Wild Irish Soul

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Authors: Tricia O'Malley

BOOK: Wild Irish Soul
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Wild Irish Soul

Book 4 in the Mystic Cove Series



Copyright © 2014 by Tricia O'Malley

All Rights Reserved


Cover Design:

Alchemy Book Covers


Emily Nemchick


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any means without express permission of the author. This includes reprints, excerpts, photocopying, recording, or any future means of reproducing text.


If you would like to do any of the above, please seek permission first by contacting the author at:  [email protected]







"Art is the stored honey of the human soul." ~ Theodore Dreiser


Chapter One



"Aislinn, wait!"

Aislinn swore under her breath as Baird yelled to her from the door of Gallagher's Pub. Pasting on a polite smile, she turned to face him.

Baird Delaney.

Tall, dark and yum is how Cait had described him and Aislinn couldn't agree more. Or maybe it was the wire-framed glasses that had sunk her. Baird had come into her shop earlier in the week to pick up some art for his new psychiatry office and Aislinn's world had shifted.

"Sorry, Baird, I didn't mean to duck out, but I've had a long week," Aislinn said smoothly as she clenched her fingers around her purse. All of Baird's heat and glow seemed to pulse at her and it was almost like looking into the sun. Aislinn squinted and put her mental shields up, trying to act normal.

"Ash…sorry, can I call you that?" Baird stopped and asked politely, twisting Aislinn's heart even further.

"Sure, thanks for asking," Aislinn said demurely and tried not to look directly at his smoky gray eyes fringed by the darkest lashes she'd ever seen. To keep her mind from the tight body packed into the black t-shirt he wore, Aislinn tried to place a name to the color of his eyes. Graphite? No, too dark. Slate? No, still too dark. Sleet.

"Ash? Hello?"

Startled from her thoughts, Aislinn blushed. And then wanted to kick herself for blushing. She never got like this.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

A slow smile crept across Baird's face, almost as if he knew where her train of thought had gone.

"I wanted to know where you were going. It isn't that late."

"Ah, well, you know, running a business can be taxing; I wanted to get up early to finish some projects," Aislinn said in a rush of breath.

"But the main band hasn't started yet. I was hoping that you would dance with me," Baird said and stepped closer to Aislinn. His nearness was like a punch to the gut, and Aislinn felt a little dizzy. She did her best not to step back.

"Another night," Aislinn whispered, trying her best not to stare at his mouth.

"Am I reading this wrong? I was quite certain that there was an attraction here," Baird said directly and Aislinn jumped. Leave it to a psychiatrist to be forward with his feelings, she thought.

"I just…I just have to…" Aislinn trailed off lamely as she stared into his face. His very essence seemed to hypnotize her and helpless to stop herself, she closed the distance between them and brushed a kiss across his lips.

A flash of heat, of rightness, seared her and Aislinn stumbled back quickly.

"Oh no you don't," Baird said quietly and grabbed her arms, pulling her close until her breasts brushed against his hard chest.  

Aislinn trembled against Baird as he took her lips with his own, nibbling ever so softly. She sighed into his mouth as he seduced her with his kiss, coaxing her to open up to him, to give just a little more. Soon, she found herself all but wrapped around him as their kiss intensified. Aislinn moaned into his mouth just as a wolf whistle broke their embrace.

Unable to look at the person who whistled, Aislinn stared at Baird's chest, happy to see that it was heaving just as much as hers was. She couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes. Neither said a word.

Reaching a decision, Aislinn sighed and took his hand. "Take me home with you."

"What? No. I'd like to take you on a date is what I'd like to do," Baird said stiffly, his honor clearly offended. For some reason, it delighted Aislinn and she laughed up into his handsome face.

"By the book, are you?"

"Not always, but in this instance, yes," Baird said.

"Don't you want to live a little, Doctor?" Aislinn said and raised an eyebrow at him. She was enchanted when she saw a blush heat

"It's not that I don't want to live a little, it's that I want you to take me seriously," Baird said quietly.

"Oh, I promise I'll take you seriously. Very seriously," Aislinn whispered and leaned in to nip at Baird's bottom lip.

Baird sighed and rested his forehead against hers.

"You know that I want you," Baird whispered.

"I know," Aislinn said.

