White Dawn: A Military Romantic Suspense Novel (30 page)

Read White Dawn: A Military Romantic Suspense Novel Online

Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #military romantic suspense, #military romantic thriller, #romantic suspense action thriller, #romantic suspense with sex, #war romantic suspense, #military heros romantic suspense, #military romantic suspense series

BOOK: White Dawn: A Military Romantic Suspense Novel
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“If it has Carmen in it,” Garrett told
him, “the family must be as rare as dragon’s breath.”

Silence gripped them as everyone stared
at Garrett. Carmen could feel her back straightening

Then Calli laughed. “Oh, you’re going to
fit in perfectly!” she told Garrett.

* * * * *

Garrett stepped to one side of the faint
trail, but he didn’t let go of her hand. Carmen looked at the
clearing ahead of them with amusement. “This is the five star hotel
suite you promised me?” she asked.

It was a tiny clearing and sitting in
the middle of it was an even smaller tent made of dark green nylon.
It had weathered the hurricane surprisingly well. Three of the
ropes had come adrift, making it sag in the middle, but there had
to be a lot of equipment inside which had kept it in place. There
were stones blackened by fire at the front of it. But there was
nothing else in the clearing.

“It even has running water,” Garrett
said with a smile. “Listen.”

From the other side of the clearing,
farther into the trees, she could hear a little creek running. It
was possibly a storm run-off and would dry up after the worst of
the hurricane flooding ceased. “A bath!” she sighed, as if the
creek was really a hot tub in disguise. “I think I might

Garrett pulled her to him. “Daniel said
he’d stay point man for the unit for another twelve hours and he
offered me this tent in exchange. It’s not the Astoria, but it’s
ours and we have twelve uninterrupted hours all to ourselves. No
audience. No media. No one.”

Just before they had left
Las Piedras
, the media had descended upon the disaster area in
droves, all aboard commercial and private helicopters. Someone had
tipped them off. Carmen had been sitting in the open door of the
Blackhawk, letting the painkillers Garrett had given her kick in.
Calli had produced dry clothes, that were only one size too big.
With the painkillers and change of clothes, Carmen had started to
feel almost human once more. She had watched the first of the
helicopters hover to land, a cameraman hanging out of the open door
and filming. She headed for the nose of the helicopter, intending
to hide behind it. But Garrett had been right behind her and she
had bumped up against him.

“They’re not here for you,” Garrett said
very softly, his arm going around her. “They don’t even know you’re

“It’ll take them five minutes to figure
out who I am,” she said just as softly back. “Then they
be here for me.”

Duardo, who stood just to one side
giving orders to a group of soldiers, dismissed his men and turned
to look at her. “Why don’t you get out of here?” he suggested.

“How?” Garrett asked sharply.

Duardo whistled and a private came
running up to him. “Sir?”

“Slide over to the Blackhawk, Calderon.
Give the pilot my compliments and tell him he’s to drop these two
wherever they want to go.”

“And I know exactly where that is,”
Garrett murmured, but had refused to tell her where they were
going, except to say that it was a five star hotel suite.

The Blackhawk had touched down on a
deserted strip of road, a mile away from here and Garrett had led
her through the woods to this tiny clearing.

Carmen linked her arms around his neck.
“It’s better than a honeymoon,” she said.

“You mean that, Escobedo?” he asked
softly, his eyes warming.

Her heart ached. “Oh, yes.” Happiness
bubbled through her. “I have you alone and you want to be here.
It’s perfect.”

His lips touched hers. “I’ll find other
times like this,” he told her. “Lots of them. As many as I


“Cross my heart.” He lifted his lips and
his eyes met hers. “Wait, you’ve already done that.”

Then he kissed her and Carmen sighed
with contentment.

She was home.



The Next Book in The Vistaria Affair series

The next book in The Vistaria Affair series
Silver Noon
, which will be released in 2016.
In the meantime, if you would like more hot, sexy romantic
suspense, try:

