Read What Remains_Reckoning Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

What Remains_Reckoning (4 page)

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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Beau stood several feet away, openly judging their reaction. “Darla is our newest member. Thomas found her hiding out in a building in town when he went in for supplies the other day. Poor thing hadn’t eaten properly in months. We’re doing our best to rectify that.”

Gunner moved ahead, positioning himself in front of Ham and Wolfe like the man usually did. “You mean the day we arrived?”

Beau’s smile said it all.

Gunner pulled his shoulders back then seemed to force himself to relax. “Isn’t she happy to be here?”

Beau shrugged. “Perhaps. But until we’re certain she’s not a threat to herself or us, we need to keep her under control.”

“What about the rest of these cells? Are they all full of women who need to be…protected? Kept under control?”

“You catch on fast.”

“What about Anna? That other girl we’ve seen around?”

“For the most part, Anna and Clare have embraced our way of life. They’re keen to do their part in adding to our numbers. Of course, if they forget…”

The full weight of his statement hit Hamilton hard, and he backed into the door as he stared at the man. God. Had Beau really just admitted they rape women as part of their duty toward humanity? And that if the women forgot their place they were punished?

Gunner made a noise deep in his throat as he glanced back at Hamilton and Wolfe before focusing on Beau. “If Anna’s agreed to your vision, why does she have fresh bruises on her wrists?”

Beau grinned, all teeth and thin lips. “Let’s just say my men like to make their time with the ladies enjoyable for both parties.”

Ham’s stomach threatened to heave at the images that flashed in his head. The man was a god damn psychopath.

Gunner nodded his head, giving Beau a convincing grin. “So the men are in control here. The women subservient, and in return, you keep them from getting hurt. A more

“Precisely. Perhaps now you’ll understand why we screen our visitors…the few we’ve had. And why your man misunderstood what was transpiring between my men and the young lady. It was merely her turn to help in our mission to reclaim the world. Restore it to its former glory.”

“And if the ladies don’t agree?”

Beau’s expression hardened as he glanced toward a cell at the far end of the barn. “They all come around to our way of thinking sooner or later. Unless they want to remain here. Not a hard choice to make.”

Gunner nodded. “And your visitors? If they…disagree?”

“That’d be unfortunate. After all, you’re either part of our vision, or you’re a threat to it.”

He raised his hand and two of the men moved, both hitting Wolfe across the back of the head with the butt end of their pistols before pointing their weapons at Hamilton. He stood his ground as his friend fell solidly to the floor, his head lolling to one side, a small trickle of blood welling up from a lump at the base of his skull. Ham glared at the men, knowing he and Gunner couldn’t take on the numbers surrounding them. Not without getting injured. And while he’d gladly take the chance, with Wolfe out cold, he’d be risking Wolfe’s welfare as well.

Gunner clenched his jaw, his gaze meeting Hamilton’s. Ham returned the man’s icy stare, letting Gunner know he was ready for any move the man had in mind. Gunner’s focus shifted to Wolfe for a second then back to him and Hamilton knew his friend had made his decision. Though Ham could tell it didn’t sit well with the man. He glanced at Beau, wondering if the bastard realized his mistake and the ferocity with which Gunner would exact payback if anything happened to Wolfe. Hell, Gunner would have to beat Hamilton to the job.

Beau took a step forward. “I see I have your attention. Here’s the deal. You and your men will spend a few days in here, thinking about what we have to offer. If you choose to join our group, we’ll allow each of you some time with the rest of us… Individually, of course. Once we’re convinced of your sincerity, we’ll consider allowing you free access. But don’t take us for fools. Even with your
, we outnumber you and outgun you. Which reminds me…”

He made another signal and more of the men darted forward, removing his and Gunner’s handguns, before bending down to get Wolfe’s. Hamilton resisted the smile tempting his lips. Neither of them needed weapons to kill. It just simplified the job.

Gunner crossed his arms on his chest. “So the fact one of my men saved yours…”

“Is the reason you’re not simply dead. In fact, we could use three men like you—men who know how to fight. How to kill.” He moved closer until he was only a foot away. “Think about what we’re offering you three. Food. Shelter. The love of a woman whenever you’re in the mood. No ties. No trivial pretenses about monogamy or other bullshit. A community where we all share the same values—share everything. All you have to do is show us you’re a brother. That you’re all brothers.”

