When Do Fish Sleep? (41 page)

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Authors: David Feldman

Tags: #Reference, #Curiosities & Wonders

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Microphones, press conferences and

Migration of birds

Mile, length of, origins of

Military salutes, origins of


as sleep-inducer
fat content in lowfat
in refrigerators, coldness of
national brands
plastic milk containers
single serving cartons of
skim versus nonfat
skin on, when heated

Milk cartons

design of
difficulty in opening and closing of

Milk cases, warnings on

Milk Duds, shape of

Millimeters, as measurement unit for film

“Mind your P’s and Q’s”

Mint flavoring on toothpicks

Mint, U.S., and shipment of coin sets

Minting of new coins, timing of

Mirrors in bars

Mirrors, rear-view

Mistletoe, kissing under, origins of

Mobile homes, tires atop, in trailer parks

Mole hair, color of

Money, U.S.

color of
stars on

Monitors, computer, shape of

Monkeys, hair picking of

Monopoly, playing tokens in

Montreal Canadiens, uniforms of


apparent size of, at horizon
effect on lakes and ponds
official name
quarter-, vs. half-

Moons on outhouse doors


biting and itching
biting preferences
daytime habits
male versus female eating habits

Moths, reaction to light of

Mottoes on sundials


falling hot air at
versus hills

Movie actors and speed of speech

Movie theaters

bells in
in-house popcorn popping

Movies, Roman numerals in copyright dates in


MSG, Chinese restaurants and


Muppets, left-handedness of

Murder scenes, chalk outlines at

Musketeers, Three, lack of muskets of

Mustaches, policemen and


“Mystery 7,” in
$25,000 Pyramid



Nabisco Saltine packages, red tear strip on

Nabisco Shredded Wheat box, Niagara Falls on

Nail polish and fingernail yellowing

“Namby pamby”

National Geographics
, saving issues of

Navy and Army, Captain rank in

Necklaces and clasp migration


direction of stripes on
origins of
taper of

Nectarines, canned, lack of

Needles, holes in, of syringes

Neptune’s moon, Triton, orbit pattern of

Nerdiness and eyeglasses

“Netherlands,” versus “Holland”

New York City and steam in streets

“New York” steaks, origins of

New Zealand, versus “Old Zealand”


ink and recycling of
ink smudges on
jumps in
tearing of
window cleaning and
yellowing of

Niagara Falls on Nabisco Shredded Wheat box

“Nick of time”

Nickels, smooth edges of


Nightclubs, lateness of bands in

“Nine-day wonder”

Nine-volt batteries, shape of

Nipples, purpose of, in men

“No bones about it”

“No Outlet” signs, versus “Dead End” signs

Noise, traffic, U.S. versus foreign countries

North Carolina, University of, and Tar Heels

North Pole

directions at
telling time at

Nose rings and bulls


clogged nostrils and
runny, in cold weather
runny, kids versus adults
wet, in dogs

Nostrils, clogged

Notches on bottom of shampoo bottles

Notre Dame fighting Irish

NPR radio stations, low frequency numbers of

Numbers, Arabic, origins of

Nutrition labels, statement of fats on


Brazil, in assortments
Macadamia shells
peanuts in plain M&M’s
peanuts, and growth in pairs



“O’” in Irish names

Oakland A’s, elephant on uniforms of

Oboes, use of as pitch providers, in orchestras

Occupancy, maximum, in public rooms


boundaries between
color of
salt in
versus seas

Octopus throwing, Detroit Red Wings and

“Off the schneider”

Oh Henry, origins of name of


automotive, after oil change
automotive, grades of

“Okay,” thumbs-up gesture as

Oktoberfest, September celebration of

Old men

hairy ears and
pants height and

“Old No. 7” and Jack Daniel’s

“Old Zealand,” versus New Zealand

Olive Oil, virgin

Olives, green and black, containers of

“On pointe” and ballet

“On tenterhooks”

“On the Q.T.”

