Why Romeo Hates Juliet (12 page)

BOOK: Why Romeo Hates Juliet
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Stepping outside, Juliet walked to the hedge which separated the two properties and crossed into Romeo’s yard, noticing that the movie star was still lying prone in his lounge chair. But as she approached him, she realized that the big worm was asleep! He was sprawled on the lounger, bare-chested and wearing a pair of baggy shorts, which because of the way his legs were straddling the chair, were gaping open, and he was snoring away. Both his arms were resting on the armrests and one of his hands, the right one, was open and facing upwards. Incredible - Romeo Boyd was fast asleep and not aware of anything around him. He certainly hadn’t heard her approaching him from behind - she was sure of that -

and he was also in the right position for what she wanted to do to him.

‘Wow’, Juliet thought, as she quietly dropped onto her hands and knees in the grass behind him. Was she lucky or what? Her prey was fast asleep and if she was careful, she could glue him up and be out of there within seconds and he would be none the wiser. He’d certainly drank enough alcohol today to put a rhinoceros down, let alone a human being, thinking back to all the beer bottles she’d seen him drink, so that would definitely help her with her little scheme.

Juliet crawled closer to his chair and came up to his right side. She studied his sleeping form again and her gaze lowered to the opening of his shorts between the material and his thigh where she could see right through into his private parts. Oh yeah, she smiled to herself, this was going to be so easy, as easy as making a peanut butter sandwich. In fact, a monkey could do this and get away with it!

She crawled a little closer to his open hand. Reaching into her back pocket, she quietly pulled out the small tube and uncapped it. Squeezing it, she oh so very slowly and gently began to drip drops of the chemical adhesive onto his fingertips. She stopped and studied her handiwork. No - that didn’t look like enough glue for what she had in mind. Squeezing the tube again, she continued to drizzle it down his fingers and onto his open palm.

All the while, her eyes kept flying up to his face to make sure that he was still asleep - and he was. He was snoring as loud as an elephant.

Making sure she squeezed every last drop out of that tube into his hand, Juliet then put it down on the grass, and with her own hand, she carefully began to pull his up off of the armrest. Her eyes flew up again to his face to see if he had noticed anything, but there was no change in his sleep pattern at all. Ever so gently, she then began to move his right hand closer to the gaping opening in his shorts - and once inside the material, she inched it closer - and closer - she was almost there - just a few more inches…

Suddenly, at the speed of a rattlesnake striking, Romeo’s eyes flew open and his right hand clamped down on Juliet’s left wrist, yanking her face up to his. He flashed his white teeth at her in a dangerous smile and his eyes glinted fire as he smirked at her. “Gotcha!” he drawled, as he stared into her shocked eyes. “hello, Juliet,” he menacingly whispered, as he pulled her closer still.

Stunned, Juliet’s mouth hung open as both her breathing and her heart stopped at the same time. Her terrified eyes flew from his sinister face down to his right hand, the one which she’d covered in glue only seconds before and which was now firmly clamped over her left wrist. Her shocked eyes then raced back up to his glinting ones before they flew back down to her imprisoned wrist again - and back up one more time to his smirking, threatening face.

All of a sudden, Juliet Soma started screaming her head off.

~ ~ ~

Chapter 23

Completely stunned by Juliet’s screaming, Romeo quickly put his other arm around her and held on even more tightly to her wrist, concerned.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Juliet. It’s okay, I swear,” he shouted, trying to calm her down. His worried eyes frantically scanned hers, trying to discern what was wrong with her, if she was hurt or what.

Juliet stopped and stared back into his curious, questioning face in sheer terror. “Your - your hand,” she whispered, “Please - please let go of me.”


“Your hand…” she looked down at his right hand still clenched around her left wrist and began pulling at it, trying to dislodge it from him. “Your hand,” she yelled louder before finally screaming, “Let go of me!”

Confusion flashed in Romeo’s eyes as he followed her line of sight and looked down at his hand wrapped around her wrist. Relaxing his muscles, he tried to release it, but found that he couldn’t. Dumbfounded, he looked up into her frightened eyes, before returning his gaze to his stuck hand on her wrist. His other hand came around and he tried to pry his right hand off of her but to no avail.

