Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4 (39 page)

BOOK: Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4
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Snarling in Oughunian, Drahka ordered, “Give to her!”

Following his command, Viltori plunged deep into Bithia.

Time slowed.

Liquid heat flowed over his shaft as he sank within. Each unique texture inside her sex stroked along his cock. Blissful, content, so profound was the feeling he closed his eyes and, for the first time in his life, he offered genuine thanks to the gods. He gave his honest gratitude for the pleasure of joining with Bithia. Beyond his wildest dreams her sweet, hot cunt clamped around his cock, crushing him so tightly he could not move until her muscles flickered, and he shoved forward, exhaling in time with her.

Once he’d thrust as deep as he could, hitting her cervix so hard they both gasped, he felt her wetness slide down along his sac, taking the glittering, sparking liquid there, tormenting him anew.

Stepping into her spread legs, Viltori grasped her hips, helping Drahka hold her up. Each time he thrust, he felt Drahka’s hairy legs against his own and the tip of Drahka’s still hard cock rubbing against his balls. After a moment to visualize, Viltori realized his intent and helped maneuver Bithia into position.

Letting go of her legs caused Bithia to wrap them around Viltori’s waist. New sensations assaulted him, encouraging him to rock harder, deeper, and then he realized it was Drahka, urging him with low, growling whispers in multiple languages as he teased Bithia’s ass with his cock, just as Viltori had done to her cunt.

Wrapping their arms around each other, Viltori and Drahka crushed Bithia between them, flattening her breasts against Viltori’s chest. Drahka lowered his hands to Viltori’s hips, helping him thrust to Bithia and steadying himself as he slowly sank his cock into her bottom.

Bithia’s eyes went wide, her lips parted and a breathy moan of pleasure rose from a whisper to a loud belted whimper as Drahka entered her. Viltori held still until Drahka was fully within. All that separated their two cocks was the thinnest membrane.

Murmuring to her ear, Drahka held still, his eyes begging Viltori to do the same until Bithia was ready for more. Her head fell forward onto Viltori’s shoulder, and he thought they had gone too far. Shuddering, she grasped his shoulders, clinging to him, her breath hot and fast against him. His guilty gaze landed on Drahka’s tormented face. Deep black eyes assessed him, her. Drahka bit his lip, ready to withdraw.

Lifting her head, her gaze fever-bright, Bithia kissed Viltori hard then turned just enough to draw Drahka into the kiss as well. Clashing tongues dueled as they held each other.

Drawing her head away, Bithia demanded, “Give to me, both of you, gods, give to me as hard as you can.”

Working in tandem, they gave deeply to her. As Viltori withdrew, Drahka plunged deep. When he withdrew, Viltori slammed home. Timing their strokes, they further teased Bithia by angling her against Viltori’s body so that her clit rubbed against the roughness of his pubic hair. Rocking, building their rhythm, they waited, gauging the look in each other’s eyes for the perfect moment.

When the inevitable rose through their bodies, both of them plunged into Bithia, filling her beyond breath, crushing her between their two muscular bodies as they came.

Great gushing jets exploded from his cock with such force Viltori almost collapsed. Only by Drahka’s strength did he stay upright. As he climaxed, he felt Drahka’s cock twitching against his, both of them filling their chosen, reveling in their release. Bithia came too, her body clamping around them with such strength her grip bordered on pain. After draining them dry, she released them.

Carefully they withdrew, the loss of her body so profound Viltori almost burst into tears. He felt as if his heart had been taken from him. When he looked to his chosen, he saw the same bereft pain. This was more than mating. This truly was bonding beyond the merely physical. Never would Viltori forget this day, nor could he envision sharing this intimacy with anyone other than Bithia and Drahka.

Bithia’s feet touched the dais, yet she did not let go of Viltori’s shoulders. Drahka stayed close too. Swaying, they stood, regaining their breath and their grasp on reality.

A shattering burst of applause almost shot Viltori right out of his skin. Together the three of them turned to see the audience, on their feet, applauding exuberantly. Viltori noticed bulging trousers and taut nipples pressed against expensive fabrics. Even those who had dared to grumble were so caught up in the moment they too stood and cheered.

Menon gave a closing speech about how they were eternally bonded and neither man nor god could separate their souls. After a modified bow, where he used one hand to hold his massive fur hat on his head, Menon left. Before the guests could depart, Bithia called forth one of her guards and whispered in his ear.

