What Goes on Tour (9 page)

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Authors: Claire Boston

BOOK: What Goes on Tour
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Libby had felt as though she’d been sucker-punched, but she asked her mother for all the details. Finally her mother seemed to realize that Libby hadn’t known about the fiancée. “Are you all right, Elizabeth?”

“Fine.” It was all Libby had been able to choke out. She hung up and let the tears flow.

It had taken her a day to get through her tears and then she buried herself in her writing, immersing herself in another world, a world where Clint didn’t exist, where she hadn’t been dumped by the man she’d loved, where
decided the fate of others. She understood what her mother did not. Clint hadn’t loved her.

He had used her. Used her to get the scholarship he so desperately wanted.

He hadn’t found Libby interesting enough to want her or love her.

She’d so desperately wanted to be loved that she’d ignored all the signs.

Even after the truth came out, Libby had never confronted Clint. She never demanded an explanation.

The fact that she’d rolled over without a fight irritated her still.

Reviewing their relationship now she’d realized she’d made all the sacrifices. She’d run to him when he’d called, she’d not questioned his desire to take the relationship slow. He’d never invited her to his place, was always too tired for a physical relationship, had barely even kissed her.

Even now the pain was still there. She held her hand to her heart. Clint had reinforced what her parents had taught her – she wasn’t loveable.

She wouldn’t forget it, just like she wouldn’t allow herself to walk blindly into a relationship again. And she certainly wouldn’t put a man before her writing again. She was stronger and wiser now.

Her offer to be Kate’s nanny was a good financial decision and nothing to do with Adrian.

She sighed, stretched and focused on her screen. She really did need to get some words down. The climax to her book was right around the corner and she just had to get there. The rest would flow from that point.

She scrolled back a couple of pages and read where she was up to. Then she wrote.


There was a click from the hallway, the sound of the door opening. Libby got up and walked a few steps toward the entrance as Kent came in. His hair was damp from sweat, his clothes clung to his body and Libby imagined other women would find him sexy as hell.

She took a step back.

It was going to take some getting used to seeing Adrian as Kent. “How was the concert?”

“Great. How were things here?” He glanced toward Kate’s room.

“Great,” Libby echoed. “Kate had a burger and sundae, then she finished the first chapter of her book and was in bed by 8.30 without complaint.”

“Good. I’m glad.” He shifted his stance, more Adrian than Kent. “Give me a second to clean up.” He motioned to his face and ducked into the bathroom without waiting for her response.

She should pack up and be ready to leave. Should she ask if he’d considered her offer or would it seem pushy?

She saved her work, backing it up to a USB stick, then shut down her computer and packed it away.

“I’ve had a chat to Kate about her nanny,” Adrian said quietly.

Libby turned to see he’d come out of the bathroom, his face now clean of make-up. Despite the black clothes he was much more like Adrian now. She had a sudden urge to run her hand over his cheek to feel the dampness of his skin.

She clenched her hand as he went over to the sideboard and picked up a piece of paper. He handed it to Libby. “These are Kate’s requirements.”

Libby took the note, and when he signaled for her to read it, she opened the list. It was remarkably short.

Games. Exploring. Writer. Cook. Fun. Nice.

Libby smiled. She liked the order of it. “Exploring new places is one of my favorite things.”

“Can you cook?”

Her freezer full of microwave dinners sprung to mind. “I don’t cook very often but I can follow a recipe.” She’d have to go out and buy a recipe book. “What are
requirements for Kate’s nanny?”

Adrian seemed surprised by the question. “She needs to be responsible. Trustworthy. Have Kate’s best interests at heart. And most importantly, Kate has to like her.” He paused. “I think you fit the bill.”

“Are you asking me to be Kate’s nanny?”

“If you still want to be.”

“Yes. Yes, I do.” A little thrum of excitement started up in her veins. They wanted her.

“I’ll get George to come around with the paperwork in the morning and you can move into the nanny’s room down the hall. I have no commitments tomorrow so you won’t need to start until Monday night.” Adrian was all business.

The excitement died down. Of course. She was only needed when Adrian wasn’t working. Libby pushed aside the disappointment. It would give her a couple of days to work on her story.

“All right. I’ll see you then.” She picked up her bag and waited as he just stood there. Should she shake his hand, kiss his cheek or something?

