Whispers (Argent Springs) (18 page)

BOOK: Whispers (Argent Springs)
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Chapter Seventeen


Erin sat across from Rick, a candle flickering in
the glass hurricane lamp between them. The mood in the restaurant certainly was
romantic with the lights low and plenty of greenery between tables to make the
setting more intimate. She wasn’t certain why Rick had chosen this restaurant
for their evening meal. After living in Argent Springs for many years, he had
to know the atmosphere of the place. They were surrounded by loving couples in
all stages of life, with no families in sight.

That might be because of the high-priced menu, but
this was obviously the type of place where a man brought a woman he was trying
to impress, which, again, didn’t fit their situation at all.

If anything, it made things between them more

Neither of them said much as they perused their
menus and ordered, with Rick selecting an expensive bottle of wine. Annabelle
had said most people in the town struggled to make ends meet, but obviously
Rick had done more than okay with his business.

“This is a really nice restaurant.” She met his
gaze, determined to figure out his intentions. Was he trying to show off? Or
was there something else going on?

He shrugged. “Didn’t want you to think Argent
Springs was all small-town without any finesse.”

So, showing off it was. “I didn’t think that at
all. A person only has to walk into some of the shops to see that your little
town is rich with culture and class.”

His lips tilted into a knowing grin that oozed
with charm. “But we still have that small-town feel.”

“Also true.” She tried to keep from returning his
engaging smile. Something had definitely changed between them. That or he
wanted something from her, but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out
what. He seemed to only care about Annabelle and his business. She couldn’t
help him with his auto shop, and she already loved Annabelle more than she ever
thought possible.

The waiter brought their wine, and Rick sampled it
before he indicated his approval. “Have you thought about staying longer than
your original two weeks? You only have, what, a few days left?” he said when
they were alone again.

“What?” she said with mock surprise, not letting
on that she’d already agreed to stay longer. “I thought you’d be counting down
the days until I hit the road. Good riddance and all that.”

He put a hand on his chest as though she’d wounded
him with her words. “Of course not. Annabelle loves having you here. It’s been
good for her.”

“But that doesn’t mean
want me here.”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t, either.” He met her gaze
with a direct one, the intensity of it and the possible meaning behind it
scaring the hell out of her. What happened to “friends”?

She laughed, trying to contain her impulsive
reaction before she gushed. “You don’t have to be nice to me, Rick. I know it’s
been an inconvenience having me around. I’m sure you’ll be happy when things
are back to normal and you can have your room to yourself without me

He didn’t laugh with her which added to the
tension crackling between them. “I don’t mind sharing with you.”

“How do you know?” she said, still trying to
lighten the mood without much help from him. “I might be the world’s loudest

“I doubt that.” He paused, his eyes narrowing
slightly. “Are you sure
okay with the arrangement? I mean after
what happened? I promise that was a one-time thing.”

Heat rushed to her cheeks. “I thought we’d
forgotten about that.” She picked up her glass of wine and took a sip, unable
to meet his gaze for fear that he’d recognize the humiliation burning in her

“I can’t. Damn it, Erin, I’ve been thinking about
it constantly. You’re being very nice about the whole thing, but I can’t shake
the feeling that I took advantage of you.”

She looked at him then, surprised to find that he
had a sincere look shadowing his features. He really thought what had happened
had been his fault. His responses tugged at her heart. She reached out and put
a hand over his. “Please don’t feel bad. It wasn’t your fault.”

He gave her a skeptical look. “Really? Because I’m
pretty sure I’m the one who pinned you to the wall and kissed you before I
pushed up your shirt and—”

She inhaled sharply, remembering the sensation of
his hands on her body and how she’d wanted to explode from pleasure.

“Shit,” he whispered and looked away. “I’m really
sorry. Maybe I’m the one who should leave Annabelle’s.”