His shocked eyes came back up to her terrified ones. “What did you do?” he yelled. “Juliet, what did you do?”

“I… I…”

“Juliet?” Lunging off of the lounge chair in one sharp movement, he stood up and yanked her along with him. He brought her wrist and his hand up to their faces. “What in the hell did you do? Tell me,” he insisted, as he gave her arm a good yank.

”I… I… it’s glue,” she whispered, her eyes filled with terror.

“Glue? What are you talking about?” he quizzed, but when she remained silent, he gave her another good yank with his strong right hand.

“Answer me”, he yelled.

The second jerk on her wrist seemed to bring her out of her catatonic state and she shouted back. “It’s superglue, okay? I put it all over your hand because I was going to glue it inside your pants.”

Romeo was stunned, as his gaze wandered back to his stuck hand before returning to her bold glare. What had she just said? That she’d used superglue on him?? “Are you crazy, woman?” he roared at her. “Why, for God’s sake, would you do such a stupid, insane thing like that?”

“I heard what you said last night, okay? I heard it all!”

“What? What are you talking about?” Fury mixed with confusion coursed through Romeo’s system, as he jerked her body closer.

“What you said to your friend, Tommy, about me crawling over here on my hands and knees… and you know the rest.”

“Oh that’s real great, Juliet! Real great! So what’s this then, huh?” He held up their stuck appendages to her face. “Payback? You can’t confront me like a normal person, so you do this? So what’ll you do next time when I say or do something you don’t like? Am I going to find a knife stuck between my shoulder blades?”

“Stop yelling, okay? This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

His sharp laugh suddenly raked her. “You mean you weren’t supposed to get caught in your own mess, is that it?” When she refused to answer him, he gave her another quick jerk on her wrist. “Answer me, damn you!”

Juliet remained silent but defiant. What could she say? That he was right? That if things had gone as she’d planned, she’d now be safe, in her own beach house, having a good laugh at his expense? She stared into his eyes, their noses only inches apart, and she could feel the anger emanating from every pore of his shirtless, hard body which was now plastered against hers. No doubt about it, he was furious with her and she could tell he was restraining himself from probably wanting to kill her.

As she stubbornly held his killer glare, she noticed that his blue eyes had taken on an almost angry, violet hue that matched the violet shade that the skin around his black eye was morphing into as it healed. At least the eye was getting better, and in spite of all the panicking emotions she was feeling right now at her predicament, a part of her was glad about that. Suddenly, Tommy and Sara came running out of the house and on seeing them approach, Romeo eased his death grip on her and she was able to pull an arm’s length away.

“What’s going on? We heard the screaming,” an out-of-breath Tommy shouted.

“Juliet, are you okay?” Sara wheezed, as she ran up to her sister.

All the fight drained out of Juliet and genuine tears sprang to her eyes as she held up her imprisoned wrist. “Sara, look!” she wailed. “We’re stuck!”

Realization immediately hit Sara like a two ton block of stone and her eyes widened in shock. “Oh my God!” she gasped.

“I don’t get it. What’s happening?” a clueless Tommy asked.

Romeo held up his right hand with her trapped wrist in it. “She superglued me, Tommy. She heard what I said about her last night and she thought she’d teach me a lesson. Can you fucking believe this?” He turned to Juliet and watched as tears started to fall down her cheeks. “Oh no -

tears don’t work on me anymore, honey, so you can cut the phony act. I was stupid enough to fall for that in jail, but not again.” With her free left hand, Juliet wiped the wetness from her face. “Go - go f…fuck yourself, Romeo Boyd,” she choked out.

“With pleasure, Juliet, if it means getting the hell away from you,” he yelled back, completely unmoved by what he thought were her fake tears.

“Okay, everybody, let’s not panic. I’m sure this can be fixed,” Tommy said, as he came forward and tried to pull Romeo’s hand off of Juliet’s wrist, but with no luck. A frown marred his features. “Why don’t we all go into the house where we can take a better look in the light. It’s glue, right?