No, it felt too weird. She waved. “Good night.”

“Night, Libby.” He didn’t move.

Libby hurried out of the room feeling like a fool.

Chapter 5

When Kate got up the next morning, Adrian gave her the good news. “Libby has agreed to be your nanny.”

Kate’s mouth dropped open and she stared for a second before she jumped up and punched the air. “Yes! Thank you, Uncle Ade.” She flung her arms around him and squeezed him tight.

Adrian hugged her back. “It’s my pleasure, kiddo.” He really hoped he wasn’t making a mistake. He had spoken with George about it last night and George had agreed Libby would make an excellent nanny. George had spelled out the two other options: a hired nanny who would be a complete stranger, or sending Kate back to Texas to summer camp. There wasn’t much of a decision to make, but he couldn’t help worrying. “You need to get ready, because I’ve got our adventure planned and we’re leaving soon.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise, but make sure you dress warm and grab your rain jacket.”

Kate didn’t move, as if deciding whether to push for more information.

“Hurry up. George is coming with us and you know what he’ll say if you’re not ready.”

Kate grinned and turned, racing into her room to get changed.

Adrian packed his raincoat and a big umbrella, checking through the rucksack he’d prepared to make sure he remembered everything; Food, drink, sun cream, hat.

Someone knocked on the door.

“I’m ready,” Kate yelled.

Adrian peered into her room on his way past and saw she was struggling with her shoes. “I’ll stall him.”

Kate grunted in response.

Adrian opened the door and his smile stopped on its way across his face. “Emily.”

Emily tucked her long blonde hair behind her ears and had the grace to look bashful. “Adrian.” She paused. “I behaved badly the other night and wanted to apologize. It was selfish of me to quit and leave Kate without anyone to look after her.”

Adrian didn’t move. Without a doubt it was selfish and childish of her, but he knew now it was better this way. “She always has me.”

Emily’s eyes widened. “Of course.” She crossed her arms. “I’m sorry for, er, coming on to you. I know it will be difficult for you to find another nanny here, so I’d like to offer to come back to work.”

Somewhere down the hallway the elevator dinged, but Adrian barely registered it. Emily wanted to come back after the way she’d behaved? After the way she’d left without the slightest consideration for Kate? Even if he hadn’t hired Libby, he sure as heck wouldn’t be taking Emily back. “Thank you for the offer, but I’ve already found someone to care for Kate.”

Emily’s mouth dropped open but she recovered quickly, closing it with a snap. “Oh. Well then.” She paused. “Was it the woman who came yesterday?”

A chill went down Adrian’s spine. Was she spying on them? He didn’t like the idea. “That’s no longer your concern.”

“Morning, Adrian.” George sauntered up to them. He nodded to Emily. “Miss Smith. Are you here to say goodbye to Kate? Your flight leaves this afternoon doesn’t it?”

Emily glared at him before smiling. “Yes, I would like to say goodbye to Kate, if that’s all right.”

Adrian wasn’t sure, but before he could decide, Kate yelled, “I’m ready, George. I’m no slowpoke.” She pushed past Adrian out into the hall and saw Emily. She stopped and her smile disappeared. Looking back at Adrian, she asked, “What’s Emily doing here?”

“She’s heading back to the US today and she’s come to say goodbye.”

“Oh.” Kate turned to her ex-nanny. “Goodbye. I hope you have a nice flight.”

Emily’s face looked like she’d sucked on a lemon. “Goodbye, Kate. I hope your new nanny is nice.”

Kate’s face broke into a grin. “She is. Libby’s wonderful.”

Adrian practically saw the cogs turning in Emily’s mind. He put a hand on Kate’s shoulder and gently pulled her closer to him. “We need to finish getting ready. If you’ll excuse us, Emily.” He didn’t wait for a reply. When George and Kate were inside he shut the door in Emily’s face.

“Are we going now, Uncle Ade?”

“Yep. Don’t forget your bag and a book to read. It’s a bit of a drive.”

“Okay.” She raced back to her room.

“Do you think Emily’s likely to cause trouble?” Adrian asked his friend. He clenched his hands. Emily knew too much about them. This was another reason he didn’t let people get close. He couldn’t trust them.