Four of Beau’s men grabbed Wolfe and dragged him across the floor, disappearing into a cell at the end of the barn. Gunner’s gaze followed the procession and Hamilton could sense his friend’s rage. Beau motioned toward the stall, waiting until they covered the distance, joining Wolfe in the small space. Another guy tossed in an extra mattress, sneering at them as he backed up, closing the heavy door with a resounding clang.

Beau’s upper body appeared in the bars above the solid section of the door. “I suggest you make your choice wisely. Be a shame to have this encounter end poorly.”

He left, the sound of his footsteps gradually fading. Hamilton went to the door, catching a glimpse of the creep as he sauntered out of the barn, another woman in tow behind him. Two men glanced his way, leering at him as they closed the outer doors, locking the three of them inside.

He turned, moving over to kneel beside Wolfe. He pressed his fingers against the man’s neck, sighing at the steady throb of his heartbeat. “Wolfe’s going to be damn pissed when he wakes up.”

Gunner helped turn Wolfe over, lifting his feet onto the bed. “Good. He’s more focused when he’s pissed.”

“We could have taken them.”

“Not without bloodshed. And I’d rather not die out here because of a fucking infected gunshot wound.” Gunner grinned at him. “This wasn’t exactly what I meant when I said to get a closer look inside the barn.”

“I could probably break us out of here.”

“I have no doubt you could. Though it might not hurt to see if his men reveal anything useful in the next day or two. We’ll bide our time until Beau looks ready to make a move. Then we’re gone. Preferably in one of their trucks.”

“What about the women they have locked up in here?”

Pain creased Gunner’s forehead as he glanced at the cell door. “Not sure. If they’re all like Darla or Anna, I doubt they’d even come with us. Could take months to build up any kind of trust or rapport with them. And we just don’t have that kind of time. Unless you think you can get Beau to believe you’re a

“Only if it involves my hands around the bastard’s neck.”

Gunner chuckled. “Thought as much.” He sighed. “Not much we can do tonight. Rest. I’ll take first watch, not that I think we’re really in any immediate danger. Beau seems reluctant to kill us, which is advantageous to us.” He grinned at Ham. “Your display out there certainly got his attention.”

“Those bastards were dragging that woman out with her hands bound. What the hell was I supposed to do?”

“Hit them a bit harder so they stayed down longer?”

“I would have considered that if those damn infected hadn’t appeared out of nowhere.”

“Yes. The impromptu attack. Curious how Beau just happened to see the group access the camp and had a crew on hand to fix the problem, yet didn’t actually engage in the fight let alone sound a warning.”

Ham frowned. “Are you suggesting those creatures didn’t climb a fence?”

“I’m thinking Beau knew we were staking out the barn and wanted to test his theory about us being ex-military.”

“Fuck!” Ham tunneled his fingers through his hair, wishing he’d kicked the bastards a whole lot harder. “If I’d suspected that, I would have pummeled those men first instead of allowing them to join in. Not that they did much. As it stands, I didn’t touch any of them until they tackled me. Even then I was more concerned about the girl.” Hamilton huffed, wondering which cell held the woman he’d tried to save. “I just couldn’t stomach it. Not when I guessed what they were up to.”

“No need to justify your actions. I would have done the same damn thing. Wolfe, too. Just means we have to do some damage control.” He waved his hand. “We’ll figure something out once Wolfe wakes up. And as hardass as these boys think they are, I’m not overly worried. I just don’t want to do anything that might compromise the safety of the women.”

Hamilton nodded, knowing there wasn’t much else to say. Gunner seemed content to wait until tomorrow. And his buddy had yet to steer him or the troop wrong. If nothing else, Ham owed the man his faith. Though he wasn’t sure he could leave without at least trying to convince the women to join them. Or was it just
he needed to save? There’d been something about the feisty brunette that had made his chest tighten and his pulse race. Maybe it was the way she’d fought the men instead of cowering or the look she’d given him when their gazes had clashed that first time. Whatever it was, her face wavered in his mind when he closed his eyes.

Gunner laughed, drawing Ham’s attention. “Stop worrying. Worst-case scenario… We convince them we’re on board and whoever they let out first takes the bulk of the men out. Unless you think there’s too many for you?”