Ningaloo Nights
, part of the Go Get ‘em
Women Collection


To find out what happened to her sister,
Sherry just has to go with Mason Hayward to the ends of the
earth…oh, and give him utter control over her mind, body and
New York cop Sherry Abandonato cashes in her savings and dashes to
Ningaloo in remote northwest Western Australia to find her sister,
who disappeared ten days ago.
The only one with the skill to guide her to Derremawan is Mason
Hayward, once an official guide with a reputation for getting
people out of trouble, but now the town’s bad man.
In a searing afternoon of unexpected passion, Mason strikes a
bargain. He’ll get her to Derremawan, if she agrees to go there
with him unconditionally—on his terms and his conditions.
Sherry is astonished to find herself agreeing to the insane
bargain, and worse, responding eagerly to the idea of three days of
Mason Hayward taking charge under the hot Australian sun.
WARNING:  This short romantic suspense
story contains frequent, explicit and frank sex scenes and sexual
language.  It includes heart-stopping sexual scenes and light
bondage. Do not proceed beyond this point if hot love scenes offend
PS:  Don’t try this at home -- the
neighbours may not understand...and the police certainly
This book is part of the Go Get ‘Em Women
Delly’s Last Night
The Royal Talisman
Vivian’s Return
Ningaloo Nights
Ningaloo Nights
contains loads of sex
, some
and a beautifully written happily ever
hot read
, indeed!”
Love Romance
This book
is hot, hot, hot
! The chemistry between Sherry and
…It’ll have you checking out the cost of
flights to Australia!”..
Two Lips Reviews
A quick,
smoking hot
ride through the Australian outback. I
have a new appreciation for
blindfolds, chocolate and sex under
the stars
. … another
wonderfully written
tale that I can
recommend to anyone.
Just Erotic Romantic
Steamy heat
rises from the pages of
Ningaloo Nights
Looking for a book
guaranteed to heat up
your own night
Ningaloo Nights,
. Sensual
I could even
hear his Aussie accent
in my head. Ningaloo
Nights is
well worth reading
. It has
kinky sex scenes
from the very beginning, with
an interesting story
all the way through. The Romance Studio
Pick up your copy of
Ningaloo Nights



About the Author

Tracy Cooper-Posey is an Amazon #1 Best
Selling Author. She writes erotic vampire romances, hot romantic
suspense, paranormal and urban fantasy romances. She has published
over 80 novels since 1999, been nominated for five CAPAs including
Favourite Author, and won the Emma Darcy Award.
She turned to indie publishing in 2011. Her indie titles have been
nominated four times for Book Of The Year and
was a 2012 winner. She has been a national magazine
editor and for a decade she taught romance writing at MacEwan
She is addicted to Irish Breakfast tea and chocolate, sometimes
taken together. In her spare time she enjoys history, Sherlock
Holmes, science fiction and ignoring her treadmill. An Australian,
she lives in Edmonton, Canada with her husband, a former
professional wrestler, where she moved in 1996 after meeting him
Her website can be found at
Tracy appreciates hearing from readers and can be reached at
[email protected]



Other books by Tracy Cooper-Posey


Blood Knot Series (Urban Fantasy Paranormal

Blood Knot
Southampton Swindle
Broken Promise
Amor Meus
Blood Stone
Blood Unleashed
Blood Drive
Blood Revealed (Upcoming)

Beloved Bloody Time Series (Paranormal
Futuristic Time Travel)

Bannockburn Binding
Byzantine Heartbreak
Viennese Agreement
Romani Armada

Spartan Resistance

Kiss Across Time Series (Paranormal Time

Kiss Across Time
Kiss Across Swords
Time Kissed Moments

Kiss Across Chains
Kiss Across Deserts

The Kine Prophecies (Epic Norse Fantasy

The Branded Rose Prophecy

The Stonebrood Saga(Gargoyle Paranormal

Carson’s Night
Beauty’s Beasts
Harvest of Holidays
Sabrina’s Clan (Upcoming)

Destiny’s Trinities (Urban Fantasy Romance

Beth’s Acceptance
Mia’s Return
Sera’s Gift
Cora’s Secret

Short Paranormals

Solstice Surrender
Eva’s Last Dance

The Vistaria Affair (Romantic Suspense)

Red Leopard
Black Heart
Blue Knight
White Dawn
Silver Noon (Upcoming)
Golden Day (Upcoming)

Go-get-‘em Women (Short Romantic Suspense

The Royal Talisman
Delly’s Last Night
Vivian’s Return
Ningaloo Nights
Sian’s Run (Upcoming)

Jewells of Tomorrow (Historical Romantic

Diana By The Moon
Heart of Vengeance
The Perilous Maiden (Upcoming)
To Soothe a Savage Heart (Upcoming)
The Heart of the Enemy (Upcoming)
The Cherlebury Rose (Upcoming)
The Duchess of Winter (Upcoming)
Despite The Sands Of Time (Upcoming)

Scandalous Sirens (Historical Romance

Dangerous Beauty
Rhys Davies’ untitled story (Upcoming)

Romantic Thrillers Series

Fatal Wild Child
Dead Again
Dead Double
Terror Stash
Thrilling Affair

Contemporary Romances

Lucifer’s Lover
An Inconvenient Lover

The Sherlock Holmes Series (Romantic

Chronicles of the Lost Years
The Case of the Reluctant Agent


For reviews, excerpts, and more about each
title, visit Tracy’s site and click on each title in turn:



Copyright Information

This is an original
publication of Tracy Cooper-Posey
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents
either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely
coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does
not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their
Copyright © 2015 by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Text design by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Cover by Dar Albert
Wicked Smart Designs
Editor: Helen Woodall
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in
any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not
participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in
violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized

Cooper-Posey, Tracy
White Dawn/Tracy Cooper-Posey—1st Ed.
Paranormal – Fiction

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