George shrugged. “I don’t know. She’s signed the confidentiality agreement, but it might not mean much to her at the moment.” He scowled. “We’ll have to wait and see.”

Adrian rolled his shoulders to relax the tension there. “We’ll take it as it comes. Let me get our stuff and we’ll go.”


Twenty minutes later they were in a car driving south toward Phillip Island. Adrian had searched the internet for a day trip Kate would like and discovered there was plenty to do on the island, only ninety minutes from the city. George drove and Kate already had her nose stuck in a book.

“Libby signed the contract this morning,” George said.

“She have any problems with the confidentiality agreement?” Adrian asked.

“None. I’ve changed the hotel bookings and arranged the airline tickets. She’s moving rooms today and will be ready to fly next week.”

“Good.” Adrian was glad there were no issues. “Did she have plans for today?”

“She’d already started working on her book.”

The guilt he hadn’t realized he’d been feeling disappeared. Of course she needed to write her story. She was probably pleased she had enough time to work while he had Kate.

It suited them both.

George cleared his throat. “She asked for an advance.”

Adrian’s eyebrows lifted. “Why?” Was she going to take the money and run?

“She’s broke. Her car needed repairs and she spent the last of her savings fixing it. She’s still waiting to be paid by her publisher for the book tour.” George paused. “She seemed embarrassed.”

Had Libby just taken the job because she needed the money? Had he made another mistake in hiring her? He pushed his head back against the headrest. “Did you give it to her?”

“I gave her a couple of hundred to see her through. You don’t need to worry, Ade. If I hadn’t agreed with your choice, I would have said so.”

It helped for George to tell him that, but in the end it was his choice and he would have to face the consequences if it had been the wrong one.

Damn it.

He’d keep a close eye on Libby for the next few days.


It had been a long day. They’d stopped at a koala park on the way down to Phillip Island and then at a chocolate factory, where Kate had convinced him to buy her more chocolates than were good for her. He’d have to keep control of the stash and dish them out slowly otherwise she’d make herself sick. Then they’d gone on to do a bush tucker tour, which was about traditional Aboriginal food, before watching the parade of penguins returning home to their colony on the shores of a beach as the day ended.

Kate was quiet in the back of the car and Adrian turned to see she’d fallen asleep. They’d bought some fast food for dinner on the way back and he promised himself he would make sure Kate ate healthy food for the rest of the week. He’d have to talk to Libby about that and give her some money for groceries. Maybe he’d get Kate to write up a list of her favorite meals so Libby knew where to start.

“Libby knows she has to cook for Kate, doesn’t she?” Adrian asked George.

George regarded him for a second and then turned back to the road. “Yes. I gave her the same terms as Emily had.”

“And she was happy with that?”

“Didn’t bat an eyelid. What’s bothering you?”

Adrian checked to make sure Kate was asleep. “We barely know her.”

“We know her better than anyone else we could have hired. Kate likes her and I think she’ll do a great job.” George paused. “You’re relaxed around her too.”

Adrian scowled and drummed his fingertips against the armrest of the car. He didn’t want to think about that.

They arrived back at the hotel and Kate woke up. She yawned and stretched.

“Are we back already?”

“Sure are, kiddo.”

Adrian helped Kate out of the car and George handed the keys to the valet. Walking to the elevators, Adrian noticed a woman standing there.

“Libby!” Kate called.

Libby turned, smiled and waved back at the girl. “How was your day?”

Adrian didn’t hear Kate’s response. He was too busy taking in Libby’s appearance. She was wearing a black leather jacket and green top that made her eyes more emerald, but it was the skinny-leg jeans and high heels that attracted his attention. Where the heck had those legs come from? They went on and on and the jeans clung to them like a second skin.

His mouth went dry. What would it be like to peel off those jeans and – Christ, he couldn’t have those kinds of thoughts about Kate’s nanny.

Kate tugged on his hand. “Can’t she, Uncle Ade?”

He realized Kate has said something to him. “What?”

“I said Libby can have a double choc, whipped cream, marshmallow delight with the chocolate we got from the chocolate factory, can’t she?”

He swallowed to get some moisture back in his mouth. Everyone was waiting for his answer. “Sure, but not tonight. You need to go to bed.”


Adrian smiled at the way she drew out the sound. “No. You can teach Libby how to make it tomorrow night while I’m at the concert.”