Chapter Thirty-One

Bithia was amazed she wasn’t sore. Drahka was a big man, and to take him from behind with Viltori in the front… She shook her head, convinced a combination of his inherent gentleness, the
gel and her overwhelming erotic needs had cushioned her. She moved without even a twinge of discomfort. She felt wonderful. Utterly fulfilled and satisfied, unlike anything she’d felt before. All three of them jolted when the audience burst into enthusiastic applause.

Cupping Drahka and Viltori’s chins, she kissed them softly and whispered, “Ignore them.”

“Difficult to do after what they just saw,” Viltori said.

And that’s when the solution hit her. Bithia called forth one of her most trusted guards, gave him explicit instructions, then took Drahka and Viltori by the hands. Silently they left through the back rooms, the same way Drahka had whisked her away what seemed a lifetime ago.

Once they’d returned to the suite, her servants, having anticipated her needs, had several platters of food waiting on the table. Bithia pulled the lid off one and ate directly from the serving plate, as did her two new bondmates. She sighed. Bondmates, not just consorts, but eternally hers forever. Mouth stuffed, she looked at them, feeling as if her smile might be permanently affixed to her face.

“What did you tell the guard?” Viltori asked around a mouthful of seared

“You’ll see. Let us eat, bathe, and then we will discuss my great and glorious plan.”

Both men eyed her curiously.

Sated for the moment, she entered the bathing unit alone, but not for long. Both men joined her, leaving little space to maneuver. If her plan were a success, she’d be able to expand the unit to three times its current size. No matter the close quarters, they washed, teasing fingers over each other, spending far more time cleaning each other than they truly warranted. It was Drahka who finally put an end to Viltori’s lustful strokes.

“If you continue, I won’t be able to give again.”

Sighing dramatically, Viltori left off his cock and now teased his fingers to Bithia’s bottom. “Sore?”

“Surprisingly no.”

“Gods, I was afraid we would rip you apart.”

“Aren’t you glad you didn’t?”

“Most pleased, my lady, most pleased.” Pressing against her back, he cupped her breasts, placing his cock in the split of her bottom. “But next time, I will give to you here.”

“Promises, promises,” she teased, turning to face him. Both he and Drahka were hard again, which made her wet, but all three of them were exhausted. Quickly they dried each other then practically threw themselves in bed. As they cuddled together, a tangle of arms and legs, Bithia realized there was one thing they had not done. One last bit of giving they must do before their bonding would be complete. But first, they would sleep.



Drahka awoke to Bithia’s sex right above his face, her mouth wrapped around the tip of his cock, a pillow under his ass, and Viltori sliding his oil-slicked hand between his cheeks.

“He’s awake now.” Viltori’s voice held that commanding power that set her clit to throbbing. “Amazing what it takes to wake him.”

“I know,” Bithia said, lifting her head from his hardening prick. “My sex right above his face and all he does is lick his lips and dream.” She lifted up and looked at him down the length of his chest. “If I didn’t know better, I’d be insulted.”

“My chosen, I have failed you. Accept my most humble apology.” Drahka lay on his back with her legs parted around his head, her mouth near to his cock, and Viltori at the ready between his uplifted bottom.

“I’d rather have your tongue between my legs.”

“Your wish is my command.” Drahka licked her from one end to the other, making her squirm above him.

Returning the favor, she licked her way up his shaft then took the tip of his massive cock into her mouth.

“Bithia said there was one thing left that we had not done.”

“Mmmm?” Drahka asked, his tongue swirling around her clit, his muffled humming question vibrating her in a most delightful way.

“I haven’t given to you.” Viltori slid his middle finger into Drahka’s ass with slow, deliberate intent.

Bithia could see everything perfectly as she held Drahka in her mouth.

Drahka lifted slightly off the pillow, angling himself better to take Viltori’s thrusting digit.

“Do you want my cock up your tight ass?” Viltori asked.

Pulling back from her sex, Drahka sighed. “Why do you always ask questions you already know the answer to?” He paused for a moment. “Ah, yes, you like to hear yourself talk, especially if you can toss around your lusty words.” Dipping his tongue to her, he murmured, “Fuck me, Viltori. Take that glorious cock of yours and give to me as hard as you can. There, does that help?”

