When I Love (Vassi & Seri 3: Russian Stepbrother Romance)

BOOK: When I Love (Vassi & Seri 3: Russian Stepbrother Romance)
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When I Love
A Russian Stepbrother Romance
Marian Tee

hen I start to care
, I stop thinking about myself.

When I start to feel, I stop thinking about what’s right or wrong.

But when I love, oh when I really love---

I give it my all, even if it means destroying myself in the process.

And that’s what I exactly ended up doing for him.


The gorgeous Russian celebrity who’s also my steprother---

And now, he’s also the man who can’t bear the sight of me, the man who thinks I would sleep with anyone just for money.

When I love, I will do everything for that person---

And I expect nothing in return.

About the book

rabbing a fistful of her hair
, he pulled her towards him and slammed his mouth down on hers.

Seri froze.

Oh God, the feel of his lips---

But she managed to recover her senses a moment later, and she tried to struggle, opening her mouth to scream---

Big mistake.

The moment her lips parted, Vassi’s tongue slipped inside her mouth, and the kiss turned carnal.

Her fists stopped thumping his chest.

He kissed her harder, deeper, every stroke of his tongue weakening her defenses.

Her eyes squeezed shut.

Oh God.

Where would she find the strength to refuse the one thing she always dreamt about?

Also by Marian Tee

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Standalone Novels

Captivated: 4-in-1 Friends Romance Boxed Set

Enjoy four standalone romances between passionate, domineering billionaires and the women who were their friends first before becoming their lovers.

All stories have either happy-ever-after or happy-for-now endings.

His Fair Lady
– Prince Julian knows the blind fortune teller Cass is everything he wants in a woman, but she can never be his bride.


Cynical Italian billionaire Luca Valencia buys himself a wife in order to give his little girl the mother she needed and deserved. His choice: innocent Vivian Day, who he knew could ill afford to reject his proposition.

Greek Billionaire Romance Serials

24-year-old school teacher Mairi, a hopeless romantic, thinks all her dreams will come true with Greek billionaire Damen Leventis. Problem is, he only wants her as a mistress.

The Art of Catching a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Trusting a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Loving a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Forgiving a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Kissing a Greek Billionaire

The Greek Billionaire and I

The Greek Billionaire and His Secretary Series

The Greek Billionaire and His Secretary

Dear Greek Billionaire

Love, Your Greek Billionaire

Forever and Ever, My Greek Billionaire

That One Time

My Dutch Billionaire Trilogy

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Pollyanna and the Greek Billionaire Trilogy (Innocent and Betrayed)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

How Not to be Seduced Series / Mediterranean Affairs (According to Reading Order)

Nik & Daria

A Fling with the Greek Billionaire: Prequel (

A Fling with the Greek Billionaire: Standalone

Eternally Seduced
: Contemporary Romance (7-in-1 Boxed set)

Included in this bundle:
How Not to be Seduced by Billionaires, How Not to be Seduced by Rockstars, How Not to be Seduced by Dukes Part 1

The Ice Around My Heart
(How Not to be Seduced by Dukes Part 2)

The Rockstar and His Fangirl

The Rockstar I’ve Loved for So Long

BBF Series: Christopoulos University (According to Reading Order)

Warning: Love Moderately Duology (Derek & Jaike)

Unwillingly Yours (FREE!)

Meant to Be Yours

Park & Violet

Nick & Lilac

Jason & Keanne

Prince of Darkness Duology

Part 1

Part 2

For Angelo

Heart Racer – Billionaire Biker Romance Series: Christopoulos University (According to Reading Order)

Leandro & Bobby: Duology

Heart Racer (

Driven by Love

Helios & MJ Trilogy




Kellion & Aria

Yuri & Kalli

Drawn / Russian Stepbrother Romance / Play With Me Sports Romance Series: Christopoulos University (According to Reading Order)


Russian Stepbrother Romance Trilogy

When I Moan

When I Hurt

When I Love

Play With Me

This Round I’m Yours

Marian Tee’s website
for her other titles.



