What Holly Heard (3 page)

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Authors: R.L. Stine,Bill Schmidt

BOOK: What Holly Heard
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“I don't know.” Miriam turned to her friend suspiciously. “Why?”

Holly shrugged. “He just looked nervous when you called his name.”

“Who knows?” Miriam let out a sigh and slumped into her seat. “The way he's acting, anything's possible.” Miriam sat up straight and glared at her best friend. She knew Holly never asked casual questions.

Holly cocked an eyebrow. “What's that look for?”

“You know something.”

“No, I don't.”

you do.”

“I swear, Miriam, I don't know a thing,” Holly replied firmly. “But … I might be able to find out.”

“How?” Miriam pressed.

Holly laughed. “You forget who you're talking to. I can find out anything. About

Miriam smiled. “I apologize, Your Highness. The Gossip Queen knows all.”

“I try.” Holly grinned. “And for my best friend, I'd try even harder.”

Miriam felt better, but she didn't think Jed would like this plan very much. “Please don't spy on him, Holly.”

“Of course not!” Holly replied. “I'll just talk to some people. Find out what's what.”

“I don't know …”

“That's the problem, Miriam!” Holly exclaimed. “You

Miriam didn't want Holly talking about Jed behind his back. But Jed won't tell me anything, she thought. What could possibly be bad enough to hide from the girl he loves? This was one of those times Miriam hated gossip, but it was also a time when she simply
had to know.

“Do me a favor, Holly?”


“Don't be obvious about it?”

Holly gave a sly smile. “I promise.”

She already knows something about Jed, Miriam realized. Something bad.

But what?

What did Holly know?

chapter 3

ust after eight that night, Miriam sat in the passenger seat of Jed's Honda Civic. They drove toward Mei's house in North Hills with Ruth and Patrick sitting quietly in the backseat.

“If you're not up to this, Jed, we can always drop Ruth and Patrick off and just go to a coffee shop,” Miriam whispered. “Have a burger by ourselves? You know—and talk?”

Miriam waited, holding her breath. She was hoping that Jed might say something to help her understand what was bothering him.

He shrugged. “I'm okay.” He looked at her and smiled, and Miriam felt a rush of relief.

“Sorry I was so out of it this afternoon,” Jed continued. “It's the playoffs and everything. I'm really
stressed. If I don't get a basketball scholarship, it means no college at all. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode.”

His hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white. “Some of the college scouts will be at the game tomorrow. I can't mess up.”

Miriam reached over and stroked his freshly showered hair. It felt smooth and moist. “You're going to be great, Jed. The Tigers are going to kill them.”

“Thanks, Mir.” He grasped her hand and brought it to his mouth. His lips were soft and warm and felt wonderful on her skin.

“Whoa! Hand kissing!” Patrick jeered from the backseat.

Miriam glanced over her shoulder as Jed chuckled. Patrick flashed his winning smile and continued tapping a beat on his legs. A drummer in a garage band, Miriam's cousin had big dreams.

Miriam turned to Ruth and felt her hopes for the evening fade. Ruth gazed out the car window with an annoyed expression on her face.

Sighing, Miriam turned to the front again. She wished her friend would give Patrick a chance. He was a fun guy.

She didn't expect thunderbolts of love to strike. But Miriam hoped he and Ruth would hit it off.

Maybe they needed more time by themselves.

“We're here,” Jed announced. He parked across from the Kamatas' house, a massive two-story colonial with thick pillars in the front.

About two dozen other cars lined the street. Even
with the car windows rolled up, Miriam could hear the music. Mei had told Miriam that one of the best local bands, the Dustmites, would be playing.

“Wow,” said Patrick, whistling. “Now
a sound system.”

“Are Gary and Holly meeting us here?” Ruth asked anxiously.

“Yeah,” Miriam replied. “I'm sure they're here already—it's packed.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Patrick cried, clearly itching to be free of the backseat. “Let's go!”

Miriam stepped into the house and was hit by a blast of music.

Shadyside students were everywhere—in the spacious living room, filing up and down the spiral staircase to the second floor. The carpets had been rolled up to save them from traffic and drink stains.

Miriam smiled. She had forgotten how beautiful the Kamata house was—and what good friends she and Mei had been.

“I haven't been here in ages,” she told Jed. “Ever since Mei started seeing Noah, she's practically dropped all her friends.”

Jed nodded absently as he pulled Miriam toward the music. They edged their way into the family room. Its large floor, perfect for dancing on, made it the beating heart of the party.

The Dustmites were set up by the sliding glass door to the patio, playing hard. Patrick immediately found
a spot close to them. Ruth stood next to him, looking bored.

Again, Miriam sighed. Maybe he wasn't the best date for Ruth.

Jed nudged her. “There's Holly.” He pointed toward the kitchen doorway. “And check out that dress.”

Miriam gave Jed's arm a playful smack. “Stop staring!”

It was hard
to stare, Miriam thought. Holly wore a short, skintight black dress that looked painted on.

“Wow!” Jed cried appreciatively.

Miriam smacked his arm again. She knew he was only joking. But lots of other guys in the room were openly gaping at Holly.

