Wicked Little Sins (13 page)

Read Wicked Little Sins Online

Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #bad boy romance, #romance about unrequited love, #dysfunctional behavior, #romance action suspense, #romance contemporary multiple partner

BOOK: Wicked Little Sins
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              Everly studied the audience as she sang. She’d never known where her talent had come from, but it had consumed her life a long time ago. It was all she’d ever wanted to do. In these moments when it was just her and her band, life seemed to be on pause as she sang her heart out.

              She handed the microphone off as she made her way backstage, the crowd cheering and whistling. She’d done well. Her bands mates patted her back making their way outside to smoke. They’d been a part of her singing for as long as she could remember. Johnny Pancake, a friend of Vinnie’s, was the band’s guitarist, a laid-back kind of guy. He was tall with shaggy brown hair—the stereotypical rocker type. He wore skinny jeans, trendy vests, and band t-shirts. Mages O’Doul was Irish and had the cockiest attitude around. He had a tough exterior, but he was a huge teddy bear on the inside. He was tall and skinny with a shaved head and crisp green eyes. Luke Renault, the keyboardist, was a trendy kid from the city. He was quiet and full of passion when he played. He was a man of few words and a real sweet guy. Everly like them all in their own ways, and she couldn’t help but think they liked her as well.

              “Hey, Luke,” Everly said in passing. Their gig was over and she was headed to gather her things.

              Luke gave a wave and his usual head nod. Then he made his way back to her and waited for her to finish packing up her things.

              “Think things went well tonight?” she asked him.

              “Yeah, for sure. How’d Ohio go?” Luke asked. He knew her mother had passed away. He’d been in the room when she received the news. She hadn’t taken it well, of course, and the band guys had done their best to comfort her.

              “It went well, thanks,” she said, letting out a long breath. It was obvious she had a lot on her mind.

              “Hey Ev, I’m sorry to hear about you and Vinnie,” Luke offered. Everly was surprised the guys in the band knew.

              “He told you guys?” she asked.

              “Well, he told Pancakes, and then it sort of got around. But, I’m sorry. Are you all right?” Luke asked, studying her face.

              “I'm all right,” she said. “No worries.”

              Vinnie’s old pal, Johnny Pancakes, poked his head into Everly’s room. His large hands held tightly to the door frame as Luke squeezed passed him.

              “Hey, Johnny,” Everly said. Her emotions were raw and starting to tug at her. She just wanted to get home and eat a gallon of ice cream and get in bed.

              “Good times, I think it went well,” Johnny said. He finally made his way all the way to the room. Johnny not only worked in the band, but he also worked for Vinnie at the dance studio.

              “Yeah, I’ve got to get going,” she said. She didn’t want to discuss Vinnie with Johnny, and she knew he was going to bring it up.

              “All right, you okay?” he asked, eyeing her through the brown locks hanging across his face.

              “Yes, for the millionth time, fine,” she snapped.

              “Well great, then you wouldn’t mind a visitor. There’s a guy out there wanting to see you,” Johnny said, hurrying out of the room.

              Everly racked her brain on who would be out there to see her. Yeah, she had a few fans, but no one stood out in her mind. She had taken a quick glance at herself in the mirror before she headed out into the hallway.

Vinnie and Everly



              Vinnie sat out in the club. It wasn’t unusual to hang out at Club Red after a day at the studio. The studio and the club were on the same street, and sometimes Johnny snagged a ride home on the days they both worked late. He was sure Everly hadn’t seen him. That was a good thing! He wasn’t in the mood to talk to her. He slowly sipped his beer as he sat in the dark club—the perfect atmosphere if one wanted to stay hidden or out of view. He knew the blonde, in the corner with her two friends, had been eyeing him for the last ten minutes, but he didn’t care.

              Everly made her way into the club, immediately catching Vinnie’s attention. He was surprised to see her since she generally went home after her shows. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, and he had to admit she looked hot in her tight jeans and top. She pushed her dark brown hair behind her ear, revealing the dangling pearl earrings she’d bought on their way home from their trip. He cursed himself as he made his way in her direction, aching at the sight of her in those black leather boots of hers. He loved her in those and had once tried to get her to put them on while completely naked.

              “Hey there, handsome,” the blonde girl, who had been eyeing him earlier said. With a drink in hand, she came and stood next to him.

