Whirlwind (11 page)

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Authors: Robin DeJarnett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Whirlwind
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“Did I shock you?” he asked when Chase and Linda were out of earshot. His smile faded a bit, and I saw just a hint of regret in his eyes.


“No…well, yes, but not by what you said…exactly.” I chewed the side of my mouth, having given away too much.


He moved a little closer, his eyes wide, expecting an explanation. It seemed I was destined to humiliate myself in front of him, and here was the latest opportunity. Would he vanish in a puff of smoke like every other dream?


“It’s just that…” I stopped, too ashamed to continue.


He stroked my palm, but it would take more than that to calm me this time.


“What? You can tell me. I’m not going to disappear, I promise.”


Can he hear what I’m thinking?
I grabbed my drink and took a swig of the lime-flavored vodka.
Fine, might as well get this over with.


“It’s just that you said it to


I avoided his eyes, waiting for the “I was just being funny” line, but it never came. Instead, Jason pursed his lips and removed what was left of the ice from my hand. He took a fresh napkin and dried my skin, repeating his gentle massage. “There, how’s that?” he asked quietly.


“Wonderful,” I sighed, and his gorgeous smile returned.


My hand stayed in his until the waiter came to collect the empty glasses and dirty napkins. Before he did, he tapped Jason on the shoulder and spoke in his ear. I busied myself with my drink but didn’t miss the note that changed hands, along with a small, white piece of plastic—a hotel key.


Jason nodded and the waiter subtly pointed at a table occupied by one of the women who’d sat next to me during the ceremony. When Jason’s eyes followed his arm, she immediately gave him a cute little wave and batted her eyelashes. He smiled briefly, pocketing the card and tipping the waiter.


As I’d suspected, Jason wouldn’t be sleeping alone tonight. Even if Tricia had managed to drop off the face of the earth—
if only
—the line behind her had already formed. I wanted to crawl under the table, tired of my emotional rollercoaster ride.


The waiter left, and Jason faced me again.


“So how many of those do you have?” I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.


He inspected the tablecloth and actually blushed. “Do you really want to know?”


Is he embarrassed? How could he be after that display?


“Yes. No-nonsense, remember?” It would be better to end this delusion now, before it went any further. I’d already considered checking into the hotel, just so
could hand him a key. I was pathetic.


Jason reached into his right jacket pocket and retrieved not one, but
keys—and a handful of notes, which he crumpled into a tight ball.


Damn. I’m such a loser.


“I see. So how do you know which key goes with which note?” I asked flatly. The number of propositions shouldn’t have surprised me; a girl would have to be both blind and deaf to not be attracted to Jason. His frankness with that fact did surprise me.


“I don’t care. I have no intention of ever contacting any of these women.” He set the ball of paper on a passing busboy’s tray and re-pocketed the cards. “I’ll drop these off at the front desk.” He looked at me again, anticipating the next question.


“So what’s in the other pocket—underwear?” My words came out unnecessarily sharp, and I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth.


Jason’s eyebrows rose, along with the corners of his perfect lips.


“I’m sorry. That was rude. There’s no delete button in person, is there?” I shook my head and clamped my mouth shut before I could say anything else obnoxious.


He laughed. “No, I guess not.” Jason’s smile shrank, and he captured my gaze with his. “I only put important things in my left pocket,” he said, his smooth voice challenging me.


Now my eyebrows crept up. “Really…” The sarcasm slipped out before I could stop myself.


“Would you like to see?” He stretched his jacket toward me, inviting me to put my hand in and check for myself. I rolled my eyes when he waved the coat seductively.


It didn’t take long for curiosity to get the best of me, and I carefully reached into his pocket. I couldn’t feel a thing—it was empty. His hand followed mine into the space, weaving our fingers together and sending my heart to my throat. “Only things I care about go in this pocket,” he murmured and gently pressed my hand a little farther in.


Again I had trouble breathing.


Before I could respond, Chase’s voice startled me. “Jason, the DJ says he’s ready when we are,” he said from behind me. Jason nodded and slowly released my hand.


“I’ll be back for that,” he said, his eyes flickering to my hand, still suspended where he’d released it. “Stay right here, okay? I’ll just be a minute or two.”


“All right,” I croaked.


Chase said something and pulled out the chair next to me, but I was too busy pinching myself to pay attention. I had to be dreaming. This couldn’t be real.


“Hurry back,” Linda said as she sat down, making me jump—again.


“What’s going on?” I asked after deciding that if I was asleep, waking up was a really bad idea.