So we’ll just soak it in some soap and water and in a few minutes, problem solved.” Sara nodded. “Juliet, give me the tube of glue. We’ll Google it and find out what to do.”

“It’s - it’s over there,” Juliet gulped back a few more tears before pointing to the spot in the grass where she’d dropped it. Spotting it, Sara quickly retrieved it.

“Let’s go,” Romeo gritted in anger, as he gave Juliet a steely glare before silently turning and marching towards his house, jerking her along with him. She stumbled behind him, trying to keep up, but he ignored her efforts and continued his rapid stride, half dragging, half pulling her along with him.

“Hey, slow down,” she cried, but he ignored her and continued his determined march.

Romeo was seething inside. In fact, he was so furious at her right now that he couldn’t even find the words to tell her how truly angry he was. He thought he’d been angry at her before when she’d pushed him into the TV, and when she’d given him the black eye, and when he’d been arrested because of her and even when he’d been fooled by her phony tears at the police station, but this, this topped it all. In fact, he’d never been this mad at anyone in his life before - ever. How could she do this to him? How? And he must have been blind and crazy and completely out of his frigging mind to ever think he wanted a bitch like her in his bed. What had he been thinking? He should just stay with Carrie Ann. As fake as their relationship was, it was at least safe. The ‘real thing’ was way too dangerous. Because if the real thing meant being with someone like Juliet, then what would be next for him - the morgue!?

No - Juliet was out of his league and not to be trusted in any way, shape or form. He’d just stay with his plastic Holl ywood, Barbie doll girlfriends. He knew what to expect from them, and at least he’d be able to make it to his next birthday in one piece.

As Romeo stepped through the sliding glass doors and into his house, he hauled Juliet in after him with one good yank.

“Take it easy, you’re hurting me,” she shouted.

“That’s nothing compared to what you’ve been doing to me, lady.” He stalked to the kitchen sink and started filling it up with warm water and dishwashing liquid.

Juliet looked at his sour expression. “Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, for all we know, this could make the glue even worse.” She asked the question with a slight grin, suddenly seeing the funny side of this. After all, things hadn’t worked exactly as she’d planned, but she had

‘stuck it to him’ in a way, hadn’t she?

Noticing her smirk, he threw her an ominous glare before plunging his hand with her wrist into the water. As she went to pull her hand out, his eyes shot fire at her and he gritted a “Leave it” directive at her through his clenched teeth. Taking the warning in his eyes seriously, Juliet relaxed her hand and left it in the soapy water.

Both Tommy and Sara had followed them into the kitchen and were now positioned under a lamp, trying to read the small print on the glue tube.

“It doesn’t say much except to flush the skin with water,” Tommy mumbled. “Why don’t we Google it? The laptop’s in the living room.” Sara nodded and followed him out of the kitchen.

Juliet threw Romeo a quick look from underneath her lashes. He was staring down at their hands in the water, ignoring her, but she could see a tiny muscle tick moving in his jaw as he kept clenching his teeth. It was obvious he was still fuming at the situation - and at her.

He yanked his hand with her wrist out of the sink and began to see if any of the glue had softened enough for them to pull themselves apart, but it hadn’t. He plunged their appendages back into the sink, returning his dangerous glare to the water.

“So what gave me away?” Juliet softly asked.

“Your perfume,” he mumbled.

“Damn! I didn’t think of that.” She threw him a saucy, sideways look. “You know, I almost got away with it. You were snoring so loudly they could have heard you on the moon.”

“Yeah, well, excuse me if I’ve had a hard couple of days lately.”

“I’m surprised you’re feeling anything at all considering the number of beers I saw you drink today.”

“Spying on me, were you, Juliet?”

“Of course. How else was I going to catch you alone to put my plan into action?”

“Really? And what about last night when you overheard my conversation with Tommy? Were you spying on me then too? Are you so fascinated with me?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Mr. Movie Star. For your information, Sara had this crazy idea to try to patch things up between us, so we were coming over to see you when we heard you shoot your filthy mouth off.”

