Wicked Pleasures (31 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Wicked Pleasures
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He loved it. The pleasure it brought him to see the fascination on her face, the dazed pleasure in her eyes, the shock and surprise, the adventure it brought to each touch, each kiss. It made him ache to show her more, to teach her all the ways of sensuality and desire that he knew.

"We have to get the Robertses taken care of." Chase's voice was rough with arousal. "Getting her to trust us while you hide all those pesky secrets of yours isn't going to be easy." There was an edge of disgust to his brother's tone.

Cam had a feeling it wasn't going to be possible at all. As he pulled up the files he'd transferred to the home computer throughout the investigation process, he concentrated on finding a weakness to exploit in the Robertses.

This situation had to be taken care of, had to be resolved
. He was tired of waiting, and by God, he was sick of that flicker of fear he caught in her eyes every now and then.

Jaci had to be safe. No matter what. He just prayed it didn't mean revealing everything about himself to force her to reveal her truth.


A glass of wine and an old movie. Jaci sipped at the wine as she let the movie drone in the background. She was curled up on what she had claimed as her end of the long sectional couch, a frown pulling at her brow as she glanced again at the stairs leading to Chase's apartment.

What the hell were they doing up there?

Cam didn't bring work home in the evenings since she had moved in. And she'd gotten the impression it wasn't something that was normal, either.

She swirled the wine in the glass, staring into the clear liquid as she tried to make sense of this relationship. The relationship and the man.

Cam had held her heart for so long, sometimes she wondered if there had ever been a time when he wasn't a part of it.

Wait on me, Cam. I'll grow up and I'll take all the bad things away.

She had told him that the day she found him alone in the pickup, and something in his face had warned her that she was about to lose him forever. Even then, at thirteen, she had recognized that soul-deep sorrow inside him. A shame, a fury that devoured his soul.

Stay away from those Falladay boys, Jaci,
her father had warned her as she grew up.
The games they play aren't for the likes of a decent girl. And that Cameron, he's a danger to himself, let alone a little girl like you.

How many times had her father given her similar warnings? And then there had been Tim Bridges, the sheriff, a close friend of her father's. She sipped at the wine, remembering the night the sheriff had come to her dad and they disappeared into her father's workshop to talk. Jaci had heard Cam's name mentioned and had been terrified. His name, and something else that hadn't made sense to her at the time. Something about drugs and Cam's pride.

Sheriff Bridges had mentioned Davinda Morris, Cam's aunt, and his tone had been filled with disgust and anger toward the woman, but not toward Cam.

What had happened to him? She knew what she was beginning to suspect terrified her. Cam was a man with a mile-long streak of pride. Even then, so many years ago, he would have fought at the slightest slur to that pride.

Had Davinda abused him? How else would a woman like Davinda have been able to abuse or molest him, unless she drugged him? And that would have destroyed Cam. He would have never wanted anyone to know.

At fifteen, a young man's pride was so fragile anyway, just being defined. He had just lost his parents, Chase was as wild as the wind and grieving in other ways, and Davinda Morris could have easily exploited his developing sexuality.

Why hadn't she realized before now? She had suspected the darkness inside him had developed in the military; now she suspected it had developed long before that.

No, she knew it had. It had called to her as a young woman, drew her, made him more dangerous, more exciting than a boy her own age. Cam was the dark prince, the sensualist, the dangerous bad boy, and the wildness she kept locked inside her had always known that.

Chills were sweeping over her body, premonitions of knowledge racing through her, as she jerked to her feet, ignoring the wine that sloshed over her hand. She finished the last quarter glass in one drink and fought back a scream of rage.

She knew that was what happened. Cam was so totally certain of himself, so dominant and fierce, and he had been so when he was younger as well.

Oh, God, the hell he would have gone through.

The wineglass clattered on the table as she tried to set it down, while fighting to hold back her tears. If he came downstairs and saw her upset, he would demand to know why. And she couldn't let him know what she suspected. He had fought so hard to hide it, to preserve his own sense of strength.

She covered her lips with shaking fingers and inhaled roughly. She could be wrong, but she knew she wasn't. And she knew the only way to find out for certain was to call Tim Bridges or her father and demand to know.