“We have a special gift for Mitch and Ann. You’ll see,” Chase said, smiling at Linda. He caressed her cheek with one finger before following Jason across the dance floor.


Smugness shadowed her face like a veil; she knew what they were up to. She just pointed after the guys, refusing to speak.


Next to the DJ’s table a polished baby grand had gone untouched until Jason propped open its lid. He settled himself at the instrument and gently tapped on the microphone mounted in front of him. A guitar appeared in Chase’s hands, and he picked a few notes. With a nod to Jason, he gave the DJ a thumbs up.


The music died, and the DJ’s voice boomed over the speakers. “At this time, I invite you to clear the dance floor for the bride and groom. Mitch and Ann, could you please take center stage for your first dance as husband and wife?”


The crowd parted for the newest Mr. and Mrs. McAlister. Striding to the center of the floor, Mitch twirled Ann under his arm before catching her waist.


With that, Jason began playing. A murmur rolled through the room, followed by quiet applause. Mitch took Ann in his arms, and after one tentative step, they fell into a steady rhythm. Then Jason began to sing.


Stunned by his talent, I shrank in my seat. What other hidden abilities did my protector possess?


After the first verse of the ballad, Chase started playing, adding a complex harmony. I’d heard the song before, but never really listened to the lyrics. They chronicled the life of a man, celebrating how he found his soul mate and shared a century of love with her. It was my fantasy repeated, narrated musically by the object of my desire.


Jason was anything but an object. Smart, funny, caring, and strong, he was so much more than his handsome face and virile physique.


As for desire…that was
the right word. But what was it I really wanted?


Mitch and Ann spun around the floor, entrancing the crowd. They laughed and kissed, truly as one. Was
what I wanted? With Jason, the man I imagined to be my Prince Charming?
Grow up, Melissa!


Rather than watching his sister and brother-in-law, Chase stared at Linda. He mouthed the words along with Jason, and at the mention of family and children, tears streamed down Linda’s cheeks. I had absolutely no doubt she and Chase would be sharing a similar dance in the near future.


Somehow I knew Jason wouldn’t be watching his brother either, but I expected he would have to check his music, his hands, or something as he played. Instead, I met his gaze as he sang of encountering a fiery love at the age of twenty-two, and we hardly blinked as the world closed in around us. It was as if Jason sang only to me, his eyes swallowing me until he ended his musical tale at the age of ninety-nine, wishing only to join his love, wherever she was. Could he see the same fantastic future I did?


It’s just my imagination, I told myself as the final notes drifted into nothingness.


The crowd whistled and hooted when Mitch dipped his wife dramatically. If they only knew how many hours he’d spent at the rec center practicing his waltz with a mop. Clapping carefully, I joined in the enthusiastic applause.


Jason stood, shook Chase’s hand, then started toward Ann and Mitch. He glanced back at me, putting his hand in his left jacket pocket and giving me an expectant smile. The memory of his words rang in my ears, and my hand twitched involuntarily.


“I’ll be back for that…”






After congratulating Mitch and hugging Ann, Jason turned his attention back to me. Even from across the dance floor the sincerity in his smile wrapped itself around me, and I started to rise, pulled to him by some irresistible force. I couldn’t detect any flaws in this blue-eyed wonder, which made his interest in me that much more unbelievable.


Jason managed only one step toward me before Mitch put a restraining hand on his shoulder, frowning in my direction.


The DJ scolded Jason loudly. “Oh no you don’t, Best Man. Can I have the rest of the bridal party front and center? Mitch, would you like to dance with your mother, and Ann, with your father?”


Jason jerked out of his brother’s grasp, but he sighed and didn’t move again.


go,” Linda said and jumped up. Chase waited for her on the dance floor with open arms.


Alone again, I watched as the black and purple filed onto the floor. Jason scanned the group briefly before looking at me and shrugging. For a split second I thought he’d been given a reprieve, but then his partner clicked past me…the maid of honor.


Tricia stalked toward Jason like a lioness on the prowl. She crossed the floor quickly, the sway of her hips bouncing the chiffon ruffles like pompoms while her stare remained fixed and unwavering. She must have said something, because Jason’s head turned in her direction. My heart dropped to my stomach when he smiled and took her hand in his.


The music started again, and Tricia wrapped herself around Jason, forcibly spinning him so he couldn’t see me. She returned my sneer and tightened her grip on his shoulders. The message was crystal clear:
He’s all mine now.


My social inabilities came into sharp focus while watching Tricia effortlessly match Jason’s movements. I couldn’t dance, wasn’t much for small talk, and stuck out like a weed in the garden of beautiful people twirling in front of me. Jason was obviously accustomed to floating in high-class circles—what could possibly have possessed me to think I could keep up with him?