By Marian Tee

Copyright 2016 by Streak Digital Publishing

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande

by Nick Joans


wo months
after When I Hurt

Los Angeles, California

ayla snipped
the article from the rest of the page with meticulous care before taping it to the wall, joining the rest of the newspaper and magazine clippings that made up her visual chart on her obsession.

The last word made Layla’s lips curve, and her fond gaze rested once more on her handiwork. Patience was a virtue, and that she had been, for years. Even though she had yearned for him since she was fourteen, she had known even then that it wasn’t yet the right time for them.

And so Layla had used the passing years wisely, acquiring information whenever, wherever, and however she could. She befriended those who knew him, slept with the guys close to him if she had to – she had done everything required to know every little thing about the man she was destined to marry.

Vassi Grachyov.

Her fingers tapped rhythmically on the armrest. Her nails were painted the shade of powder blue, because a friend of Vassi once told her the Russian celebrity found the color relaxing.

The television suddenly clicked open, programmed to start recording new episodes of
My Crazy Ex.

Swinging her seat around to face the television, Layla made herself comfortable as she leaned back and pulled her legs up, tucking her knees under her chin.

She laughed and shook her head as the story unfolded and the shenanigans of this episode’s crazy exes were revealed.

Stupid fools,
Layla thought disdainfully. The reason why they were constantly being dumped – or caught red-handed – was that most of them didn’t believe they were obsessed.

That was their downfall, but it wouldn’t be hers.

She knew she was obsessed.

She knew it was wrong.

And that was why she was going to learn from other people’s mistakes and make sure no one would ever see her coming---

Her phone rang, and when Layla answered it, none of her obsession – none of her insanity – showed at all in her voice. “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll be there in half an hour.”


at the lobby silently sighed and swooned at the same time when a young man came through the revolving doors. Some of them knew the seventeen-year-old was their CEO’s only son. Others were unaware. Either way, it didn’t matter. He was simply the kind of man people would always stare at.

Taller and much more muscular than one would expect of his age, the newcomer possessed the looks of a god, with jet-black hair and baby blue eyes. It was not, however, the only reason he drew attention wherever he went. There was also the way he moved, his grace reminiscent of a samurai. And it wasn’t a far-fetched comparison, really, considering Yuki Himura’s rare but exquisite combination of Russian and Japanese genes.

Upon reaching the penthouse, the executives and their secretaries present immediately bowed at the sight of him, and Yuki bowed back. After, he glanced at Marika, the assistant assigned to him, and asked with a polite smile, “Has everyone arrived?”

“Yes, Himura-san.” A pause. “However, Ms. Chariot has opted to wait for you in your office. Shall I ask her to---”

Yuki cut her off with a shake of his head. “It’s okay, Marika. I’ll fetch her. Please let the others know we will be with them shortly.”

“Yes, Himura-san.”

Nodding his thanks, Yuki proceeded straight to his office, where he caught sight of a green-eyed redhead seated with a straight back on the couch – and clearly hyperventilating.

Most guys would probably have panicked at seeing their girlfriend looking so anxious
, Yuki mused. Unfortunately for Katerina Chariot,
her boyfriend
was not like most guys.

Clearing his throat, he said softly, “Good afternoon,

She jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to him clumsily. “You startled me,” she gasped.

“I apologize,” he said right away. Lowering himself on the armchair in front of her, Yuki clasped his hands and, leaning forward, he asked in concern, “Are you worried about the project?” At her nod, he continued, “I understand why you’re feeling that way. After all, millions of dollars are at stake---”

KC gulped audibly.

“And as this will be your work’s debut on the silver screen as well, it does have the power to make or break your career.” As he spoke, he noticed KC beginning to look a little pale, and Yuki’s lips pressed together in an effort to suppress his smile.

“After all, the board members and financial advisers we consulted told us we were taking too much of a risk with our casting decision---”

KC said in a small voice, “But---”

“But,” he echoed, and at her look of acute misery, Yuki smiled dazzlingly at her. The misery disappeared, replaced with a look of dazed fascination.