"But, this feels wrong," Baird said.

"It isn't. It will be right. So right," Aislinn said and smiled up at him. Aislinn was surprised at herself. As an artist and a woman supremely confident in her own being, she wasn't necessarily free with the partners that she chose to share her bed with, yet at the same time, she wasn't opposed to starting something up when an attraction was evident. Rarely, though, did she move this fast – with anything in her life.

"My place is in shambles, I've barely unpacked. Shouldn't we go to yours?" Baird asked; resignation warred with excitement in his voice.

"No, let's go to yours. We'll make you feel at home," Aislinn said with a laugh. She wasn't ready to let Baird into her home. Very few were invited up to her apartment, her haven, and Aislinn was certain that if Baird went there with her it would be dangerously hard to erase the memory of him in her space.

"On one condition," Baird said.

Aislinn tilted her head up at him and waited.

"I get to take you on a real first date. A nice one, like adults, where we do all the first date stuff and get to know each other better," Baird said firmly.

Aislinn smiled up at Baird despite the worry that ran through her. Oh, yeah, she could easily fall for him. 





Chapter Two



Aislinn's palm warmed
in Baird's large hand as he pulled her down the sidewalk with him towards his office and apartment overlooking the harbor. The sounds of the small village settled around them and Aislinn took a deep breath to settle her sudden nerves. So sure of herself seconds ago, now she wondered what she was doing.

It wasn't the sex that scared her. It was the after. The date that she had promised to go on. Aislinn shook her head. What she should do was run far away from Baird. There was no way that this proper doctor and her were ever going to work out in a real relationship.

"Nice night," Baird said and Aislinn jumped.

"Yes, it is," she said as he laughed at her.

"You know, this was your idea," Baird teased her and Aislinn caught herself laughing up at him.

"I know. I'm being ridiculous. Tell me why you moved your practice here," Aislinn said to deflect the conversation from what they were about to go do.  She could all but see a neon sign blinking SEX in her head.

"I needed a change. I love Galway, but something called me here. I've been here several times. Take a long weekend, drive down the coast, stare at the water. I don't know how to explain it. I just needed to be in Grace's Cove. I saved a bunch of money from my practice and decided to take a hiatus down here. I can't imagine that my practice will be as busy as in Galway but I'm sure that I'll eventually be able to build up a clientele. If not, well, I'll cross that road when I get to it," Baird said and shrugged.

Aislinn wondered if the cove really was what had called him. It wouldn't be the strangest thing that had happened in this town.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you have a bustling practice here," Aislinn mused.

"You think? I often find with small towns that people are reluctant to try therapy of any sort," Baird said eagerly, the passion for his business lacing his voice.

"Oh, I'm certain you'll find Grace's Cove to be unlike most small towns that you know," Aislinn laughed softly.

"You'll have to explain that sometime. I'd love to learn more about this town," Baird said, raising an eyebrow as they approached his building.

"Well, I’m sure you've heard all sorts of rumors," Aislinn began and Baird stopped her.

"Another time," Baird insisted and pulled her hand to his heart before leaning down to brush a kiss over her lips. Aislinn felt a warm ball of lust begin to pulse low in her stomach.

Baird turned and slipped the key into the lock on his door, pulling Aislinn along with him into the small stairwell that led to the second floor.

  "The apartment isn't much, but the view was worth it," Baird said as they climbed the worn wooden stairs.

"I can imagine. I'm in love with the water here," Aislinn said and bumped into Baird's back as he stopped and turned to look at her.

"In love with it? Interesting phrase," Baird said.

"Don't think too deeply about it, Dr. Delaney." Aislinn smiled up at him though her head swarmed with thoughts. She supposed it was part of his job, to analyze underlying meanings.

"I'm not. Just interesting. There's a serious difference between loving something and being in love," Baird said as he continued down the hallway to a small door painted a cheerful red. Aislinn leaned against the wall and watched Baird as he unlocked the door.

"I suppose there is, then," Aislinn said softly.

Baird met her eyes before pushing the door open.

"Welcome," he said and gestured for her to step into his home.

Aislinn brushed past Baird and felt a shiver run over her body at his nearness. She was trying hard to keep her mental shields up, but Baird just seemed to pulse with a heady combination of lust, intelligence, and warmth. She took a deep breath as she walked across his small living room to stand at the window.

