Whip Hands (25 page)

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Authors: C. P. Hazel

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

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This was a part I was sure I would play many times, both on stage and off, but there would only be one Mr Rochester for me.

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Jenny's my best friend, so she tells me everything. And when I say everything, I do mean absolutely everything. I'm supposed to do the same with her, but there are things I feel I just couldn't tell anyone. Well, not the full gory details, anyway. Like the first time you had a really steamy affair with some fella who made you pant for it. You know, all the things you let him do. And then wished you hadn't afterwards.

I couldn't tell anyone that, not the whole story with knobs on. Excuse my French.

But Jenny's different. She would. I suppose that's why we've been so close. If you met her at first you might think she's a bit, well, a bit of a blabbermouth. But once you got to know her as well as I have you'd realise she wouldn't betray your confidences. At least, that's what I used to think.

I met her for a snack lunch at Lafayette's a few weeks ago and I could tell she was bursting to let it all spill out. Jenny had called me the evening before, but didn't want to tell me over the phone. She was just getting me on tenterhooks, if you ask me. But, as it turned out, it was well worth waiting for.

As I munched my way through a camembert salad baguette Jenny let fly, occasionally looking around to see if anyone at the nearby tables was overhearing.

‘I'm telling you, Jill, this mustn't go any further.'

With my mouth full I must have mumbled something that she took as agreement.

‘Have you ever had your bottom smacked?'

The explosion of crumbs from my mouth followed by a coughing fit surely must have indicated not.

‘For heaven's sake, Jill, there's no need to be quite so uptight about it! And try not to cough so much - you're making people stare in our direction. If you're going to hear the rest, you'll need to exercise a lot more self-control.

‘Well, it all happened about a week ago. I'd just finished this delivery in a back alley off the High Street, when I came back to the van to find a warden standing there. Of course I was furious. I'd barely been away three or four minutes and there was a card in the windscreen like usual.'

I had better explain that Jenny runs her own part-time business doing rush deliveries for pharmaceutical supplies to chemists and other shops in the town. When she started it was to pay for this correspondence course she was doing in alternative therapies. She was really dead set on becoming a hypnotherapist. It seemed a crazy way of trying to support herself, and I told her so at the time. So did her boyfriend, Mike, but it only made her more determined to do it. And then she ditched him for no reason I could make out. But there's no need to go into that.

The point is that's why Jenny was parking her van at the back entrance of this shop. She stuck this card on her windscreen saying it was an urgent delivery. If that didn't work she could usually charm her way out of getting a ticket. Jenny has a shock of raven hair and makes heads turn. But this time she got the shock.

‘When he turned around I was amazed. Jill, he was gorgeous, really my type. Dark and soulful, with a hint of moodiness. Dressed in shirtsleeves; it was a warm day. I could see he had good muscle definition. He was just about to start writing a ticket. So I had to make my move fast. On balance, I thought the direct approach might work best. Luckily I was wearing my black stretch jeans - you know, the ones that make my bum look really cute - and a short leather jacket over a body. I came up really close to him so he could get a good look at my tits under their thin layer of purple lycra.'

I tut-tutted at this dreadful flaunting of herself in front of a complete stranger. True enough, Jen had a beautiful figure. She had shown me her breasts one evening when we were back at my flat, and since then we had been to the sauna together a few times. She was quite open about it. They were full and round with pronounced dark areolae. She admitted they were her pride and joy, and I have to admit I felt envious. We were both in our late twenties, but Jenny always made me look like her kid sister. Whenever she thought she could get away with it she went without a bra. This was presumably one of those special occasions.

‘I could see he'd noticed right away, Jill. You know when there's that electricity in the air. The street was deserted; it was almost like being together in a room. He lowered the pad of tickets and put it into his shirt pocket with a smile. Then he pulled down the peak of his cap and stood up to his full height. I could feel those dark eyes focusing on me from under the cap. It made me feel very small.

‘“You've overstayed your welcome here, I'm afraid, miss,” he said, with just a faint twitch of the lips. “You know what that means, I imagine?”

‘“But I did leave a note on the windscreen explaining that I was making a delivery. An urgent delivery,” I replied.

‘He gave me a quizzical look. “Is this your van?”

‘“Yeah. I run an express delivery service. I do it to pay my way through college. I'm Jenny, by the way. The other wardens usually give me a bit of latitude.”

‘He took a few moments to absorb all this. I may have been fluttering my eyelashes to make sure he was paying full attention. Then he pushed up the peak of his cap and gave my chest a more deliberate scrutiny. He craned around to the side and looked me up and down. The street was still pretty quiet.

‘“Well... Jenny, we're in a bit of a pickle here. You've infringed the relevant section of the road traffic bye-laws by parking on a double yellow line. Absolutely no exceptions are made in the regulations, as I'm sure you must know.”

‘He said it as if by rote. I couldn't think what to say next, although I'd wriggled my way out of similar situations in the past. He dug into his pocket and produced the ticket pad again. I began to panic.

‘“But surely there's no reason why you have to go ahead and book me. Can't we settle it in a friendly fashion?”

‘“How do you mean, a friendly fashion?”

‘He shot me a quick glance and then looked away. He knew only too well what I meant. To my relief, I saw him slip the parking tickets back into his shirt pocket. But then he reached into his trouser pocket and brought out a key ring with two Yale keys on it.

‘“What are those for? You're surely not going to lock me up.”

‘“No, Jenny, I had something else in mind.”

‘I had been quite prepared to let him have a quick grope in the van, but I didn't like the look of this. “So what are those for?”

‘“They unlock my office, which is fortunately only just around the corner,” he said quietly, taking me by the shoulder and speaking close to my ear. “There you will receive such a spanking that you will never be tempted to try this little escapade again.”