“Smart ass.”

“I thought I was a tight ass?”

“That too.”

Drahka wrapped his arms around Bithia’s waist and pulled her down as he speared her with his tongue. Her moan was lost as she again took the tip of his cock into the welcoming heat of her mouth. With quick, plunging strokes, Viltori worked his finger inside Drahka’s bottom, opening him, making him ready, just as Drahka had done to her.

“Tight as a fist, just as I suspected.” Viltori slipped another finger beside the first, which caused Drahka to moan against Bithia, and her in turn to suck harder at his penis. Around and around their teasing went until Viltori finally deemed him ready. “Watch me, Bithia. I know how much you love to watch.”

Drahka continued to eat at her sex as she now teased him with her fists, stroking him in mimic of what Viltori did between his widely spread legs. The pillow held him up and angled back, a perfect position for what Viltori would do. Where once Drahka would have reacted violently to taking rather than giving, he no longer seemed to trouble himself about such things. All of it was pleasure. The only thing that mattered was that they were in complete agreement about what they were doing. Bithia had no doubt that Drahka longed to feel Viltori’s cock there just as much as Viltori longed to give it to him. Still, anticipation caused him to tighten his body, which earned him a brief reprimand from Viltori.

“Relax. You’re so tight I can barely pull my fingers out.”

As Viltori placed the tip of his cock against his ass, Bithia placed the tip of her tight fist against Drahka’s cock. Each bare bit that Viltori slid in, she slid down, her hot breath panting against his shaft.

Bithia glanced up at the pleasurable satisfaction on Viltori’s face as he finally slid into Drahka. Viltori closed his eyes. One side of his lip curled up as he fought down his lust. Slowly he went until his balls nestled against the pillow.

Bithia’s fists tightened on Drahka’s shaft, making him lift up, which caused Viltori to groan and grasp his hips, holding him down. Between Bithia’s body and Viltori’s hands, Drahka was well and truly pinned. Not that he seemed to mind. This was when all their problems disappeared. If they could keep this much faith in dealing with the other issues confronting them, they would be unstoppable.

“Tell me you want more.” Viltori used that aggressive tone that caused both her and Drahka to quiver.

Lifting his lips from Bithia, Drahka growled, “I want more.”

“Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

“I want you to fuck me.”

“And you, my lady, do you want to watch me fuck him while you grasp that enormous cock of his?”

Viltori loved to talk. Words excited him, just as they did Bithia. As he spoke, her sex gushed. So wet was she that Drahka was happily drowning between her ebony thighs. He licked fast and hard, trying to keep up, making her writhe in erotic need.

“Yes, my chosen, I want to watch you fuck him. Hard.”

“Then help hold him open for me.”

Excited, Bithia moved away from Drahka’s face and settled above his prick, letting him feel the heat of her.

“Take him inside your snug cunt.”

Smiling up at Viltori, loving his nasty streak, she teased Drahka’s prick up and down a few times before centering him. She plunged down so hard and fast both he and Viltori gasped.

Leaning forward, she grasped Drahka’s legs behind the knee then leaned back, holding him open for Viltori.

“That’s it. Spread him wide for me.”

Bithia pulled on his legs but Drahka helped her. Otherwise she’d have just fallen forward. His stomach was tight below her bottom as he worked to keep his legs up and parted. Holding him, balancing on her knees, she watched as Viltori pulled all the way out, then slammed deep.

Drahka’s whoosh of air rushed against her back, chilling her skin, peaking her nipples. Nestling herself down, she flexed her inner muscles, clamping her cunt around his cock. Each time Viltori plunged, she clamped, setting up a wonderful rhythm.

“Lie back, beautiful lady.”

Viltori took hold of Drahka’s legs as Bithia reclined, her back to Drahka’s chest. When she turned her head sharply, she was able to see part of Drahka’s face. Ecstasy poured from his heavy-lidded eyes and his wantonly parted lips. Reaching up, he strained to kiss her as she pressed back. All they could manage was a frustrating kiss with just the edges of their lips.

“Look at me,” Viltori demanded. He thrust so hard into Drahka he forced Drahka’s cock deeper into her clutching sex.

Chuckling almost directly into her ear, Drahka said, “He does like attention, doesn’t he?”

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