Romeo gave a quick laugh. “So Sara believed in me, but you knew differently, didn’t you?”

“Of course! I told her it was a waste of time and I was right.”

“And were you really going to glue my hand to my dick to teach me a lesson? I’m assuming that was your intention, right?” Juliet looked at him full on then. He’d uttered that last remark very softly and she was suddenly wary of him all over again. “Maybe,” she answered him guardedly.

He smiled at her then, in a devilish sort of way and her cockiness vanished in an instant. Her eyes flew to his cobalt blue ones and all of sudden, she was transfixed by the danger signs she read in them. Dropping her gaze to his full lips, she watched as his white teeth flashed menacingly between them as he continued in his soft tone.

“You know, having our hands in this water for the past ten minutes may not have loosened up the glue, but it has done something.”

“Wh - what?” she gulped, as she continued to be mesmerized by the sinister look shooting out of his eyes.

“It’s made me want to pee. Let’s go.” Suddenly, Romeo yanked their hands out of the water and started dragging her down the hallway to the bathroom, dripping the soapy suds along the way.

They were halfway there before Juliet finally came to her senses. “What? Wait! Wait!” she yelled, as she grabbed the dining room doorknob with her free hand and held on fast.

He stopped then and turned back to her, giving her another evil smile. “Sure, Juliet. You seem to be so interested in my dick that now you’ll be able to get a good look at it for your next stunt. In fact, since my right hand seems to be full right now,” he held up his right hand still attached to her left wrist to make his point, “I’ll even let you hold it when I pee. Then you can really study it up close and next time, you won’t make any more mistakes.”

“You’re crazy! I’m not going to the bathroom with you,” she shouted at him, as she used every ounce of strength left in her to hold onto that doorknob for dear life.

“Oh yes you are; you’re coming, alright.” Using all of his well-toned muscles from his years of staying in shape for his movie roles, Romeo very easily pulled her from the door and continued dragging her down the hall towards the bathroom. Juliet tried in vain to resist, but she was no match for him; he was just too damn strong.

“Sara! Sara!” Juliet started screaming. “Help me!”

They had reached the main floor bathroom and Romeo easily whipped her inside. With one solid push with his free hand, he slammed the door shut and turned the lock.

“Let me out now, you pig!”

For a moment, Romeo studied her intently, taking in her frightened eyes and heavy breathing. Yup… the minx was scared, but she deserved to be. What would have happened to him if her original plan had worked? After all, being glued to her wrist was one thing, but having his hand stuck to his penis would have been a complete and utter humiliation! What if he’d had to go to the hospital like that? My God, when he thought of what could have been, he felt sick to his stomach. So if she was feeling scared now, so what?

“Come on, Juliet. Help me whip it out of my shorts and you can hold it while I pee,” he taunted her, as he moved to the toilet bowl, dragging her along with him.

“Sara! Help me!” she frantically shouted.

They heard banging on the door. “Juliet! What’s going on in there?” Sara yelled, as she jiggled the doorknob. “Open this door immediately!” Tommy’s deep voice bell owed out next. “Romeo, open up.” That was followed by more pounding on the closed portal.

“It’s okay, Tommy. Juliet’s just helping me out here,” he turned to her then and winked, “… aren’t you, Juliet?”

“You’re disgusting. Open that door and let me out now.”

“Juliet, are you okay?” Sara shouted again.

On hearing the concern in Sara’s voice, some of Romeo’s anger dissipated. Releasing a deep breath, he turned back to his captive. “Okay,” he capitulated. “I’ll let you out - but not before I take care of business.” He smirked at her then, “You can watch if you want, I don’t mind.” Juliet’s reply was a snort of disgust before turning her body away from him as best as she could. She felt him move and then heard him pee into the toilet bowl. After he finished, she was unceremoniously yanked to the sink where he washed his left hand. She threw him a lethal glare and he laughed, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness, don’t you agree?”

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