ones. If you even begin to follow us, I will send two braves back to kill the children when no one is watching. Now lay weapons on the earth. Then, wolf man dies.”

Sam translated slowly, keeping his voice low so the children could not hear.

Stephen considered Wanalancet’s threat. He weighed the fighting skills of the braves. This could not end well if they fought. But if they didn’t fight, all three women might be raped within minutes after he was killed and the other men tied up. Catherine and Kelly would each be raped twice and probably many more times before the night was over. The possibility made him want to be sick. Wanalancet would find the whiskey in their wagon and be emboldened by it. He doubted that the Chief would keep his promise to let the others live.

“If you want those two women to keep their life, step forward now wolf man and put down your useless weapons. They will not fire in this wet world. Out of respect for this woman,” he said pointing to Jane, “I will make your death swift.”

All of a sudden John sat up. “Please, be reasonable, he is a brother dear to me. He got caught in the storm. He was only hunting for food. He means you no harm. Neither do the rest of us. I beg you, do not hurt him.”

A corner of Sam’s mouth lifted in a half smile and he translated what John said as, “You will never be able to kill a man as strong as the wolf man. His Great Spirit gave him great powers over evil. Those who carry evil in their hearts should always fear him. That is why your evil friend Bomazeen is now dead. And why you too will
die if you do this evil thing.”

“The wolf man killed Bomazeen?” Wanalancet asked, seeming impressed.

“Yes,” Sam said, “in the afterworld, even the evil spirits could not recognize Bomazeen. Dark and evil blood covered his head when my brother the wolf man finished with him.”

“We called him Wandering Evil. Now Bomazeen will wander forever, unrecognized by anyone,” Wanalancet said. “But Wandering Evil’s killer must also die. I do not want this woman wanting to return to him. If he is dead she will not long for him.”

Jane turned to Sam and with authority and strength in her voice said, “Tell him I’ll go with him willingly and act as his wife, but only if he lets
of you live.”

“Like hell,” he swore.

Ignoring Stephen’s outburst, Sam calmly translated Jane’s statement.

He struggled to keep his mouth shut. The pistols in his hands shook slightly with the anger. He was reaching a boiling point.

Sam eyed him and subtlety put a finger over his mouth. One wrong word and this could end in disaster for all of them.

Stephen clenched his jaw even tighter and lowered the pistols slightly. Only the brave’s arrow pointing directly at him kept him from leaping on Wanalancet, but he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back much longer.

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