What Do You Do With a Chocolate Jesus? (37 page)

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Authors: Thomas Quinn

Tags: #Religion, #Biblical Criticism & Interpretation, #New Testament

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Thomas Quinn is a writer for print and television, as well as a documentary producer and director. He received an M.F.A. in writing from The American Film Institute, worked as a story analyst for Universal, DreamWorks and HBO, and was an entertainment reporter for a weekly Los Angeles magazine.

Quinn has traveled the world producing for the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, National Geographic, the Science Channel, and others. His programs investigate strange cultures, bizarre beliefs, and deconstruct everything from famous urban legends to supernatural events to conspiracy theories. He also presents humorous lectures on these same subjects.

In 2005, Quinn received two Emmy Award nominations as a writer and producer for the History Channel documentary,
Beyond the Da Vinci Code

Originally from New Jersey, he now lives in Los Angeles.

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