She paused, letting the blood rush back into her
brain. “It’s okay, Rick. You were impaired from the drugs. I hold you harmless.”
And she’d been totally turned on by touching all his hot, muscular skin. She
really should own up to her part of the blame, but she couldn’t. If she did,
she’d have to confess her attraction to him, and the fact that she’d been the
only one in full control of her faculties at the time.

He buried her hand between both of his, his touch
warm and strong. “I promise you can trust me tonight. I promise I’ll be a
perfect gentleman. Can you imagine what Annabelle would do if I didn’t?”

She eyed him, smiling. Part of her seriously
wanted to beg him to
be a gentleman. “I have no doubt you’ll keep
your word.”

Things between them settled, and their
conversation had turned to a comfortable topic, though an aching sexual tension
simmered just below the surface of Erin’s skin.

The waiter had just delivered their check when a woman
with long, dark hair wearing a deep red cocktail dress approached their table.

“Hello, Rick.” The woman addressed Erin’s date
though her gaze lingered mostly on Erin.

“Hello, Janice.” He seemed less pleased to see
her, which ignited Erin’s curiosity.

“I haven’t seen you in here in a while. Not since
Melinda left.” She rested a hand on the back of Rick’s chair, her gaze still frequently
studying Erin.

Melinda again. Erin couldn’t help but wonder if
word would get back to Melinda that he’d been seen with her.

“That’s because I haven’t been in.” He gave Janice
a cool smile that clearly said she was bothering him.

“Hmm…” she answered in response before she turned
to Erin and held out a hand. “Obviously, Rick has forgotten his manners. My
name is Janice Edwards. I’ve known Rick for many, many years.”

Erin took her hand and shook it. “Erin Silvestri.”

“Annabelle’s niece,” Janice said in return.
“Allen’s spoken of you.”

She nodded, not sure how to respond to her
statement. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You as well,” she said giving her a cool, yet
cultured smile. “I’ll let you get back to your evening. I just wanted to say

She left without giving either of them a chance to

Rick pulled out his wallet and slipped money
inside the leather case that held their dinner bill, acting as though Janice
had never stopped by.

“You don’t like her,” Erin said and waited for his

“You could tell?” His swift and cold response hung
heavy with sarcasm.

And here Erin had thought he didn’t like
when they’d first met, but his response to her arriving on Annabelle’s doorstep
had been tame compared to how he’d acted with Janice.

If she were smart, she’d follow his lead and let
the subject drop, but she found she couldn’t resist the opportunity to learn
more about his past.

Erin cast her gaze across the room and found
Janice speaking with their waiter, her gaze still trained in their direction. “She’s
friends with Melinda? The woman you’re waiting for?” She couldn’t let on that
she knew he and Melinda might have broken up.

Rick glanced at her from beneath lowered brows.
“I’m not waiting for any woman.”

“What happened?” Curiosity stole her good manners.

Rick stared at her. “Melinda was a woman I once
,” he said, clearly emphasizing the D on the end of the
word. “Meaning, in the past. History. Over. Moving on.”

She’d obviously hit a nerve. She lifted her brows,
looking down at her glass of wine. She picked it up and drank the last bit.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up old wounds.”

He gave a heavy sigh, and she met his gaze. Then he
smiled, the gesture almost reaching his eyes. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t let
her get to me. Janice comes across as friendly, but deep down she’s a conniving
bitch. She didn’t come over here to say hello. She saw me with someone new and
had to stick her nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

Erin hesitated before asking her next question.
“Does it bother you that she’s seen us together? Annabelle said you were
waiting for Melinda to return, and if you’re afraid Janice will tell her we
were together, I’d be more than happy to reassure Janice that we’re just

“That’s kind of you, but, as I just said, Melinda
and I are no longer together.” He stood and walked to her side, helping to
slide back her chair so that she could stand. “If she says something to Melinda,
I’d rather she tell her something else. Something like she saw me do this.”

He moved before she could react, pulling her into
his arms, claiming her lips in a powerful kiss. When he separated from her, his
gaze was hot with damnation and desire.