“Once in a blue moon”

“One fell swoop”

One Hour Martinizing

One-hour photo processing, length of black-and-white film and

Onions and crying

Orange coffee pots, in restaurants

Orange juice

price of fresh versus frozen
taste of, with toothpaste

Orange thread in blue jeans

Oranges, extra wedges of

Oranges, mandarin, peeling of

“Oreo,” origins of name

Outhouse doors, moons on

Ovens, thermometers in

Overflow mechanism, kitchen sinks and

Oxygen in tropical fish tanks

Oxygen masks, inflation of airline



“P.U.,” origins of term

“Pacific Ocean”

Page numbers on magazines

Pagination in books

Pain, effect of warmth upon

Paint, homes and white

Paint, red, on coins

Painters and white uniforms

Palms, sunburn on

Pandas, double names of

Pants, height of old men’s


“Pap test”


legal size, origins of
recycling of holes in loose-leaf

Paper cups, shape of

Paper cuts, pain and

Paper mills, smell of

Paper sacks

jagged edges on
names on

Paper towel dispensers, “emergency feed” on

Paperback books, staining of

Papers, yellowing of

“Par [golf course]”

“Par Avion” on air mail postage

“Pardon my French”

Parking lots, sea gulls at

Parking meters, yellow “violation” flags and


Parkways, parking on, versus driveways

Parrots and head bobbing

Parting of hair, left versus right

Partly cloudy, versus partly sunny

Partly sunny, versus partly cloudy

“Pass the buck”


boxes, numbers on
foaming when boiling
holes in

Pay phones, collection of money from

Pay toilets, disappearance of

PBX systems

“Pea jacket”


canned, and pear juice
fuzziness of

Peanut butter, stickiness of


allergies to
growth in pairs
honey roasted, and airlines
origins of comics name

Pear juice in canned peaches

Pears and apples, discoloration of

Pebbles, spitting by fish of

“Peeping Tom”


architectural and art, grades of
carpenter’s, shape of


frostbite on feet

Penicillin and diet

Penmanship of doctors, bad


lettering on
smooth edges of
vending machines and

Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture registration, baked goods

Penny loafers, origins of


disappearance of
holes in barrel of cheap
ink leakages in


and salt, as condiments
and sneezing
white, source of

Pepsi-Cola, trademark location of


color of
wrists and

Periods in telegrams

Permanent press settings on irons

Permanents, pregnancy and

Perpetual care, cemeteries and

“Peter out”

Phantom limb sensations, amputees and

Pharmacists and raised platforms

Philips screwdriver, origins of

Philtrums, purpose of

Photo processing, one-hour, length of black-and-white film and


poses in
red eyes in
stars in space and


color of cameras
hand position of men in old
hands on chins in
Polaroid prints, flapping of
smiling in old photographs

Physical exams, back tapping during

“Pi” as geometrical term

Piano keys, number of

“Pig in a poke”


baby, elusiveness of
loss of toes
whistling sound in flight


curly tails of

Pigs (

pink hair color of
roasted, and apples in mouths of

Pilgrims, buckled hats of

Pillow tags, label warnings of


and dimming of interior lights
female, dearth of, on airlines

“Pin money”

Pine nuts, shelling of

Pine trees, construction sites and

Pineapple in gelatin

Pinholes, on bottle caps

Pink as color for baby girls

“Pink lady”

Pink stripes on magazine labels


Pins in men’s dress shirts

“Pipe down”

Pipes, kitchen, shape of


earrings on
walking the plank

Pistachio ice cream, color of

Pistachios, red color of

Pita bread, pockets in

Pitcher’s mounds

location of
rebuilding of

Pittsburgh Steelers, emblems on helmets of

Planets, twinkling of, at night

Plastic bottles, beer and

Plastic cups, shape of

Plastic deer ornaments on lawns

Plastics, recyclable, numbers on


repositioning of
round shape of dinner

Plots, farm, circular shape of

Plug prongs

holes at end of
three prongs versus two prongs

Plum pudding, plums in


kitchen, shape of
sound of running water

Pockets in pita bread

Poison ivy, grazing animals and

Polaroid prints, flapping of


directions at
telling time at North and South


preparation for different heights
women and


and crowd estimates
flashlight grips
radar and speed measurement

Police car beacons, colors on

Police dogs, urination and defecation of

Policemen and mustaches


effect of moons on
fish returning to dried
ice formations on
versus lakes
versus lakes, level of

Poodles, wild

Pool balls, dots on

“Pop goes the weasel”


“gourmet” versus regular
popping in-house, in movie theaters
versus other corns


name change of
white skullcap of
white vestments of

Popping noise of wood, in fires

Pork and beans, pork in



Post office, translation of foreign mail and

Postage and ripped stamps

Postage Stamps

leftover perforations of
taste of

Postal Service, U.S., undeliverable mail and

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