Whipped (4 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: Whipped
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Chapter Four


Dane awoke to a sizzling sensation in his groin. Hot lips, warm and wet. Sucking him in. His cock was hard, straining in her mouth. She took him deep in her throat as she gently stroked his balls.

Holy fuck.

He tried to lurch up, tried to reach for her, to guide her nerve-racking movements, but his hands were bound. He was, he realized with a shock to his solar plexus, hoisted with his own petard.

“B-Bambi!” he croaked.

She stilled and then released his cock, but only to nuzzle his sensitive tip. Then she glanced at him, her lips wrapped around his length—and nibbled. He nearly went through the roof.

He would have. If he hadn’t been
fucking tied down

“Bambi.” This time he infused her name with a thread of command. Her response was to release him with a plop. She pumped him with one devilish hand while, with the other, she caressed that sensitive spot beneath his balls, and lower. Dane seized as she toyed with his asshole. “Bambi…” A warning tone, but probably not very effective, twined, as it was, with a laugh.

“Do you like this?” she asked, a playful light in her eye.

Did he.

Holy God.

“Untie me,” he demanded. “I want to fuck you again.”

“Do you?” She tipped her head to the side and shot him a grin. “I want to fuck
.” She gave him a salacious squeeze. “But first, I’m going to kiss you all over.”

A shiver took him at her sultry tone. And God help him, she made good on her promise. Starting with his toes. He yanked and writhed and howled at that, because he was ticklish, which she found fascinating apparently. Then she worked her way up his legs. Nibbling and nipping, laving and stroking the hairs on his calves and thighs as though they mesmerized her. She spent way too much time on the back of his knees, watching him thrash, with a smile on her lips. She ignored his cock on the way up his body, but made a big show of lapping at the milky bead that had seeped onto his belly. She tested the muscles of his chest, the straining tendons of his arms and even nibbled at the wiry hairs in his pits, which made him howl as well. By the time she got to his face he was breathless and helpless with laughter, and incredibly hard.

“I want you,” he said as she nuzzled the fuzz on his chin.


“Bambi. I need you.”

She lapped at his earlobe, then sucked it in.

“Jesus, woman, please!”

She stilled and lifted her head. Their gazes locked. Her gorgeous face spilt into a grin. “Mmm,” she murmured as she reached for his cock again. “Begging are we?” Her fingers were warm and talented. She stroked him to the edge, eyes boring into his. And then stopped. “Are you?” she breathed. “Begging?”

“Yes,” he ground out. “Just untie me.” If she would just untie him, he’d give her a fucking she’d never forget.

But she laughed and reached for the box of condoms, which had fallen to the floor during their earlier engagement. She pulled one out, opened it with her teeth and rolled it onto him.

“What-what are you doing?”

“Always use protection,” she said, in a sing-song voice.

Goddamn her, she was annoying. With the popping gum and the snarky attitude and the defiance. Something about her just set his dominant tendencies on fire. He wanted to tie her down and paddle her behind again. And fuck her. Definitely fuck her.


Aw. Shit.

He gaped at her as she rose over him. And then he wheezed a groan as slowly, holding his gaze, she slid down, impaling herself on his shaft.

“Ah…” Her moan rumbled through her and into him. It nested at the base of his balls, at the point they were joined. “You’re so big, Dane. You fill me up.” She made a big circle, riding his cock, and his brain fizzled.

She’d murmured his name before, as she’d come. He didn’t remember telling her what it was. But he must have—

All thoughts skittered away as she rocked forward, tightening her grip on him. “Jesus,” he hissed.

“Oh yeah.” She shuddered, and then began to move.

He stared up at her as she rode him like he was a pony, bouncing and circling and fucking herself to bliss as he lay there, aching and helpless.

He fought the restraints. He should have known better. They were
restraints. But he couldn’t stop himself. He wanted, needed, to touch her. It drove him wild that her rhythm was just to the left of where he needed it to be. Just a little too slow right then, followed by little too quick. But then he realized…she knew what she was doing.

She was tormenting him on purpose.

She started some crazy snake-like motion, undulating her body in hellish arcs. Oh, God, it was amazing to see, her breasts bobbing like that as she curled her spine, but fuck, it felt freaking phenomenal.

Her eyes glazed a bit and he knew she’d found that spot. She stayed there, circled it and brought it back, rubbing against him like a cat in heat, pleasuring herself at his expense. A groan escaped her throat. Then a warble. And then her features tightened. Her eyes took on a demented look. She changed position, settling on him fully, anchoring herself on him, then leaned forward and placed her palms on his chest. When she grazed his nipple, he lurched and her eyes widened. So she pinched him.

Fucking pinched his nipples!

He nearly came out of his skin, but it felt so good, he didn’t tell her to stop.

Not that she would have anyway.

She used this new position, this new angle, to secure her leverage and increase her pace.

Dane’s breath locked in his lungs. His pulse thrummed. Heat boiled in his balls.

She leaned closer, scraping her nipples over his chest, moving faster now, in a frenzy of lust as her orgasm—and his—approached.

“Yeah,” he encouraged her, in case she needed encouragement. “Yeah baby. Faster. Faster. Like that. Yeah. There. There. There—”

The breath whooshed out of him as his body seized. Heaven and hell met and mated in his belly as he released.

And God, did he release. The explosion rocked him, took him, ate him alive. It seemed to last forever, but all the while she moved on him, slower and slower, gently drawing him back to himself.

In the wake of that bliss something new descended, wrapping him in warmth even as she lowered her slick body down on his.

That something…it felt like peace.