Miriam frowned as she noticed Gary Foster. He stood next to Holly, all his attention on her even though she obviously had her eye on someone else. Miriam scanned the room.

Noah was nowhere to be seen.

Feeling sorry for Gary, Miriam pulled Jed toward the doorway. Gary grinned as they approached. He and Jed were teammates on the basketball team and best friends off the court.

Gary was shorter than Jed, but he had good moves. And most of his passes resulted in points for Jed. Miriam often wondered if that was why the two were such close friends.

“Hey, man!” Gary called.

He and Jed high-fived.

“You ready for tomorrow night?” Gary bellowed over the music.

“No one
gets off that court alive!” Jed shouted.

They high-fived even more violently.

Miriam exchanged suffering glances with Holly.

“Let's leave the warriors to themselves,” Holly suggested, trying not to spill her soda as Gary bounced around. She motioned for Miriam to follow her into the far corner where they could talk.

“Where's Mei?” Miriam asked as they walked.

“In the kitchen with her parents,” Holly replied. “She's being the perfect hostess.”

Miriam stared straight into Holly's eyes. “Are
being the perfect guest?”

Holly grinned devilishly. “I haven't spoken to Noah all night.”

“But, Holly … that dress.”

“Isn't it hot?”

“Too hot,” Miriam replied. “Everyone's staring at you.”

“I know. But it's working.”

Miriam's eyes narrowed. “Oh, I get it. You figured if you wore a skimpy dress, you wouldn't have to
to Noah to get his attention.”

Holly blushed. “Oh, Miriam. Am I evil for doing this? Noah's been staring at me all night, but … now that he is, I don't feel right about it. Mei is so furious. She's giving me looks of death. I just … I don't know why I'm even thinking about Noah so much! But he's so cute, and I can't get him out of my head.”

Miriam stared at Holly in surprise. Maybe her friend's crush was more serious than she had thought. Miriam wasn't used to seeing Holly upset over a guy. She almost never took boys seriously.

evil, Holl,” Miriam assured her friend. “But you are out of control. Noah isn't worth being upset about. And no matter how much you like him, you can't try to steal him from Mei. Okay?”

Holly nodded and smiled, but Miriam could see she was still upset. I wish Noah would just disappear, Miriam thought. Then I might have a chance of having a good time tonight.

Giving Holly her brightest smile, Miriam asked, “So where's Gary?”

Holly frowned. “He's over there with Jed.”

“And what does he think of the dress?”

Holly chuckled. “He's been asking me to dance all night.”

Miriam nodded. “Then let's go over there and get those guys to dance.”

It took a while to push their way through the crowded room.

“Think you can take a break from basketball talk long enough to dance?” Miriam asked Jed and Gary, shouting over the music.

The boys halted their conversation and stared. “What do you think, Gary?” Jed asked.

“I think they're girls,” Gary said.

“I think you're right,” Jed replied.

“Oh, come on!” barked Holly, grabbing Gary's arm and pulling him out into the crowd.

Miriam grinned at Jed. “Can you use those feet for anything other than faking left and driving to the basket?”

Jed slid his arm around Miriam's shoulders and steered her out onto the floor where a dozen other couples danced.

“Hey, this is a fast dance,” Miriam protested when he pulled her close.

“Shut up,” he said.

“Okay.” Miriam relaxed against him. His hands slid down her back. Miriam swayed with him, ignoring the fast beat.

Okay, so Jed couldn't fast dance. Who cared? She loved slow dancing with him. She could tell by the tender way he held her that the pressures of his life had floated away.

Miriam opened one eye and saw Holly and Gary jumping around with the other dancers. She noticed Holly's eyes searching the room, probably trying to find Noah.

Oh, well, Miriam thought. At least she's dancing with the guy she came here with.

The song began to build in intensity, the drummer playing faster, the guitarist strumming harder. Jed continued to hold her close, his breath warm in her ear, his arms strong and protective.

As the song climbed higher and higher, louder and louder, Miriam felt the world around her slip away.

With a sustained blare of screeching guitar feedback, every light in the house went out.

Blackness. And silence.

Jed's arms stiffened around Miriam.

She was about to whisper her surprise.

But someone began to scream.

One more scream.

From the kitchen.

Miriam gasped—and ran through the darkness toward the frightening sound.

chapter 4

he heard voices in the kitchen, loud and angry.

Was that Mei's voice?

A flashlight beam cut through the darkness, casting silhouettes on the walls.

“Calm down, everyone!” came the voice of Mei's father. “The band blew the circuit breaker, that's all.”

“But who screamed?” Miriam demanded.

“It's okay.” Mei's voice was so close to Miriam's ear that she jumped. “When the lights went out, I dropped a plate. It scared my mom, and she screamed.”

“I'm going to hit the breakers and get the lights back on,” called Dr. Kamata. “But I think the Dustmites are going to have to turn it down a bit.”

A shower of boos flew at him.

After another tense minute the lights finally came back on.

The first thing Miriam saw when she turned toward the family room was Holly.

She stood at the edge of the dance floor, wrapped in the arms of Noah Brennan.

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