‘I think I must have rocked back on my heels with surprise. He smiled secretly and raised his exquisite eyebrows. I couldn't decide what to say to rescue my composure. I was just left gasping, Jill. Can you imagine? But then he produced his ticket pad again and I had to think quickly.

‘“How long will it last?” I asked for some reason.

‘“As long as you can last.”

‘“And what kind of spanking? Am I to get the cane or what? Will I have to bend over? I've never done anything like this before.”

‘Luckily the street was still deserted.

‘“Since it's your first time, Jenny, I'll spare you the cane. But this will be something more than just a hand spanking. Decide right now or I will go ahead and write the ticket. Do you have a choice?”

‘He produced an official-looking biro. A parking fine would have wiped out most of that week's takings. I meekly nodded my head and made sure the van was locked. He slipped a folded piece of pink paper under a wiper and told me to destroy it afterwards. Then I followed in his footsteps.

‘The room was almost bare, apart from a desk and a couple of tubular metal chairs. It was at the top of a flight of stairs in a grotty building with other offices off each landing. It was stuffy: the window looked as if it were jammed shut. Emulsion was flaking off the ceiling. Thinking about it later, I should have realised this was not really the kind of place the council would have used for its employees.

‘But my mind was on other things. I was to be punished like an errant schoolgirl. Would I have to take everything off in front of this total stranger? Would he really spank me on the bare bottom? How else was I to be punished? What was really in the mind of the warden whose smouldering gaze I sensed burning into the seat of my jeans as I went on up ahead?

‘“Right, Jenny. Let's get started. Strip to your underthings.”

‘He suddenly became very brisk. He had taken off his cap to reveal close-shaven hair and prominent cheekbones. Then he began to unbutton his shirt. As he peeled it off I could see his chest and upper arms were powerful. They were as bronzed as his face and neck. This was obviously someone who looked after his body and had toned it to near perfection.

‘I unzipped my jeans and peeled them off clumsily. They were very tight. Then off came the purple body. And I was desperate not to lose control of the lemon briefs which, although of sheerest nylon, were my last defence. I very nearly hadn't bothered with them. Now I praised my lucky stars! I stood and faced him with only those skimpy knicks between me and a full frontal. I was shaking in anticipation. Was it fear or excitement?

‘“Very nice,” he crooned, pulling up a chair. “Now, over my knee for your first session.”

‘Hardly knowing what was happening, I found myself being draped over one knee. More precisely, that knee was pushed between mine and I was grabbed and held around the waist by an extremely strong arm. He held my right hand firmly under my tummy. By stretching forward with my other hand I could just about grip the edge of the desk behind him.

‘He could probably have supported my weight all on his own. He jiggled his knee between my spread thighs a few times so I was well balanced. His unyielding muscles made a hard cushion for my shaved mons.

‘The hand slaps were an initial shock. He moved systematically from one cheek to the other, giving each one five or six blows. And blows they were! If he hadn't held me so firmly I would have ended up on the floor in a heap. As it was, I couldn't even move my hand to protect my arse from his attack. I had never been smacked before.

‘Jill, you should try it! I can't describe the novelty of being put over someone's knee like a child. Soon my buttocks began to hot up. With each stroke he swung his knee to ensure that he got a good angle. I had never felt quite so vulnerable before, so completely powerless. Strangely, I didn't feel in any danger.

‘Maybe that was why when he released me and told me to drop those panties sharpish I did it without thinking twice. With anyone else I had only met twenty minutes earlier I would have told them where to get off.

‘The briefs joined the pile of clothes on the desk. I was told to put on my slingbacks again, which seemed odd. Wearing them, I realised I felt more naked than before, as if they were a reminder of all the other garments I had so thoughtlessly removed. He seemed to know exactly what I was feeling. My hand instinctively went to conceal my vulva. I felt the brush of velvety stubble as I touched my mons, then I gasped in surprise. My fingers were slicked, readily betraying my arousal.

‘He noticed my surprise and smiled, shaking his head slightly. He pulled me gently down so I was bent right over with my hands on the edge of the desk. It was the most natural thing in the world to arch my back and try to hide my weeping sex from his view. He stood beside me with his backside supported comfortably on the desk.

‘He had on a thick black belt with a stallion buckle just about at my eye level. I concentrated on it. It seemed an odd thing for a traffic warden to wear on duty. With a shock I realised why I knew it was a stallion. The modelling on the buckle was anatomically very detailed.

‘Looking up, I saw he was holding up my leather jacket for inspection and shaking his head again.

‘“This must have cost you a packet, Miss Jenny. I guess you must be doing better with your express delivery business than you've admitted.”

‘“It came from a charity shop,” I retorted. “Only the jeans are new, and I'm paying them off through a catalogue. So, you can see I'm not a poor little rich girl after all.”

‘“Maybe not, but you're going to be a sore little girl in a minute. Even under your knickers your arse was going pink. Now they're off we're on to the bare bum, Jenny. And with this.”

‘He held up a broad leather strap, almost square in shape, stiff enough to support its own weight. Around the edge was a line of studs which gave it a professional look. He held it in front of my face and I could see that in the centre was a cross-shaped pattern of small holes. Somehow, I didn't think they were there for decoration. I made the mistake of asking. He smiled cruelly.

‘“Decorative? They sure are, as you're about to discover!”

‘He came round and ran a finger idly down my spine, continuing into the cleft between my cheeks and as far as my ring. I wriggled and moved my haunches away from his probing finger. Looking over my shoulder, I could see the muscles moving in his dark torso with its sprinkle of chest hair. Then I saw him raise the strap.

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