She couldn't call from here. There was too great a chance of Cam coming in during the conversation. She would call tomorrow, while she was locked in her office, and she would find out what her father had hidden from her.

And there was no doubt he'd hidden it. He had warned her away from Cam every time he so much as suspected she was watching him, or had been in contact with him. He had been firm, demanding. She was to stay away from Cameron Falladay, because men like that could only destroy a woman.

Learning a truth her father knew, that Cam would never want her to know, would destroy Cam. It would have back then, and she was terrified it would now. Some scars never healed, and she knew scars that went as deep as something like that would always strip a man to the bone.

She was so immersed in her thoughts, so torn by the pain roiling inside her at that moment, that the sound of her cell phone ringing nearly had her jumping out of her skin.

Jerking it from the coffee table, she flipped it open quickly and brought it to her ear.

"Jaci Wright." She inhaled slowly as she answered.

"Jaci, it's Moriah." The other girl sounded panicked, terrified. "Annalee called."

Jaci grew still, her eyes going quickly to the stairs.

"What does she want?"

"She saw us talking at the party," Moriah whispered fearfully.

"We knew she would." Jaci kept her voice low, calm. "Has she threatened you?"

"She wants me to have you meet me tomorrow evening at a hotel downtown. I'm to tell you that there are some clients that will only be in for a few hours and that you have to be there. She and Richard will be there instead."

Jaci inhaled deeply. There wasn't a chance in hell.

"Call her back, Moriah. Tell them I don't meet potential clients like that. I'll meet with them at your apartment instead. We need control. You know how to set up the video equipment, and you can do that in advance. They know you're scared, they won't suspect we're doing this."

"What if they refuse?" Moriah's voice shook with fear.

"Then there will be no meeting," Jaci told her patiently. "Settle down, Moriah. It's coming together. Tell them I'm paranoid, they'll believe that. Everyone knows I always meet potential clients in safe atmospheres. Now, call them back and tell them I've agreed to meet them at a restaurant or other public area. When they refuse, you suggest your apartment. Act as though you're trying to be helpful." Jaci could feel her palms sweating now. "Let's get them where we need them and then I'll take care of the rest of it."

Moriah knew electronics. She knew how to set up the video camera they had bought and how to make certain both sound and video covered the right room when Jaci met with Richard and Annalee.

She could hear the other girl breathing harshly, thinking, trying to calm herself. The Robertses had the power to make Moriah lose all sense of calm or confidence.

"We can do this," Moriah finally said. "This will work, won't it, Jaci?"

"It's going to work perfectly," Jaci promised her. "We'll record them admitting to what they've done. People like Richard and Annalee love to brag when they have the upper hand. Look how smart we are. Look how good we were. Richard especially. He can't resist it. We'll use that against them now."

It was coming together. She would take care of the Robertses, then she could concentrate on Cam and this relationship. She knew what he needed, and in a way, now she understood why he needed it. Once she talked to her father, she would have the details she needed, and then she could make this relationship work.

"What about the twins?" Moriah asked. "How will you get away from them?"

"I'll just borrow Courtney's car for a meeting. Tell the Robertses that I said I'll be bringing a friend if it's an evening appointment." There wasn't a chance Cam would let her out alone in the evening if he so much as had an itch of suspicion. And he would have. "Tell them the best time is an afternoon meeting. Three would be perfect. Play them, Moriah. Tell them you can't make me suspicious, and that demanding anything more would do so. Play on their paranoia."

"Jaci, what if they don't believe me?" Moriah's breathing was fast and hard, her voice just a shade whining, when Jaci wouldn't have expected that from her.

They had planned for this day for too long.

"They'll believe you if you do as I told you to," Jaci told her firmly. "We're not going to balk now, Moriah. If we're going to stop their threats and lies, then we're going to stop them here, or it will never be over. Is that what you want?"

"I'll go insane if it doesn't stop," she whispered tearfully. "They're evil, Jaci."

"Just remember that while you're talking to them. Tell them I can only meet them at three and only in a safe location. You'll suggest your apartment, and tonight you'll set up the video camera."