“Jackass. My martial arts skills were always better than yours.”

“True. But I’m stronger.”

“You know what they say about being bigger…”

“Yeah. It drives the ladies wild.”

Hamilton smiled, finally easing onto the mattress Beau’s lackey had tossed onto the floor. Gunner was right. These good old boys had no idea what they were up against. A mistake they’d come to regret.


Chapter Three




“Bloody hell.”

Wolfe Bridges palmed his head as he fluttered open his eyelids, squinting as the room slowly spun into focus. Light gleamed in through a set of bars, casting shadows across the ceiling. He slipped his fingers around to the back of his neck, wincing when he brushed over a large welt. Memories flip-flopped around inside his head, and he closed his eyes again before he puked up whatever was lingering inside his gut.

“Looks like Sleeping Beauty’s finally awake.” A foot nudged his. “You still seeing double?”

Wolfe cursed under his breath. He’d recognize Gunner’s voice anywhere, though he certainly didn’t see anything funny about the way his head throbbed or how the scenery kept shifting when he opened his eyes again.

He glanced to his right, careful not to move his head. “Double or not, I can still kick your ass.”

Gunner grinned at him. “That sounds more like you, though you might want to save your moves for the guys who knocked you out.”

“How long have I been down?”

“You’ve been in and out of it for a while.”

He grunted. “How. Long.”

Gunner sighed. “The better part of day.”

“The better part…” Wolfe raised his head only to allow it to slam back into the thin pillow. “Damn.”

“Don’t take it so hard. You took quite the hit to the head. Double, actually. You remember anything?”

“Other than that you owe me twenty bucks?” He released a weary breath. “Please tell me the part where they lock women up and use them as sex slaves was all part of a nasty-ass nightmare.”

“Afraid that part was real. Though on the bright side, now we know what they were hiding in the barn.”

“Yeah. It’s a fucking ray of sunshine.” He pushed onto his elbows, regretting the motion when his stomach churned. He glanced at Hamilton. “You okay?”

“As fine as I can be for getting us all in here.” He nodded at Wolfe. “And they only picked on you, bro. Guess they figured you were the biggest and ugliest of all.”

“Probably just didn’t want to mar that pretty-boy face of yours. I think Beau has the hots for you.”

Ham smiled. “You go right on telling yourself that.” He leaned in, helping Wolfe sit up until he could recline against the wall. “How’s the head now?”

“Remember that bar in London?”

The man winced. “That bad, huh?”

“Worse. And I didn’t even get to kiss the girl first this time.” He motioned to the door. “How secure are we?”

Gunner laughed. “Ham’s been itching to bust us out since they dumped us in here.”

Wolfe raised a brow, cursing when the small motion arced a stab of pain across his temple. Fuck, he’d give those two bastards twice the beating when he saw them again. “Any reason we’re still in here then?” He winked at Hamilton. “You losing your touch, buddy?”

“Not fucking likely. Gunner wants to observe the men for a while. See if they reveal anything useful while they think we’re helpless.” He looked at the door. “The door, itself, is pretty damn strong. Given a bit of time, I can probably jimmy the hinges. But it won’t be quiet.”

“So we’re stuck here.”

Gunner swatted his leg. “Call it research. Or motivation if you prefer. Every minute we sit here watching those assholes transport women in and out is another reason we won’t feel guilty when we thump them over the head and steal their truck.”

Wolfe frowned, remembering the pained look on the woman’s face behind the bars. “Are they all broken like that one we saw?”

“Seems like it. We’ve tried getting them to talk, but other than one of them telling us to shut the fuck up she was trying to sleep, it’s been silent.”

Wolfe raised a brow. “That your girl with the potty mouth, Ham?”

“She’s not

“You sure seemed upset about having to hand her over.”

“They were going to rape her. I’d be upset for any woman under those circumstances.”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it. This arrangement doesn’t sit well with any of us, but it wasn’t just disgust on your face when you confronted Beau.” He chuckled. “Shit, I thought you were going to take them all on even with the snipers on the roof. And don’t think I didn’t see the way you looked at her.” He smiled. “Haven’t seen you look at a girl that way in a long time. Hell, none of us have.”

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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