The elevator dinged, signaling its arrival, and they got in.

Distracted, Kate spoke a mile a minute about what she and Libby were going to do tomorrow night. Libby threw in some suggestions of her own and Adrian began to wish he was able to stay and hang out with them instead of going to work.

He needed help.

George gave him a meaningful look. No hiding his reaction from his best friend. Of course George wouldn’t approve – Adrian didn’t approve either. He would have to make sure he spent as little time as possible with Libby, but it shouldn’t be too hard. He’d managed it with Emily.

The elevator dinged and they all got out. Libby interrupted Kate mid-sentence. “My room’s the other way. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

“Definitely.” Kate turned to Adrian. “We have to walk her to her door.”

Adrian bit back a curse. He had promised Kate he would but hadn’t thought he’d ever have to. “Of course.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Libby put up a hand as if to stop them.

“I did promise,” Adrian answered. He said goodbye to George and followed Libby and Kate down the deserted corridor, trying to ignore the swing of Libby’s hips and the shape of her bottom in her jeans.

Christ. He was doing it again.

Libby stopped and fumbled in her purse for her room card. She slipped it into the gap and the door clicked open. Holding it ajar, she turned back to them. “Thank you for walking me to my room.”

“No prob,” Kate said.

“My pleasure, ma’am.” It wasn’t every day he walked a pretty lady to her door.

Libby reddened. “I’ll see you tomorrow evening,” she said to Kate.

“I’ll get Uncle Ade to write down the chocolate recipe for you,” Kate said.

Libby smiled at Adrian and it hit him in the chest like an arrow. That smile was something. So open and friendly. “Goodnight.”


She closed the door and he let out the breath he’d been holding. Kate took his hand and they walked down the corridor to their room.

“Libby’s so nice,” Kate said. “I’m so glad she’s going to be my nanny. We’re going to have a great time.”

Listening to Kate and Libby chat, Adrian was sure they would have fun. They had clicked and there was nothing forced or faked with Libby.

He was the one having issues.

He needed to get the image of Libby’s butt in those jeans out of his head.

Then everything would be fine.

He hoped.


Libby double-checked she had everything she needed for an evening with Kate, and then checked everything again.

This was ridiculous. She was prepared and ready to go. Why was she procrastinating?

It was Adrian. The way he’d looked at her last night, the cheetah look that said he wanted to devour her, had her blood hot even now. How was she supposed to behave? No one, not even Clint, had ever looked at her that way.

She was an adult and she’d behave as one. Kate was her main focus and anything else was inappropriate. She would go over, listen to Adrian’s instructions and then he would leave and she and Kate would have an adventure.

The hotel had returned all her washing, so she was dressed in regular jeans, T-shirt and jacket. On her feet she had flats. Nothing inappropriate there.

She retrieved her hotel card from its place and walked the short distance down the hallway to Adrian’s suite. She let out a deep breath and knocked.

Kate opened the door almost instantly, as if she’d been waiting for her. “Come in, come in.”

Libby followed her through to the living area. Kate’s laptop was already set up and humming.

“Don’t think Libby arriving is going to get you out of drying up.”

Libby turned to Adrian at the sink of the kitchenette, his hands in the soapy water washing dishes. A lovely homely image. She hadn’t ever seen her father washing up. It had been her job to stack the dishwasher and wash any remaining dishes. She wasn’t sure why Adrian would be doing the dishes when the hotel staff would do anything he left on the sink.

“No, Uncle Ade.” Kate wandered over as Adrian dried his hands on the tea towel and handed it to her.

“We may have left the lunch dishes for a while.” He was sheepish.

“I always do,” Libby admitted, ignoring the warm flush she felt at Adrian’s cute confession.

Adrian took a purse from the table and handed it to her. “This is your cookie jar money,” he said. “It’s for groceries and any activities you do with Kate. I’ll top it up each week, but tell me if you need any more.”

“Do you want me to keep receipts of my purchases?”

He hesitated. “Yes, please.”

Libby mentally reviewed the list of questions she’d written down. “Is there anything Kate’s not allowed to do?”

“Not particularly. If you go to the movies, choose movies suitable for her age.”

“Finished.” Kate threw the tea towel on the bench and walked over.

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