Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2 (25 page)

BOOK: Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2
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“I know.”
He ran his hand slowly up and down her back. “Don’t worry too much about the house and furniture. Just focus on her.”

Rosa returned carrying a tray laden with glass tumblers and the promised pitcher of iced tea. The ice cubes swirled in lazy circles as she set the tray down and filled their glasses.

Brooke had been so struck by Rosa’s features that she hadn’t noticed her clothing until now. Rosa wore a white cotton blouse patterned with faint pink flowers, and a long, full, beige skirt. On her feet were soft brown moccasins. She looked like any woman who might live down the street, the one you’d ask to collect your mail when you went on vacation. Brooke blinked at the contrast between the witch’s harmless image and her earlier display of power.

Rosa settled into a winged armchair and smiled. “I’m glad you came to see me, Solsti.”

“Nicole said you wanted to meet me. She said you were a great cook.” Brooke managed a small smile and sipped her drink.

“Your sister is delightful.”
Rosa’s gaze turned serious. “But I know I’m not the reason for your trip to Torth. This is more of a fortunate coincidence, is it not?”

“You’re correct, witch,” Kai said. “We planned a short trip to collect hells bells. Neshi demons have made an appearance on Earth.”

“Oh my stars,” Rosa murmured, shaking her head. “Tell me the whole story, warrior.”

Kai recounted the recent events, beginning with the Neshi that attacked Brooke in Chicago, and ending with Jason’s news of his brothers’ capture. He stopped and raked a hand through his hair.

“None of it makes sense. Why is a Lash demon leading a group of Serus demons?
And why are they capturing creatures?
When they first surrounded us, they didn’t know who I was. They weren’t planning to take us to Draven’s until they saw my scar.”
He squeezed Brooke’s hand. “Where the hell was Cale planning to take us first?”

Rosa frowned into her iced tea. “I’ve heard talk of kidnappings. Different species, different ages and professions. It seemed random at first.”

In this area?” Kai asked.

“All across Torth.”

Kai stiffened beside her. “And you didn’t—” He took a breath, then continued. “You didn’t see fit to mention it to anyone?”

Rosa pinned Kai with a glare that chilled the room. Goose bumps broke out along Brooke’s arms as that same feathery soft swell of energy built in the air. She couldn’t suppress a small shudder. She wanted to elbow Kai in the ribs, but was transfixed by Rosa’s power.

“Careful, Lash. I ally with no one. It’s of no concern to me if a few creatures disappear. Species war with one another all the time. And within species, clans do the same. If your leader hasn’t noticed anything unusual, that’s his problem.”

Brooke peeked at Kai from under her lashes. He held himself utterly still except for a muscle that ticked in his jaw. She had the feeling Kai had overstepped his bounds, and when he remained silent, the tension in the room grew unbearable.

Desperate to do something before Kai got poofed somewhere, Brooke did the only thing she could think of and started talking. “So, uh…I’ve been having some dreams. Um, nightmares, actually.”

Rosa’s cold blue eyes lingered on Kai for a second before turning to her. Brooke immediately regretted her words.
Did I just make things worse?
The witch’s gaze darted between her and Kai a few more times, making Brooke feel like she was under a supernatural microscope.

“Your warrior is hot-headed, Brooke.”
A smile softened Rosa’s icy eyes, making them warm and friendly again. “And you would protect him.”

My warrior?
Brooke stared at Rosa. Kai wasn’t hers. They were together because they were trying to stay alive. One night of sex didn’t mean anything. Or did it? He had opened up to her in Draven’s prison, and had fed her from his hand. Could they—

Rosa continued, dropping another crazy statement in Brooke’s lap. “Nightmares?
Child, you must be the dreamer.”

“Dreamer?” Brooke repeated.

“One of the Solsti is gifted with dreams of foreshadowing,” Rosa said.

Brooke swallowed hard and set her empty glass down with shaking hands. “Foreshadowing?
That means…the vampire I saw is going to attack me?”

“You dreamed of a vampire attacking you?”
Bright turquoise eyes studied her. The witch sat back in her chair, voice piqued with curiosity.

Brooke nodded. She pressed against Kai, needing his warmth to help block the images of the blond monster at her throat.

