When We Meet Again (41 page)

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Authors: Kristin Harmel

BOOK: When We Meet Again
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Also available from Kristin Harmel and Gallery Books

The Sweetness of Forgetting

The Life Intended

How to Save a Life

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 by Kristin Harmel

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Gallery Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Gallery Books trade paperback edition June 2016

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Interior design by Davina Mock-Maniscalco

Cover design by Chelsea McGuckin

Cover image by ClassicStock / Masterfile, Shutterstock

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Harmel, Kristin, author.

Title: When we meet again / Kristin Harmel.

Description: First Gallery Books trade paperback edition. | New York : Gallery Books, 2016.

Identifiers: LCCN 2015047544

Subjects: LCSH: Women journalists—Fiction. | Family secrets—Fiction. | Domestic fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Contemporary Women. | FICTION / Family Life. | GSAFD: Love stories.

Classification: LCC PS3608.A745 W48 2016 | DDC 813/.6—dc23

LC record available at

ISBN 978-1-4767-5416-1

ISBN 978-1-4767-5418-5 (ebook)

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