"Okay." Moriah breathed out roughly. "Okay, I can do that. You'll take care of the rest, right?"

"I'll take care of the rest, Moriah. Everything will work out. You'll see. Call me back and let me know what they say."

She disconnected moments later. It had taken a few more very firm reminders to Moriah to breathe and stop panicking. Jaci stared at the phone as she lowered it back to the table.

Moriah had rarely shown Jaci this side of her. Confidence normally oozed from the girl's pores—until Annalee had demanded her help.

But Moriah had been damaged by the Robertses, while Jaci hadn't been. Jaci had been terrified, her reputation damaged for a while, but other than pissing her off and shadowing the relationships Jaci had tried to make, they hadn't really scarred her mentally.

Just physically.

She rubbed that scar at her hip and sighed heavily at the memory of that night. Annalee dressed in leather, a strap-on penis waving in front of her body while her secretary and Roberts knelt at her feet.

It would be amusing if it hadn't been so damned terrifying.

One thing was for certain, she couldn't live here in Alexandria, she couldn't protect Cam, if she didn't do something about the Robertses. And the time was now.











She was curled up on her end of the couch, a frown on her face as she watched the news channel. Only Jaci would watch the news to go to sleep, Cam thought with a silent laugh.

Then he saw her lower lip trembling. He saw the shimmer of tears on her lashes. Then, he noticed other things: The tip of her nose was red, her face pale. He had seen her cry only once, long ago. If he remembered, Charlie Mack had tried to run Chase down on the street. Cam had beat the hell out of him but Charlie had laid in some hard punches. When Jaci saw the blood on Cam's face, she had cried. And her dad had dragged her away, scowling, furious.

"Jaci." He knelt beside the couch and touched her face as she tried to duck away.

The shimmer of tears were tracks on her face and he felt his heart stutter to a stop within his chest.

Jaci couldn't cry. God help him, he couldn't stand this.

"Sweetheart?" He fought to keep his voice low, comforting, when all he wanted to do was howl in rage at the pain on her face. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm okay." Her voice was more angry than hurt. "I'm just a foolish woman. PMS. Moodiness. Whatever."

She wiped at her face and stared at his chest as he stared down at her, trying to figure this one out. Jaci didn't just cry. And he had a feeling that if the effects of PMS were going to show themselves, then he would be in no doubt when they hit or exactly what they were.

"I don't like it when you lie to me," he told her gently, pushing her hair back from her face to reveal her profile. "Why don't you tell me why you're crying?"

He couldn't stand this. He would fix it. No matter what it took, he would take the pain away and make it better if he could. If he couldn't, well, he'd just have to kill anyone who had done this to her.

"You don't have to be honest with me. Why do I have to be honest with you?" Her words seemed to echo through his head. He knew what she was talking about, and he couldn't face it. Not yet. Not right now.

"I haven't lied to you." He watched her carefully. "Come on, baby, this isn't over us. You'd just kick my ass and have it done with, if it was. Tell me why you're crying."

She was crying because the longer she had lain there without him the more she had realized how strong her lover was. He didn't make excuses for mistakes, hell, he never admitted to any mistakes, that she knew of. He had been so strong. Somehow he had managed to stop Davinda from destroying him, and he had kept his honor and his strength. As much as he wanted to share her with Chase, as much as he needed to, he still held back, he still gave her the room she needed to make the decision herself.

He was a good man, though his childhood must have been a nightmare.

"I need to make you stop hurting, Cam." She straightened until she could rest against the back of the couch, until she could stare into his shadowed green eyes.

"Jaci." His lips quirked sadly. "I'm not hurting, baby. Unless you count the hard-on I can't seem to control around you. And I'd just as soon deal with that."

She shook her head at that, reached out and touched the stubbly cheek. The dark shadow of a beard gave him a rakish appearance and emphasized his eyes. So light a green, she could get lost in them, become mesmerized by them.

"Can I have you on the couch, Cam?" She slid her legs around until they lay outside his powerful thighs as he faced her. Her hands went to the snap of his jeans, the zipper. "Right here, where you sleep?"