I sighed, sad but sure the fantasy was over. Behind me, the bar tempted, but my head was still buzzing from my last drink. With a four-hour drive ahead of me, I couldn’t risk any more alcohol. I enjoyed the view of Jason’s broad shoulders instead—until Tricia brought her face to his ear. Her long hair hid the contact, but I doubted she was giving him stock quotes. He stiffened; apparently her ministrations were having the desired effect. Without another thought, I grabbed my purse and headed for the nearest door.


Outside, the breeze had turned cold, ushering in the summer fog. “June gloom,” the locals called it—a name that fit my mood exactly. Hugging myself, I couldn’t help but wish other arms were protecting me from the chill.


Stop it. Wake up, already!
So I’d had a nice little daydream and a quick—albeit steamy—conversation. That didn’t mean I had any feelings for Jason.
Then why do I feel like I just lost something precious?


With a start I realized I’d wandered into the garden where the reception had started—and where I’d run into Ron the first time. Remembering his evil face and frightening grip, I whirled around, thankful to find myself alone. I hugged my purse tightly, keeping my only weapon close at hand. Hopefully he’d crawled back under his rock; all my protectors were quite out of reach.


The path I followed wound between tidy flowerbeds and neatly trimmed topiaries, but their manicured beauty did nothing to ease the stormy ache inside me.


Infatuation—that’s it. Nothing more.
I’d stamped this Prince Charming image on a man I didn’t know—a man I’d never know. In a few hours I’d make the long drive home, and he’d be a fleeting memory. Mitch had graduated, Jason would go back east, and I wouldn’t have contact with either one of them ever again. This cold shower of reality washed away the last vestiges of my fantasy like so much dirt off Jason’s shiny shoes. Prince Charming could only be happy with a princess, not with me.


Pangs of sorrow rippled through my chest. I squeezed myself tighter, trying to crush the memories of how Jason had briefly touched me, teased me, kissed my cheek. My eyes burned in the icy wind.


Stop being such a
He could be a psychopathic killer for all I knew.


The brick wall at the end of the garden halted my march. The view of the waves crashing fifty feet below should have been awe-inspiring, but apathy was the best I could muster. In the distance, Catalina was slowly becoming shrouded in fog—disappearing, just like Jason would. I rested my arms on the waist-high barrier as I tried to erase the dramatic drivel in my head. I should be happy I’d met him at all.


The sounds of the party drifted out to me. Some friend I was, whimpering in the dark when I should be celebrating this huge milestone in Mitch’s life. The music inside changed to a lively country song—one of his favorites—but all I could think about was Tricia rubbing herself all over Jason.


I vowed with a shaky breath that I wouldn’t cry. Mitch had found that elusive joy only a soul mate could bring, and he deserved my happiness and support, not my morose self-pity. This was


I steeled myself with a lung-full of cold air. Only a few events remained before Mitch and Ann’s departure: the cake cutting, the bouquet toss, the garter, the send-off. How long could that take? Tricia would guarantee Jason was distracted, and I could stay on the fringe of the crowd.


It won’t be so bad.
But my traitorous eyes started to well.


Before I could get my feet moving, I heard a rustling behind me and tensed. Out here I didn’t have to think about my response. I shifted my purse, ready to draw my pepper spray…


“There you are,” Jason said, sounding relieved.


My heart somersaulted in my chest, but I beat it back, not daring to turn around. I expected a choice taunt from Tricia, but heard nothing. Maybe her tongue was still tied up in his ear. The wind whipped my thin blouse, and I shivered.


He must’ve noticed. “It’s freezing out here. Come back inside.”


I glanced over my shoulder to see him standing there, alone and concerned. I turned away before any tears could betray my confusion.
Why is he here?


“Melissa,” Jason pleaded, still playing the chivalrous knight.


I swallowed hard, trying to remember I was an adult, not a star-struck schoolgirl. “I’m fine. You go ahead. You know I’m not into dancing.” My voice almost sounded normal.
Maybe I’ll skip the rest of the reception. I could write Mitch a nice long letter instead.


There was more swishing behind me, and the tear I’d sworn wouldn’t fall dripped off my chin. I heard footsteps, then nothing. He was gone.


At least that’s what I thought I heard.


I jumped when Jason wrapped his jacket around my shoulders, followed by his arms. “Why are you crying?” he asked.


When the shock had subsided, I dug through my purse for a tissue. “It’s just the wind,” I said, sniffling. “You need to get back. Here, I’ll get my jacket out of the car.” I tried to wiggle out of his arms, but they didn’t budge. If I could get to my car, I’d go, and he wouldn’t have to feel responsible for me anymore.