              “I’m not interested, honey,” Vinnie said, right off the bat. She pulled at her top, making sure he got a good view of her ample cleavage. He sighed, knowing she wasn’t about to take no for an answer.

              “You run the dance studio, right?” she asked, taking a seat, still holding her fruity drink.

              Vinnie nodded his head, keeping his eyes on Everly as she made her way to the bar, a big smile spreading across her face. Vinnie kept nodding as the annoying blonde with fake boobs kept talking. Who was this guy? He could barely tell in the lighting. All he could see was the back of his head. She sure hadn’t waited around to move on, he thought.             

“Hey, how old are you…around twenty?” Vinnie asked the blonde. He hadn’t really paid attention to her. But since Everly appeared to be moving on, the least he could do is find a bedmate for the night. He wanted to make sure she was legal first.

              “Nineteen. My birthday is six months from now,” she rattled off.

              “Well, what do you say we go back to my place and celebrate your birthday early?” he asked, offering his hand to her. She accepted it with a big smile. Her blonde hair glided across her shoulders as they made their way out of the club. The closer they got to Everly, the more enraged he was. He smacked the blonde on her backside, hurrying her along.

              “You sounded great tonight,” Vinnie shouted at Everly.

              “Uh, thanks. I didn’t even know you were here,” she said, feeling bad that Ryan was standing next to her. She could imagine what Vinnie thought about her ex being in Maryland with her. She hadn’t planned this; she’d had no idea he was the one who was waiting for her at the studio. And who was the bleach blonde bimbo he had his arm locked with? She stared at the girl, sizing her up--fake boobs, fake nose, fake eyelashes, trashy clothes and all. Who wore a miniskirt with a halter top in the winter?

              “Yeah, tell Johnny he will have to take a cab home,” he said, heading out with the blonde girl.

              Everly turned back to Ryan, who appeared astounded with the situation he watched playing out in front of him. She and Ryan sat down at the bar.

              “You didn’t tell me things were over with you and your foreign boyfriend,” he said, laughing to himself.

              “He’s Russian, and it just happened,” Everly replied as she took the martini from the bartender. It paid to be a regular where the bartender knew what your drink of choice was and had it ready for you as soon as he saw you sit down at the bar. Ryan had nearly downed half a beer in one sip. He could put that stuff away as well as or better than any
frat guy.

              “I’m sorry to hear that. Everyone back home was raving about your singing here in Maryland. I had time off so I thought I’d come see an old friend sing,” he said.

              Everly rolled her eyes as she looked off. She knew he meant nothing of the kind.

              “You have known I was a singer for years. I find your admission a bit shocking. Sorry, if I’m not happy to see you,” she said, lifting the olive from her drink.

              “It’s been awhile. Running into you back home made me curious,” he said, taking another swig of his beer.

              “Yeah,” she said, sipping at her drink. This meeting had turned out worse than she’d imagined. She figured by this time Vinnie was back at his condo and had the little blonde naked and screaming his name as her head bounced off the back of the leather headboard. It infuriated her to think of Vinnie with someone else.

              “You’re not going to ask me what I was curious about?” Ryan asked. He tapped her hand waiting for a response. He had to admit he expected Everly to be a little more excited to be spending some time with him. She used to be more than he could handle. He wasn’t complaining; he’d been just as into her as she was into him back then. Instead of staying with her, he’d gone and gambled on an old girlfriend. That worked out well, didn’t it?

              “Do tell, Ryan, why were you curious?” Everly said, returning to thoughts of Vinnie. She rested her chin on her palm, swirling the olive in her glass.



              “That was amazing,” the blonde said, sitting up on the coffee table. Her thin frame accented her overly large breasts. Vinnie stood up, quickly pulling up and zipping his pants and pulling his shirt back over his head. He hadn’t bothered to get undressed or show her the bedroom. And he didn’t ask her name because he didn’t care.

              She crawled toward him forcing herself into his arms. The girl stroked his arm that she’d wrapped around her waist. Vinnie didn’t reciprocate. He just stared off, thinking about Everly.

              “How do you afford such a nice place?” she asked.

              “I work for a living, and I have a wealthy family,” he said, no emotion evident.

              “Are you part of the mafia?” she asked, kissing his neck. He pushed her away with his large palm.

              “That’s all Hollywood bullshit, honey. Do you really think anyone in the mafia would admit they were a part of it?” he asked her, getting up.