Surprise reflected in his gaze as a sexy grin curved his lips. "Sweetheart, you can have me wherever you want me. However you want me."

Arousal sliced through the pain. Cam's eyes lightened, turned playful, as his expression became heavier with sensuality and the shadows dissipated.

After loosening his pants, she moved her hands to the buttons on his shirt. "You're wearing too many clothes, Cam."

The clothes were disposed of quickly. Cam leaned forward and took her lips in a hard, passion-fierce kiss as he shed his own. Then his lips lifted and her arms raised so he could dispose of her T-shirt, leaving her almost nude before him.

A second later she was naked, the light cotton sleep pants puddled on the floor as he spread her legs farther, then gripped her rear and dragged her to the edge of the couch.

She expected him to take her. To spear inside her, wild and deep; instead, he lowered himself farther, bent his head, and let his tongue circle the engorged nubbin of her clit.

Jaci's head fell back against the couch, her hands tangling in his hair as pleasure began to suffuse her. She loved this. Loved the feel of his lips and tongue caressing her there. The way he licked and hummed his approval against the sensitive flesh. The way his head went lower and his tongue flickered around the clenching opening of her sex.

She couldn't stop her moans. They filtered through the room, echoed around her. She spread her thighs farther and lifted herself to him, whimpering as two fingers worked inside her.

"Cam," she whispered his name, staring down at him, dazed by the enjoyment of the act that she saw in his eyes. "It's so good. I love your mouth. Your hands." His touch. She loved him. Loved him until her heart broke for his pain and for the scars he carried.

He let her watch as his tongue licked over her clit again. His fingers were moving inside her, thrusting slow and easy, stretching her as her juices coated them, making the entrance slick and hot.

His lips pursed then, and he kissed the little bud, throwing her higher.

"Touch me more." She lifted closer, feeling a need growing inside her that she couldn't make sense of. It was burning in her, locked inside a part of her soul she didn't know existed. She needed him harder, deeper, stronger than she had ever needed him before. She needed him to sink inside her, needed to sink inside him.

He kissed her clit again, drawing it into his mouth as another cry tore from her lips and she tried to pull him closer, tried to force his fingers deeper.

He was being too slow, too easy. She needed more sensation, and he was deliberately withholding it.

"You're going about it the wrong way, Jaci."

She froze as Chase's voice sounded at her ear. Her eyes jerked open to stare into Cam's, to see the arousal burning so hot, so deep, she wondered flames weren't covering them.

And she nearly orgasmed. Her womb spasmed and she felt the muscles clenching around Cam's fingers.

Her lashes drifted closed, and Cam chose that moment to flick her clit with his tongue again, to flex his fingers inside her. Need, brutal and sharp, tore through her, and she whimpered with the force of it. Did she want him to leave? Did she want to step across a line she knew she could never return from?

"There's no pressure," Chase whispered as Cam sucked at her clit now, flicking with his tongue, his fingers moving deeper, stronger inside her. "No need to worry, baby. It's all about you." His lips slid over her neck. "Just you, Jaci. Your pleasure. Your need."

Just her pleasure. Her need. It was about so much more, and she knew it, sensed it.

She forced her eyes open, forced herself to stare back at Cam as he watched her.

The pleasure was intensifying in his expression, in his eyes. As though seeing her pleasure only amplified his. Seeing his brother touching her, his teeth raking over her neck, pushed his own arousal higher.

His fingers retreated from her vagina, then a second later pushed forward, forcibly opening her, shocking tender nerve endings with a pleasure that nearly sent her screaming into orgasm.

Chase's hands moved along her side and curved beneath her arms, cupping her breasts in his large palms, his fingers gripping her nipples and working them roughly.

Oh, she needed that. That edge of pain just shy of agony. Pleasure intensified inside her, burned so bright that perspiration began to slicken her skin.

"Cam, please," she cried out breathlessly, feeling release just a breath away.

His gaze was filled with nothing but hunger now, nothing but pleasure. There were no shadows, there was no pain.