“But they are so few, and they’re weak,” Rosa murmured. She set her half-full glass on the side table and steepled her graceful hands under her chin. “The dreams can mean different things, Solsti. All we can surmise right now is that the vampire is a threat. But a threat to you personally, or to your sisters, or to all of Torth?
We don’t know that, not yet.”

Yep, down the rabbit hole
. Her world was alternately spinning too fast or moving in slow motion. Between the adrenaline rush of yesterday’s escape, the information overload from Rosa and the display of her power, Brooke felt like she could sleep for a week. At the same time, her mind was too wired to let her slow down. She squeezed Kai’s hand, grateful for his anchoring presence.

A knock at the door broke through her thoughts. She snapped her head to Kai, then turned to Rosa, who didn’t seem the least bit surprised.

The witch stood and smiled. “That would be my last guest.” She walked to the door and flung it wide open. Silhouetted in the dingy gray light stood a man as big as Kai, his shoulders filling the doorframe and blocking the forest outside. In her lilting, melodious voice, Rosa said, “I’ve been expecting you, Hunter.”

. Kai tensed and his hand moved to his thigh, reaching on instinct for the blade he shouldn’t draw. Not under Rosa’s roof. He drew a breath, focusing on the new arrival. His scent identified him as a Lash demon. Was Hunter his given name, or…no, it couldn’t be.

He looked at the male with narrowed eyes and listened to him banter with the witch.

“You look lovely, Rosa,” the male said.

“Save your charm for those fledglings that nip at your heels,” Rosa scoffed, but ended her words with a chuckle.

“And you’re still as witty as ever.”
The Lash demon grinned down at her before casting a glance into the living room.

Shaking her head, Rosa took his arm and led him into the room. “This is Mathias,” she announced.

Mathias. The Hunter.
El Cazador
. Kai’s mind flipped through the known aliases of the Lash male. His tracking abilities were legendary, and he was part of Arawn’s inner circle. It was rumored he could find anyone, in any realm, whether they wanted to be found or not.

“Hunter,” Kai said as he stood up. “I believe we met once.”

“Yes, warrior. You were new to Arawn’s group. You had just managed a risky escape, and I see you’ve done it again.”
His hazel eyes slid to Brooke, who stood next to Kai.

Kai stifled a growl at the subtle flick of Mathias’ eyes traveling the length of Brooke’s body. The flare of possession gave him pause.
She isn’t mine

Mathias extended his hand to Brooke, and when she took it, he raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I’m Mathias, the Lash demons’ Hunter.”

Kai’s muscles shook with the effort to not punch him in the face.

Brooke smiled at the Hunter. “I’m Brooke, one of the Solsti.”

Mathias’ eyebrows shot up. “Holy gods.” He drew out the syllables, still holding her hand. “I’d heard that the Solsti had returned, but I didn’t expect to meet them.”
He turned to Rosa. “You sure know how to throw a party, witch.”

Rosa shrugged. “My callers are always interesting. And you three are a particularly riveting combination. Hunter, Solsti, and the warrior with the largest bounty in history on his head.”

Mathias turned back to Kai. “I was impressed when I tracked you to Stroehm, only to sense you had left. Two break-outs from that hellhole. Not bad.”

Kai wasn’t about to volunteer that he’d needed help to escape. He struggled for control as every fiber in this body screamed for him to shove Brooke behind him. Starting a fight in Rosa’s home would be number one on the list of worst ideas ever. And Mathias was on their side. He focused on Brooke’s lilac scent, which covered his skin after their intimate night.
His scent radiated from her skin, too, though she probably didn’t realize it.

She may not know it, but Mathias did. Kai had heard the demon’s sense of smell was unparalleled, and as Mathias drew a deep breath, a cocky smile spread across his face. He quirked an eyebrow at Kai, who fought back the flare of anger that had to be shining from his eyes.

Brooke tugged her hand free and Kai breathed an inward
thank fuck
that the Hunter was no longer touching her. But before he could start to process his newfound possessiveness, she sagged onto the couch. He dropped to her side. “Brooke?”

“I’m sorry. I just need to sit down. The last few days have been really long.”
Her stomach growled.