She stood, shocked by his public display and
unable to move.

He quickly gained control of his features and
leaned forward, his lips brushing her ear. “I’m sorry. I promised to be a
gentleman, and I’m already breaking it. I hope you’ll forgive me for that.”

“Of course,” she whispered, refusing to look in
Janice’s direction again.

Rick helped her with her coat and led her from the
restaurant, neither of them speaking until they were outside with the frosty
air nipping at them. Soft snowflakes floated down from the heavens before
landing silently around them.

They’d crossed the street, heading for home when
Rick suddenly stopped and turned to face her. He shook his head, briefly
closing his eyes as though he couldn’t believe what he was about to say.

“I wouldn’t blame you if you never spoke to me
again, Erin. I’ve done nothing but abuse you, and you deserve better.”

She stared into his dark eyes, her heart pounding
harder from being near him. She gave a soft laugh. “I have to admit, that’s the
first time I’ve ever been used to make a point. Although I’m not sure if you were
trying to prove something to Janice or to yourself.”

He nodded but didn’t address her comment. “Can you
forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” To be honest, he
really could kiss her for any old reason, and she wouldn’t care.

“Thank you.” He tucked her hand around his elbow
before he started walking again. “I don’t deserve you as a friend.”

If he said that word one more time, she would
punch him.

They walked in companionable silence the rest of
the way home, his thoughts probably stuck on Melinda whether he’d admit it or
not, and hers centered around the electrifying mark his kiss had left on her

She paused on the front porch after she’d removed
her boots, her hand on the doorknob as she turned slightly to face him. “I
would like to give you a little bit of advice, though…as a friend. The next
time you kiss a woman like that, make sure you mean it. Otherwise, it sends all
kinds of confusing signals.” She smiled though it hurt before she turned and
went inside.

*        *        *

Rick stood rooted to his spot, not sure if he’d
heard Erin correctly. She hadn’t chastised him for kissing her, only for
sending mixed signals. And hell if he hadn’t.

Did that mean then, that she’d enjoyed his kiss?

He’d been stupid for letting Janice push his
buttons, and for kissing Erin in front of everyone to prove that he was over
Melinda. But the truth was, he’d seen the opportunity to kiss Erin again, and
he’d jumped at it.

The fact that it would set Janice’s flapping lips
in motion was a secondary benefit.

His mind raced back over the feel of Erin’s soft
lips beneath his, the way her body fit perfectly against him.


He wanted more of that.

And he needed to tell Erin.

He was sorely disappointed though when he found
their bedroom empty. She’d obviously gone in to enjoy the company of the two
self-proclaimed snowboarding studs. And why wouldn’t she? She was a beautiful
woman, and those guys had proven they were more than happy to shower her with

No confusing signals from them. One or both of
them were probably trying to get her into bed at that very moment, and that ate
at him like no other.

He tried to reassure himself that she wasn’t dumb
enough to fall for their tactics, knowing they would only offer her a one-night
stand. Then again, maybe that was all

If that was the case, he’d be more than happy to
satisfy her urges. Except he could only envision long-term when it came to

Ah, hell.

If he went downstairs and tried to stake his
claim, Annabelle would see right through him, and who knew how Erin would
react? If Erin
interested in him, he’d really like to take things at
his own pace and not have the elderly cupid interfering.

He waited another long ten minutes, listening to
the revelry downstairs, before deciding he wasn’t wasting any more time. Her
days were numbered in Argent Springs, and he intended to take advantage of each
second if he could.

Rick found her on the couch again, sandwiched by
the two Europeans. Annabelle sat in her chair nearby, all of them looking like
they were having a great time.

The blond had his hand on Erin’s knee, setting off
a possessive need that made Rick want to punch the guy.

“Excuse me.” His words were like a wet blanket,
stopping the conversation as all eyes turned to him for the second time that

BOOK: Whispers (Argent Springs)
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