Jaci twisted in his hold, arched her breasts into Chase's hands. She kept the fingers of one of her hands locked in his hair, while she curled her other arm behind her and gripped Chase's hair.

His was coarser than Cam's, just a little. He nipped her ear as she pulled his head to her and pressed closer to Cam's mouth.

They were destroying her. This was beyond pleasure, beyond ecstasy. It was wicked and daring, and she couldn't help but abandon herself to them.

"No. No, Cam." She tried to jerk her hand back from Chase, only to have him catch it, hold it above her head while Cam drew back from the moist, slick flesh of her pussy. "Don't stop."

He ignored her cry. Instead, he lifted her—they lifted her—until she was stretched out on her back on the couch and Chase was moving closer.

He wasn't naked. He wore only a pair of hastily donned jeans, the snap undone, his erection pressing tight and hard against the zipper.

"Watch." Now Cam held her, his arm beneath her shoulders, his lips moving to hers as they parted to protest. "Watch me. Feel what he's doing. Watch me, Jaci. Feel him."

She watched him. She forced her eyes to stay open, to stay on his, as his lips settled over hers and Chase's tongue suddenly delved into the wet depths of her sex.

She screamed into Cam's mouth. It was too erotic, too sensual. The feel of Cam's lips taking her, his brother's tongue fucking her.

Her nails bit into Cam's shoulders as his lips slid from hers. His teeth nipped at her jaw, her neck. As she writhed beneath Chase's ministrations between her thighs, her back arched, lifting her breasts, as she screamed out from Cam's possession of a tight, violently sensitive nipple.

As Cam drew her nipple into his mouth, raked it with his teeth, and then sucked it hard and deep inside his mouth, she felt herself explode.

Chase's lips and tongue pushed her further over the edge. Hands roved over her body, rough and dominant, stroking and caressing, as she felt herself melt from the inside out.

It was like unraveling. Like coming apart at the seams, with no hope of ever coming together the same again.

Then, Chase was at her side, his lips lowering to her breasts, his cock free of his pants as he stroked himself.

Oh, God, it was so sexy. So hot. Watching his large, tanned hand, his fingers curling over his erection, stroking the glistening flesh.

"I'm dying." She stared back at Cam as he lifted her until her rear rested on his thighs and his cock nudged into her pussy. "You're killing me." Her head tipped back as the words became a scream.

Cam pushed inside, thrusting hard and deep before he bent over her, pushing his arms beneath her shoulders and lifting her against his chest before straightening and laying back, pulling her over him.

Her thighs gripped his hips as his cock surged inside her. Behind her, she felt Chase preparing her. Felt the lubrication, the touch of his hands, and then the slow, easy entrance into her rear.

It was just as hot, just as brutally sexy as before. But staring into Cam's eyes, she knew it was more. This time, as hot as it was, as much pleasure as it was, it was only Cam's touch, his need and his hunger that her body was responding to.

His hands gripped her hips as he moved beneath her, and Chase moved over her. Hard and deep, thrusting inside her with swift, hard strokes, taking her.

A throttled scream filled her throat. She felt them thrusting harder, stroking, caressing her on a level of pleasure that sent her spiraling into ecstasy. She heard a male growl of pleasure, Chase's or Cam's, she wasn't certain. She didn't know. She didn't care.

"Jaci. Baby." Cam. His voice was charged with lust and pleasure. "There you go, sweetheart. So fucking sexy. So hot and sweet."

He was pounding inside her, his voice tight and groaning. There was no doubt that he wanted it. No doubt that he needed it. But there was no doubt in her mind now, either. She was as wild and as wicked as she had always feared she would be in his arms.

She felt the hot, driving jets of Cam's release spilling inside her, though she was only barely aware of Chase releasing as well behind her.

"Ah, damn." Cam held her, jerking against her as he shuddered against her. "God, Jaci. Ah, fuck." He jerked again, harder, spilled inside her again, then trembled against her. "Ah, baby. My wicked, wild little Jaci."

She was lost in the pleasure. There was no other way to describe it. Lost and drifting—and serene. Cam held her to him as he rolled to his side, his breathing hard, ragged gasps against her neck, his arms tight around her, holding her secure.

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