Ah, how he loved his beautiful and easily confused senpai.

Wanting to tease her just a bit more, he said solemnly, “
because you’re my girlfriend
you were able to overrule them. In fact, those were your very words, weren’t they,


“You told them in an oh-so-sweet voice,
I’m Yuki’s girlfriend---”

“Yuki!” KC looked like she was torn between killing him to shut Yuki up – and killing herself to stop remembering.

He shook his head with a grin. “I never knew you could be so manipulative.” He paused. “On the other hand, I also didn’t like the way they talked to you, which is why I fired all of them---”

KC paled. “W-what?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “No one will oppose you now,

This time, KC just looked like she wanted to cry.

This time, Yuki was no longer able to contain his amusement.

When he started to laugh, KC’s head jerked up. “W-what’s so fun---”

Broad shoulders rocking with laughter, he told her, “I was only joking,
I haven’t fired anyone.”

A moment of silence, and then she jumped to her feet. “You bloody---” She stalked around the coffee table to reach him, green eyes blazing, and obviously not realizing at all that she was doing exactly what her boyfriend wanted.

Yuki waited patiently, and when she was close enough, he simply grasped her hand and tugged her to him. She fell onto his lap, and when she gasped again, he took advantage of her parted lips and kissed her. Deeply, roughly, and with a passion that spoke of his experience, which was far beyond one of his years---

KC’s sexy little whimpers made Yuki’s desire burn hotter for her, and he drew her closer, his hands moving to go under her blouse---

At his touch, KC stiffened and then she started pulling away, protesting weakly against his lips, “Yuki, the meeting---”

“Let’s not bother with it,” he whispered back even as he nibbled on her lips. “Since it’s sure to be a flop---”

This time, KC managed to pull away from him, and she demanded in a hurt voice, “Why would you say that?”

He gazed at her steadily. “But isn’t that what you think?”

Looking almost offended, she denied, “No!”

“Are you certain?” Yuki pressed. “After all, you’re already second-guessing yourself about your casting choice. You think the others were right, that your casting choices---”

Are perfect
,” she finished vehemently for him. “I don’t care if they’re stepsiblings or not. I just know they’re perfect, and if I have to use the g-girlfriend card again, I won’t hesitate and---mmph!” His hard kiss cut her off, and with his tongue inside her mouth, her brain was pretty much cut off from the rest of her body as well.

When Yuki pulled away, he smiled at the hazy look of passion in his girlfriend’s eyes, but his tone was serious and quiet as he murmured, “You can use the girlfriend card as often as you want,
.” Slowly and gently, he assisted her off his lap and when they were both on their feet, he kissed the top of her head. “So stop worrying, okay?”

Hiding her face against his chest, she whispered, “Okay.” Her arms twined around his neck, and when he drew her close, she mumbled, “Do you really think I’m doing the right thing, casting stepsiblings as a couple?”

He murmured against her hair, “I always believe in you,
Always.” Pulling away, Yuki asked, “Ready now?”

She hesitated.

His eyebrow lifted. “Senpai?”

“It’s that other girl, the one casted as Raven. I’m just not sure about her.”

“Ah.” The corner of Yuki’s lips turned up. “I’m afraid that was one major concession we couldn’t avoid. The director you wanted was initially against your casting choice, but in the end, he said he’d work with us
we agreed to hire his choice for Raven.” He tipped her chin up. “You didn’t voice any objections while watching her audition tape so…”

KC bit her lip. “I know. And I also know I’m being silly, but it’s just a feeling I have.”

“Do you want me to fire her?”

Letting out a sigh, she squared her shoulders and said with determined brightness, “Never mind.”

Yuki watched her march to the door.

“The important thing is we got our leads right---”

The urge to tease her returned, and he slotted in, “Or wrong.”

His girlfriend reacted the way he anticipated, tripping on her way out.

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