The next time he awoke, it was morning and he was untied, for which he was very grateful. Until he rose from the bed to find her—and maybe fuck her again—and realized she’d gone. He sat on the chair by the sofa and stared at her glass on the table, smeared with red lipstick as it was.

He wasn’t sure why her absence devastated him.

She was just a woman. It had been just a fuck.

And she was a hooker.

Oh, sure, it had been, without exception, the best fuck of his life. And yes, he had planned to take her again. At least once more.

But the feeling in his gut was more than just a rampage of regret.

Too bad he had no idea what it was.


He showered and dressed and headed downstairs for the buffet breakfast. There was a litany of things scheduled for the day, including the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. As the best man, Dane was locked into each and every one.

On top of all that, the families would be arriving—his and Cody’s—which meant more dinners and parties and small talk and a flurry of catching up.

While he was looking forward to seeing everyone again, Dane wasn’t in the mood for all that.

kept intruding on his thoughts.

He needed to forget her. Just wipe her from his mind so he could focus. So he could think. But she clung to him somehow. She clung to his

Truly, he was an idiot.

He ran into Cody in the elevator. His friend studied him through narrowed eyes as they shushed toward the ground floor. “How are you feeling?” he asked.


“Well, you look like hell.”


“Did you get any sleep last night?”

Dane flinched and then reminded himself, Cody was just making conversation. He didn’t
how Dane had spent the night. Not that he would have cared. With a shrug, he scrubbed his head with a palm. “A little.” Memories engulfed him and he bit back a shit-eating grin. Yeah, he’d slept a little, but not much. Thanks to a smokin’ hot cowgirl who liked a wild ride… “Did, um, did the party heat up, after I left?”

Cody snorted as the elevator opened. “Yeah. The hooker showed up.”

Dane tripped over his feet. “The…what?”

“I kicked them all out. Shit, if Ang got wind of that she’d flay me alive.”

“What do you mean the hooker showed up?” She’d been with Dane. On him. Fucking

Cody chuckled and led the way through a foyer that had been made up to look like a rainforest—complete with thunderstorms—and past the clinking slot machines, toward the buffet. “Yeah. With her bodyguard and everything. I sent them to Ennis’ room. I guess he had a good time. But you know Ennis… Loves his hookers.”

Dane shook his head, his mind spinning.

“Look out, buddy,” Cody grabbed his arm to keep him from walking into a planter holding an enormous potted palm. He led him up a ramp into the buffet and then raised his hand and waved at the knot of people in the corner. His bride-to-be, the lovely Angie, lit up when she saw him. She waved madly and turned to say something to her companion, a vaguely familiar woman with long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.

She glanced up and waved as well, a wicked grin on her beautiful face.

Dane’s lungs seized as he realized…it was

His cowgirl hooker.

For some inexplicable reason, a bone-deep relief washed through him.
I’ve found her again
, something deep inside whispered. But with that sense of relief came utter befuddlement. What the hell was Angie doing chatting, over croissants and coffee, with a hooker?

Granted, she didn’t look like a hooker today. Today her face was scrubbed clean but for a dash of ruby lipstick and mascara thickening her lashes. She wore a cute dress with little cherries spattered all over it that looked like something out of the 40s. And there was a patently innocent expression on her face. Oh, but those eyes… Those eyes, when they met his, told a different story.

As they drew near, Angie leapt from her seat and pulled Cody into a hug. They kissed effusively for a long, long while. Finally Cody pulled back and frowned. “I have to tell you something honey,” he said, stroking her hair.

Her eyes glimmered with laugher. “What? Did you have a good time last night? We had a blast. Wait ’til I tell you about the photo shoot—”

“Ang. Honey.” Cody cleared his throat. “There was…a hooker.”

Dane winced and flicked a look at his cowgirl. She winked.

“A hooker?” Angie’s brow wrinkled.

“But listen, baby. I sent her away. I promise. I just wanted to tell you right up front, in case you hear something from one of the guys.”

She whirled on Dane. “Did you hire the hooker?”

Try as he might, no words would come out of his mouth. His lips flapped. The cowgirl, evil wench that she was, chuckled. He glared at her.

“No, baby. It wasn’t Dane. It was Billy. And probably Ennis. And maybe Kaye…”

“But not you?”

Cody kissed her. “Not me. Never me.”

“Well, I appreciate you being honest.”

“I love you baby,” Cody burbled. He leaned in and kissed her again. And again.

Dane tried, very hard, not to roll his eyes.

Cody had it bad. Poor sod.

“Oh hey, Dane,” he said, when he’d pulled himself away from Angie’s apparently irresistible lips. “Do you know everyone?” He swept an arm around the table. “This is Angie’s sister Holli.” A cute blonde waved at him from the far side of the table. “Her brother Chad.” He clapped a young man on the shoulder. “And of course you remember my baby sister Tina Marie.” He pulled the hooker up and swept her into a half hug.

Tina waggled her fingers in a saucy greeting.


Tina Marie?

The earth shifted.

Dane gaped.

“Yeah. I know. All grown up.” Cody chuckled. “What was it you used to call her? What did he used to call you?”

Tina popped her gum. Her lips—those beautiful, sinful red lips—quirked. Something slightly acidic fizzled and spat in Dane’s gut.

“Bambi.” She smirked.

“Oh right! Bambi!” Cody laughed and laughed.

Dane wanted to deck him.

They’d been living at Ft. Carson. It had been a cold winter. She’d been about eight and just learning to skate but, all gangly and coltish, she couldn’t find her feet. She’d looked like Bambi scrabbling around on the ice.

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