              “You’re not Italian? I hear all Italians can be linked to the mob,” she said. He was more than a little sickened to know he’d just had sex with such an idiot.

              “I’m Russian, and it’s time for you to go. I’ll call you a cab or you can call your friends--whatever. I’m going to bed. Don’t worry about locking up, the door locks on its own.” He patted her shoulder and headed to his bedroom. He knew he was being rude, but the way she’d screamed like a wild animal as they got down and dirty, he knew she’d been satisfied and he’d gotten rid of some pent up aggression. How could it not be a win-win situation here?

              “Are you serious?” she asked, following him to his room. Ignoring his request, she checked out the bedroom while Vinnie pulled off his clothes and got into bed. He thought if he ignored her, she’d leave.

              “I’m seriously tired,” he said, sprawling out across his king-size bed.             

“Has anyone ever told you how rough you are?” she asked, turning her head to reveal scratch marks down her neck. She turned sideways running her hand down three bite marks on her side, her skin red and raised.

              “No honey, just how much they loved it,” he said, watching as she examined her body for battle wounds. He knew when she got an opportunity to thoroughly study her inner thighs in a couple days, she’d see some nice bruises where his hands had tightly held onto her earlier. Or the ones on her back and rear end. There was no doubt he could be rough, but he’d never gotten any complaints.

              “Do you
want me to go?” she asked, hands on her hips. Vinnie stared at her and sighed. She was nothing like Everly. Everly was a fine piece of art, her body delicate and perfect. This little blonde was all fake tits and overly tanned.

              “What’s your name?” Vinnie asked.

              “Natalie,” she said, eyeing him.

              “Well, Natalie, it was nice hanging out. Now if you don’t mind I would like to go to bed,” he said as he turned over.

              “It’s a girl, isn’t it?” she called out. He kept his eyes shut, hoping she would just leave.

              “A woman,” he muttered.

              “Do you know that every girl in that bar wanted you?” she asked, giving rise to a chuckle from Vinnie.

              “It’s not about that,” he said.

              “You could have anyone you want, and you’re spending your time being heartsick over one girl,” she said, waiting for a response.

              “Have a nice night, sweetheart,” he said, shooing her out. It wasn’t long before she gave up and left his condo.

Adrian and Charley



Adrian sat staring at Charley sitting across him in the booth as she carefully studied her menu.

              “They have the best lasagna,” she insisted, not realizing he hadn’t stopped looking at her. He didn’t even know what was on the menu.

              “Okay, so let’s get that,” he said, setting his menu down on the table.

              Charley looked up at Adrian to see him smiling.

              “You’re not hard to please,” she said, taking his hands, and not backing down from his gaze.

              “Really glad I’m here.” He smiled at her as the phone rang in his pocket.             

“Are you going to answer that?” she asked. He gritted his teeth not wanting to end the contact.

              “Of course,” he said excusing himself from the booth.

              Safely in a bathroom stall, he answered the call.

              “Adrian Emmanuel Nathans, you haven’t forgot about your mother, have you?” Carmen Nathans asked.

              She lay sprawled out on her fancy sofa, filing away at her nails. She was the portrait of a goddess, golden blonde hair perfectly styled, bright red lipstick. Tan skin that showed little of her forty-six years. The only time a wrinkle ever showed up on her face was when she was angry.

              “No, of course not, Mom,” Adrian said rolling his eyes; he was not looking to talk to his mother anytime soon.

              “What are you doing?” she demanded as she sawed at her nails, blowing the debris with a quick puff of air.

              “I’m, uh, eating. I was doing a little eating,” he said, shaking his head. He peered through the crack of the stall to make sure no one was inside the bathroom with him.

              “I haven’t heard from your father’s lawyers. Have you spoken to anyone?” she asked.

              “No, Mom, it’s the same as always. When they know anything, they will let you know. I don’t know why you always call me about this,” he griped, trying to stay calm; this woman knew how to get under his skin.

              “Well, I do think it’s the least you could do for your father, or even for your mother, Adrian!” she shrieked.

              Adrian pulled the phone away from his ear as her deafening tantrum continued. He seriously thought of hanging up on her.

              “Look, when I’m done eating, I’ll give them a call myself. All right?” he asked, breathing heavy.

              “If only he would have kept it in his pants. None of us would be in this mess. I love you, son,” And with that, the call ended.

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