"The moon is bright tonight," Aislinn said.

Baird kept the light off and walked across the room to join her at the window. Aislinn trembled as he stepped behind her and looked over her shoulder at the water that spread before them.

"Aye, it is at that. Just look at that sky," Baird said.

The moon hung like a fat globe in the sky, its soft white light tracing a path across the calm water of the harbor. Stars winked along the horizon and Aislinn ached to paint the romance of the harbor.

"If I painted this, I would call it Mermaid's Light," Aislinn mused.

"That's sweet. What would you paint it in?"

"Probably watercolors. Just to get that fine blurring at the edges…see where the sky meets the line of the water and how they blend softly together? Watercolors would be perfect for that," Aislinn said.

"Blending. I like that. Isn't that sort of what we are doing here?" Baird asked. Aislinn jumped a bit as he ran his hands down her arms before circling her waist. Nerves kicked in for a moment but she blew out a breath. There was no denying her attraction for Baird, but he carried with him the threat of a real relationship. One which Aislinn wasn't certain she could handle. But, if tonight was all she was going to allow herself with him then she was going to go all in, Aislinn thought.

Aislinn turned in Baird's arms and looked up at him from under her eyelids.

"There hasn't been much blending going on as of yet, has there?" Aislinn said cheekily and Baird huffed out a soft laugh before pulling her tight against his chest.

Aislinn gasped as her breasts brushed the hard muscles of his chest. Though he was brainy as all get out, Baird had clearly not neglected his body. Aislinn imagined that more than one of his patients had a crush on him. Moonlight slashed across his face, highlighting the intensity in his eyes. Aislinn met his gaze. A strong surge of lust snapped between them.

Baird shook his head and stared down at her mouth. "You shouldn't be beautiful."

Aislinn's mouth dropped open and she smacked him on the chest but he held her tight to him.

"Your face. It's a mixture of all of these really interesting contrasting elements. It shouldn't work but it does. It could stop a man at ten paces."

Aislinn gaped at him, lost in his words, in the lust and light that emanated from him.

"You're not so bad yourself, Dr. Yum," Aislinn said with a smile.

Baird's eyebrows drew together in confusion. "Dr. Yum?"

Aislinn laughed and stretched up to nip his bottom lip. "Yum," she purred.

"Ah," Baird said as he brushed his lips softly across hers and Aislinn felt heat build low in her belly. She slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck. Pulling his head closer, Aislinn poured herself into the kiss. She allowed her shields to drop and Baird's feelings washed over her. It was like his lust punched her in the gut and Aislinn staggered against his lips. Lust, tinged with a hint of yearning. Aislinn's heart did a little spin at the thought and she desperately tried to stay focused on the physical sensations that Baird was building in her body.

"You taste like the moon…cool heat," Baird murmured against her lips.

"Ah, a poet you are," Aislinn said as Baird began to walk backwards with her in his arms.

"A hobby," Baird admitted. He turned and pulled her down a dark hallway towards the bedroom. He moved through a doorway and bent to switch on a small table lamp that sat on the floor in the corner. Boxes lined the room and a king bed dominated the rest of the small space.

Scared that Baird would back out – that she would lose this one night with him – Aislinn stepped to Baird and pushed him backwards towards the bed until the back of his legs hit the bed.

Nudging him gently until he sat back on the mattress, Aislinn met his eyes before reaching down and pulling the hem of her dress over her head. Satisfaction filled her when Baird's mouth dropped open at the sight of her bright purple lace bra and thong. Though Aislinn wasn't overweight, she also wouldn't throw herself in the slim category either. She had enough curves to make her purple lace interesting and when Baird immediately reached his hands out to cup her breasts, she smiled. Purple lace for the win, she thought.

"Sweet Jesus," Baird whispered as he cupped her breasts in his hands. Aislinn shivered as he brushed his thumbs over her nipples.

"I like colorful underwear," Aislinn said.

"And for that, I thank you," Baird said. Aislinn shrieked as he scooped her up and tossed her on the bed. Bouncing once, her hair tumbled down from its pin and she glared up at him from under a mop of curls. Her mouth dropped open as Baird stripped his shirt off and stood before her in his fitted jeans and glasses.