“I’ll go check on our lunch. It’s almost ready.”
Rosa left the room, and a minute later he heard the sound of drawers opening and closing. His gaze shifted back to Brooke, who looked more pale than usual.

“I’m fine,” she said, reading his thoughts. “I just need a decent meal.”
Turning to Mathias, she asked, “So, you’ve been following us?”

Mathias settled into one of the armchairs. “When you two went AWOL, your crew on Earth got worried. Rilan contacted Arawn, who sent me after you.”

“Why didn’t Gunnar and Nicole come?
Or Brenin and Rhys?
I mean, they knew exactly where we went,” Brooke asked.

“Are you disappointed you got me instead?”
The Hunter had the balls to wink at her as he rested one ankle atop his opposite knee.

“No, that’s not it. I…”

“Your sister’s ready to unleash the winds of hell to search you out.”
If Mathias had any reaction to Kai’s seething emotions, he didn’t show it.

Brooke straightened, her eyes wide and excited. “You talked to her?
Is she coming here?”

Mathias shook his head. “No, I haven’t talked to her personally. Been here, wrapping an assignment for Arawn. As soon as I finished, he filled me in on all your details and put my ass on your trail. And as for her coming here?
Doubt that’s gonna happen.”

“Why not?” Brooke’s voice was a tense whisper. Kai placed a reassuring hand at the small of her back.

“She’s smart enough not to hop through a portal by herself, and even if she wasn’t, she’s got a Watcher mate to stop her.”

“Nothing stops Nicole when she makes up her mind,” Brooke said.

Mathias grinned and held up his hands. “I won’t argue that with you, Solsti. But your sister’s been here before, no?”

Brooke nodded.

“Then she knows that even the beautiful places here are full of fallen angels. It’s too dangerous for her to come alone. And Gunnar managed to convince her to leave the job to me.”

Brooke swallowed and glanced at Kai, then back to Mathias. “I don’t want her getting hurt just because we ran into trouble.”

“Word is that the Chicago group has their hands full with a Neshi outbreak in the city. Rilan asked for more men,” Mathias said. “So the only one coming to rescue you is me.”

Kai snorted.

“There’s more Neshis than…the one who came after me?” Brooke asked.

“You ran into a Neshi?” Mathias dropped his foot to the floor and leaned forward.

“Unfortunately,” she said in a small voice. “But Kai showed up.”
She smiled and squeezed his hand.

The conversation was interrupted by Rosa’s cheery voice calling them to the dining room. Kai shook his head in surprise when he turned around to see the rectangle-shaped table set for four and heaped with platters of food.
Another one of Rosa’s skills

They settled at the table, Rosa at the head. Mathias sat to her left and Brooke at her right. Kai sat next to Brooke. They dug into roast beef, boiled new potatoes, mixed vegetables, and bread. Rosa also had salad, mostaccoli, and a sweet potato casserole.

As they ate, Kai brought Mathias up to speed on the events of the last few days. The Hunter’s eyes took on a soft glow as Kai described Cale and his band of Serus demons.

“I say we pay him a little visit,” Mathias said, taking another helping of beef. “That guy’s a gangster. Working with Serus?
I guarantee Arawn doesn’t know anything about this.”

“But the camp we found was old. Kai said he could be anywhere by now,” Brooke said.

Mathias’ eyes lingered on her as he gave her a confident smile paired with another audacious wink. “I’ll find him, Solsti.”

Kai clenched the fist in his lap. He respected the Hunter, but he needed to stop flirting with Brooke.

His anger dissipated when her hand slid over his knee, fingers flexing gently. “Kai,” she murmured, “I think that’s a good idea. Maybe there’s still time to help Jason’s brothers.” Her eyes pierced him with a meaningful look.

Ah hell
. He saw the flicker of emotion in her gaze. The bond between siblings ran deeper for her than anyone else he knew. Despite the danger of seeking Cale, he couldn’t deny her this.

Looking into the pale gray pools of her eyes, he nodded. “Okay, Sprite.”

“You’re not running off until you’ve all had dessert.” Rosa’s tone held a warning note, but she smiled as she snapped her fingers. The bread, salad, and pasta disappeared, only to be replaced with a towering chocolate cake.

“Your skills are unparalleled, witch,” Mathias said as he cut into the creamy frosting.

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