“No, I
need to get back,” he said sternly, but followed it with a quiet, “I’m sorry.” His voice lost its edge, becoming a whisper. “What’s wrong, Melissa? Please tell me what’s bothering you—it’s killing me to see you sad. Did I do something to offend you? Is that why you left?”


How could I tell him what I was feeling when
didn’t even know? I wiped my eyes and turned around, still in his arms. Rubbing my nose with the tissue, I didn’t look at him, but at the ground.


“You didn’t offend me; that’s absurd. I’m…I’m just going to miss Mitch.” My lie was so lame even I didn’t believe it, and Jason actually snickered. I pinched my eyes shut, trapping another fat tear.
How far is it to the car?


“I’m sorry, but you’re a rotten liar.” He touched my chin and eased my face up, but I refused to open my eyes. “Did you think I wouldn’t come back to find you?”


I didn’t move.


“Melissa, please talk to me. What happened to the no-nonsense woman who swept me off my feet?”


My eyes popped open. He was staring at me; his face so close it filled my vision. “What did you say?” I asked.
Who swept whom?


“You heard me. I thought I’d made myself clear earlier as well.” He scowled, whether at me or himself, I couldn’t tell. “Maybe I misread you.”


I blinked my eyes in disbelief. This couldn’t be happening—the fantasy ended already, didn’t it?


“Jason, exactly why are you out here?”


He inspected me closely, tiny wrinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes. He carefully cupped my chin in his palm and brushed my cheek with his thumb. The tips of his fingers caressed my ear lightly.
Are his hands always warm?


He took a slow breath before he spoke. “I’m here because this is where you are. From the first moment I saw you, this is where I wanted to be. It’s embarrassing actually; I feel like a schoolboy.” His voice faded. His face became vulnerable, almost child-like, and—if it were possible—even more attractive. “But if you want me to go, I will.”


“No. Don’t go.”


With those words, the warring voices in my head disappeared. Like a switch had been flipped inside my brain, everything became clear and bright. My shadowy, whiny self-doubt evaporated. Jason had come looking for me. He was here, touching
The whys didn’t matter anymore, only the now. The sheen on his lips, the breeze mussing his hair, the smooth stroke of his thumb across my cheek—that’s all that mattered.


One last warning,
this can’t be real,
faded away in the cry of a seagull.


Without thinking, I dropped everything, my purse, the tissue, anything that kept me from touching him. My right hand found his cheek, turning his face back to mine.


“How did you read me, exactly?” I asked, locking my eyes on his. My hand followed the strong lines of his jaw, rising until it grazed his velvety earlobe. My fingers wove themselves into his hair, verifying it was even softer than I’d imagined.


“You are a beautiful, intelligent, sensitive woman with a fantastic eye for detail and an amazing talent for flirtation,” Jason said hoarsely, bringing his other hand to my face. My heart tried to leap out of my chest as he moved closer, his hot breath tickling my chin. “But I sensed there was something more than playfulness lurking in your sexy looks across the room. I’m hoping you feel the same attraction I do.” He stopped, his lips just inches from mine, his sea-blue eyes filled with a tide of want.


“I do,” I barely whispered and guided his face down.


His eyes held mine until the last possible second. He barely touched his lips to mine, a tease…or a taste? My mouth opened slightly, and we shared a breath. Not really a kiss—but so sensual my head began to spin.


The faint aroma of alcohol tickled my tongue, and I sighed, disappointed when he didn’t linger.


,” he purred, his lips brushing across my cheekbone. I sucked in a breath when he leaned closer and teased my ear with the lightest touch of his mouth. “I’ve wanted to do this all afternoon,” he breathed.


“Jason…” He hadn’t even kissed me, and I was already weak-kneed. Whether this was real or not, I didn’t care anymore, and my eyes closed as he softly exhaled in my ear. His hand slid down my arm and wrapped itself around my waist, his fingers caressing my back like they’d caressed the piano keys. His mouth moved to my neck, titillating me with feather-like nips from his warm, moist lips.


I shivered again, but not from the cold.


“Do you…have any idea…what that does…to me?” I croaked. He had to notice I was quaking in his arms.


“Would you like a no-nonsense answer, or shall I let you guess?” he asked with a low, sultry chuckle.


Jason inhaled deeply and my hands, still out of my control, moved to his chest and closed tightly on his shirt.


“You smell amazing,” he said in a throaty whisper.


…” Incapable of speech, I clung to him, hoping I didn’t fall over.


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