Pushing her hair out of her face she glared at him. "Real smooth."

Baird laughed and unbuckled his jeans, peeling them down muscular legs. Aislinn gaped at his boxer briefs, where his desire for her was clearly evident. Baird climbed onto the bed and kneeled over her, bracing his arms on either side of her shoulders.

Leaning down to nip at her bottom lip, Baird winked at her. "While I appreciate that you are a strong, modern woman, I like to do the seducing, Aislinn."

A shot of pure heat streaked through her and Aislinn's mouth dropped open as he ducked his head to capture her nipple through the lace, teasing it into a taut peak. She moaned as he worked his mouth over her breasts, arching her back to give him better access. Frustrated with the barrier of lace, she reached behind her and released her breasts from the confines of the bra.

Baird moaned as she slipped the bra off and threw it on the floor. He captured her breasts in his large hands and continued to rub her nipples as his mouth worked its way down her soft stomach. A scatter of nerves shot through her as she realized where he was going. Baird's breath was hot against her stomach and he reached down to tug at the slim strap of lace that covered her right hip.

Baird sliced a glance at her. "How attached to these are you?"

"I love them."

"I'll buy you another pair." Aislinn's mouth went dry as Baird tore the lace from her body. Baird smiled wickedly at her and moved himself between her legs. She gasped as he bent his head to the V between her legs. Aislinn closed her eyes and allowed herself to be swept away by the emotional and physical sensations that pounded at her. With her mental shields down it was like she was in two places at once. Feeling Baird's lust as his tongue teased her to the point of orgasm was a powerful aphrodisiac. Helpless to stop the wave of sensations that rolled through her, Aislinn shouted to the ceiling as Baird took her over the edge into a searing heat. Aislinn gasped as her legs bucked around his head.

Baird leveraged himself up and kissed his way up her stomach, past her breasts before nuzzling into the soft spot at her neck. Aislinn wrapped her arms around his broad back and pulled him to her, craving the weight of his body.

"Aislinn, you…God. Your body. I want it all," Baird gasped into her neck.

"I want you too. So badly," Aislinn whispered and turned her head to catch his lips in a kiss.

"I…I'm not prepared for this," Baird admitted. It took Aislinn a moment to realize what he meant.

"Oh, I'm on the pill. Same time every morning. We're good." Aislinn smiled up at him, grateful that he was kind enough to ask.

Baird's eyes narrowed in lust as he realized his last barrier was gone. Aislinn gaped at him as he held himself up on one arm and slid his underwear down with the other, kicking it off of the bed. The strength of this man was phenomenal, she thought right before he slid his body between her legs and eased her knees open.

Baird bent over and captured her bottom lip in his, sucking gently. Pulling back, he bent his forehead to hers.

"I wanted this the minute that I saw you earlier this week. I've never been so powerfully attracted to someone before," Baird said at her lips.

"Me…me too," Aislinn admitted nervously.

"I'll have to step up my game on our first real date." Baird smiled against her mouth and in one smooth movement, thrust deeply inside of her. Aislinn cried out into his mouth, clenching her muscles against the intrusion while her whole body cried out, "Yes!"

Baird didn't wait for her to get accustomed to his length. Instead, he picked up speed, almost seeming to sense that Aislinn was close to another orgasm. Holding on, and matching him thrust for thrust, Aislinn cried out into his mouth as she shattered around him. Her whole body shook with the power of the orgasm and her heart seemed to whisper, "Yes, this one."

Aislinn held on as Baird found his completion. Pulling him closer, she panted against his shoulder as all of the nerve endings in her body stood to attention. His hard body against her softness seemed like the perfect fit.

Her mind scrambled to understand what had just happened. This wasn't the first time that she'd had casual sex, though she didn't make a habit of it. So why did this feel anything but casual? Her heart pounded in her chest, mimicking the rhythm she felt from his. Beat for beat…they matched each other.

Overwhelmed, Aislinn put her shields up, detaching herself from him emotionally. She smiled against his shoulder and pressed a kiss to his neck.

Baird levered himself up and looked down at her. He'd lost his glasses along the way and the soft light cut across his strong cheekbones. His hair stood out all over the place and Aislinn vaguely remembered running her hands through it and clenching it.

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